Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 761: Fighting? Should I teach you a lesson or go up there and have fun?

Chapter 761: Fighting? Should I teach you a lesson or go up there and have fun?

When they met Jiang Yi's eyes, Reba and Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene here was also captured by the live broadcast camera, but netizens could not hear what they were saying, so they could only guess a little.

"What's going on? Why can't we just listen to the sound!"

"Why don't I quite understand? Does this man want Reba and Da Tiantian to drink?? When Teacher Jiang Yi passed by, his face looked ugly!"

"Could it be that person who said something unpleasant? How could such a person exist!"

"Why not?"

"The moment Teacher Jiang Yi walked over to block it, I instantly felt at ease!"

"I don't understand. Jiang Yi is also from the entertainment industry. In fact, most of the stars in the entertainment industry are just funny things in the eyes of corporate capitalists. Although it sounds unpleasant, it is the truth. But why does this person feel a little afraid when facing Jiang Yi? "

"What you said above is indeed correct, but I don't think this kind of situation will happen to Jiang Yi. You have to know what's behind Jiang Yi!"

"Jiang Yi is a member of the national team, and he has official support behind him. Even these big companies will not want to have conflicts with official people. Of course, if you don't want to get involved, that may indeed be the case."

“In the final analysis, it’s just one sentence, if you have the official backing, you are awesome!”

This is not the first time that Reba and the others have encountered something like this. Under normal circumstances, no one would want to break out and make the scene ugly, so they have some experience in dealing with it, but they didn't expect that just now That person would be so reckless.

So they were caught off guard.

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang Yi. It's really all thanks to you."

Reba looked at Jiang Yi with gratitude in her eyes.

Although Jing Tian beside him didn't speak, the expression on his face was similar to Reba's.

Including this time, Jiang Yi helped her twice.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort."

Jiang Yi waved his hand, indeed he didn't take this matter to heart.

While he was talking to Reba and the others, someone was staring at them from a distance.

It was the man from before.

"Mr. Chen, I saw everything just now. This is probably the first time you have encountered such a thing. It's been a long time since you've seen it!"

Someone next to Chen Yuan started joking.

When he heard this, Chen Yuan's face became even more ugly.

"He is so powerful, but he is just an actor. Just wait, I will never make it easy for him!"

When the people around him heard what Chen Yuan said, they looked at Jiang Yi a few more times.

But he didn't say anything to remind him, but looked like he was watching a good show.

Soon the auction will officially begin.

The items for auction are some jewelry, famous paintings, antiques and the like.

Jiang Yi didn't have much interest in any of this.

Reba and Jing Tian were interested in some jewelry, but with the auction prices getting higher and higher, they could only take a look.

When another necklace was put up for auction, Jiang Yi finally became a little interested.

It's a pearl necklace, very good quality.

Jiang Yi thought of the gift he gave to Mei Rou before. Mei Rou also likes that necklace very much.

If this is the case, then give him another one!

With this thought, Jiang Yi raised the sign in his hand for the first time.


Hearing Jiang Yi's voice, the people nearby looked over subconsciously, and Jing Tian and Reba also showed a bit of surprise on their faces.

After all, this necklace obviously belongs to a woman. If Jiang Yi wants to take a photo, it should be given as a gift.

"Why did my teacher Tian Jiangyi take this necklace? Who is he giving it to?"

"I'm also very curious. Yes, if Teacher Jiang Yi really took the photo today, everyone can pay more attention to it later. If this necklace appears on someone, it would be..."

"But this necklace is really beautiful, and the quality of the pearls is also very good. If it were auctioned, I guess the price might be a little more expensive, about five or six hundred thousand?"

"All the savings combined are less than 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, and this necklace is more expensive than my savings!"

"I hope that after Teacher Jiang Yi takes off this necklace, he can give it to me for no reason. Although Teacher Jiang Yi and I have never met, can such a good thing happen to me?"

"I don't think it's possible. You'd better go to bed early and stop talking nonsense here!"

Although the pearl necklace was expensive, it was not uncommon, so after two or three people continued to bid for it, Jiang Yi was the only one left.

Just as the auctioneer was about to set the hammer, someone from the other side suddenly raised the sign in his hand.

"40 million!"

Jiang Yi subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, looked over and found that it was Chen Yuan.

Jiang Yi frowned slightly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he chose to increase the price.

But Chen Yuan directly confronted Jiang Yi.

Even the final price exceeded 60!
And this has far exceeded the original value of this pearl necklace.

Everyone present was not a fool, and they had already noticed something was wrong at this moment.

No one else got involved in this matter.

After another price increase from Chen Yuan, the price of this necklace has reached 65.

At this moment, netizens in the live broadcast room have already exploded.

"This person did it on purpose. He was raising the price with Teacher Jiang Yi on purpose!"

"Perhaps he really likes this necklace. Isn't it the highest bidder in an auction? Why would anyone deliberately grab it?"

"Then why didn't he raise the price before? He only raised the price when only Teacher Jiang Yi was left?"

"65 for this pearl necklace, oh my God!"

"Will Teacher Jiang Yi increase the price? I think he really likes this necklace, but if the price increases, it really won't be worthwhile..."

"This necklace doesn't have Jiang Yi's name written on it. What's wrong with you people? Don't you understand that the one who pays the highest price gets it? If Jiang Yi really likes it, he can just raise the price!"

"We can only watch the war between rich people."

"The person who keeps raising prices seems to be the son of the boss of Tianhua Real Estate. Tianhua Real Estate is a famous real estate company in China! I don't think Jiang Yi can win..."

"Okay, I just went to Baidu and I don't want to talk anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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