Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 109 1 Sword, Hospitality for the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Master

Chapter 109 One Sword, Hospitality for the World's Number One Martial Arts Master

A piece of Yushui Talisman can only control the water vapor of hundreds of feet, and induce the clouds of thousands of feet to turn into rain.

However, the superposition of the power of ten water-controlling talismans is not as simple as the superposition of power, but mutual pull, and the water clouds with a radius of ten feet are under control.

Hundreds of Yushui Talismans can move hundreds of miles of clouds to turn into rain, and the water veins are ups and downs.

The outer sect disciples of the Yunlan Dao Sect in Luyangzhou, who practiced in the world, once urged a thousand Yushui Talismans to move at once, and thousands of people moved together. Within a quarter of an hour, thousands of miles of clouds and waves were completely controlled.

As for the activation of eight thousand talismans at the same time, Zhang Li had only seen this matter in the travel notes of a senior.

Seven thousand two hundred practitioners below the fifth level of qi training controlled the flame fire talisman at the same time, turning into a ten thousand zhang flame dragon, which smashed three golden elixirs and the third level overhaul teamed up, causing two of them to shatter, the golden elixir fled, and one directly Fall on the spot.

But in that battle, Yanlong turned back and exploded for hundreds of miles, and only [-] of the [-] qi training disciples survived.

This is the power of low-level practitioners to condense their strength.

To exchange the lives of thousands of low-level practitioners for a big victory.

This is also a manifestation of the power aggregation of low-level talismans.

It was also after that great battle that the low-level practitioners in the practice world were valued by the major sects.

This time, Zhang Li wanted to use the power of the talisman to shake the Luoshui that had turned into a long dragon.

One by one Yushuifu floated around Zhang Li's body.

As long as he is activated by the power of his soul, the [-] Water Control Talismans can be shattered in an instant, and then control the water veins in a thousand-mile radius.

Luoshui is one of the largest water veins within a thousand miles.

The other one is Jin Jiang.

Raising his head, Zhang Li looked at the empty sky.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the power of the soul began to surge.

If Tiandao doesn't use his strength to bless him, he will do it himself.

From the temptation of the East China Sea Qi Refiner just now, he has already discovered the weakness of Tiandao.

Bully the soft and fear the hard.

God, it's not as strong as you think.

It's just that its power is different from the power of life.

Raising his hand slowly, Zhang Li's spiritual power around his body has been shaken, turning a ten-foot space into an illusion.

Although his Zhangli's immortal cultivation base is only the eighth level of Qi training, but his soul power has condensed into golden beads, which is not inferior to the strong who have just entered the golden core!
A breeze blows.

A smile appeared on Zhang Li's face.

God, compromise.

Compromised in front of his powerful spirit power.

With the blessing of the power of heaven, a light and shadow instantly appeared in the void hundreds of miles above his sea of ​​consciousness.

This time, around Luojing, the heavens and the earth in a radius of three hundred miles were all reflected in that light and shadow, showing every detail!
To the north of Luojing, smoke and clouds filled the air.

In the south of Luojing city, the water dragon roared to the sky.

Only the 200 million people in Luojing live like duckweed.

No matter which strong enemy came from the north or the south, Luo Jing would be reduced to ruins.

The avenue is ruthless, that's all.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the south direction of Luojing city.

The gigantic head of the ten-thousand-foot water dragon transformed by Luoshui is already twenty feet higher than the top of the city, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

As long as the giant dragon's head is smashed down, the bloody city wall built by several great masters and tens of thousands of soldiers will collapse like the moss-covered city wall of Luojing.

The Grand Master Realm, before the mighty power of the world, is nothing more than a strong ants.

Huang Xianyu's face was pale, standing on the top of the wall, a trace of despair flashed in her eyes.

"I thought I could escape a catastrophe, but in the end, I was still involved in this big battle..."

His soft words, sandwiched between the "click" and shattering of the light curtain around him, seemed to be heard only by himself.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he thought that he could avoid the battle of heaven and earth if he didn't set foot in the battle for the throne of Zhao.

He thought that if Zhao Yubing and Zhao Cheng had decided the outcome, this round would be over.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations.

He, as well as Gongsunjiu and others around him, have already fallen into the trap.

This round is not a battle for the throne of the Zhao Kingdom, but a battle between Qi refiners and practitioners in the world!
Practitioners in the world, no one can get rid of it!
Kong Wen, Zhen Changyun and others standing on the waves are just pawns in this game.

