Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 820 It’s not shameful for an actor to ask others for advice for character development!

Chapter 820 It’s not shameful for an actor to ask others for advice for character development!

After seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, Li Chengxi, who breathed a sigh of relief, became nervous again.

"Look at your reaction just now, I really don't blame Director Liu for being so angry."

"You obviously didn't react when you should have reacted, and you laughed when you shouldn't have reacted. For this occasion, it shouldn't be the occasion for him to laugh!"

Jiang Yi's tone also became serious, and he was a little more restrained in speaking.

"Now Liu Jianming is confused about his future status. He was originally just a pony boy under Han Chen, just an ordinary young and Dangerous boy!"

"Even before today, he never thought that he would be assigned to go undercover in the police station. No matter what he was thinking at the time, the look on his face was definitely not what you are showing now. This look!”

If Li Chengxi really plays just an ordinary Ponyboy, his performance is no problem, but the key is that he plays Liu Jianming when he was young. When the time comes, the comparison between the two will only be more impressive. Horrible!
"And don't make so many little moves! Don't look at the camera! Those expressions of yours are too obvious. Don't look at the camera. Don't care about what you look like in the camera. You have to care. It’s about whether your current state fits the state of the character you are playing!”

It is also a common problem among young actors nowadays to care too much about what they look like in the camera.

I'm afraid that if they look a little uglier in front of the camera, it will seem like the sky is falling.

And with all these scruples in mind, how can it be possible to perform well.

Not to mention that it was Zeng Zhiwei who was looking at him!
Originally, Li Chengxi thought that his performance was not that bad, but after Jiang Yi's analysis, his entire face turned red.

He nodded somewhat vaguely.

"I understand, thank you Teacher Jiang Yi."

"If you know, think about it more. Director Liu, he didn't really mean to scold you like that just now. He was just angry with you."

Seeing that Li Chengxi's attitude was serious and sincere, Jiang Yi's expression softened again.

After a pause, Jiang Yi glanced at Hua Zai, who was reading the script not far away.

"Also, as an actor, it is not a shameful thing to ask others for advice in order to better shape the character. Compared with asking others for advice, it is more troublesome to get out of the dead end that you have fallen into. !”

Li Chengxi was not a fool. He understood what Jiang Yi said at this moment, but when he glanced at Hua Zai not far away, Li Chengxi still had a little hesitation in his eyes.

Jiang Yi didn't force him, he just patted him on the shoulder.

While he was talking to Li Chengxi, Liu Qiangwei and Li Yao were discussing the script on the other side.

Halfway through the discussion, Li Yao couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Although the director said that Teacher Jiang Yi has told us that there will be no scenes involving him this afternoon, I still want to see Teacher Jiang Yi's performance. Isn't it convenient?"

After hearing what Li Yao said, the director was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded happily.

"no problem!"

After agreeing to Li Yao's side, the director immediately went to Jiang Yi's side and told Jiang Yi about the matter.

Although Jiang Yi felt a little strange about Li Yao's request, he did not express any unwillingness.

It just happened to be a reshoot of the shots and scenes from the previous scenes.

In fact, from the director's point of view, those scenes were already impeccable, but after Jiang Yi stared at the monitor for half an hour, he still found a lot of faults in them, and those faults he picked out and Had an hour-long discussion on my own. In the end, I decided to reshoot it.

It only took Jiang Yi about 10 minutes from entering the dressing room to coming out again.
When Jiang Yi stood under the camera again, Liu Qiangwei looked at Jiang Yi under the camera and had to admit that the modifications he proposed were all correct.

Movie scenes are really amazing sometimes.

Sometimes words or body movements that are too intense will not change the picture much.

But sometimes just a look or a stance, such a subtle change, can drastically improve the texture of the entire picture.

These reshoots today are basically in the same situation.

When Jiang Yi stands under the camera, he is Chen Yongren.


When the director shouted stop, even though the makeup on his body was still the same as before, when Jiang Yi looked over, it was very clear that Jiang Yi was out of the scene at this moment.

Looking at this scene, Li Yao suddenly remembered a tidbit that Jiang Yi revealed when he was filming the hero.

In that clip, Jiang Yi was wearing the clothes of the King of Qin. The next second he was looking at the camera with a majestic look, but when the scene ended, Jiang Yi's feeling disappeared immediately.

Only now did she understand what the staff of the Hero crew said at that time, the King of Qin was Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi was not the King of Qin.

And Jiang Yi arrived behind the monitor as soon as possible after finishing the reshoots.

After carefully watching his performance just now, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Infernal Affairs will definitely be a movie that will go down in history!"

The colleagues around me suddenly spoke with emotion.

Li Yao turned his head and looked over. The moment he met his colleague's eyes again, Li Yao nodded with deep feeling.

In fact, before this, before Li Yao came here, the boss said similar things.

The boss at the time also finished reading the script of Infernal Affairs.

Of course, Li Yao did not have the opportunity to read the entire script, but only took a rough look.

But at this moment, he was already full of expectations for this movie.

They still remembered their mission today, so while everyone was in the filming stage, they went to find the staff and other actors for interviews.

Because the director had already warned everyone before, the interview went extremely smoothly and everyone was very cooperative.

After interviewing everyone else in turn, Li Yao returned to Jiang Yi.

Originally, the interview with Jiang Yi was planned to be the first one, but Li Yao accidentally made it the finale.

(End of this chapter)

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