Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 160 One hit kills, Wanghai Pavilion is destroyed

Chapter 160 One hit kills, Wanghai Pavilion is destroyed

There was another clear cracking sound, and the barrier that had persisted for a long time outside the Wanghai Pavilion was finally completely broken, and bursts of exclamations were heard from all over the attic at the same time.

This was the voice of those Wanghai Pavilion disciples who hid in the attic when the beast approached the Wanghai Pavilion. When they saw that the protective cover outside the loft was breached by the beast, they immediately began to feel uneasy.

But at this moment, Lancer's voice sounded again from the top of the attic: "Don't panic, just stay in your own room, these beasts won't touch you."

"Yes, Lord Lancer." This was the reaction of most people who heard Lancer's voice.

Of course, apart from the conditioned reflexes, there are also some shrewd people who said something different: "Lord Lancer, the students understand. I will restrain the other apprentices and not cause trouble to you and other adults." of."

However, no matter what kind of voice it was, Lancer ignored it. At this moment, his mind and energy were all focused on the remaining beasts outside.

At this point in the war, only five of the beasts surrounded outside were still alive.

Moreover, the remaining five fierce beasts were also wounded all over their bodies, and their condition dropped significantly.

It has to be said that compared with the physical transmuters with stronger individual strength, these soul transmuters are more lethal when they are not facing danger.

In this unequal battle, facing the completely erupted Lan Xun and the other two Taoists who completely let go of their grievances and started to cooperate, these fierce beasts can be said to have paid an extremely painful price to break through the barrier and start to fight. Face off against opponents hiding deep in the attic.

But the battle has developed to this point, they are already in a dilemma, they can only grit their teeth and persevere.

After all, if they retreat now, and give Lan Xun a period of time, they will be able to restore the barrier outside the attic again. Next time, they may not have the chance to attack the attic again.

Therefore, no matter what the final result was, the five fierce beasts did not give up their attack and chose to escape. Instead, they roared up to the sky and continued to charge towards the attic.

On the other side, although the barrier outside the attic has been broken, the three Taoists in the attic smiled at the same time.

They were in this independent space, and they didn't directly face these beasts at all, so they didn't suffer any injuries, while the five beasts outside were all wounded and in poor condition.

So, the advantage is in me!

This time, although they experienced many twists and turns, they finally managed to keep this dojo.

"Everyone cheer up, don't end up capsizing in the gutter!" Facing the attack of these five fierce beasts, Lancer cheered up and shouted again.

At the same time, the attack in his hand didn't stop, instead he condensed the soul power of his whole body again, and his moves became more and more fierce.

Facing the attack like a storm, the five fierce beasts struggled. For a while, they couldn't get close to the attic that was exposed to their attack range, and could only barely parry the saturation attack flying from the attic.

But at this moment, a giant golden tortoise with a height of [-] meters suddenly stood up.

It is the one in the best condition among the five beasts, and it is also the one with the strongest defense.

A roar sounded, and the other four beasts suddenly stopped attacking and hid behind the giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise stood at the forefront, blocking all attacks.

Under the protection of the giant tortoise, the other four beasts were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. While quickly recovering from their injuries, they began to attack the attic behind the giant tortoise.

In the attic, the three Taoists also changed their tactics again when they saw how the beasts responded in this way.

"Lance, go out and guard this attic with your blue clothes. You just need to stop the attacks of these beasts. As for the five of them, leave them to me. Give me 5 minutes, and I will be able to Kill all five of them."

After Lan Xun commanded the other two Taoists, he sat down cross-legged again, as if he had never considered that the other two would reject his proposal.

Of course, the other two did not refute Lan Xun's idea. After all, they have cooperated for such a long time, and Lan Yi has also established basic trust in Lan Xun.

"Okay, I see." Hearing Lan Xun's words, Lan Se directly nodded in agreement.

Although the blue clothes on the side didn't say anything, the movements of his hands also showed that he had no objection.

After Lan Xun sat down, the whole body of Lan Yi and Lan Se radiated light, and at the same time, they exerted their strength to prop up a storm of firepower again, firmly blocking the attack of the five beasts from the attic.

