Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 101 Meeting of the Grand Masters of Yunting Xiaozhu

Chapter 101 Meeting of the Grand Masters of Yunting Xiaozhu

Su Ming sat there with an aura that no one dared to refute.

It was an aura that could not be looked directly at, but could only be obeyed.

The officials below looked at each other and bowed their heads.

All the checkpoints in Ningzhou Prefecture were quickly closed, and the caravans were interrogated. One by one, the troops spread around and then assembled again.

In Ningzhou Prefecture, as well as the surrounding state capitals, those aristocratic families did not see the scene they wanted.

The sixteen prefectures in the southeast have reversed a Xuzhou prefecture, but there is no disturbance.

Because of the obstruction by the imperial envoy Su Ming, the news of the Xuzhou rebellion did not spread to Luojing, the imperial capital of Zhao.

However, the news that the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Northwest Territory was attacking, and the King Wu of the Daming Mansion swore to serve as the King, had already been sent back to Luojing in the first place.

But the atmosphere in Luojing today is extremely strange, the imperial city is closed, all officials are dismissed, and the entire Luojing's 200 million subjects can't do anything except panic all day long.

Imperial City.

Worship Hall.

Zhao Yubing, the grand elder of the royal family, was sitting upright, in front of him was the Emperor of Zhao Kingdom, Emperor Yujing Zhao Jingtang, who was dressed in a thin yellow robe.

At this time, Zhao Jingtang's body was emaciated and stooped, and it was almost impossible to stand there.

On the other side, Zhao Qian, who was also wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, looked at Zhao Jingtang with anger in his eyes.

"Father, the army of the Wei State in the northwest is pressing down on the border, Zhao Cheng only has this seat in his eyes, don't you understand?"

"Zhao Chong and Zhao Cheng have been plotting for this position all along, so they deliberately created the chaos in Yongzhou."

"As well as Luo Jing's demon chaos, they also did it themselves."

Zhao Qian shouted in a low voice, staring at Zhao Jingtang.

"It is precisely through seeing through their conspiracy that the Great Elder will set things right and allow me to stand in front of you."

Zhao Jingtang stood there, his eyes not looking at Zhao Qian at all.

This made Zhao Qian angry.

"You're getting old, Zhao Guo is no longer under your control, and now your imperial decree can't even get out of the imperial city—"

"I'm afraid your fake imperial decree won't leave the imperial city?" Zhao Jingtang's expression didn't change at all, nor did he show any impatience.

"Do you think that if you capture me, you will be able to control Zhao Guochaotang?"

"Dongfang Jing is the prime minister of my country, Zhao, and he decides all major affairs of Zhao's court."

"Hundred years of prime minister, Dongfang Jing knows Zhao Guo better than I do."

Zhao Jingtang looked at the Great Elder Zhao Yubing in front of him, and said softly, "Great Elder, it's still too late to turn around now."

"Turn back?" Zhao Yubing snorted coldly, raised his hand, and there was a mass of dark blood in his palm.

"This is the world-renowned evil spirit."


Whoever is infected with the evil spirit will feel worse than death, will be controlled by the evil spirit, and will eventually turn into a demon who doesn't know what it is, but only knows how to kill.

"Think about it, if you don't write the imperial edict to abdicate, then this evil spirit will infuse your body."

"At that time, outsiders will only know that you are greedy for imperial power and don't hesitate to use evil energy to continue your life."

Zhao Yubing's words made Zhao Jingtang's face darken.

Zhao Qian, who was standing aside, had a smile on his face.

"At that time, Zhao Qian took your place and blamed Luojing's chaos on your head, and then issued an edict of guilt."

"My royal family of the Zhao Kingdom is still the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom. The only one who cannot enter the ancestral mausoleum is you, Zhao Jingtang."

Zhao Yubing waved his hand, and the black demonic aura in his palm fell directly on Zhao Jingtang's body: "I'll give you three days to think it through."

"After three days, if you don't see the edict, this demonic aura will break out, and then everything will be beyond your control."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and two worship hall priests in black robes stepped forward, supported Zhao Jingtang, and dragged him out of the worship hall.

