Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 853: Invitation to the Music Chapter! Shocked Netizens!!

Chapter 853: Invitation to the Music Festival! Shocked Netizens!!

After returning, Jiang Yi also had some discussions with Mei Rou.

In fact, when Mei Rou first learned about this matter, she was not surprised that Jiang Yi agreed. After all, she knew Jiang Yi very well.

"Let's go to the first day of the festival. Going back a day earlier will allow us to finish things earlier. After that, the rap show will start recording soon."

After thinking about it for a while, Mei Rou gave her suggestion.

After hearing Mei Rou's words, Jiang Yi nodded, raised his hand and hugged Mei Rou in his arms.

"Okay, then I'll follow your arrangements, wife!"

Seeing Jiang Yi's frivolous look, Mei Rou's cheeks turned red. She raised her hand and patted Jiang Yi's shoulder, "I'm talking to you seriously!"

"I'm listening seriously!" Jiang Yi said with a smile, but even though he said this, his hands were not very honest.

She raised her eyes and glared at Jiang Yi, but at this moment Mei Rou's eyes were watery and her cheeks were blushing, so this glance really had no power. Instead, it was more like a silent invitation.

The next second Jiang Yi directly picked up Mei Rou into the air.


The next day.

Jiang Yi also gave the director a clear answer.

After receiving Jiang Yi's reply, the Culture and Tourism Bureau quickly released the news, and the music festival officially started selling tickets.

After all, this music festival is different from events organized by organizations in other places.

This is real official endorsement, official leadership, and official direction!

If anyone wants to cause trouble, he should consider whether he is qualified enough.

Netizens previously said that Mr. Jiang Yi would attend this music festival, but in fact most of them were just joking. After all, Jiang Yi’s status was indeed there, and they really didn’t have much hope. But after seeing this statement, everyone’s eyes widened.

Some people even thought it was a prank by netizens on something good.

However, after confirming that the message was indeed posted by the official account, and that Jiang Yi had cooperated in promoting and forwarding it, everyone instantly lost their composure.

"I thought you were just playing a prank, but it turns out you're serious!?"

"Hashini is my God, my hometown that I have never seen!!"

"Good news, Mr. Jiang Yi will really attend this music festival! Even better news, I got a ticket for the music festival! Bad news, I only got a ticket for the second day..."

"It's not that all the tickets that have arrived have been bought by someone. After seeing this news, I didn't even bother to check whether they were real or not and went to buy the tickets right away, but I still didn't get one..."

"I'm different. I came out to watch the ticket from the ticketing system and bought it the first time. I didn't even care whether Teacher Jiang Yi was there or not. I only found out that Teacher Jiang Yi was there after I bought it. It was so cool!!"

"Me too. I bought all three days' tickets with a faint hope, but I didn't expect that my guess would come true!!"

"I'm really going to break down... How can someone buy a ticket to the music festival but not a ticket to Harbin?!"

"Can you please show some mercy to the kids? Leave some tickets for the kids who are going home for the holidays!!"

"Just stay outside and don't come back. Leave your home to us guests!" "Are you polite upstairs?"

For a while, there were some happy and some sad people on the Internet.

Those who got the tickets were naturally excited, and everyone was as happy as if it was New Year. However, those who didn't get the tickets were in great distress, and there were even a lot of high-priced ticket scalpers. The tickets for the music festival originally cost only a few hundred yuan each, but after these people swelled the price, the highest price even reached tens of thousands.

However, as soon as this news came out, it was immediately sanctioned by the authorities.

The person who sold the ticket at a high price got a seven-day tour to the small dark room.

All the people in the Culture and Tourism Bureau are keeping a close eye on online trends and strive to resolve such incidents immediately if they occur. They absolutely cannot let these guys ruin everything.

In fact, the official tickets for the music festival have not yet released all of them, and a portion has been reserved. After seeing the grand occasion online, Jiang Yi thought about it and asked the official for some tickets.

Finally, I logged into my Weibo and announced a lucky draw.

"Fans can draw tickets for the Harbin Music Festival. The draw will be held at the same time tomorrow night, but we cannot guarantee which day you will win the prize for."

After Jiang Yi posted this Weibo, fans immediately flocked to him.

Fans in the comment section were all excited and in tears.

"Teacher Jiang Yi, you really made me cry to death!!"

"Repost immediately, forward immediately!!"

"Teacher Jiang Yi, how did you know that I got the tickets for the first day of the music festival!"

"I'm curious about what kind of songs Mr. Jiang Yi will sing at the music festival. Will he sing new songs? Or will he sing songs from his new album?"

"Anyway, I've already grabbed the tickets, so you'll know when the time comes. Don't feel bad if you can't go, I'll be broadcasting the event live for you!"

"Damn it, I'll drag you out and torture you to death!!"

"I didn't win Teacher Jiang Yi's album last time. If I don't win the concert ticket this time, I'm going to find a piece of tofu and hit myself to death!"

"I saw that the official at the music festival only said that Mr. Jiang Yi would also sing, but they didn't say what songs Mr. Jiang Yi would sing, nor did they say how many songs Mr. Jiang Yi would sing..."

"This means that Teacher Jiang Yi will definitely not sing just one song!"

With Jiang Yi's actions, the popularity of the music festival has soared, and more people have paid attention to it.

Although some people did not buy tickets for the music festival, they still decided to come to Harbin to have fun.

After witnessing such a grand occasion, the Harbin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism held ten meetings within three days.

In addition, the Culture and Tourism Bureau also held several meetings with the government team and the police station to ensure the smooth running of the music festival.

We absolutely cannot allow any accidents to happen at this music festival. After all, the matter has become so serious now that basically the whole country is paying more or less attention to it at this moment.

If anything goes wrong, it can be said that basically everyone will know about it!
Harbin's tourism industry has finally developed in recent years, and has shown a clear upward trend recently because of the appointment of Jiang Yi as its image spokesperson. It is absolutely impossible to let such a grand occasion be ruined by other people!

The preparations for the music festival are also proceeding at a rapid pace. Under everyone's attention, the music festival has officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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