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

However, this kind of stalemate is obviously very unfavorable to the ferocious beasts. After all, in five minutes, they will face annihilation.

For a moment, all the five fierce beasts no longer concealed themselves, and began to go berserk completely.

But even so, their attacks were barely resisted by Lancer and Lanyi's joint efforts.

But at this moment, neither the Dao Clan nor the Fierce Beast noticed that there was a small figure not far away coveting a certain party in the dark.

Behind the corpse of a ferocious beast not far away, Li Ye was looking at the attic suspended in mid-air.

He has been here for a long time, and he has also seen how fierce the firepower of these Taoists is when ensuring his own safety.

So he didn't choose to stand up at all at the first time, and joined forces with the beast side to fight against Wanghai Pavilion.

Even if the beast side is at a disadvantage, he will not choose to make a move at all, but will always hide in the dark, secretly observing the underlying strength of the Tao side.

But at this time, he clearly noticed a change in the attack frequency of Wanghai Pavilion.

Although I don't know why the three attack torrents have become two at this time, but it is clear that the attack firepower of the Taoist side has dropped.

At this time, their attacks could only barely resist the approach of the five fierce beasts, and they had no energy left to guard against other possible changes.

Li Ye suddenly realized that his long-awaited opportunity had finally come.

Without any hesitation, Li Ye dashed out from another direction, and appeared near Wanghai Pavilion in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, his whole body suddenly began to tense, and the strength of his whole body was condensed, accumulating strength, and then vigorously threw out the carefully crafted copper rod in his hand.

"Hoo!" A sonic boom of air tearing exploded in the sky.

Before the sound spread, the copper rod had already touched the outer wall of Wanghai Pavilion.

Blue Clothes: "Bold!"

Lancer: "Stop!"

Two shouts sounded at the same time, and Lan Xun, who had been quietly preparing his trump card, also opened his eyes at the same time.

But at this moment, none of them had time to stop the copper rod that suddenly shot out from behind them.

By the time they reacted, the copper rod had brought Li Ye's whole body force and hit the wall of the attic heavily.


A violent explosion sounded, and the entire attic was completely shattered by the shock force attached to the copper rod at this moment.

At the same time, all the Haige disciples in the attic were completely turned into blood mist by this shock force.

Li Ye had no intention of keeping these Wanghaige disciples behind.In Li Ye's mind, although they are still human beings and have not been taken away by the Taoist side, they are no longer ordinary human beings, but walking powder kegs one by one.

After all, Li Ye couldn't be sure when these people would suddenly perfect the meditation method taught by Wanghai Pavilion and become the soul clothes seeds for the coming of the Taoist clan.

Therefore, Li Ye didn't have any sympathy for these human beings who had learned the concept of meditation. Instead, he felt that it would be better to kill these people.

And at the moment when the Wanghai Pavilion was shattered, before the nearby humans, Taoists, and ferocious beasts could react, the sky suddenly became pitch black, without a trace of light.

In the next moment, two arcs of light shot out from the ruins of the attic and flew elsewhere, and Li Ye finally saw the center of the ruins, an egg-shaped, translucent, mysterious space covered with mysterious dense lines on the outer wall, and the desperate space. Standing in the center of the space, the white-haired old man roared wildly.

"No, don't abandon me, save me, take me away, I don't want to die yet."

At this moment, Lan Xun desperately opened a palm and stretched it towards Lan Se and Lan Yi.

However, regardless of whether it was Lancer who was the first to stand up as a peacemaker before, he had always been full of opinions on Lan Xun, and finally reached an agreement. Speed ​​up a few points.

At this moment, they all knew in their hearts that Lan Xun was over, and there was no way to save him.

When the dojo was exposed to the will of heaven and earth, Lan Xun, who had already been bound to the dojo, would no longer have any vitality.

In the next moment, Lei Hai descended, and began to crazily fall towards the translucent independent space in midair.

Even Lancer and Lanyi had just flown to the boundary of Leihai, and they flew out of Leihai's range after two thunderbolts.

But even so, the two of them are still not out of danger.

Although they were not targeted by Lei Hai because they were wearing soul clothes, Li Ye and the five beasts were waiting for them besides Lei Hai.

