Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 849 Shooting a promotional video! Some shocking differences! !

Chapter 849 Shooting a promotional video! Some shocking differences! !
After successfully receiving Mei Rou, they returned to the Culture and Tourism Bureau to make some preparations, and they officially started shooting the promotional video.

The staff of the Culture and Tourism Bureau on Central Street have already communicated with each other and prepared everything.

There were also many people watching from a distance. After all, the filming of the promotional video was no secret. Everyone was very curious and excited.

When Jiang Yi appeared, the surrounding crowd immediately burst into cheers and screams.

Speaking of which, shooting a promotional video is much simpler than shooting a movie.

After all, Jiang Yi doesn't need to play any other role.

During this period, Harbin's tourism industry also developed very well because of the popularity brought by Jiang Yi.

It’s not that there were no tourists in Harbin before, but compared with this period, it’s true that it was a bit unsightly.

In addition, it is very cold here in Harbin, so there were not many tourists coming here in the past.

In addition, he is not very good at publicity, so although there are netizens on the Internet who want to come over, but under such circumstances, not many can actually come over.

However, this situation has been greatly improved after Jiang Yi appeared. During this time, more and more people have visited Harbin.

In addition, Harbin City has a very good scenery, so even if everyone does not come here for Jiang Yi, they have really changed their view of Harbin City.

Especially after people from the south have seen the prices in Harbin, they find it even more incredible.

There was a blogger before, and he also saw the popularity of Harbin market on the Internet, so he came here.

Just one morning video has over 10 million views, millions of likes, and hundreds of thousands of comments.

"You told me that such a big bun only costs 5 cents!?"

"It's located in a small second-tier city in the south. Let's put it this way. Although the meat buns here are not as big as this one, they are more expensive than this one!"

"Stop talking, I'm about to cry. When I look at the five soup dumplings I bought for 15 yuan this morning and then look at the steamed buns that appeared in the blogger's video, I feel like I'm the wronged person."

"Okay, I've bought the ticket right away!"

"No kidding, you have your own currency in Harbin, right?"

"I went to Harbin some time ago and just came back. Because I am relatively small, I basically encountered cordial greetings every few steps. I asked where the adults in my family were and why they let me out alone."

"It does seem like this. I feel like I'm not too short on the man's side, but after arriving in the north, I feel like a dwarf who mistakenly entered the land of giants..."

"I used to think that my friend was insulting me when he said I wasn't as tall as green onions, but after seeing the green onions in the north, I knew this was true."

"It's not like someone else's green onions are 1.8 meters tall!"

Under such comments, more and more netizens have developed a strong interest in Harbin.

Under such circumstances, Harbin City also caught this wave of wealth.

They almost put on their best face to greet the tourists who came from afar.

There are even local people who will serve as tour guides for free.

After coming to Harbin, you don’t know where to go. Just ask a local on the roadside and you will definitely get a series of detailed travel plans!
Not to mention other things, Harbin City has done very well in this aspect.

It's just that the forest is big, of course there are all kinds of birds, and it is inevitable that you will encounter some unscrupulous businesses, but as soon as a report is received, the Cultural Tourism Bureau will respond as quickly as possible.

The report was given in the morning, the punishment arrived at noon, and the store was ordered to close in the afternoon.

Not only that, the local people in Harbin City will also consciously play a role in supervision.

Any store that wants to deliberately deceive people at this time will be surrounded by everyone. There are also people on the Internet who have made very detailed guides about the fun and delicious places in Harbin.

Jiang Yi didn't actually do anything last time, so this time he searched the Internet and remembered all the delicious and fun places. He planned to take Mei Rou there to eat when he had free time. .

After today's shooting, Jiang Yi accepted Zhang Ya's invitation to have dinner together and planned to take Mei Rou for a stroll.

And everyone was not so ignorant that they acted like light bulbs. After confirming Jiang Yi's meaning, they separated.

"Jiang Yi, where should we go next?"

Looking at the tightly wrapped person next to her, Mei Rou asked curiously.

“I saw a particularly delicious iron pot stew on the Internet. Let’s go and try it!”

Jiang Yi took Mei Rou's hand.

This iron pot stew restaurant is not only praised by many netizens online, but Jiang Yi also inquired with Zhang Ya just now. It can be said that the taste of this iron pot stew restaurant has also been certified by them.

Since it's not yet time for dinner, Jiang Yi plans to go in advance so as not to have to queue up later. If he is recognized again and attracts attention, he won't have to eat today's meal.

There are indeed many people on the street.

It’s also very lively.

After buying two bunches of candied haws on the roadside for three yuan, Jiang Yi and Mei Rou slowly walked towards their destination while eating.

I got Zhang Ya's guidance when I came here before. There is a small road on their side that can get there faster.

While Jiang Yi and the others were eating candied haws, they turned towards the path.

There was no one on this path.

Jiang Yi and Mei Rou also breathed a sigh of relief.

When I passed the corner, I suddenly heard the cry of a child in front of me.

When they heard the sound, Jiang Yi and Mei Rou subconsciously looked up.

I saw a child wearing a yellow down jacket, standing and crying. Standing in front of him was a couple.

It seemed like a family of three were out having fun.

When the woman in the couple picked her up, the child's cry became quieter.

But after staring for a while, Jiang Yi felt that something was not right.

Just at this time, the couple turned around and looked over. Jiang Yi and Mei Rou were wearing masks, hats, and scarves on their faces. It could be said that they felt tight.

In addition to the considerable distance between them, the couple seemed not to recognize their identities.

After a brief moment of eye contact, the couple hugged the child and prepared to leave from the other side.

"Why are you staring at them all the time? Is there something wrong?"

Mei Rou also noticed Jiang Yi's frown at this moment and asked curiously.

Jiang Yi shook his head at first, but kept his brows furrowed.

After inadvertently glancing at Mei Rou, he suddenly realized what was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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