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Chapter 832 Chorus "Divorce in the Republic of Ghana"! Sit back and hit the high notes eas

Chapter 832 Chorus "Divorce in the Republic of Ghana"! Sit back and hit the high notes easily!
The lights on the stage dimmed in an instant.

It lights up again after a few seconds.

A beam of light fell on the center of the stage, and Zhang Bicheng appeared in a white dress.

"do you still love me
do you still love me

You know that I will not live up to expectations

I want to come back to you. "

Zhang Bicheng's singing voice sounded, and her singing voice seemed to have a sense of fragmentation, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in the atmosphere lingering in her singing voice.

Another beam of light hit the other side of the stage, where Jiang Yi was sitting next to the piano.

His fingertips danced on the keys, and the sweet piano sound flowed out.

The light on the entire stage showed a faint blue color, and the entire atmosphere presented an extremely melancholy and sad feeling.

This kind of sadness is not very strong, but it soaks in silently like water, making people feel as if there is a piece of cotton stuck in the chest.

“I didn’t expect that I could only go so far.

I see your eyes are wet

What should I say

I always thought there was still a lifetime left

Tell you slowly

goodbye. "

After Zhang Bicheng finished singing this section, Jiang Yi's voice appeared.

"You don't have to say anything to me

I cry not because I feel reluctant to let go
I just feel like I've worked so hard for so long.
In the end, I still lost because it was not suitable.”


At this moment, netizens in the live broadcast room had already exploded.

"Oh my God, I never thought that the cooperation between Teacher Jiang Yi and Zhang Bicheng would be so perfect!!"

"How should I put it? Even though I know I can't fight, but listening to the two of them singing, I've already imagined a whole sadomasochistic drama in my mind!!"

"Zhang Bicheng's part feels like a relationship has come to an end. The girl is completely disheartened at this time, but the boy seems to be trying his best to save it."

"I know how you feel! God, my nose is a little sore..."

"Damn it, I just broke up with my boyfriend of five years. I originally wanted to relax, but when I heard this song, my tears flowed down uncontrollably."

"This stage and the atmosphere between the two of them are really good for fighting! But it's not about other messy things between the two of them, it's just about this stage!"

"Oh my God, Jiang Yi is the most charming one when she is shining on the stage. I really envy the heroine!!!"

When netizens were discussing wildly in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Yi stood up from the piano at this moment, and then walked to Zhang Bicheng's side.

"But I can't watch you leave..."

"do you still love me
do you still love me

I can't look you in the eyes and say that. "

Zhang Bicheng held the microphone in his hand, his eyelids drooped slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness lingering on his face.

"You understand me
You know that I will not live up to expectations

I want to come back to you"

When Jiang Yi sang, his voice was high and intense, as if he was asking an excited question.

But Zhang Bicheng's voice was calm, as if he was completely discouraged after countless quarrels.

Returning to the piano again, Jiang Yi put his fingers on the piano again.

The interlude that plays at this moment is the wedding march.

It should be cheerful and happy, but at this moment the wedding march sounds like it contains endless sadness.

Many viewers at the scene felt that their eyelids were slightly sore at this moment.

"Maybe this is the best arrangement
But I can't watch you leave"

When singing this point, Jiang Yi and Zhang Bicheng looked at each other.

"do you still love me
Do you still love me? I can't look into your eyes and say those words
You understand me, right?

You understand me

You know I will fail to live up to expectations and want to come back to you."

The voice suddenly went up an octave.

Jiang Yi and Zhang Bicheng are both talented, and Jiang Yi can even sing in this range while sitting in front of the piano.

At this moment, everyone in the background was stunned.

"Oh my god, did the sound just go up while sitting down??"

Swallowed in disbelief.

Next to him, Li Yiran's face turned as dark as ashes.

But he knew that he had no room to retreat now.

No matter what, he will have no choice but to compete. If he really finds any excuse to withdraw from the competition, he will really be laughed at for the rest of his life!
On the stage in front, the two of them continued to sing.

The applause from the audience started.

Jiang Yi and Zhang Bicheng stood face to face.

Zhang Bicheng looked at Jiang Yi, her eyes seemed to be filled with deep sadness that could not be resolved.

"do you still love me?"

There was dismay in her voice, as if she was asking her rhetorical question after facing a series of attempts to redeem herself from her lover.

"I still love you."

Jiang Yi looked at Zhang Bicheng with deep affection and confusion in his eyes.

"I can't look you in the eyes and say that.

You understand me, right?

You understand me

You know I will never live up to expectations and want to come back to you."

Treble is at your fingertips.

The two were evenly matched, their voices intertwined.

There were already audience members under the stage who could not control their tears.

"It turns out that he is really far away in this life
When I reach the end of my life, you are not with me. "

While singing, the distance between the two people narrowed, and at this moment, a tear flowed out of the corner of Zhang Bicheng's eyes.

When she sang just now, she was indeed fully integrated into the song.

It is even more sad at this moment.

Jiang Yi, on the other hand, did not expect such a change.

The applause from the audience came quickly, which made Zhang Bicheng wake up. She raised her hand to wipe her tears.

Together with Jiang Yi, he bowed slightly to everyone.

The live broadcast room was exploding at this moment.

"Oh my God, Zhang Bicheng's tears really fell so well. It made me feel like they weren't singing. I felt like I was watching a movie..."

"What the hell is going on with these romantic movies these days? They leave it there for over an hour. Why don't you sing this song for 5 minutes and make me cry."

"I declare that my Oscar this year should be awarded to the tear that Zhang Bicheng just shed."

"And Jiang Yi's eyes are so affectionate. I really feel like the person he's looking at is me. I feel like I'm the one he can't love..."

"Wake up upstairs. Teacher Jiang Yi's eyes are as gentle as a dog's."

"This song is really amazing. The tender part and the high note are also really awesome. Teacher Jiang Yi was even sitting down at that time. I just tried it on my own and my mother almost thought I was stuck on something. Hold your neck..."

"Don't force yourself if you don't have the strength. Now I'm really looking forward to what the people behind me will be like."

"Are you looking forward to that? You just want to have fun, and I won't even dare to expose you!"

"Aren't you looking forward to it? To be honest, I'm really curious about what song Li Yiran will sing."

(End of this chapter)

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