Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 795 You are indeed my best brother!

Chapter 795 You are indeed my best brother!

Jiang Yi didn't notice the paparazzi following him.

However, after the two paparazzi took these photos, they had already sent the photos back to other colleagues on their way back.

Therefore, when Jiang Yi and the others took the old man to the hotel where they were staying, the news had already been released, and it quickly attracted the attention of netizens and became a hot search topic.

After all, the popularity of Victoria's Secret is still there, and the old man's status in the industry is still there.

Although this year's Victoria's Secret is the last time that the old man personally manages it.

But there are still many people who regard the old man as their idol and benchmark.

The old man suddenly arrived in Kyoto quietly, and was picked up by Jiang Yi, which naturally attracted more people's attention.

"I'll go, is there any news? Mr. Taylor has really come to China, and it was really Teacher Jiang Yi who picked him up in person!?"

"Although the news was released by the paparazzi, in addition to this news, there were also high-definition photos and the like. I don't think it looks pornographic."

"!!! I just came back from the airport today. To be honest, I did have an impression that I saw the old man at the airport, but I was busy catching the car at the time and didn't pay close attention at all!!"

"Just passing by Teacher Jiang Yi and the old man..."

"Am I the only one who noticed that Teacher Jiang Yi took Mei Rou with him? Didn't he say before at Victoria's Secret that the old man admired Teacher Jiang Yi? He probably regards Teacher Jiang Yi as his junior, right? Why does it feel like meeting your parents when you come out..."

"Hey, don't say it! You really don't say it!!"

"That's not the case. Isn't there a fashion week in Shanghai in a while? Maybe the old man was invited to be a guest at the fashion week?"

"With this kind of news, if the Magic City Fashion Week really got such a heavyweight guest as the old man, they would definitely start preheating in advance. How could it be possible that now that the old man has come to Kyoto, there is still no news at all? ah!"

Netizens have their own opinions on this matter.

And the popularity of this matter is getting higher and higher with the discussion among netizens.

It was several hours after Jiang Yi saw the news.

However, the news released by the paparazzi was quite measured and they did not release the hotel where the old man was currently staying, so Jiang Yi did not pay too much attention to this matter.

"Old man? How long do you plan to stay in China this time?"

Jiang Yi asked.

Mr. Taylor smiled after hearing Jiang Yi's words.

"I'm really not sure. By the way, Shanghai Fashion Week did send me an invitation some time ago, but I haven't given a clear reply yet."

After hearing this, Jiang Yi was a little surprised.

However, Jiang Yi didn't say much, he just made a relatively objective evaluation of the Shanghai Fashion Week.

"Modu Fashion Week has been quite impressive in recent years. Master, if you are interested, you can go and take a look. You might see some very good young people."

When he said these words, Jiang Yi looked serious.

The old man is indeed a leading figure in the industry.

The Magic City Fashion Week did invite the old man before, but they didn't get a clear answer, which is indeed true.

In this situation, before getting a clear answer from the old man, the Shanghai Fashion Week did not dare to release the news casually.

Think about it, if the news is released by then, but the old man is not invited, they dare not think what kind of joke they will become.

Therefore, I have been actively communicating with the old man.

And the old man really appreciates talented young people very much.

Although he is indeed old now, he still can't help but want to support young and talented juniors. At this time, Smith also walked over from the side.

He patted Jiang Yi on the shoulder, as if he had something to say to Jiang Yi alone.

After meeting Smith's eyes, Jiang Yi walked to the other side with him.

Meirou stayed on the sofa talking to the old man.

on the balcony.

Jiang Yi's eyes fell on Smith, with a hint of inquiry on his face.

"Smith, tell me the truth, what exactly are you and the old man doing when you come to China this time?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's inquiry, Smith showed an innocent look on his face.

"Didn't the old man tell you? We are just here for a trip."

Are you just here to travel?
Jiang Yi believed that the old man was just here for a trip, but Smith couldn't be sure. After all, Jiang Yi knew him well.

If there were no other things, he would never be able to leave a lot of things in the beautiful country and come here to travel.

But seeing Smith like this, Jiang Yi didn't ask any further questions.

"Since you are here for a trip, let's have fun. But if you need my help with anything, just ask if I can help you."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mr. Smith was stunned for a moment, and then an eager smile appeared on his face.

"Jiang! You are indeed my best brother in China!"

After hearing what Smith said, Jiang Yi was not very polite and rolled his eyes.

"After all, apart from me, you don't have anyone else in China who can be called a friend."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Smith's smile became even bigger.

But complaints are complaints, and what Jiang Yi said just now was indeed sincere.

After saying these words, the two returned to the house.

I don’t know what Mr. Taylor said to Mei Rou, but Mei Rou’s face was a little red at this moment.

After seeing Jiang Yi return, Mei Rou immediately stood up from the sofa and walked to Jiang Yi's side.

After seeing Mei Rou's appearance at this moment, Jiang Yi looked at the old man with a bit of helplessness on his face.

"Old man?"

"I just asked about the wedding date of the two of you. What I said before is true. I will customize your dress for you by then."

The old man shrugged.

Jiang Yi and Mei Rou looked at each other.

Regarding the matter of getting married, the two of them have actually discussed it privately. For now, they plan to get engaged first, and then wait until some time has passed before talking about getting married.

But don’t rush this matter yet.

"Old man, in Chinese terms, your behavior means that the emperor is not in a hurry to touch the eunuchs." Smith, who was standing next to him, walked to the old man's side, his tone full of joking.

Of course, if such words fall into the ears of an old man who is proficient in Chinese, they will inevitably get a beating.

(End of this chapter)

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