In the hall, Zhao Qian was excited and clenched his fists tightly.

He only needs to wait another three days before he can actually sit in that position.

At that time, he was the master of the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Zhao country!
Zhao Yubing turned to look at him, but didn't speak.


Jade Sandalwood Hall.

The bedroom of Emperor Yujing Zhao Jingtang.

When Zhao Jingtang was sent back, King Yu Zhao Chong hurried forward to support Zhao Jingtang.


Carefully helping Zhao Jingtang to the table and sitting down, Zhao Chong looked at Zhao Jingtang worriedly.

Zhao Jingtang waved his hands and coughed a few times.

"Hey, the house of the most ruthless emperor, I, Zhao Jingtang, is approaching old age, and I have tasted such suffering."

Zhao Jingtang's words revealed helplessness, and his face was miserable.

Zhao Chong didn't speak, but just picked up the teapot on one side, poured a cup of warm tea, and sent it to Zhao Jingtang.

Zhao Jingtang took the teacup, looked at Zhao Chong, sighed, and took a few sips.

"Zhao Chong, in the current situation, even if the throne is in your hands, you will not be able to sit firmly."

"You don't blame the emperor, do you?"

There was a trace of gentleness in Zhao Jingtang's words.

Zhao Chong trembled all over, and hurriedly bowed his head and said: "Father and Emperor Mingjian, the child wants to be an idle county king."

"The only one who can stabilize my Chaotang, Zhao Guo, is the second brother."

Zhao Jingtang looked at him for a while, put down the teacup, and said in a low voice: "Zhao Chong, I want you to do something for me."

He reached out and patted Zhao Chong's bent shoulder, then whispered something in his ear.

Zhao Chong stared wide-eyed, with a look of grief on his face, and whispered: "Father, how could you have such an idea!"

Zhao Jingtang waved his hands, glared at him, and said in a low voice, "Whether my country of Zhao, Jiangshan, and Sheji can continue is in your hands, do you want to do it or not?"

With red eyes, Zhao Chong nodded, knelt down in front of Zhao Jingtang, and kowtowed heavily.

Zhao Jingtang sighed softly, and put his hand on Zhao Chong's back.


View of Jing Yuan.

Zhang Li spent three days to strengthen himself.

At this time, his qi training is still at the eighth level, but it has been purified again, and his strength is extremely thick, at least five times more than the same level of real energy.

His Sea Consciousness Divine Soul power also condensed a drop of golden beads, floating gently in the vortex.

The power of the soul is transformed from virtual to real, and the peak level of the foundation is established.

That vast sea of ​​consciousness can only be found in the Golden Core Realm.

In addition to the cultivation of the immortal way and the power of the soul, his body training technique has reached the half-step foundation building, and he is only one step away from entering the foundation building state.

That golden battle elephant with condensed qi and blood is like white porcelain all over its body, covered with spiritual patterns, giving Zhang Li the mighty power to shatter mountains and rivers with every move.

His martial arts cultivation base is also firmly on the third level of the great master, and the true energy in his meridians condenses into rolling beads.

In this way, the true energy is condensed, the evil spirit is transformed externally, the rushing current is urged internally, and martial arts combat skills are displayed with monstrous combat power.

When Zhang Li walked out of the quiet room, the eyes of Ao Jin standing at the door lit up.

"I didn't realize that the foundation of practice is so solid." He muttered, and followed Zhang Li out of the quiet room.

On the long table, there are several bamboo tubes.

Zhang Li opened the bamboo tubes one by one, and took out the note inside.

King Wu Qin's army has already reached two hundred miles away from Luojing, and has not moved for the time being.

In Luojing City, the people panicked and the price of goods soared.

If it weren't for the current suppression by Xuanyuewei and Jingzhao Mansion in Luojing City, it would have been in chaos long ago.

The disciples of Jingyuanguan had made several attacks, one of which was Daoist Qingyu who was a master of the master realm outside the imperial city, using a thunderbolt to kill a strong master of the master realm who was about to sneak into the imperial city.