Maybe they're just a little bit better...

"Hey..." A soft sigh sounded not far away.

A middle-aged man in a brocade robe stepped forward.

"I thought that I would be able to enjoy the splendor of the world of mortals for 30 years, but it seems that I can't hide..."

The middle-aged man moved forward step by step, his hair turned from gray to pale, and his face turned old.

On the body, the third level of Qi training is shocking.

A guard disciple who hides his whereabouts.

In his hand, a pale golden talisman flashed and turned into a pale golden spear, pointing at the Qi refiners standing on the tide.

"Everyone, since Luo Jing cannot be defended, then he will be buried with the lives of these villains."

On the top of the city, many strong men who fully support the Great Wall of Qi and Blood have murderous aura in their eyes.

If I die today, I will bring a few people to be buried with me.

Wang Qingyang, the master of Jingyuan Temple, who was driven to the extreme with qi, blood and true energy, turned his head. The Taoist Yuanqing, Taoist Qingli and other Jingyuan Temple masters around him could no longer hold on.

"Master Thunder, hand over the Demon Suppressing Tower." Hu Jue's voice sounded again on the waves ahead.

The head of Luoshui Longlong raised its head, and then let out a terrifying dragon chant.

"If you don't hand over the Demon Suppressing Tower, today I will flood Luojing, sacrifice the blood of these 200 million Luojing people to heaven and earth, and use the power of the sky to destroy the Demon Suppressing Tower again!"

In Hu Jue's voice, there was a cold and evil spirit.

The matter has come to this point, the general trend has come, and he will not hold back.

So what if these 200 million people were killed today?

Avenue, that's all.

Why did you ever care about the life and death of ants!
"Brother, the Demon Town Tower—" Taoist Yuan Qing's words were stared at by Wang Qingyang.

"The dynasty can be destroyed, the world can be overthrown, has the inheritance of guarding the sect ever been handed over to someone?" Wang Qingyang looked around solemnly.

"It can be exchanged for Jingyuan Temple's inheritance being immortal, so what if all of my Jingyuanguan disciples died here today?"

After Wang Qingyang finished speaking, the last power in his body burst out, like stars shining, illuminating the light curtain on the top of that side of the city, reflecting spiritual light.

The other Jingyuanguan disciples stopped talking and poured all their cultivation into the light curtain in front of them.

But only dead.

Standing beside Qinglin, Yu Honggu, who was wearing a wedding dress, looked pale at this moment.

On the top of her head, a pale golden illusory bead, carrying a trace of monster light, propped up the hundred-foot light curtain in front of her.

"Sister, if the power of the Shark Pearl is exhausted, your life..." Qing Lin whispered solemnly: "Is it worth it?"

"Brother, I once made a move to block the water waves outside Luojing City." A smile flashed across Yu Honggu's face.

"At that time, Dongfang, my husband also asked me, is it worth it?"

A blush flashed across her pale face, and Yu Honggu turned her head to look at Luo Jing behind her, and at the northern sky in the distance.

"If you love what you like, there is nothing worth it or not."

"It's worth it even for a moment of joy."

Her eyes were as bright as stars, and the power of shark beads was unreservedly swayed.

At an unknown time, Zhu Yunshan standing beside Liu Yue had a complicated complexion, his figure flickered, and streamers of light appeared in his palms.

"The power of merit and virtue seals the immortal, Brother Zhang, I wish you one more trust in you."

Whispering in his mouth, Zhu Yunshan raised his hand, and a pale golden rune was drawn on his fingertips.

The rune fell on the mottled wall in front of him, carrying a palpitating power.

At this moment, it seemed that the world began to shake.

Borrowing the power of the people of Luojing City to become immortals!

If you succeed, you will become a fairy immediately.

Defeated, the body dies and the way disappears.

Coming to this world, Zhu Yunshan's desire has always been to become a fairy and become a Taoist.

After practicing for 3000 years, the way of talismans and the runes of conferring immortality have been engraved in his bones.

Even if he had only a remnant soul at this time, he did not hesitate to fight to the death.

As Zhu Yunshan's Dao Dao runes fell, the entire southern city of Luojing seemed to be strengthened by endless chains, and the bluestone city bricks that were about to be crushed also shone with golden light.

There is a play!

Zhu Yunshan showed joy on his face.

