Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 104 Do you want the world of Zhao Kingdom?

Chapter 104 Do you want the world of Zhao Kingdom?
Outside the east gate of Luojing, a long dragon of qi and blood roared and crashed into the city gate.

The two-foot-high city gate made of fine steel shook, and hundreds of elite soldiers behind the gate all vomited blood from their mouths, and then blocked the gate firmly.

The order they received was to guard the city gates and not let a single soldier enter the city.

"Preventing King Ben from entering Luojing City, are you planning to rebel?" Wu Wang Zhao Cheng shouted loudly, his voice turned into rolling thunder and roaring, echoing with the clouds.

The roar of the long dragon condensed by Qi and blood aroused the excitement of the heaven and earth.

The prestige of a great master, every word and deed, can gather Tianwei!

At this moment, countless people in Luojing City raised their heads and looked in the direction of Luojing Dongcheng.

Everyone knows that King Wu Zhao Cheng is the next Emperor Zhao.

With his cultivation as a great master of martial arts, coupled with his 20-year garrison in the northern border and his achievements in quelling the Yongzhou Rebellion, he is expected to be the emperor of the Zhao Kingdom.

However, the situation in the court changed, the royal family was in turmoil, and His Majesty had a stroke. The elders of the worship hall chose the abolished prince Zhao Qian to preside over the government and supervise the country.

This matter is already a foregone conclusion.

A country cannot have two emperors.

Prince Zhao Qian and King Wu Zhao Cheng, who will be the next emperor of Zhao?
Now, inside and outside the city, it all depends on who can reach that position?

Outside the city, on the upper reaches of the Luoshui River, Huang Xianyu and Gongsun Jiu stood by the riverside, all with serious expressions.

"Zhao Cheng, there is heaven's favor, but unfortunately the luck is bad." Huang Xianyu, who was holding a long sword in her hand, narrowed her eyes and spoke softly.

Gongsun Jiu beside him nodded slightly.

Gongsun Jiu sighed softly, and whispered: "I was very optimistic about that kid Zhao Ji, but I didn't expect that people are not as good as heaven."

"If Zhao Cheng falls, Zhao Ji and Prince Yu's Mansion behind him will naturally be unable to support him."

He had already agreed to the marriage with Prince Yu's Mansion, but looking at it now, he had no choice but to give up.

Since Zhao Cheng and Zhao Ji were involved in the battle for the Great Dao, they could only face it head-on.

But what they have to face is Zhao Yubing, the great master who has been in charge of the royal family of Zhao Kingdom for more than a hundred years.

Behind Zhao Yubing there are Qi refiners, as well as Zhen Changyun, a great scholar of Wei State, Mo Shen, the master of Baigong Hall, and Kongwen, the presiding officer of Xuankong Temple.

Not to mention Zhao Cheng, even Huang Xianyu and the others took action, and they dare not say that they can change the situation.

What's more, these great masters are completely respectful of the general trend of the court, and dare not intervene at all.

According to the iron law of heaven, those who interfere with the overall situation of the world must not end well.

Over the years, this iron law has not changed at all.

Today, Zhao Guowu King Zhao Cheng may be the sacrificial object of this Zhao Guo's great power struggle.

"I don't know how Dongfang Jing will choose." Huang Xianyu turned her head and looked into the distance, which was in the direction of Jingyuan Temple.

Today, Dongfang Jing will go to Jingyuan Temple to marry the banshee, Yu Honggu, who was suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Grandmaster Xun Kuang and the head of the Yuren tribe Qing Lin had already gone to Jingyuan Temple.

Mr. Zhang is sitting in Jingyuan Temple, and he doesn't know what kind of twists and turns will happen when Dongfang Jing marries Yu Honggu.

If it weren't for the arrival of King Zhao Chengqin's army today, all Luo Jing's eyes would be on Jingyuan Temple and Dongfang Jing.

Perhaps this is the plot of Dongfang Jing, a strong man who has presided over the court for a hundred years.

Taking advantage of King Wu's return to the capital, the attention and power of all parties will be involved, so we can't pay attention to Jing Yuanguan's affairs.

However, I am afraid that even Dongfang Jing did not expect that there is such a strong Mr. Zhang in Jingyuan Temple.

Dongfang Jing is afraid that it will be hard to get off now.

Now the situation has actually gradually become clear. Dongfang Jing, Confucianism and Taoism are planning to conquer Zhao Guo, and Zhao Yubing is using Zhao Guo as a bargaining chip to get on the Eastern Sea Qi Refiner.