The news that Jing Yuan Guan controlled the secret of thunder and punished him on behalf of the sky also spread.

The army of the Northern Wei Dynasty had entered the country five hundred miles away, and it was less than a thousand miles away from Luojing City.

The army of Zhao State everywhere in the northwest has no leader, and it can't stop the army of Wei State at all.

Yesterday, news finally came out from the imperial city that Emperor Yu Jing, who had been comatose due to a stroke, woke up and summoned his courtiers.

The specific summoning process was only known to a few court officials, and the Prime Minister Dongfang Jing knew about it.

Today, several imperial decrees were issued in succession in the imperial city.

Emperor Yujing was not recovering from a stroke, and Prince Zhao Qian supervised the country.

Although King Yu Zhao Chong had conspired against him, fortunately he did not implement it seriously, and Princess Yu committed suicide by taking poison, so King Yu went back to the palace to contemplate behind closed doors.

King Wu rebelled and ordered his army to stay where they were and not to take a step closer to Luojing.

King Nianwu was stationed at the border and made great contributions to pacifying Yongzhou. He was given a chance to return to Beijing to argue, but he was not allowed to return with troops.

In order to quell the danger of the Wei State's attack, seven days later, the envoy of the Zhao State sent the princess Zhao Yuyan to the Wei State.

There are many records on the note about the court's response to the situation.

Many strategies can be described as sophisticated.

Moreover, he acted decisively and without procrastination, so that people could not catch the eight handles.

This is like the style of Emperor Yujing.

After burning all the notes, Zhang Li walked out of the courtyard.

Turning his head, he looked at Ao Jin who was following him.

"You just stay in the audience."

His eyes fell on Qingyue and Yu Mengmeng not far away, Zhang Li shook his head: "You don't want to go either."

He is going to Huang Xianyu's great master gathering today.

All the grand masters were present today, so naturally there was no need to bring two little demons with them.

As for Ao Jin, it is better for this guy to stay in Jingyuan to watch the nursing home.

Letting it out might cause trouble.

The Yunting small building for gatherings is outside the city, beside the Luoshui River.

Zhang Li walked out of Jingyuan Temple, with the wind blowing under his feet, a hidden talisman covered his body, and he reached the edge of Luoshui in a short while.

At this time, the smoke willows enter the clouds, and the color is green and green.

It's just that the Luojing City not far away is obviously heavily guarded, and groups of soldiers stand on the top of the city, their blood congealed into faint red clouds.

Walk ten miles along Luoshui River, and you will see a courtyard with long corridors on the mountainside.

That is Yunting Xiaozhu.

There is the meeting place of the great masters that Huang Xianyu said.

A few miles away, a strange color flashed across Zhang Li's face.

Although the great masters in the courtyard did not show the slightest strength, he could sense the slight vibration of the Heaven and Earth Dao within a radius of ten miles.

Grandmaster, is there really a connection with the power of the Dao?

Is the battle for the Dao really about the Dao of Heaven in this mortal world?
Zhang Li walked along the mountain road. Huang Xianyu, who was wearing a blue and yellow military uniform and a long sword hanging from his waist, was already standing in front of the stone steps.

Seeing Zhang Li's arrival, Huang Xianyu showed joy on his face.

"Mr. Zhang can come, Huang's party is considered complete."

He laughed, then turned his head and said: "Who said that Mr. Zhang is a person in the immortal way and won't participate in our party?"

While speaking, he led Zhang Li into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, there are corridors, rockery, carved beams and winding paths, and there are even more colorful flowers, which have already captured a bit of spring.

The flowing spring not far away was steaming.

It turned out to be a hot spring, no wonder the spring here is earlier and more prosperous than other places.

In the small pavilion at the end of the corridor, several people were already sitting upright.

Zhang Li saw the red-faced Gongsun Jiu and the tall Helian Jishu.

There was also an old man with white beard who was wearing a green robe and nodded slightly towards him with a smile on his face.

Behind the old man, a look of vigilance flashed in the eyes of a one-armed and armored man.

