Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 126 Completely complete the skills, the limit state of attribute value 99

Chapter 126 Completely complete the skills, the limit state of attribute value 9.9

"Both become saints, but their fighting power is very different. So I'm already this strong..."

Looking at the messy scene after the battle, Li Ye muttered to himself.

"It's a pity that it is still far from the strength after entering the Tao."

Thinking of the battle between black light and blue light that happened in the central area of ​​Qingshan County, Li Ye couldn't help shaking his head.

Compared with the terrifying combat power of the two sides who fly into the sky and escape from the ground like a god, he is just a little faster and stronger than ordinary warriors.

"I can't be inflated, I want to keep a low profile, I can't stay here anymore, it's time to find another place."

Turning around, Li Ye didn't search the surrounding giant whale gang disciples. He took a few steps back to the cave where he lived, rolled up the medicinal materials collected from Nanyang County, and flew away.

On the other hand, when the news that the Giant Whale Gang killed five holy warriors was sent back to the headquarters, it immediately caused an uproar.

However, the entire Giant Whale Gang did not start operations again. Instead, all the staff sent out before were called back to the headquarters again.

This time, the Giant Whale Gang finally chose to calm down after suffering a big loss.

After all, even the five holy warriors are not opponents of the other party alone, so one can imagine how terrifying the other party's strength is.

The only person in their Giant Whale Gang who can do this is the Giant Whale Patriarch.

If we continue to investigate, do we have to ask the ancestor to do it himself?

Unless the leader of the giant whale gang is crazy, it is impossible for him to make such a stupid decision.

But if there is a slight mistake in the safety of the ancestors, the impact on the giant whale gang will be much greater than the addition of a terrifying enemy.

The ancestor of the giant whale is the real background of their giant whale gang. It is precisely because of the existence of the ancestor that their giant whale gang is the top force in Qionghai County.

If there is no ancestor of the giant whale, then their giant whale gang will be on the verge of falling apart.

Therefore, compared to the safety of the ancestors, it is acceptable to have one more enemy and lose a lot of face.

In the following days, the giant whale gang was completely quiet.

At the same time, Li Ye did not launch revenge against the giant whale gang, but changed another place to lurk again.

But apart from the two of them, the entire Qionghai County has been undercurrents.

After knowing Li Ye's combat power, many forces began to be impatient, and sent their own holy warriors to start looking for Li Ye.

But this time, what they harbored was no longer hostility, but sincerity to make friends.

You know, with Li Ye's two record performances, if anyone can invite Li Ye to their own forces, then they will skyrocket.

Even if it is rejected by Li Ye, it doesn't matter, it's just enough to make friends, and there will be another way in the future.

However, no matter which side of Qionghai County it was, no trace of Li Ye was found until a month later...


In the east of Qionghai County, there is a mountain towering into the sky.

In the early morning, there was a figure standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the earth.

A billow of cooking smoke rose from the ground, and the middle-aged men in every household started their day's work after breakfast.

Day after day, year after year, just to get a bite to eat and not starve to death.

How to live a better life is the trouble in their hearts.

Similarly, Li Ye also has his own troubles.

Although he didn't have the pressure of life, the stagnation of martial arts cultivation made him feel confused.

Looking at Yunjuan Yunshu halfway up the mountain, Li Ye could not help but frown, thinking about the next direction of practice.

At this time, a month has passed since that battle, and during this month, he devoted all his energy to the practice of Dragon Elephant Fist.

Without any setbacks or accidents, it took him a month to practice the Dragon Elephant Fist to a perfect state.

However, apart from the strength, speed, physical defense, and self-healing power being enhanced again, his body has not undergone other changes.

Even the three-dimensional attribute points on the panel are stuck at a limit number and no longer increase.

[Li Ye (Yin Qi enters the body, favored by heaven)—strength 9.9, constitution 9.9, agility 7.0; Yin power points: 1000000]

Even though he had practiced both techniques to a perfect state, his strength and physique attributes still hadn't broken through to 10 points, and they were all stuck at 9.9.

Li Ye had a premonition in his heart. Although the two attributes on the panel seemed to be just a little bit short of breaking through, even if he practiced another skill, the two attribute points would not change.

9.9, this seems to be the limit that human beings can reach, and there seems to be a gap between 10.0, which cannot be broken through by ordinary means.

"No, if this is the limit of human beings, then how did Ziyue Sword Immortal break through?" Li Yemeng thought of Ziyue Sword Immortal, "Could it be that she didn't break through, but she was just like me, also in such a situation. Limit state?"

"Impossible." Shaking his head, Li Ye immediately denied this idea.

He had seen Ziyue Sword Immortal's methods with his own eyes in the Water Mansion.

Even a water mansion that was left many years ago can still operate automatically after many years, isolating the water pressure.

The remaining sword can cut the enemy automatically, and even has the method of leaving voices out of thin air. With all these mysterious abilities, Li Ye asked himself, he couldn't do any of them.

Even if his two attributes have reached the limit state of 9.9, he is still just stronger and faster, and there is no miracle in other aspects.

He is very clear that Ziyue Sword Immortal is definitely a huge realm higher than him, and he even suspects that Ziyue Sword Immortal's strength is no worse than that of the Taoists outside the sky.

Therefore, if Ziyue Sword Immortal is really a human warrior, then she has definitely broken through this limit bottleneck and entered a new world.

So, what is Ziyue Sword Immortal's means to break through the bottleneck?
Some kind of skill, or other reasons.

Touching the animal skin on his chest, Li Ye couldn't help thinking at this moment, whether he should enter the sea of ​​mist now to find the inheritance of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

As long as he has the inheritance technique, then with the 100 million points of yin force he has stored, he can fully deduce it to a perfect state. He doesn't believe that so many yin force points are not enough.

However, the riots in the Misty Sea hadn't stopped at this time, and he didn't know what happened to the Dragon King Sacrifice of the Giant Whale Gang. It didn't calm the Misty Sea at all, but now he didn't want to wait for the Giant Whale Gang to hold the Dragon King Sacrifice.

In the past, there was still room for improvement in his strength, so he was not in a hurry, but now he is in this bottleneck state.

After a while, Li Ye gritted his teeth and made up his mind to go into the sea now.

Turning around, he began to walk down the mountain road.

But after taking a few steps, he stopped again.

At this moment, he clearly saw a figure running towards the top of the mountain at high speed, as if it was coming towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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