He could feel the endless wish power gathering around him.

Before life and death, the power of merit and virtue is no longer controlled by the way of heaven.

Ants also steal their lives!

This is the power of life!
Unlike the last time he was granted the title of Immortal with the power of stealing the Dao of Heaven, this time, Zhu Yunshan joined him with the power of the will of all people.

Even the way of heaven cannot take away the wish of living beings!
The golden chain seemed to block the entire southern city.

The originally crumbling Qi and Blood City Wall was actually easy to be stabilized.

Liu Yue looked at Zhu Yunshan in front of her with joy on her face.

Zhu Yunshan looked up and grinned.

Being able to become an immortal with the power of vows, and at the same time protect the people all over the city, adding merit and virtue to one's body, why not do it?
"Hmph." Hu Jue, who was standing on top of the Luoshui faucet, let out a cold snort, and dropped the black hairpin in his hand.

"Be careful, that is the treasure of my mermaid clan!" Qing Lin whispered.

Zhu Yunshan raised his hand, and the golden chain blocked the black hairpin.

The black hairpin flew down and turned into a three-foot-long golden spear. The body of the spear was full of coiling dragons and golden clouds, and there was a bright demon light on the tip of the spear.

This is a treasure that is not inferior to a middle-grade magic weapon. It was activated in the hands of a seven-level Qi training expert, and it hit the chain condensed by Zhu Yunshan's runes.


All the golden chains shattered!

This blow is not only the power of a middle-grade magic weapon, but also the blessing of the power of heaven!
It's not the avenue of heaven and earth, but the gathering of power from the thousands of miles of retrograde water veins in Luoshui.

This blow has already surpassed the strength of a practitioner in the Qi training realm.

This blow also interrupted Zhu Yunshan's immortalization process.

Zhu Yunshan was shocked, his eyes widened, and his figure became thinner.

"Fuck, if I had the cultivation level back then..."

If it had the cultivation level back then, a small middle-grade magic weapon could be broken with a single palm.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to gather the power of sealing the immortal again, but no rune appeared.

Can't draw a talisman!

Zhu Yunshan, who has been immersed in the way of talismans all his life, can't draw a single rune!
Zhu Yunshan's hands and feet trembled, and he waved his fingers frantically in front of him.

Liu Yue's face paled with fright, seeing Zhu Yunshan in front of her seemed to be dissipating, she rushed over and supported him.

"I, I can't draw symbols."

"I, I am a lunatic who can't draw amulets..."

Zhu Yunshan seemed to be insane, his eyes were full of confusion.

He traced with his fingers on the moss-covered bricks in front of him, but no rune appeared.


Liu Yue stretched out her hand to hold Zhu Yunshan's hand, and then pressed her fingertips against the wall he had scratched.

The pads of his fingers brushed against the rough and hard wall, and blood gushed out.

Blood streaked across the green brick, and a bloody rune appeared.

This bloody rune seemed to have an unimaginable strange power, covering the city wall three feet in front of him in an instant.

The pale Liu Yue looked at Zhu Yunshan with a smile on her face.

"Husband, I will help you."

Zhu Yunshan stretched out his arms to hug Liu Yue, a mysterious halo emerged from his body.

"I, I, I see..."

"The sealing talisman does not seal the earth immortal, but draws the ground as a prison, and protects one side."

"Love, love, under the ruthless avenue, grab a chance..."

Seize life, exchange life.

Liu Yue's life, in exchange for him to be a fairy.

He raised his head and looked into the void.

"I don't want to be a fairy, I want to be a mortal."

"I don't want Fengxian, I want Yue'er to live!"

"Brother Zhang, I have comprehended the secret of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, and I want Yue'er to live!"

Don't seek to become a fairy, just live for your sweetheart.

Zhu Yunshan's voice echoed in Nancheng.

At this moment, everyone looked up.

Luoshui transforms into a dragon, and the waves are raging.

Such a general trend, can anyone really resist it?
Looking at Jingyuan, in front of the Demon Town Tower, Zhang Li slowly closed his eyes.

Around him, pieces of spirit stones emerged.


ten yuan.

Hundred bucks.


10 yuan!
When the 10 yuan spirit stone emerged, the wind around him turned into a raging wave.

God, I am rejoicing.

In fawning.

God, there is also a lack of spirit stones!

Following Zhang Li's palm.


One hundred thousand spirit stones were instantly shattered.

