Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

The good news brought by Chapter 817! Infernal Affairs has an official endorsement behind it! ?

The good news brought by Chapter 817! Infernal Affairs has an official endorsement behind it! ?
And Jiang Yi did stay in Hong Kong City for a few days.

And now it is true that many people are paying attention to Jiang Yi.

Although Jiang Yi did not attract any attention when he arrived in Hong Kong City on the first day, the fact that he came to Hong Kong City was not concealed.

Especially after netizens revealed that Andy Lau would also be participating in Infernal Affairs, it immediately aroused a heated discussion.

"In other words, Teacher Jiang Yi will be starring opposite Hua Zai this time. I didn't expect that the two of them would actually meet together!"

"Okay, okay, I'm looking forward to Infernal Affairs even more now. Aren't Hua Zai and Teacher Jiang Yi a strong alliance?"

"But what about over there on the cliff? Why did Teacher Jiang Yi suddenly come to Hong Kong City again? Is the scene over there already over?"

"It's only been a month and a half since Teacher Jiang Yi joined the group. Well, although the time seems a bit short, I think Teacher Jiang Yi's ability may have really caught up with the progress by now."

"That means Teacher Jiang Yi will join the Infernal Affairs team now!?"

"I don't think so. Doesn't Teacher Jiang Yi still want to work on the album? It seems that the album is not completely finished yet. Teacher Jiang Yi probably couldn't finish all the album work when he took leave before!"

"I think it doesn't matter which one of these things is done first, I don't choose!"

"I'm not picky either. I'm afraid of being picky. If Teacher Jiang Yi postpones everything, then I will really be..."

Netizens were very surprised and excited.

As for Jiang Yi.

Liu Qiangwei came to the hotel to find Jiang Yi.

When he saw Liu Qiangwei's serious face, Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then a little doubt appeared on his face.

"Director Liu, why do you look like this? Is there any new problem? Didn't you say everything went well two days ago?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Liu Qiangwei walked into the room, and then let out a long breath.

"It's indeed going well. I'm here to tell you some good news this time!"

Looking at Liu Qiangwei's expression when he said this, Jiang Yi's frown relaxed.

"What good news?"

"Recently, the higher-ups are selecting some positive movies. I also sent the script of Infernal Affairs some time ago, and the results came out today."

When he heard this and looked at Liu Qiangwei's reaction at this moment, Jiang Yi became a little clearer.

Sure enough, when Liu Qiangwei spoke again, his tone was a little excited.

"Our script was indeed chosen!"

For the crew, this is a once-in-a-century event!
After all, this is considered an official endorsement, which will reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble in the later stage.

Especially since it is a police film, scenes about the police station are naturally indispensable.

Originally, Liu Qiangwei was still thinking about how to coordinate with the police station in Hong Kong City. But now that this matter has happened, it will be much smoother after he coordinates this matter with the well team. !
"Now, we are ready to start the computer. Teacher Jiang Yi, when will things on your side come to an end, and then we can officially celebrate?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yi finally gave a definite answer.

"It should take about a week after we go back. It won't exceed 10 days at most."

Will it not exceed 10 days?

Liu Qiangwei calculated in his mind that if it would not take more than 10 days as Jiang Yi said, then he would be ready to start cooperating with various parties now.

"Okay, let's settle it first!"

Now that the crew's preliminary preparations have been completed, and it is much smoother than he expected, Liu Qiangwei is in a very wonderful mood. When he originally submitted the script, he never thought that he would actually be selected. This was indeed an unexpected surprise.

After staying in the port city for two days, Jiang Yi returned to the capital to continue recording the album.

Jiang Yi had already prepared the song for this album, and with the heroine, everything went very smoothly.



Port city.

The crew of Infernal Affairs is officially preparing to start shooting.

On the day of the opening ceremony.

Jiang Yi arrived at the set.

The person who came earlier than Jiang Yi was Hua Zai, but after Hua Zai arrived at the scene, he sat on the bench in the corner and read the script.

In addition, he was wearing unusually low-key clothes today, so Jiang Yi didn't even see him at first glance.

Hong Kong City still attaches great importance to some things, and the groundbreaking ceremony is indispensable before starting the machine.

After everything was ready, the director and other actors came together.

The camera was covered with red cloth, Guandi was worshiped on the table, cigarettes were inserted into the incense burner, and the general offerings were prepared fruits and suckling pigs.

When some crews do this, they will use fake fruits and fake suckling pigs to reduce costs.

But everything prepared by the Infernal Affairs crew is the freshest.

The actors in the crew held incense in their hands and presented it to the table.

After all the procedures were completed, Jiang Yi and the other creative actors followed the director to the camera and took off the red cloth covering him.

"I announce that Infernal Affairs is officially launched!!"

After taking off the red cloth, the director spoke excitedly, and other crew members also clapped after hearing these words, with excitement written on their faces.

The video of the opening ceremony was quickly posted online, and the crew also posted all the makeup photos they had taken before. In an instant, it attracted countless netizens to watch, and the popularity continued to rise.

The makeup photo of the confrontation on the rooftop was the most discussed one.

Mainly because the aura between Jiang Yi and Hua Tsai is so attractive.

Coupled with the wide-open long-range lens, at first glance, it seems that the intimidation is even revealed in the photo.

"Just from these photos, I can already imagine a big show in my mind, and I can't wait to see it!"

"I can only say that Teacher Jiang Yi feels handsome to a new level in this drama!"

"Every look is a show!!"

"This is incredible! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"To be honest, these actors are all talented actors from Hong Kong. I think Hong Kong is much more competitive than the domestic entertainment industry in this regard."

"For them, acting is the most important thing. Appearance is just the icing on the cake, but it will never be the key."

(End of this chapter)

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