There is no reason in this world that anyone would really sit still and wait for death.

Now let's see what the overall situation of the Zhao country will look like.


There was a loud bang in the east city of Luojing.

Zhao Cheng punched out again and hit the city wall, causing the entire ten-mile city wall in the east city of Luojing to vibrate.

The gravel and blue bricks exploded, and all the soldiers holding knives and guns on the top of the city were pale.

"The prestige of the Great Grandmaster Realm, not to mention you, even the Grandmaster can't stop it." Behind Zhao Cheng, dragons and tigers howled, and a golden halo appeared in his eyes.

He raised his fists, and a golden lion emerged.

With the next blow, he can smash the city wall in front of him!

"Your Highness, without His Majesty's handwriting, the last general will not dare to open the door even if he dies in battle." At the head of the city, a middle-aged man in black armor held the hilt of the long sword at his waist, his face tense, and he said in a deep voice.

Zhao Cheng squinted his eyes, and the blood in his body surged.

"Zhao Qisheng, I'll give you an hour to report to Emperor Father."

"I really want to see what these rebellious officials and thieves have done to my father, but I don't even see my own son!"

Zhao Cheng raised his hand, and behind him stood an army, as solemn as a statue.

Outside the east city of Luojing, the gathered qi and blood kept arousing the clouds on the sky, and most of Luojing had the tendency of dark clouds to overwhelm the city.

The general guarding the gate on the top of the city looked solemn, nodded, turned and went down the city, and reported to the imperial city.

Only the Grand Master can stop the Grand Master.

Not to mention that their soldiers above the east city couldn't stop King Wu Zhaocheng, even if they could stop them, they wouldn't dare.

What's more, how many people in Luo Jing really want to keep Wu Wang Zhao Cheng out of the city?
Among the three sons of His Majesty, only King Wu has the appearance of an emperor.

Outside the east city, the new wind howled.

Outside Luojing South City, in front of Jingyuan Temple, all the masters in Jingyuan Temple waited solemnly under the leadership of the temple master Wang Qingyang.

Uncle Zhang Li said that Yu Honggu can release the Zhenyao Tower, and he will take action if there is any problem.

With Uncle Master's words, naturally no one in Jingyuan Temple objected to releasing Yu Honggu.

What's more, Master Uncle can really release Yu Honggu who was suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Before the stone steps, a figure wearing a big red wedding robe came slowly.

Standing in front of Jingyuan Temple, Dongfang Jing raised his head and looked at the five-story tower in Jingyuan Temple.

Ever since Yu Honggu was suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Tower, he never dared to face this tower directly.

"A hundred years, how many hundred years can there be in the world."

Dongfang Jing looked at Wang Qingyang in front of him and the row of solemn and unmoving masters of Jingyuan Temple, and said, "Today, Dongfang Jing came to Jingyuan Temple and asked to marry Yu Honggu."

"I hope you will let her out of the Demon Town Tower."

Not far away, a one-armed middle-aged figure in black armor appeared on the square, with a dignified aura emerging from his body.

Xun Kuang, holding a volume of books behind his back, stood at the edge of the square.

"Back then, the old man watched Yu Honggu enter the Demon Town Tower, so today I naturally want to see her walk out of the Demon Town Tower." Xun Kuang looked at the gate of Jingyuan Temple in front of him, and said softly.

The aura of the Great Master Realm was surging, and there seemed to be a strong wind floating on the square in front of Jingyuan Temple.

On Wang Qingyang's body, a faint stellar energy vibrates, which will collide with the surging stellar wind.

Grand Master Realm!

Wang Qingyang, the master of Jingyuan Temple, is also a great master!
Although he clearly felt that he was struggling to deal with Xun Kuang's strong wind, this was the state of a great master.

The only one who can stop the Grand Master is the Grand Master.

Xun Kuang narrowed his eyes slightly.

The one-armed Qing Lin's blood turned gray and black.


A soft sound.

In Jingyuan Temple, a bright red figure walked out slowly.

Two women in blue and red dresses, supporting a figure in a red wedding dress with a red hijab on his head, walked slowly.

Aunt Yu Hong.

Looking outside Jing Yuan, the originally tense atmosphere instantly turned into calm.

Looking at that figure, Qing Lin's body trembled slightly.

Dongfang Jing stared at the approaching figure, a trace of nervousness appeared on his face, which was always changing under the changing circumstances of the world.

He took a deep breath and looked at the figure who was being supported by Yu Mengmeng and Qingyue.