The opportunity to completely destroy Wanghai Pavilion is just around the corner, and Li Ye must seize this opportunity no matter what.

After all, if these two were allowed to escape, then he would be looking for a needle in a haystack if he wanted to find these two Taoists.

"Kill! One belongs to you, and one belongs to me."

Regardless of whether these beasts could understand his words, Li Ye just yelled and ran straight to Lancer, leaving the blue clothes to the five beasts.

Facing Lancer who was frantically fleeing to the north, Li Ye came to Lancer's back with just a dodge, and at the same time, he slashed down with the long stick in his hand.

"I'm not reconciled!" Lancer just had time to shout, and Li Ye's stick landed on the top of his head, and before Lancer could react, it was bombarded into a cloud of blood mist.

At the same time, in front of five giant beasts with a size of more than [-] meters, Lan Yi had no choice but to be surrounded and killed by five fierce beasts.

Even Lanyi didn't have a chance to lift off, so a giant tentacle squid stretched out its long tentacles to cover the top of her head, preventing her from escaping.

And at this moment, the mysterious space that barely resisted Lei Hai for a moment was also completely shattered in Lei Hai.

With the shattering of this space, Lan Xun didn't even survive a breath in the sea of ​​thunder, and disappeared directly in the sea of ​​thunder.

At this point, Wanghai Pavilion, which had poisoned this world for thousands of years, was completely destroyed and disappeared in the disaster of the sea beast landing.

Seeing the remnants of the dojo space slowly disappearing into smoke in the sea of ​​thunder, Li Ye also let out a long breath.

It's not just because he took a risk this time and completely wiped out Wanghai Pavilion.

At the same time, there was another matter that had been weighing on his heart that was also resolved at this moment.

In his mind, only when Wanghai Pavilion was destroyed would he have completely avenged Master Li Tiejiang.

Otherwise, just killing the three-party thugs in the case of the Shenbing Li family's extermination of the door, and letting Wanghai Pavilion remain at large, in Li Ye's heart, it is not a big revenge at all.

Turning his head to look north, at this moment he seemed to see Blacksmith Li basking in the sun in the small courtyard in Qingshan County.

"Master, the Wanghai Pavilion has been destroyed, and the apprentice has already avenged your revenge. From then on, the Li family of the divine soldiers will not only be a family of forging, but also a family of divine military envoys..."

In fact, after accepting the inheritance of Ziyue Sword Immortal's divine soldier in the misty sea, Li Ye knew why Wanghai Pavilion mobilized the three top forces to destroy the divine soldier and leave home 30 years ago.

Because, the incomplete forging inheritance obtained by the Li family is an inheritance related to the Divine Soldiers.

In the legacy of the Divine Soldiers that Li Ye obtained, it was also mentioned that the Divine Soldiers could be absorbed into the body of the Divine Soldiers, and be conceived and upgraded.

So the moment Li Ye accepted the inheritance, he remembered what Li Tiejiang had said to him back then, and at the same time understood why Wanghai Pavilion targeted the Li family.

Li Ye didn't tell Li Tiejiang all these things, he was afraid that it would bring back Li Tiejiang's memories and make Li Tiejiang fall into the ups and downs of hatred again.

But now, it's time to talk to Li Tiejiang, because at this time, the culprit who led to the collapse of the Li family has been eliminated by Li Ye.

Therefore, it is also time for Li Tiejiang to untie that 30-year-old knot.

Thinking of this, Li Ye glanced at the five sea beasts opposite Lei Hai, and then at Lei Hai, who was slowly disappearing, before turning his head and flying north.

But this time, he was no longer going to look for Xiaohuo and the others in the forest at the border of Qingshan County, but was going back to Qingshan County to find Tiejiang Li.

At this time, he couldn't wait to share the good news with Li Tiejiang.

At the same time, he also hoped that Li Tiejiang could completely untie the knot in his heart and no longer live in hatred.

He even hoped that Li Tiejiang would be able to grow new shoots from the old tree, marry a wife and go home to give him a junior brother to inherit the inheritance of the Li family of the magic soldier.

After all, getting him to marry a wife and have children is even more difficult than Li Tiejiang doing it...

(End of this chapter)

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