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Chapter 801 New script! Go to Xiangjiang to find the director in person!

Chapter 801 New script! Go to Xiangjiang to find the director in person!

It’s almost late autumn, and the weather in Kyoto is getting colder and colder.

After Jiang Yi had played with Mr. Taylor and the others in the past few days, he finally started to work again.

Originally, Jiang Yi had planned to join the group, but Mr. Zhang suddenly stopped.

The reason is that he wants to make some changes to the entire script.

Ever since he finalized this matter with Jiang Yi last time, the old man has been rereading the previous script, but the more he read it, the more he felt that some parts no longer looked like that.

After several discussions, I finally decided to revise the entire script again.

But in this case, it is natural that Jiang Yi does not know when to join the group.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Yi had no choice but to give up.

During this time, he also received many script invitations.

Although Jiang Yi is a singer by profession and has only participated in two movies so far, the results of these two movies are really shocking.

Jiang Yi's acting skills in it amazed many people.

Therefore, many directors came to ask for help.

Jiang Yi also took a rough look at these scripts, but there was nothing particularly important to him among the scripts sent.

When Jiang Yi didn't have any hope, he accidentally saw a script at the bottom.

This script was sent by a director from Xiangjiang.

Jiang Yi was completely attracted by the script at the first glance after opening it.

After that, I became even more fascinated.

When Mei Rou came to find Jiang Yi, she saw him staring at the script attentively. She couldn't help but be curious and came to Jiang Yi's side.

Mei Rou's arrival helped Jiang Yi wake up from being obsessed with the script.

He subconsciously turned his head to look in Mei Rou's direction.

"I'm going to go to Xiangjiang."

Although he hasn't finished reading the script yet, Jiang Yi has already made his decision.

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou was stunned for a moment, "Why do you suddenly want to go to Xiangjiang?"

Jiang Yi put the script in his hand on the table.

"I want to talk to the director who sent me this script and give me some time to release it!"

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Mei Rou still didn't understand. His eyes also fell on the script. Jiang Yi's behavior at this moment was not unfamiliar to Mei Rou.

"Okay, I see."

Now that Jiang Yi has made his decision, Mei Rou will naturally give her full support.

At this moment, Jiang Yi was still thinking about what was in the script just now.

There was an intuition in his heart.

This movie is definitely going to be a hit! ! !
"But what are you going to talk to the director about? Do you have any other insights into this script?"

Mei Rou sat down next to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi directly pulled the person into his arms, rested his head on Mei Rou's shoulder, and then continued to speak.

"No, it's just that I want to discuss the role with the director. Compared to the role he handed me, I would rather play another one."

As he spoke, hot air sprayed on Mei Rou's neck. Mei Rou felt itchy and subconsciously shrank her neck.


Mei Rou was a little curious, so she opened the script from the table and read it.

However, she was not as careful as Jiang Yi, and she only briefly glanced at the character settings she brought with her at the beginning.

The role that the director here handed Jiang Yi was the protagonist, that is, a positive character, but Jiang Yi wanted to play a villain this time. Mei Rou also knows Jiang Yi, so after reading it, she understood why Jiang Yi wanted to change roles.

"Okay, then when do you plan to go? I'll let Xiao Zhang and the others book a flight for you!"

"Just the day after tomorrow!"


Hong Kong.

Jiang Yi came out of the airport.

Jiang Yi did not release any news when he came to Xiangjiang this time, and the journey out of the airport was uneventful.

After arriving at the hotel where he was staying, Jiang Yi received a call.

The caller was Liu Qiangwei, the director of the movie Infernal Affairs.

It was also the person Jiang Yi came to Xiangjiang to visit this time.

Jiang Yi had already called Liu Qiangwei before coming to Xiangjiang and told him the exact time he would arrive in Xiangjiang.

To be honest, when he handed the script to Jiang Yi, Liu Qiangwei didn't expect that Jiang Yi would actually agree.

And he actually came to Xiangjiang to talk to himself in person.

He wanted Jiang Yi to play the role of Chen Yongren, but from what Jiang Yi said during his last call, Liu Qiangwei was a little surprised that Jiang Yi seemed to want to challenge the villain more.

It's not impossible, but compared to the role of Liu Jianming, Liu Qiangwei believes that Jiang Yi is more suitable for Chen Yongren.

Therefore, he was also prepared to have a good talk with Jiang Yi about this matter when they met.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, have you arrived at the hotel now?"

Jiang Yi sat down on the sofa next to him, "I've just arrived at the hotel."

After hearing that Jiang Yi had indeed arrived at the hotel, the smile on Liu Qiangwei's face deepened.

"That's good, that's good. You have a good night's rest today. We'll talk about other things tomorrow! Now that we're in Xiangjiang, how can we not have morning tea? I'll come to the hotel to find you tomorrow morning! "

Jiang Yi naturally would not refuse.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

There was nothing else said on the phone, and the call was quickly hung up.

Jiang Yi sat on the sofa for a while and then took out the script and continued reading.

In fact, he has read this script over and over again in the past few days.

Infernal Affairs is a police film, and the design of its protagonist is very complicated. To be fair, whether it is Liu Jianming or Chen Yongren, these two characters are very full and perfect.

No matter which role it is.

If singled out, he is definitely the protagonist.

Jiang Yi really wanted to challenge the villain, but the more he read this script, the more Jiang Yi found it difficult to make a choice.

The role of Chen Yongren is more challenging.

He is undercover.

But because the undercover case he was responsible for never made any progress, he could only stay in the gang.

Only one upline responsible for single-line communication with him knew his identity.

But later, even the only online person who knew his identity died unexpectedly.

There are already several scenes in this script that make Jiang Yi feel that he is already a little eager to try it out.

After letting out a long breath, Jiang Yi really felt that he didn't know what choice he should make at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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