"Honggu, these hundred years... have suffered for you."

There was a slight tremor in Dongfang Jing's voice.

"Master Dongfang, Honggu said that she is willing to do anything for you." Yu Honggu tried to suppress her voice with all her strength, but she could still hear crying.

Qingyue and Yu Mengmeng, who were standing beside Yu Honggu, were already in tears.

Gently lift off the hijab, Yu Honggu's face has not changed for a hundred years.

She looked at the oriental mirror in front of her, with a sad and happy smile on her face.

"Young Master Dongfang, you are quite old."

Dongfang Jing sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and said, "Dongfang Jing came as promised, I don't know if Honggu still likes me as an old man."

A blush appeared on Yu Honggu's face, and she stretched out her hand.

A hand stretched out from the oblique stab, and grabbed Yu Honggu's arm.

The one-armed middle-aged man in black armor looked at Dongfang Jing and said in a cold voice: "Dongfang Jing, back then my sister entered the town demon tower for you to suffer for a hundred years, now you want to marry her so easily?"

Qing Lin's words made Yu Honggu's body stiff, and when she turned her head to see the one-armed Qing Lin, a pained look flashed across Yu Honggu's face: "Brother..."

"Honggu, go back to Donghai with my brother, and I will take you out of this mortal world."

Qinglin looked at Qingyue and Yu Mengmeng who were standing beside Yu Honggu, and said in a deep voice, "There is nothing good in this mortal race."

Yu Honggu opened her mouth to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

Qinglin's one arm made her heart ache.

Dongfang Jing looked at Qinglin, pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Brother Qinglin, Dongfang Jing dare not say that there is anything he can do now."

He turned his head and looked at Xun Kuang who was standing beside him: "Great sacrificial wine, Dongfang Jing has twelve volumes of scholarly classics in the past hundred years, and I would like to donate them to Jixia Academy."

"I hope that in exchange for Jixia Academy's action, they will protect the mermaid tribe in the East China Sea and give them a place to live."

Dongfang Jing's words made all the people present look pale.

"My lord, that's your painstaking effort!" Yu Honggu whispered.

Xun Kuang nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, "Give up a hundred years of hidden cultivation, just for the beauty, Dongfang, your cultivation has advanced to a higher level..."

"Okay, if the mermaid people from the East China Sea are willing to come, my Jixia Academy will definitely support them."

Dongfang Jing looked at Qinglin.

Qinglin gritted her teeth, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it true that my Eastern Sea mermaid clan has nowhere to go, if I hadn't watched my sister wait for you for a hundred years—"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Mengmeng stretched out his hand and pulled back Yu Honggu's arm, staring and said: "Uncle, if you delay, Auntie will turn against you."

Qinglin was stunned by Yu Mengmeng's words.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Dongfang Jing holding Yu Honggu's hand, turning around and walking side by side.


A bronze-colored chariot about ten feet high drove out from the gate of Jingyuan Temple.

A black tiger dragged the chariot and galloped forward.

The black tiger is more than ten feet tall, and his body is full of monsters.

"Honggu, Shangxian asked me to drive you for a ride."

Heihu spit out human words, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

As if excited by walking out of the Town Demon Tower, the black tiger kept thumping on all fours.

Turning his head to look at Dongfang Jing, Heihu grinned: "Gu Hong is a married girl in the Town Demon Tower, if you dare to treat her badly, Lao Zhao will tear you apart."

Heihu's momentum surged.

Yu Honggu frowned, Dongfang Jing smiled and shook his head, took Yu Honggu's hand and climbed onto the frame.

The chariot roared away.

Outside Jing Yuanguan, everyone stood there with complicated expressions on their faces.

How many lovers in the world can spend a hundred years?


Jingyuan Temple, the fifth floor of the Zhenyao Tower.

Standing beside Zhang Li was Zhu Yunshan in a blue Taoist robe with emotion on his face.

"This is common practice."

"The world of mortals squints their eyes, but even if they know that they are trapped in the world of mortals, how many people are willing to turn back?"

Zhu Yunshan watched the carriage carrying Dongfang Jing and Yu Honggu leave, and shook his head slightly.

He himself, Dongfang Jing, is a top figure in the world, but in the end he couldn't get rid of the shackles of the world of mortals.

It's not that I can't, it's that I don't want to.

Is it true that what you want in practice is to cut off everything?

"Confucianism and Taoism should be based on the southeast of Zhao State and Chu State, and the Qi Refiners want to unite with the Northern Wei Dynasty and go to the northwest of Zhao State."

