Chapter 1
In the drowsiness, Yuan Ruyi felt that there was no pain anywhere in her body, especially her stomach, which was burning and sour from the hunger.

She was a little dazed.

Obviously a few minutes ago, she was still sitting on the altar of the Tiandi Temple and feasting, but suddenly the sky became dark, and a majestic reprimand came from the clouds.

"The gluttonous beast, wandering in the world for thousands of years, dared to steal tribute, offended the gods, did not know the heights of heaven and earth, and provoked the wrath of the gods. The emperor decreed to punish him for dissipating his mana and exile him in a different world. I hope you will sincerely repent and complete your meritorious deeds!"

Exile in another world, life and death unknown, this is a heavy punishment for a god.

But Yuan Ruyi was not only not afraid, but was filled with curiosity. As one of the beasts, she has been playing around in the world, eating and enjoying herself. She never thought that she would be punished for offending the Emperor of Heaven.

Transcending Tribulation in Another World?Sounds like fun.

The hot wind blew across her cheeks, and the surrounding voices gradually cleared up.

"Mother, please, I'll take Xiaoya to see the wound for only [-] Wen. As long as Xiaoya gets better, I can be a cow or a horse for you!" A hoarse voice sounded from the side, and several children faintly cry.

Yuan Ruyi opened her eyes a little, and looked at the outside world curiously. The sun was shining at noon, and the long fleeing team was spreading out to rest.

In the shade of a tree one step away from her, a middle-aged couple knelt in front of the sultry old woman, crying and begging for mercy. There were three and a half children behind the couple, and she herself was nestled in the arms of a young man.

The old woman was surrounded by several people, either watching a play or being indifferent, each with malicious intentions.

The old woman glared, spit out a mouthful of old phlegm, and said in a rough voice, "Master, are you out of your mind? These days, I can't get enough to eat by myself. Where can I get you money? This damn girl has unclean hands and feet." If you want to steal steamed buns, even if you get beaten to death, you deserve it!"

Following the old woman's scolding, the memory of the original body gradually recovered.

The original owner was the youngest of the eldest family of the Yuan family. His father, Yuan Dashan, was honest and loyal. Although his mother, Yuan Lishi, was dumb, she was also hardworking and kind. There were four older brothers on top of her. Logically speaking, she should be a favored girl.

However, the Yuan family has not yet separated, and everything is presided over by the old man and the Yuan Zhou family. There are almost twenty members of the family, and the most important thing is children and grandchildren.

Even if Da Fang wanted to pamper her, there was no condition.

It's just because Yuan Dashan was bought by Ren Yazi for [-] coins after being married for three years and hadn't given birth to a baby. Who knew that two years later he would have a baby again.

As a result, the elder Yuan became a burden. Coupled with the weakness of the couple's character, Da Fang had been working as a cow and a horse for the Yuan family for more than ten years.

Even though the four elder brothers were sensible and capable, the original owner was well-behaved and smart, and no one else took him seriously.

In addition to the big house, there are three houses downstairs, and none of the second house is a good person. When there was a famine, the whole family fled the famine with the village. Because there are many Yuan family members, there is also a lot of rations.

Others had one black-faced steamed bun and one bowl of water a day. Only Dafang, a family of seven, was given three steamed buns and two bowls of water.

No, a little girl from the original owner was so hungry that she was dizzy. When she was resting, she lay down next to Sanfang’s noodle bag to lick the steamed buns. Her third uncle Yuan Dashi happened to catch her. At last, the original owner was too weak and died.

That's when she was replaced.

"It's the third uncle who beat up the little girl like this." The fourth brother said in a low voice, the second brother stared at Yuan Dashi, his eyes were full of forbearance and anger, and the third brother knelt with his parents without saying a word Safety.

And the one who has been holding her firmly is the elder brother Youfu.

As soon as the fourth brother finished speaking, Yuan Dashi jumped up from under the tree. He was much taller and stronger than ordinary people.

"No bitter baby, you dare to talk nonsense. I kicked her away when I saw her stealing food with my own eyes. Who would have known that the little girl would faint? And there is only this little food in the house. After stealing food, all three of us will starve to death? "

The children in the other rooms, although they are all yellow and thin, still look bloody.

It's not like a big house, everyone is so hungry that they are almost done.

"Okay, let's save some energy and go on our way." The old man drank his saliva and finally said, "Master, our family has no money and no food leftovers, so let's bury the girls when they are gone, and the other boys can get more points." A mouthful of steamed buns."

The others watched him drink water and swallowed one after another.

The six people in the big house were all ashamed after hearing this.

"Father..." Yuan Dashan still wanted to intercede.

Yuan Zhou stared and cursed: "Pig brains, let me say one more thing, your family doesn't have a mouthful of steamed buns or water today!"

"It's not the right time to die. Where did I go to bury this unlucky ghost? Just find a mountain nest and throw it away!"

Yuan Ruyi quickly shook her elder brother's hand, she can't go to the theater to catch fish, otherwise she will be buried alive.

She wanted to speak, but she felt a sore throat and coughed twice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Little girl!"

"Little girl is awake?"

"It's not dead, and there is another food distribution."


Yuan Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, and the people in the big room surrounded her. The dumb mother was the most excited, she held her hand and shed tears, and the cheap father and several cheap brothers also looked at her with concern.

"Father, mother, brother... I'm fine. I heard what you said just now. I really didn't steal the buns." Yuan Ruyi licked her dry lips and continued with difficulty, "I saw Brother Xiaochun finished eating the buns. There is still some scum on the ground, I was so hungry, I wanted to lick it, but my third uncle picked it up..."

Before she finished speaking, she looked at Yuan Dashi in fear, and slipped into the arms of her eldest brother.

"I just said, how could our little girl steal the buns!" The elder brother patted her on the back reassuringly, and the angry eyes of the family almost burned Yuan Dashi through.

Yuan Dashi's lie was exposed, and he became angry from embarrassment. He wished he could catch Yuan Ruyi and beat him up again. Damn girl, she was half dead and dared to sue!

"Damn girl, if you don't admit to stealing something, I won't succeed if I don't beat you to death today!"

He wanted to make a move, but was firmly blocked by his brothers.

"There is no evidence that the little girl stole anything. If the third uncle does it again, I will invite the village chief." This is the second brother Yuan Shunxin.

"Don't hit the little girl!" The third brother Yuan Ping'an.

"Third Uncle beat Xiaoya for no reason today, and he may not beat us in the future. No one should feel better about it." Fourth Brother Yuan Buku.

Even the eldest brother Yuan Youfu, who was holding her, said, "Third Uncle, don't force us!"

Even if the rabbit is in a hurry, it will bite people!

Yuan Dashi's face was gloomy, his eyes looked like he was going to kill someone, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

Yuan Ruyi jumped out of the elder brother's arms, with a weak but firm voice: "I dare to swear, I have never stolen anything, otherwise I will be struck by lightning! If the third uncle decides that I stole something, he will swear poisonously like me! "

Yuan Dashi looked at her mockingly, "Okay, I swear, I beat you today because I saw you losing money and stealing mommy, otherwise I will beat you..."

Before the words were finished, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the calm weather, and a tree trunk thicker than a child's waist was blown off, impartially, and hit Yuan Dashi who was talking nonsense


In an instant, there was a commotion under the shade of the trees.

There were screams, cries for help, and crying.

Only the dumbfounded Dafang six...

Oh my god, it's a miracle, isn't it! ?
Yuan Ruyi smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.

Oh, I forgot to mention that since she was a child, she has an ability called the ability to follow the words, even if she is deprived of her magic power, this talent still exists!
(End of this chapter)

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