Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 726 Yihua Entertainment? Seek the possibility of another path! ?

Chapter 726 Yihua Entertainment? Find the possibility of another path! ?

Because there were so many emotional ups and downs during the filming of this scene, and a lot of staff members were also caught in the rain, it was a bit colder.

Many people had a cold, so the director gave the crew two or three days of leave after thinking about it for a while. After all, the crew's progress was still very impressive, so there was no need to be in such a hurry.

Nothing happened to Jiang Yi. After he came back, Mei Rou fed him two bowls of ginger soup and took a hot bath. He woke up alive and kicking the next day.

The weather was nice, Jiang Yi planned to go out for a walk and find a place to relax.

But as soon as he went out, someone stopped in front of him.

A man wearing a suit and glasses got out of a black car.

"Hello Teacher Jiang Yi, I am Yihua's assistant. Our boss wants to invite Teacher Jiang Yi to have tea with us. I wonder if Teacher Jiang Yi can appreciate this!"

This was said very respectfully.

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yihua is also a well-known entertainment company in the industry.

But Jiang Yi didn't understand why they suddenly found him.

He also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in this gourd, so after thinking for a few seconds, he nodded happily.

He wasn't worried about what they might do secretly. After all, if this person took him away in broad daylight, if something happened to him, it would be a sure thing!

After seeing Jiang Yi's cooperation, the other party's expression became more respectful. After inviting Jiang Yi into the car, the car sped away quickly.

Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window, and the phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and looked at it, and found that it was a message from Mei Rou.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Yi told Mei Rou exactly what happened.

After Mei Rou received the news, she called almost the next second.

When he heard the phone ringing, the assistant in front turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yi, but he had no intention of stopping Jiang Yi from answering the phone.

Jiang Yi connected the phone, and Mei Rou's voice came over immediately.

"Are you in the car now? Although you are going to drink tea, you must have a sense of time. There will be a meeting at noon. I will ask Xiao Zhang to pick you up then."

Mei Rou's voice sounded quite calm.

His voice was not quiet, and Jiang Yi didn't deliberately block it, so everyone else in the car heard it.

The assistant in front smiled slightly after hearing this, and he spoke first.

"Agent Mei, please don't worry. We will definitely send Teacher Jiang Yi back intact when the time comes. Today we just want to invite Teacher Jiang Yi to have tea with us."

When Mei Rou heard the stranger's voice, she also showed a bit of surprise on her face.

He didn't expect that the other party would speak directly like this. Although he couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking, Mei Rou's tone did not reveal anything.

"So that's it."

Looking away, Jiang Yi calmly chatted with Mei Rou for a few words before hanging up the phone.

After driving for about half an hour, the car stopped at a teahouse.

The decoration of this teahouse is very unique and antique. As soon as you enter the door, you can smell the faint aroma of tea and wood, as well as the long sound of the guqin.

Taking Jiang Yi all the way to the second floor, Jiang Yi saw Du Yuesheng, the president of Yihua, sitting in the private room after pushing the door open. "Boss, Teacher Jiang Yi has brought it."

The assistant stood by the door and then invited Jiang Yi into the room.

He didn't stay much after that. After closing the door, he turned around and left. Jiang Yi and Du Yuesheng were the only two people left in the private room.

Du Yuesheng stood up and looked at Jiang Yi with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"I have long admired your name, Teacher Jiang Yi."

As the boss of a big entertainment company, he also called Jiang Yi teacher, which on the one hand also expressed his respect and regard for Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi did not relax his guard because of what Du Yuesheng called him, but he remained calm on the outside.

"Boss Du, you're welcome. I wonder why Boss Du came to see me today?"

"Please sit down first. This tea is a good tea that I specially brought out for my collection. Ordinary people really don't deserve it. Teacher Jiang Yi, please give it a try and see if this tea is that good."

Du Yuesheng did not directly explain the purpose of his visit. He poured Jiang Yi a cup of tea in advance.

The aroma of tea spreads in the private room.

Jiang Yi didn't do much research in this area, but seeing Du Yuesheng like this, he did it first, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The aroma of tea leaves bloomed from the tip of the tongue. Although Jiang Yi didn't understand tea, he could feel that this was indeed good tea.

When Du Yuesheng saw Jiang Yi's reaction, the smile on his face became even wider.

"It seems that this tea is indeed good tea."

When Du Yuesheng said this, the expression on his face did not fluctuate much, and it was difficult to tell what he was thinking.

However, Jiang Yi didn't have time to answer any riddles with him, nor was he interested, so after drinking tea, he went straight to the point.

"Boss Du, you should speak out if you have something to say. This tea is indeed good tea, but you should also speak out if you have something to say."

Hearing what Jiang Yi said directly, Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face became a little deeper. He put down the teacup gently and then continued to speak.

"Okay, since you said so, Teacher Jiang Yi, I won't beat around the bush. In fact, apart from drinking tea, Teacher Jiang Yi, you are here today to do some other things."

As he spoke, Du Yuesheng tapped the table lightly or hard.

At the same time, he calmly observed the expression on Jiang Yi's face, but Jiang Yi just took another sip from the teacup and did not speak first, but waited for Du Yuesheng to continue.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng continued to speak.

"To be honest, Teacher Jiang Yi, I admire and recognize your talent very much. To be honest, there are so many artists in our company, but I want to find someone who can be comparable to you, Teacher Jiang Yi, or half as good as you." You can’t even find anyone who can compare with Teacher Jiang Yi.”

When he said this, Du Yuesheng still pretended to sigh.

"So I wonder if Teacher Jiang Yi would like to find another way?"

Although the words were not very clear, they were enough for Jiang Yi to understand what Du Yuesheng meant.

Jiang Yi was really stunned now. He didn't expect that Du Yuesheng came to him today to recruit him.

He looked at Du Yuesheng, and for a moment he was really not sure what Du Yuesheng was thinking.

But when Du Yuesheng faced Jiang Yi's gaze, he was calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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