Zhang Li knew that one of these two people was Xun Kuang, who offered sacrifices to Jixia Academy, and the other was Qing Lin, the patriarch of the Merman Clan in the East China Sea and Qing Yue's father.

Looking up to the other side of the pavilion, Zhang Li was surprised to find that Zhen Changyun, the great scholar of Wei State, Mo Shen, the master of Baigong Palace, and monk Kongwen of Xuankong Temple were all there.

This is already the state of most of the great masters in Luo Jing.

In addition to Zhao Yubing, the Great Elder of the Zhao State Enshrining Hall, and Zhao Guoguo's Prime Minister, Dongfang Jing, the great masters of Luo Jing gathered together in one pavilion.

It can also be seen from this that Huang Xianyu, the lord of Wuhuang City, is indeed a good dancer with long sleeves.

The two parties who were fighting with each other a while ago were actually sitting in a pavilion today, with tea pouring in front of them.

"The name of Immortal Master Thunder is known to everyone in Luojing, but Mr. Zhen thinks that Mr. Zhang is an outsider and won't care about such ordinary gatherings." Zhen Changyun stood up and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

"Hehe, the old man also thought Mr. Zhang was not interested in this party." Gongsun Jiu also said with a smile.

Everyone else nodded to Zhang Li, or bowed their hands.

Everyone present is a grand master.

Without the same level of cultivation, people will not take a second look, let alone treat each other with courtesy.

Only strength is the foundation of truly facing the great master.

Huang Xianyu Yin Zhangli sat down on the stone bench, and then looked at everyone.

"The last time the world's great masters gathered together was a hundred years ago."

"After a hundred years, nearly half of the great masters have fallen." Huang Xianyu looked at the people in front of her, with a look of nostalgia on her face, and sighed softly.

Xun Kuang, who was sitting on the side, nodded and said softly, "I'm afraid there will be very few people present at the next gathering."

The great masters are in the north and south, and they are all strong men who sit in one side, and they will not gather together for nothing.

This gathering of nearly ten great masters really only happens once in a hundred years.

It's just that most of the great masters present are over a hundred years old, especially Xun Kuang and others, whose lifespan is running out, and it is almost impossible to reunite in the next hundred years.

In the grand master realm, the lifespan is only two hundred.

Even with the help of secret methods to prolong life, there are not many people who can live past two hundred years.

"Everyone, City Lord Huang didn't call us for a gathering." Monk Kongwen clasped his hands together, and his eyes shone brightly.

He looked at Zhang Li, and then said in a deep voice: "We came to Luojing because Jing Yuan Temple originally invited us."

"As great masters, we have the responsibility to subdue demons and eliminate demons."

Subduing demons and eliminating demons.

This time the great masters gathered in Luojing, and it was Wang Qingyang from Jingyuan Temple who invited them.

The reason is because of Luo Jing's demon chaos, involving the great master.

Hearing Kong Wen's words, other people in the pavilion looked at each other.

"I don't know what Mr. Han thinks about the practice of demon law by the Prime Minister of the Eastern Kingdom?" Xun Kuang turned his head to look at Zhang Li, and asked softly.

This Immortal Master of Thunder is said to have a good relationship with Dongfang Jing, and he even took care of his juniors.

Today they discussed about Dongfang Jing's cultivating demon law, what is Zhang Li's position, they need to ask clearly first.

"I heard that the female disciples under the Eastern Mirror Seat are actually fish demons, and one of them has been entrusted to practice beside Mr. Zhang and be protected by Mr. Zhang." Kong Wen moved the rosary in his hand lightly, looking at Zhang Li.

"Mr. Zhang, as the guardian disciple of the exiled mortals, is he going to forget his duty and plan to increase his lifespan with the help of demon methods?"

Kong Wen shook his head, with a calm expression on his face: "This is a crooked way, the way to become a demon. If Mr. Zhang really practiced demon law, then your destination will be under the golden bell of the Buddha in my Xuankong Temple."

"The way to be enchanted?" Zhang Li glanced at the spirit-seeking jade pendant on his waist, then raised his head and said, "I'm also curious, how can there be evil energy in this pavilion?"

(End of this chapter)

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