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Chapter 721 The director’s unkind invitation! ? Newly appointed guide!

Chapter 721 The director’s unkind invitation! ? Newly appointed guide!
After watching this scene, the director was actually a little surprised that Zhang Yu suddenly understood it! !
When Jiang Yi and Zhang Yu were talking just now, the director was busy communicating with other crew members and did not notice this.

So after finishing the filming, he walked to Zhang Yu's side.

"Zhang Yu, why did you suddenly become enlightened just now!?" The director was indeed a little curious.

After hearing the director's words, Zhang Yu looked towards Jiang Yi.

"It was Teacher Jiang Yi who pointed me out! He was right. It was indeed because I thought about the problem too complicatedly that I got into a dead end!"

Hearing this, the director couldn't believe it for a moment, but looking at Zhang Yu like this, it didn't look like he was joking.

But Zhang Yu didn't notice the change in the expression on the director's face. At this moment, he was immersed in his own world.

He was holding the script and chanting words, looking very excited and excited.

There were several scenes in which he had trouble deciding what to do. He was still in a dilemma at first, but now he just wanted to find an opportunity to ask Jiang Yi for advice.

Because I have never had contact with Jiang Yi before.

Even though Jiang Yi's reputation on the Internet was good in all aspects, he still felt a little nervous.

If Jiang Yi had just taken the initiative to come to him and patiently explained to him, the nervousness in Zhang Yu's heart had disappeared, and now he was in a state of complete admiration for Jiang Yi.

He has even transformed into a fanboy.

The director looked a little thoughtful in his eyes when he saw Zhang Yu like this.

Ignoring Zhang Yu, the director walked towards Jiang Yi.

As soon as Jiang Yi looked up, he saw the director suddenly appearing in front of him, and he looked at him with an inexplicably strange look, with a bit of doubt on his face.

"Director, what do you want from me?"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I just asked Zhang Yu to find out, and he said it was you..."

The director sat down opposite Jiang Yi as he spoke. He didn't finish his words, but he had almost expressed what he meant.

Jiang Yi understood the director's behavior and felt a little funny and helpless for a moment.

"If the director wants to say anything, just say it."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that Zhang Yu was able to figure it out in no time under the guidance of Teacher Jiang Yi. So, I just want to trouble you a little. Of course, I definitely didn't let you take it for granted. What you mean!”

When the director said these words, he actually felt a little guilty.

In fact, there is no need to doubt Jiang Yi's acting skills. After all, his performance among heroes goes without saying.

The director had this idea at the beginning, but he was just worried that Jiang Yi would have other ideas, so he didn't say it out loud. However, judging from Zhang Yu's incident, it seems that Jiang Yi's reaction to this incident was not what he imagined. That way.

That's why the director now had the courage to come to Jiang Yi to talk about this.

Jiang Yi was a little amused when he saw the director's cautious expression when he said this, as if he was saying something that couldn't be said clearly.

However, he did not immediately agree to the director, but thought about it for a while.

Jiang Yi nodded after seeing the director's expression getting more and more nervous.

"Of course there's no problem, but I just have some opinions and analysis of my own, so I'm not sure if I can be of help."

After receiving Jiang Yi's words, the director stood up happily and had no other doubts about what Jiang Yi said.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, I'm very grateful for your willingness to help. It's okay. If you have any suggestions, just tell me!!" This matter was not hidden from other people.

After Xu Zheng found out, the expression on his face was subtle for a moment, but he quickly returned to his original state.

"Then it seems we can steal something from you, Teacher Jiang Yi!"

When Xu Zheng said this, there was a hint of joking in his tone.

But despite what he said, Xu Zheng's acting skills are considered good in the industry, and he has even won several awards before.

He said this more to compliment the director. As for Jiang Yi's thoughts, at least it was not clear from the surface.

"Teacher Xu, what you said is serious."

Jiang Yi just smiled and did not answer directly.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then quickly looked away as if nothing had happened.

The eye contact between the two of us lasted only a moment, and no one else noticed anything unusual. Zhang Yu just came to Jiang Yi with excitement on his face, still holding the script in his hand.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, there are still a few things I can't figure out about this character. If you have time, Teacher Jiang Yi, can you give me some pointers?"

When he said these words, Zhang Yu's attitude was still very sincere and his posture was very respectful.

There was no slight change in Jiang Yi's attitude because of the changes in things now.

When other people saw this, they looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all came to Jiang Yi's side.

However, their attitude was not like Zhang Yu's, they seemed to be trying more.

Jiang Yi didn't care either.

Of course, it was not early today, so it was impossible to really keep pestering Jiang Yi to talk about this, so after just a few simple words, that was the end of the day.

After they left, the director walked to Jiang Yi's side.

I don't know what Jiang Yi is talking about here.

Not far away, Xu Zheng was watching. After Zhang Yu came from the other side and saw this scene, he walked to Xu Zheng's side in a strange way.

"Brother Xu, what are you staring at the director and Teacher Jiang Yi here?"

After hearing what Zhang Yu said.

Only then did Xu Zheng withdraw his thoughts from his own world, and then turned to look at Zhang Yu.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking about something and was in a daze. By the way, what did you and Jiang Yi say today?"

There was a hint of inquiring into it, but Zhang Yu didn't notice it.

"I didn't say anything else, it's just that I had some questions, and then I asked Teacher Jiang Yi for a few words. Thanks to Teacher Jiang Yi for his guidance, otherwise I don't know how long today's scene would be stuck. I feel like if If it doesn’t work, the director will want to whip me.”

Although this was meant as a joke, Zhang Yu touched his arm.

Of course the director won't slap him, but these consecutive stuck scenes have indeed affected his state a little. If it happens again today, there's no telling how long he will be stuck in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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