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Chapter 812 Asking for leave Chapter Kyoto! Getting ready to record a new album! !

Chapter 812 Asking for leave to return to Kyoto! Getting ready to record a new album! !
When he walked up to Jiang Yi, Mr. Zheng's attitude was unusually kind, and the look he looked at Jiang Yi was also particularly gentle.

"If anything, we've only just arrived a while ago."

What happened next went much more smoothly than anyone imagined.

Mr. Zheng really liked Jiang Yi, and with just a few words, he settled the matter.

Not only that, he also helped connect the crew and introduced a few old friends who also had these cars in their homes.

For the sake of Mr. Zheng, most of those people agreed to lend it to the crew.

Therefore, their trip today not only solved Mr. Zheng's problem, but also far exceeded their expectations.

Until they left, Wu Xiaoguang and his colleagues around him were still in a daze and did not react.

It wasn't until the car had driven a long way that they let out a long breath.

"Teacher Jiang Yi is really amazing..."

"Teacher Jiang Yi solved the matter so easily, it seems that all the talk we had before was like a joke..."

Although complaints are complaints, they are happier than anyone else because things can be settled smoothly.

And when he returned to the crew, after Zhang Yimou knew the cause and effect of the incident, his eyes towards Jiang Yi became increasingly complicated.

"Jiang Yi, what surprises do you have that we don't know about?"

Hearing what Zhang Yimou said, Jiang Yi couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Director Zhang, this is just a coincidence!"


Wu Xiaoguang next to him had no expression on his face when he heard what Jiang Yi said, but he had already complained tens of thousands of words in his heart.

I'm afraid it's Teacher Jiang Yi, maybe you have some misunderstanding about your current popularity!

Now, people ranging from 80-year-olds to children as young as eight or nine are all fans of Mr. Jiang Yi!

It can be said that no one of any age group can escape the palm of Teacher Jiang Yi.

"Since the matter has been resolved here, I will go back today."

Jiang Yi didn't know what Wu Xiaoguang and the others next to him were thinking.

The matter has been resolved, and he wants to go back and have a good rest.

Naturally, Zhang Yimou would not stop Jiang Yi from going back to rest.

Wu Xiaoguang and the others discussed this matter in private for a while. Finally, they couldn't help but feel excited and went to the social platform to post a Weibo.

"Teacher Jiang Yi is the most awesome!!"

Although Wu Xiaoguang's account does not have many fans, he is usually quite active and often posts about the crew. Therefore, many netizens know that he is a staff member of the Above the Cliff crew.

After this Weibo post was posted, it immediately attracted a large number of melon-eating netizens.

But no matter how curious netizens were, Wu Xiaoguang didn't say anything more.

This matter has also become a hot topic again.

It's just that Jiang Yi didn't pay attention to these things. After all, the crew does have a lot of scenes now, and they will have to go to other locations to film in the future, so Jiang Yi basically doesn't waste time on other things. Some things above.

And this matter doesn't have much to do with it. Even if netizens are curious about gossip, they won't find out anything.

Zhang Yimou asked his staff to ignore this matter a long time ago. It is okay to release something specious like this, but the specific process of this matter must wait until the movie is promoted.

At that time, it can bring a big wave of attention to the crew and allow more people to discuss it. …

"Okay! Click!"

After filming a scene, Zhang Yimou called stop.

Jiang Yi stood up from the snow next to him. His clothes were already covered with snow, and some of it fell on his neck along the gaps in his clothes, making him shiver from the cold.

"The scene just now was pretty good. There's no need to reshoot it. Just prepare. We'll shoot the last scene today and call it a day."

When Jiang Yi came over, Zhang Yimou raised his head and glanced at Jiang Yi before speaking.

Jiang Yi himself knew what he had just performed, so after Zhang Yimou said this, he didn't refute anything.

The staff are busy preparing for the next scene.

Jiang Yi stood up after feeling a little warmer.

"Director Zhang, the crew's progress is going smoothly now. I would like to ask for three days' leave from you. I have something to do and I have to go back to Kyoto."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Zhang Yimou looked at Jiang Yi again.

The progress is indeed much faster than Zhang Yimou imagined.

The main reason is because Jiang Yi's acting skills are on point throughout the whole process. As long as it's his scene, unless he actively requests it, there is basically no need to reshoot it.

This saves a lot of unnecessary wasted time.

"Three days, okay, then when will you leave?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yimou readily nodded and agreed.


Still because of the album, Jiang Yi had to go back.

It has been discussed with Mei Rou that Jiang Yi can start processing it directly after returning. Counting the time spent going back and forth, it is estimated that part of it can be solved in these two days, and the rest will be taken up slowly when the time comes.

Jiang Yi had already made his plans, so Zhang Yimou didn't ask any more questions.

As long as there was any problem with the crew's department, Zhang Yimou had no intention of getting to the bottom of it.

When the two of them were talking, Liu Haochun was not far away from them, and he heard everything Jiang Yi said.

He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards Jiang Yi, but he accidentally met Jiang Yi's eyes.

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Haochun immediately looked back as quickly as if he was electrocuted.

He lowered his head and looked at the script in his hand, acting as if nothing had happened, but he was the only one who knew the words on the script in front of him. At this moment, they all turned into jumping squares.

Jiang Yi didn't notice Liu Haochun's abnormality. He was just looking for an assistant.

The assistant happened to be running over from the other side with a thermos cup at this moment.

"Have the air tickets been booked? The director and I have agreed to take three days off."

The assistant nodded after hearing Jiang Yi's words.

"Don't worry about this, Teacher Jiang Yi. I have already made arrangements for you and the air tickets have been booked!"

While talking to the assistant, he patted his chest and looked very proud.

It happened that the filming of the next scene was about to start at this time, so Jiang Yi didn't say anything more and quickly walked over to the staff again.

(End of this chapter)

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