Chapter 102

On the other side, Li Ye made a big circle and chose to go south again from another direction.

He didn't wait for the other side to search north before continuing south.

At this time, the other party should not have reacted. It is the safest choice for him to go south now.

But this time, he didn't plan to go back to Qionghai County, but planned to visit the Giant Whale Gang.

After all, although he only touched it from a distance, he knew that there was a real holy old monster in the Flying Fish Martial Arts Gym.

He didn't intend to be so rash in his next move.

Running all the way, Li Ye did not choose to go to the county town of the headquarters of the Giant Whale Gang, but came to another small county town nearby.

Although this is also the sphere of influence of the Giant Whale Gang, there are no saint warriors sitting here.

After all, holy warriors are not Chinese cabbage, no matter which side they are in, they are all high-ranking people, and it is impossible to be sent to such a peripheral area.

So after walking around the county town, Li Yedang even decided to live in the county town first.

Moreover, Li Ye also heard a piece of news about the recent busy affairs of the Giant Whale Gang here. "The Dragon King is on tour!"

What does it mean?
Li Ye couldn't help feeling puzzled when he heard what the members of the Giant Whale Gang in the city were talking about.

At the beginning of next month, a dragon king stepped out of the sea of ​​mist and traveled around.

So this month, members of the Giant Whale Gang are constantly collecting sacrifices, preparing to worship the Sea Dragon King at the Misty Seaside early next month.

What could this Sea Dragon King be?Beast?
Li Ye pondered in his heart, and at the same time paid more attention to the various actions of the Giant Whale Gang in this small county town.


At the same time, a secret meeting in Qionghai County, fifty miles away, has just come to an end.

Qionghai County City, the residence of Flying Fish Martial Arts.

"So, when the three of you rushed over, was there only Bei He's body left? You didn't even see each other's face?"

Above the high position, an old man with a reddish complexion frowned tightly, with an ugly expression on his face.

The majesty on his body made the three Wulou warriors below all lower their heads and dare not speak.

"Are you sure that the other party left to the north instead of walking in other directions?"

"Yes, Master. The three of us passed from the south. If the other party returns to the south again, he will definitely meet us." Beihe's master replied respectfully.

"Moreover, there is a plain in both east and west directions. If the opponent walks from the east and west sides, we can also see the opponent's figure passing by."

Although he and the Flying Fish Pavilion Master above are both fighters of the same generation, even when he was young, his talent was even stronger.

But the other party has become a saint now, and he has spent decades in the realm of no leaks and has not made any progress. Naturally, his status at this time cannot be compared with the other party's.

"I'll tell you to go on, let everyone be more vigilant during this time, and don't leave the county if there is no need." The owner of the hall thought about it and explained again.

"My lord, do you mean that the other party will come back again?" Beihe's master's face was full of astonishment, obviously he didn't believe that Li Ye had the guts to come back.

The owner of the gym shook his head and replied: "It's just a precautionary measure. This time, the other party has killed people from our Flying Fish Martial Arts Gym. There is a high probability that they will not come back. But you still don't let your guard down."

"Yes." Master Beihe replied respectfully again.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the owner had no other explanation, he led the two disciples and bowed back.


While Flying Fish Martial Arts was secretly guarding against Li Ye, he had already started a new round of operations in this small county.

In the evening, Li Ye came to a high-end restaurant in this county and sat down.

It is only three kilometers away from the location of the Giant Whale Gang, and most of the nearby restaurants serve disciples of the Giant Whale Gang.

After Li Ye ordered a plate of cooked beef and a few side dishes, and a pot of fruit-flavored wine, he pricked up his ears and listened to the sounds coming from all directions.

As time passed, voices came together, and at the same time, the voice of a stubborn young girl reached his ears.

"I don't care how you usually do things, but this time the headquarters sent me here to collect the sacrifices within the stipulated time. If the sacrifices are not enough due to your delay, I will return to the headquarters later, but You will have a hard time in the future, I hope you can understand this matter."

The female voice was sonorous and powerful, and her words revealed her confidence and domineering, and there were voices all around promising that there would be no problem.

"Master Chen, don't worry, the people under our command have already been dispatched, and we guarantee that the sacrifices will be assembled within the specified time, and your affairs will definitely not be delayed."

"That's right, Mr. Chen, don't worry, within half a month, no! Within ten days, we will definitely hand over all the sacrifices you need to you!"

"Well." The female voice softened when she heard the assurances from the people around her, and comforted her: "In this case, I can rest assured. You can also rest assured, as long as you can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in this matter, when I return to the headquarters , I will definitely give you a few good words to the third son."

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you Master Chen for your love, we will definitely not make it difficult for you!"


In the restaurant, Li Ye had been listening to the conversations of several people, while thinking about who the familiar female voice was.

With his memory, he can't remember wrong at all.So he must have met this person and had dealings with him before.

A woman surnamed Chen, who is this person?Li Ye thought quickly in his heart.

After a while, the conversation of several members of the Giant Whale Gang ended. After Li Ye heard the footsteps of other people getting up and walking away, he wanted to go to see who the owner of the voice was.

Unexpectedly, the female voice suddenly sounded faintly again.

"Father, don't worry, Xuan'er has already joined the giant whale gang. After I get a high position in the gang, I will definitely avenge you at all costs."

Suddenly, Li Ye's footsteps stopped.

A flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he remembered where he had seen each other before.

Qingshan County, Nanyang County, the daughter of Chen Xiong, the head of the Chen family, Chen Xuan, that little pepper.

From the other party's self-talk, Li Ye could guess that the Chen family still did not escape the catastrophe. Judging from Chen Xuan's tone, it seemed that Chen Xiong was dead, but Chen Xuan survived. After tossing and turning, he came to Qionghai County and joined the Giant Whale Gang.

But that's right, Chen Xuan practiced martial arts herself, so she was destined not to join the cultivating forces, so she planned to take advantage of the Giant Whale Gang to avenge her family.

Will this person become his backup force against the Whale Gang?Li Ye got up and paid the money, and began to analyze the pros and cons as he walked.

After leaving the restaurant, Li Ye had a decision in his heart.

 Brothers, Tingxue apologizes to everyone here.

  Nine days after it was put on the shelves, Mengxin updated 10 words. As a result, this book is about to collapse, and Mengxin's status is about to collapse.

  Apparently Mengxin overestimated himself, thinking that [-] words a day would be easy, but in fact that was not the case at all.

  I don't know how everyone feels, but Ting Xue feels that the taste of this book has begun to be wrong.

  Fortunately, it is not too late to realize this problem. Please give Tingxue some time in the next few days, so that Tingxue can take it easy and make adjustments.Guarantee your own status every day, write as much as you can, and continue to update after the status is adjusted.

  This is Tingxue's first book. Tingxue absolutely does not want the quality of this book to collapse completely, nor does he want everyone to spend money to see a pile of rubbish.

  So, there are only two updates today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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