In Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicle

Chapter 38 By the way, my book friend group 1129443757

Chapter 38 By the way, my book friend group 1129443757
I checked the records today, only to find that the group number was not posted, ahem, a little embarrassing, in short, if you want to join the group, you can add it, although there are basically few people talking in that group, but I created it anyway.

Hmm... before the Q number was stolen and the H picture was sent, did you remember him when you opened QQ...

Thieves are really damned! ! !

By the way, now I have written the final stage of the first volume, but in order to save the manuscript, I will keep updating it twice a day after it is recommended, and then it will be updated on the shelf, so the saved manuscript will not be moved, and it will still be updated every day. Once more, I hope all readers will be more understanding.

thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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