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Chapter 846 There are always those people who are chasing after and stuffing food into their mouths!

Chapter 846 There are always those people who are chasing after and stuffing food into their mouths! !

After the matter was finalized, the director and Jiang Yi also reached an agreement not to disclose the news for the time being, taking into account various issues.

After confirming these, Jiang Yi met with Zhang Yimou again.

Also because of the theme song of the movie.

Jiang Yi and Zhang Yimou have already decided on this matter, and Jiang Yi will personally compose the theme song for the movie.

Zhang Yimou just came to ask about Jiang Yi's progress.

"Don't worry, Director Zhang. Since I promised you something, I will definitely do it. Why are you still worried that I will fail?"

After hearing the man's words, Zhang Yimou touched his nose. He was not worried that Jiang Yi would let his dove go. After all, the monk could run away but not the temple. He just wanted to make sure.

"The film has already been sent for review. I think it won't take a while for the results to be available. We will also start preparations for the road show by then. Are you sure you have the time?"

Zhang Yimou did not say much more on this topic but changed the subject.

This did indeed ask Jiang Yi. After all, Jiang Yi hadn't thought about the road show yet, and he didn't know if he would be free by then.

"I can't give you an accurate answer to this. I can only say that if I have time, I will definitely be there, but if I don't have time, I may not be able to follow you all the way."

After hearing Jiang Yi's answer, Zhang Yimou nodded. To be honest, Jiang Yi could follow them for a few games, which was the best result he could expect. As for letting Jiang Yi follow them for the whole road show, Zhang Yimou himself They all thought it was indeed a bit unlikely.

But if this can really happen, then of course he will be happy.

"Okay, let's talk about it like this first. You can work on your side of things first. If you have time, you can talk to me at any time."

When he said this, Zhang Yimou paused.

"But Jiang Yi, do you have any plans to join the group again in the future? I..."

"I guess it won't happen in the near future. Compared with standing in front of the camera, I feel that standing on the stage makes me feel more relaxed, so I may shift my focus back to being a singer in the recent period."

Jiang Yi looked extremely serious when he said this. Seeing Jiang Yi's reaction, Zhang Yimou could only nod with regret.

There is no way, why Jiang Yi is not a professional actor, but a professional singer.

"Okay, I see."

His eyes fell on Jiang Yi. Thinking about the news about Jiang Yi on the Internet during this period, Zhang Yimou also became a little interested and wanted to discuss those off-topic gossips.

"What happened some time ago? Someone on the crew has a good relationship with a composer in your studio. I listened along when he complained."

If it had been any other time, Zhang Yimou would never have listened to such irrelevant gossip.

But he happened to hear it that day, and he had something to do with Jiang Yi, so he didn't leave by some strange combination of circumstances.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yimou would suddenly say this, and Jiang Yi was a little unable to react.

Seeing Zhang Yimou's enthusiastic look, Jiang Yi was a little amused.

"Director Zhang, why do you even fall in love with these gossips? What could possibly happen? It's all about the album."

Looking at Jiang Yi, Zhang Yimou shook his head with emotion.

I have been in the circle for a long time. To be honest, it's not that he has never seen those so-called geniuses, but to be honest, no matter how talented he is, he still has to work hard later.

Like Jiang Yi, God chased after him to feed him and almost stuffed the rice bowl into his mouth. I really didn't see many of them.


People should be compared with each other, and goods should be thrown away. If anyone really can't bear to face Jiang Yi, then he will not be happy if he rushes to find it.

"So do you have any other work plans recently?"

In fact, apart from other messy things, Jiang Yi and Zhang Yimou can now be said to be good friends.

Jiang Yi casually picked up a bunch of grapes beside him.

"Prepare to participate in a music show. There may be other plans later, but this is what has been decided for now."

music show?

Zhang Yimou usually doesn't pay much attention to these, but there are only a few popular music programs on the Internet now. After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yimou was a little unsure.

"The most popular music program among them seems to be a rap show. Are you planning to participate in this show?"

Jiang Yi was a little surprised that Zhang Yimou knew this.

"The music show I want to participate in is indeed a major rap music show, but it is not the new rap music program on the Internet. The music show I want to participate in has not been released yet, and it will probably take some time. "

No news yet?

Zhang Yimou's expression was a little complicated, "Why do you always like to do things like surprise attacks on people?"

Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Jiang Yi looked a little innocent.

"Director Zhang, you are really wronging me with what you said. It's just that I didn't want to attract too many people to watch at the beginning, so I kept a low profile in the early stage. When the show starts in the later stage, I can give the show Bring some heat, of course it’s good!”

Jiang Yi's words were quite reasonable. Zhang Yimou opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

After staring at Jiang Yi for a few seconds, Zhang Yimou gave up discussing the matter with Jiang Yi.

"Okay, just say whatever you want to say. Anyway, I guess there will be some excitement on the Internet by then."

Jiang Yi didn't answer.

If he remembers correctly, the rap show he participated in was broadcast exclusively on a certain website. I don’t know if it can withstand such a large flow of people...

However, this idea only flashed through Jiang Yi's mind. After all, this is not what he should care about. Even if he doesn't go crazy by then, it will cause headaches for the staff on the platform.

"I guess there won't be any other problems with the movie. I will also remember the theme song. I guess in the recent period, I will send you the demo first."

After receiving Jiang Yi's response, Zhang Yimou nodded.

"With your words, I feel relieved. Don't forget it, kid!"

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Yimou finally received a call from someone else, and he separated from Jiang Yi because of something.

(End of this chapter)

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