Chapter 141 Facing the fear of the past

Standing in front of the tumbling mist, Li Ye thought about it and entered into the mist without rashness.

Although his physical body has transformed now, he still doesn't know if he can come out of the mist normally.

He is not willing to do things that he is not sure about.

And at this time the entire Sunset County was finished, Li Ye even suspected that there were no living people in the Sunset County, and all he could do after entering was to gather information.

There is absolutely no need for him to do this kind of thing. The news of Sunset County has already been sent back to Qingshan County. Li Ye believes that Danxia Mountain in Qingshan County should have started to investigate the information of Sunset County.

But he is not prepared to appear in this war at all.

After all, both the Ming clan and the Tao clan are actually enemies of the human race.

Although he doesn't know why the Dao Clan is willing to accept human forces that have not been transformed, it is obviously impossible for the Dao Clan to accept the existence of a human being that has been transformed.

After a while, Li Ye turned around and headed south again.

And he didn't know it at all, on a plain behind the mist, groups of demons and humans were standing quietly in the wilderness without making a sound.

At the same time, groups of ferocious beasts are also gathering here from all directions.

There was a roar, and there was no conflict between the beast and the monster. The two parties were in different places and did not disturb each other.

And among the ferocious beasts and demons, there are gray or black and white phantoms shuttling through them, which are even more difficult to deal with evil spirits!

Apparently, after completely occupying Sunset County, the Ming clan did not rest and recuperate, but prepared to start heading south towards Qingshan County.

A tragic battle seems to break out at any time. This time, it is no longer a simple game of top combat power, but also a bloody battle between low-level warriors and Ming family members.

In this bloody battle between the human race and the alien race, it is unknown how many warriors who once held high positions and enjoyed privileges will be torn to pieces by humans, demons and beasts.

But if they don't want Qingshan County to become the same as Sunset County, then they can only go all out.

This is an inescapable war, either die or defeat the Hades!
During the flight, even though Li Ye didn't know what was going on behind the fog, he was still thinking about what he could do in the upcoming war between the Human Race and the Hades.

After thinking about it, a flame suddenly ignited in Li Ye's eyes.

It seems that he can try to remove the time bomb left in Qingshan County in advance.

After all, Li Ye once made a vow in his heart that one day, he would avenge the invasion of the soul!
And he also got an extremely important news from Ji Qiu before, which gave him a lot of confidence in this action.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ye's direction suddenly changed and he went straight to Yishan County.


Qingshan County, Yishan County.

The place where Li Ye started his journey had been surrounded by gray fog for a whole year.

The Hades inside has been lurking here since the great battle more than a year ago. I don't know if it has been nurturing the injuries it received before, or it is dormant waiting for the opportunity.

The entire vicinity of Yishan County is desolate, without any human habitation.

It seems that there are traces of human beings everywhere, but there is no breath of life.

But on this day, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Yishan County.

At the same time, a scarlet gaze also looked at the sky from inside Yishan County.

Looking at the still gray mist under his feet, and the black lines from another perspective, a sharp light flashed in Li Ye's eyes, and he rushed straight down the next second.

Finally, the day came when he came to face the fear he once had.

"Boom!" There was a sonic boom, breaking through layers of fog, and Li Ye landed directly in the county town. In the next second, a [-]-meter-long whip shadow rolled towards him directly from the center of the city.

The whip shadow carries heavy phantoms, which seem real and unreal. Ordinary people can't tell that the whip shadow is the real existence, and they have been swept by the whip shadow.

But of course this little trick can't trouble Li Ye, Li Ye just dodges to avoid the approaching whip shadow, and rushes towards the center of the city.

With force under his feet, the ground was collapsing and shaking, and even the city wall not far away began to crack slowly.

At this moment, Li Ye exploded as fast as lightning.

Compared with flying in the sky, his running speed on the ground is faster and more agile.

Even the shadow of the waving whip couldn't keep up with Li Ye's footsteps. In just an instant, Li Ye came to a courtyard in the center of the city.

Opposite him was a [-]-meter tall figure sitting on his back. Li Ye looked like a little ant in front of him.

