Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 743: With this editing method, aren’t you afraid that people will send you blades? ?

Chapter 743: With this editing method, aren’t you afraid that people will send you blades? ?
Jiang Yi gave Zhang Yimou an answer on the second day.

After getting the definite answer from Jiang Yina, the big stone in Zhang Yimou's heart finally fell to the ground.

After hanging up the phone.

The excitement on Zhang Yimou's face still did not dissipate.

He happened to be discussing things with other members of the crew today, so they all heard this call.

The assistant director has worked with Zhang Yimou for the longest time, and basically every crew member will follow him.

Therefore, he and Zhang Yimou actually still have a private relationship. But at this moment, after seeing Zhang Yimou like this, there was a hint of hesitation on his face, but he was concerned about the presence of other people at the scene, so he finally swallowed those words.

Zhang Yimou asked everyone to come together today because he wanted to say that after the crew decided to postpone the start of production, everyone else left one after another.

The assistant director deliberately walked to the end, and after seeing everyone else leave, he returned to Zhang Yimou's side.

"I can tell from just now that you, kid, have something to say. Go ahead and say what you want to say."

When the assistant director came back, there was no surprise on Zhang Yimou's face. After all, they had worked together so many times, so they still knew this.

When the assistant director saw what Zhang Yimou said, he no longer concealed his words and beat around the bush, but went straight to the point.

"Since you have said so, I am not ambiguous. Although I know that you do appreciate Jiang Yi, I admit that Jiang Yi does have this ability, but because of him, the progress of the entire crew has been delayed. So many, are you still a little impulsive?”

Not to mention other things, just those things that have been prepared before have to be redone, and new schedules have to be negotiated with various strangers. None of these tasks can be easily achieved.

After hearing the assistant director's words, Zhang Yimou's expression did not change. He walked to the assistant director and patted him on the shoulder.

"These are nothing. If you believe me, if this movie abandons Jiang Yi and finds other actors, it will be considered as ruining my hard work."

Seeing Zhang Yimou being such a determined assistant director, it was difficult to say anything else.

Just like what he said, he had also witnessed Jiang Yi's acting skills.

What Zhang Yimou said is indeed correct. If this is the case, there is nothing else to say.

I am not the god of medicine and have made the fastest progress. In the past two days, some clips and highlights have been released one after another.

I don’t know if it’s the director’s bad taste or what, but the clips that were released were all edited in a humorous way.

In many of the clips, Jiang Yi's expression was deliberately exaggerated by the crew, making it look quite funny.

So I added a lot of new emoticons for all netizens.

Netizens also gathered on the movie’s official Weibo.

"You must be more than these, I advise you not to be ignorant, it is best to release the others as soon as possible!"

"Don't neglect your duties every day. We will help with publicity matters. Now you hurry up and catch up on the progress of the movie and release it as soon as possible!"

"This is the first time I've seen netizens ask local authorities not to promote a movie, but instead promote it spontaneously, for fear that they will waste their time."

"Why do I feel that something is not right? This movie is not a comedy, right? Why are these clips posted like this... I feel that the official may be holding back a big move."

"Not to mention anything else, on the day of the movie's release, just in case, I will bring a pack of tissues with me. It will be useful whether I am laughing or crying." "Otherwise, I have to say that you are smart! "

"I really want to make a fortune out of laughing. Does Mr. Jiang Yi know that you guys are making such a prank? Mr. Jiang Yi may not have thought that these emoticons would be intercepted in such a way."

"But whether I should say it or not, even though these have become emoticons, Teacher Jiang Yi's appearance has not been affected at all."

"Although it's just some clips, it can be seen that everyone's acting skills are online, and they are basically all talented actors. I think I can look forward to it with confidence!"

When netizens say that there will be publicity, they are not talking nonsense. Due to everyone's spontaneous actions, the movie becomes a hot topic every few days.

Although it is not the first or second most searched, its popularity has not gone down.

The crew did not expect such an unexpected surprise.

As for the emoticons, Jiang Yi actually knew that the crew had informed Jiang Yi in advance when they were showing these clips and editing them.

Jiang Yi didn't have any objections to these.

And when looking at the netizens happily sharing emoticons on Weibo, Jiang Yi felt a little sympathy in his heart.

When the director showed these clips, he really hugged them a little bit to give everyone a contrast.

Now everyone is so amused by these clips, I hope you won’t cry so sadly when the time comes.

"Director, are you really not afraid that after the movie is released, everyone will be clamoring to send you blades?"

It just so happened that Jiang Yi also came to see the director today. At this moment, he turned to look at the director and said.

When the director heard Jiang Yi say this, he looked very calm.

"If you want to send more blades, I can start a side business! No matter how much I sell or how little I sell, it's all my free money!"

When he heard the director's answer, Jiang Yi didn't know how to answer for a moment, and the look on his face was even more subtle.

"Besides, it's better to make them happy now than not being happy from the beginning!"

The director said with a smile.

Listening to the director's crooked remarks, Jiang Yi's lips moved, but he didn't say anything more.

"Don't worry about the film review department. We can finish the post-editing now and send it directly. If there is no delay, it will only take a few months."

In fact, this can be considered very fast, but the director is still a little bit slow, but he also knows that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and you can't just shoot fast, you have to control the quality.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the later stages of editing, the actor's acting skills, no matter how good they are, will be in vain.

If a story is told in a vague way, no one will care about how outstanding the person who interprets the story is.

The director would never allow his hard work to become like that.

Jiang Yi didn't disturb him too much and left after saying a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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