Zhu Yunshan spoke softly, and asked with some doubts: "That Great Qin Emperor, is he not moving at all?"

"Does he really want to see the three points of the world?"

The Great Qin Emperor Ying Wuya claims to be invincible in the world, and the great masters of the Great Qin Kingdom account for more than half of the world.

Such a powerful state of Qin will watch the general situation of the world change?

Zhang Li turned his gaze to the southwest.

Over there, there is a faint gathering of powerful forces.

Outsiders can't feel it.

Even Zhu Yunshan beside him couldn't sense it.

Only those who have truly been blessed by the power of the heavenly power are qualified to respond like this.

Who said Daqin wouldn't make a move?

It's just that the Great Qin Emperor's move was nothing more than landslides and ground cracks.

As the innate martial artist, the Great Qin Emperor who was blessed by the heaven, it is impossible for Confucianism and Qi refiners to change the general trend of heaven.

It's just that there are more variables in all of this.

He is established.

And the mind-changing oriental mirror.

Also, Wu Wang Zhao Cheng who took advantage of the opportunity to step into the realm of the innate great master.

God, didn't choose anything.

God, I'm watching.

"You asked that black tiger to send Aunt Yu Hong, is there any arrangement?" Zhu Yunshan looked at Zhang Li curiously.

"Of course." Zhang Li smiled slightly, and said, "Dongfang Jing is so interesting, he can't die for nothing, right?"

Zhu Yunshan smiled and nodded, then flicked his sleeves, turned around and left: "I'll go to the Princess Mansion to see, that Helian Jishu wants to take the eldest princess to Beidi."

"I have no objection to that, but I don't want Yue'er to follow."

"What's so good about Beidi, but it doesn't have the breeze and willows on Luoshui, singing and dancing."

Helian Jishu, as the Heavenly King of Beidi Town and a strong man who has stepped into the third level of martial arts master, is unwilling to participate in the great battle of the world at this time.

The great masters in the mortal world don't know that every battle of the general trend is a battle of heaven and law, but they are all careful not to set foot in it as much as possible.

Zhang Li turned his gaze to the direction of Dongcheng.

Everything that happens there determines the general trend of Luo Jing and Zhao Guo.

Walking down the Demon Town Tower, a figure bowed in front of Zhang Li.

"Mr. Zhang."

Under the Demon Town Tower, Zhang Chu, dressed in dust, bowed to salute.

Zhang Li nodded.

Zhang Chu was much calmer this time when he went out.

"Elder Zhao Ji asked me to tell Mr.

"He can't worship under the teacher's door."

"He said the sir had asked him what he wanted, what he had."

"He asked me to tell my husband that he has nothing now, but he wants the world."

Zhang Chu’s eyes are shining brightly.

Want the world?
A smile appeared on Zhang Li's face.


In the sky, a thunder flashed.

In the imperial city, the surging clouds were heading towards the east city.

"Your Majesty is going out, retreat—"

On the golden dragon chariot frame pulled by sixteen war horses, the pale-faced Emperor Yu Jingdi of Zhao Kingdom sat upright.

Beside him, the gloomy and arrogant Prince Zhao Qian's eyes flickered coldly.

"Father, the demon poison is about to take hold?"

"As long as you stand at the top of the city and finish reading the letter of succession, I will give you the medicine to suppress the evil poison."

"This country of Zhao should belong to me."

Zhao Jingtang turned his head to take a look, but didn't speak.

Escorted by eight thousand feather guards, the dragon chariot stopped behind the city wall of the east city.

Zhao Qian and two masters of the worship hall supported Zhao Jingtang, and slowly climbed to the top of the city amidst countless shouts of "Meet Your Majesty".

"My son Zhao Cheng, this trip to put down the chaos in Yongzhou, is it going well?"

On the top of the city wall, Zhao Jingtang waved his hand, pushed away the protection of Zhao Qian and others beside him, stood in front of the city wall, and looked down at Zhao Cheng who was sitting on a horse.

A look of excitement appeared on Zhao Cheng's face, he got off his horse and knelt down on one knee.

"My son has lived up to his father's entrustment and has pacified Yongzhou."

Zhao Jingtang showed a smile on his face.

Impatientness flashed across Zhao Qian's eyes standing behind Zhao Jingtang, and he said in a low voice, "Father, your time is running out."

A trace of pain flashed across Zhao Jingtang's face, and then it turned into a long laugh.

"Zhao Cheng, do you want the world of Zhao Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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