The battle armor on the figure was covered with fine cracks, and the exposed skin was scorched black. In the figure's right hand, he held a long whip, which was the one that attacked Li Ye before.

Apparently, even after a year, this Hades still hadn't fully recovered from the thunder sea attack.

Seeing the other party's distressed appearance, Li Ye's eyes were burning with crimson red flames, and he rushed directly towards the other party.

Like an ant rushing towards an elephant, Li Ye's eyes were firm, without hesitation.

At this moment, the long whip in the distance also retracted and stopped in front of Li Ye.

At the same time, the long whip suddenly twisted, and it turned into a [-]-meter-long python, surrounding the Ming clan in the middle, and the snake kiss opened to Li Ye.

Suddenly, there was a palpitation in his heart, and Li Ye stopped in an instant, and his body moved sideways to a distance.

The next moment, a beam of light appeared where Li Ye was before, leaving a bottomless pit.

A burnt smell permeated the air, Li Ye's face was solemn, and his heart became more vigilant.

Although it was not the first time he had seen the other party, before he was just an ant looking up at the other party, and had no idea what the other party's methods were.

This is the first confrontation between the two. Obviously, the opponent is far more difficult than the Taoist named Ji Qiu in Wanghai Pavilion.

Not to mention the mysterious means displayed by the opponent now, just looking at the armor on the opponent's body, Li Ye did not believe that the opponent had no melee means.

However, Li Ye was not completely helpless, so he rushed directly into the fog like this.After all, he had also seen how those two Taoists dealt with this Mingzu, so he was certain in his heart.

Of course, before that, Li Ye wanted to weigh the opponent's methods again.

Swish!With a dodge, Li Ye came to the side of the big snake, swung out the hammer in his hand, and slammed it heavily on the snake.

At the same time, the big snake rolled over, and its tail also swept towards him.

This time, Li Ye did not evade, he also wanted to try the power of the big snake.

The hammer in the other hand blocked the tail of the snake, and Li Ye stomped on the ground with both feet, motionless.

Although the power of the big snake is not small, it is still a notch lower than Li Ye.After blocking the tail of the snake, Li Ye swung it down again.

The strong shock force gathered on the snake, and the scales of the big snake began to crack.

At this time, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the figure blocked by the snake.

It seems that the sudden appearance of the power of the 'Tao Clan' is somewhat beyond common sense.

Moreover, Taoism was not used at all, but weapons were used for melee combat.

So, he is not a Taoist, but a divine soldier from the human side?
Seeing Li Ye who was fighting with the big snake, Ye Luosha suddenly asked: "The magic soldiers of the human race? Why did you appear in this continent? Didn't all the magic soldiers retreat to the southern continent 1 years ago?" Is it? Could it be that the enchantment in the sea of ​​mist has declined to the point where you can also shuttle through it?"

Ye Luosha's voice was cold, and she spoke the language of the human race in this world.

For four consecutive questions, Li Ye kept moving his hands, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

He knew something about the first three questions before, but the fourth question revealed an information point that he didn't know.

What is a quiet class?A practice level after transformation?
This is information that Ji Qiu didn't mention to him before.

However, Li Ye was in the middle of the battle at this time, and his thoughts just flashed by, and he left them behind.

Pursing his lips without saying a word, Li Ye didn't even look at Ye Luosha, but kept attacking the big snake in front of him.

Ye Luosha looked at Li Ye who was not far away, yawned for a long time, and muttered to herself, "You boring person, let me play with you."

The next moment, the big snake changed and turned into a long whip again. At the same time, Ye Luosha's figure also shrunk rapidly, becoming as tall as Li Ye.

For Ye Luosha, even if the other party is the magic soldier who is best at using weapons, she is not in vain.

After tens of thousands of years of non-stop fighting, her real strength has already surpassed the current You level.

If it weren't for the fact that the external strength that this world can currently carry is only at the low level, she can completely show stronger strength without using secret methods to cover it up.

But even though both of them are at the elementary level of You level at this time, her real combat power is far beyond this stage.

Whether it's weapon warfare or supernatural powers, she knows too much.

