Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Just one point in Chapter 799 is simply not enough! Let's participate in drama chapters?

Chapter 799 is simply not enough! Let's take part in a drama program?

After coming down from the stage, Jiang Yi returned to Mei Rou.

Mr. Taylor and Smith next to him were already so surprised that they didn't know what to say when Jiang Yi opened his voice.

Now after seeing Jiang Yi come back, he still hasn't recovered from his surprise.

Mei Rou also fixed her gaze on Jiang Yi and looked at Jiang Yi carefully, as if she wanted to find something out of Jiang Yi.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Jiang Yi asked a little strangely.

Mei Rou's tone was indeed a bit complicated.

"Why didn't I know you had this skill before?"

After hearing Mei Rou's words, Jiang Yi also acted extremely innocent, "That's because no one asked me before!"

After receiving this answer, Mei Rou didn't know what to say for a moment.

Who would ask this suddenly for no reason! !
At this moment, the old man and Smith also reacted after their conversation.

The old man stared at Jiang Yi, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"Oh my god, Jiang Yi, why didn't you tell me before that you can actually sing opera! If I had known you for a few years earlier! I can guarantee that you would have been the only guest at Victoria's Secret!"

What the old man said was very exciting. If other people heard it, they would be extremely shocked.

But this is indeed the old man's true thoughts.

"That's such a pity."

Jiang Yi replied jokingly.

Today's news has already caused an uproar on the Internet.

Jiang Yi has indeed had drama in his songs before, but it was just an embellishment, and overall the style is more popular.

At least in the eyes of theater fans, none of his previous songs can be counted as these.

But today's incident made Jiang Yi expand his circle in an instant!
Everyone found it incredible, but after thinking that the person who did this was Jiang Yi, they felt that it was not so difficult for people to accept. After all, Jiang Yi has been constantly refreshing netizens' perceptions since his debut. Know!
"Really, I feel like there's nothing that Teacher Jiang Yi can't do!"

"What surprises do you have that we don't know about!?"

"It's really worth comparing people with each other, and throwing things away when comparing goods! We can't compete with a monster like Teacher Jiang Yi, or else there will be no way for us to survive!"

"Our drama teacher has directly used Teacher Jiang Yi's video as a case study for us!"

"Stop talking, I'm about to cry..."

"Just this little bit is simply not enough. When will Teacher Jiang Yi participate in a drama program like this? Let's watch it all at once! I really don't find these things boring at all!"

"Me too! I remember the drama station. Didn't they say they were going to create a new show some time ago? It seems they are still in the process of planning it. Let's look for Teacher Jiang Yi!!"

"I think based on the relationship between Teacher Jiang Yi and CCTV's father, I think it is very likely that we will actually see it by then!"

The popularity on the Internet is getting higher and higher.

But before finding Jiang Yi at the drama stage, Jiang Yi received an invitation from another old friend.

It was a variety show from Mango Channel that extended an olive branch to Jiang Yi.

The name of this variety show is "Celebrity Detective".

The popularity has been quite high recently.

The type of this variety show is quite interesting, so after receiving the invitation, Jiang Yi finally agreed after thinking about it for a while. "Director Wu, Teacher Jiang Yi has agreed to join our next season of Celebrity Detective."

After the staff got a definite answer from Jiang Yi and the others, they came to talk to the director about the matter.

After learning that Jiang Yi really agreed, the director did not expect it. Instead of being so excited, he frowned and looked bitter and resentful.

"Brother Angkor, why are you so wrinkled? Is there any problem with this matter?" After seeing the director like this, the staff couldn't help but asked curiously.

After hearing what the staff said, the director seemed to react.

"Well, it's okay. Please help me make an appointment with Teacher Jiang Yi to see if I can have a chat with Teacher Jiang Yi..."

The staff became even more confused after hearing this, but they still followed the instructions.


A few days later.

Mango station.

When Jiang Yi arrived, he happened to bump into Teacher He.

He and Teacher He actually haven't seen each other for a while.

At this moment, Teacher He is wearing a white sweatshirt and still looks youthful. It is hard to imagine that he is almost 50 years old.

Even when standing next to Jiang Yi, it felt like the two of them were almost the same age.

"Jiang Yi, I see you again! Are you still busy recently?"

After Teacher He saw Jiang Yi coming over, he smiled and spoke.

"No, I haven't been very busy recently." Jiang Yi stopped next to Teacher He.

The relationship between the two of them is still very good. The friendship that they had longed for in life has not diminished because of this period of no contact.

"Congratulations on your successful proposal! When you plan to get married, you must tell me in advance! I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine!"

After hearing what Teacher He said, the smile on Jiang Yi's face became even more eager.

"Of course I have to tell you, Teacher He. When the time comes, I would also like to invite you, Teacher He, to be the host of our wedding!"

What Jiang Yi said was true.

Teacher He nodded without any hesitation after hearing this.

"Okay, then you tell me when the time comes and I will definitely come!"

The two of them walked to the other side while talking. After Jiang Yi looked around, he felt that something was not right.

"Hey, Teacher He, where are we going to record?"

"Just follow me. There's no way I'm going to sell you out. The recording site isn't here. I'm just here to wait for you today!"

As Teacher He said this, he led Jiang Yi around a corner and saw the bus parked not far away.

"Let's go, get in the car! The other guests should be arriving soon, and we might still be late!"

Jiang Yi also learned about the current guests of this variety show.

The current permanent guests are Teacher He and Sabei Ning. These two will be present in every issue, while the other guests are not fixed. Each issue will invite a different number of flying guests according to the number of people in the script.

So far, his ratings are pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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