This was also the reason why she was still confident after seeing Li Ye break through the fog and rush in.

With Ye Luosha dancing the long whip in his hand, Li Ye suddenly felt a strong pressure coming.

Ye Luosha's weapon skills had already reached the peak, and after just a few moments of confrontation, Li Ye felt that it was difficult to parry.

Unexpectedly, due to an oversight, the long whip in Li Ye's eyes suddenly split in two, one whip shadow was stopped by the hammer, and the other whip shadow broke through the hammer's defense and fell heavily on Li Ye's body.

The black halo shattered instantly, and the long whip drove straight in, touching Li Ye's body.

"It's over. If there is a next life, kid, don't be so impulsive."

A lazy voice rang in Li Ye's ears, and at the same time the long whip turned into a long snake again, and the snake's kiss suddenly opened, revealing its long fangs and biting Li Ye's waist.

The next moment, Ye Luosha, who had always been indifferent in her eyes, suddenly shrank her pupils, looked at Li Ye's intact skin, and her eyes became serious.

"Physical transformation, when did the human race have an inheritance of physical transformation?"

Compared with Ji Qiu, Ye Luosha was obviously much more knowledgeable, and immediately discovered what was special about Li Ye.

In the tens of thousands of years of war between the planes, she has encountered a life that has transformed from a physical body more than once.

Compared with those soul-transformers, body-transformers are more threatening on the battlefield, and they are more difficult to deal with.

Of course, for her, if it was an ordinary time, it would not be a problem to solve Li Ye.

However, when Li Ye found out that he was not Ye Luosha's opponent, he decided to stop this temptation.

The right foot stepped heavily on the ground, and a huge pothole appeared in place, while Li Ye shot up into the sky, and swished across the air.

It seemed that Li Ye didn't do anything, just flew half a circle in the air.

But in the eyes of the two people in the county, a black line suspended in mid-air suddenly broke.

"Bastard! This shameless guy." Seeing Li Ye's actions, Ye Luosha clearly knew what the other party wanted to do.

If she hadn't been attacked by Lei Hai before, she was severely injured and forcibly moved the Nether Realm, Li Ye would never have been able to cause damage to the Nether Realm so easily.

After the underworld landed, moving again would cause the foundation to become unstable.

If nothing happened before, even if she didn't do anything and let Li Ye destroy it casually, Li Ye would have to work ten times harder to produce the current result.

But it's too late to say these things now, winners and losers, because of her negligence, caused the current consequences, all she can do is try her best to avoid encountering the same problem again.

And in the next short moment, Li Ye broke seven black wires one after another.

The silent fog began to surge again, but Ye Luosha could no longer care about Li Ye, and with a thought, the fog suddenly swept across the entire county.

The next moment, Li Ye's eyes were blank, and Ye Luosha and the mist disappeared before his eyes.

Apparently, Ye Luosha has special means to move with this underworld.

But the movement of the Nether Realm will inevitably cause great harm to the essence of the Nether Realm.

If Ye Luosha is forced to move the Nether Realm a few more times, it is possible that this Nether Realm will dissipate directly between heaven and earth.

"It's a pity." Looking at the dilapidated county town, Li Ye couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Ye Luosha was far more difficult than Li Ye imagined. This time, he wanted to kill Ye Luosha in one fell swoop, but Ye Luosha escaped.

After this encounter, Li Ye believed that Ye Luosha would completely hibernate and be vigilant towards him at the same time.

If Li Ye wanted to do something like this again, it might not be as easy as this time.

Hanging in the air and looking in all directions, there was no trace of Ye Rosa left, so Li Ye had no choice but to give up and head straight to the south.

The future enemies will become stronger and stronger, but now he doesn't know how to continue on the next road.

After dragging on for so long, now is the time to enter the Misty Sea to find the inheritance of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

As the second person in 3000 years to break through and become a saint, Li Ye was full of expectations for the inheritance of his predecessors.

Light and shadow flew across the sky, leaving only a murmuring voice behind.

"Ziyue Sword Immortal, I hope you don't let me down..."

 I made a lot of progress today, and I made 8000, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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