A cyan pillar of aura rushed up to the sky, illuminating the whole world!

A spiritual wave that swept across hundreds of miles exploded!

Aura is like a tide!

The tide of spiritual energy turned into ripples and rushed towards the surroundings.

The first one to shatter was Zhang Lishen's [-] Yushui Talismans.

Talismans were broken one by one, and blue breaths gathered one after another.

This is the power of the Water Control Talisman that controls the power of the heaven, earth, water and clouds.

The power of [-] Yushui Talismans was condensed, and the Demon Suppressing Tower trembled, as if it was about to be broken.

This power exceeds the limit that this world can bear!
Just as Ao Jin broke through the sky in the East China Sea back then, the power of this Yushui Talisman can also break through the world in front of him!

Zhang Li raised his hand, and the soul power in his sea of ​​consciousness surged up instantly.

In an instant, the power of the Yushui Talisman waved with him, and it turned into a big hand covering the sky, and slapped the long dragon outside Luojing city on the head.

The great hand that covers heaven and earth.

This is the real power of heaven and earth.

No, this power simply surpasses the power of this world!
On the top of Luojing South City, everyone stared blankly at the big hand clapping it.

The sky and the earth fell, and the mountains shattered!
Hu Jue, who was standing on the top of the waves, stared wide-eyed, and looked at the big hand, which was many times more magnificent than the Luoshui dragon below him, and slapped it hard.

This is, the power of [-] Yushui Talismans!

The power of heaven and earth is just a piece of thin paper before this big hand!

The entire Luoshui dragon collapsed instantly!
Thousands of miles against the waves, the water dragon transformed by gathering the power of Qi refiners and mermaids from the East China Sea collapsed with just one blow.

The great masters standing on the waves, the strong Qi refiners in the East China Sea, all collapsed together with this long dragon!
At this moment, the sky of the entire mortal world shook, and the clouds surged!
Tiandao never thought that the power of this blow would be so strong, it seemed to shatter directly with the collapse of the Luoshui dragon.

Zhang Li stood in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower, and the Demon Suppressing Tower behind him was bathed in extremely rich aura at this moment. The whole tower was like a greedy beast, absorbing the aura with all its strength.

As if trying to curry favor with Zhang Li, who exploded a hundred thousand spirit stones, golden lights fell on Zhang Li from the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Zhang Li held it gently with his palm.

In the light curtain that emerged above the sea of ​​his consciousness, countless golden streamers enveloped the crumbling Luoshui.

The Luoshui that can swallow a city and submerge the entire Luojing, the Luoshui that has been fragmented, reassembles and grows a long dragon.

The huge palm pressed on the top of the dragon's head.

That Luoshui Longlong is as well-behaved as a docile little beast.

In front of the Demon Town Tower, Zhang Li opened his eyes and turned to look north of Luojing.

The wolf smoke is transpiring, and the blood is like a column.

Three hundred miles away reflected by the sea of ​​soul and consciousness, ten thousand black armored cavalry surrounded a group of red armored soldiers.

Holding a long knife, blood dripping from his body, his face was pale, and Helen Jishu's mouth was bleeding with the last flash of Juran in his eyes, and the knife energy surged on his body.

Dongfang Jing, with the broken swords in his hand, turned into a ray of blue light, rushing forward to a tall old man in black armor.

But as soon as he handed out his sword, it was swept away by a long spear, and his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and his body retreated.

Zhao Ji, who was sitting on the black tiger chariot, gritted his teeth and said nothing, with the long sword out of its sheath in his hand.

"Dongfang Jing, I'm really disappointed that you haven't improved your swordsmanship for so many years." The black-armored old man whispered, raising the spear in his hand.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly froze, he raised his head, and looked in the direction of Luo Jing.

"Immortal Master Thunder, Zhang Li."

He seemed to see through the heaven and earth for three hundred miles, through the heaven and earth reflected in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, and saw Zhang Li in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

"Haha, the number one master in the world wins Wuya." Zhang Li in front of the Demon Town Tower chuckled and waved his clenched palm.

"The Great Qin Emperor traveled thousands of miles, and Zhang has nothing to offer him hospitality, only a sword."

As Zhang Li's voice fell, the Luoshui dragon in the south of Luojing City flew into the sky.

The thousands of miles of Luoshui that originally passed through the city traversed the sky, turned into a flying dragon, crossed the Baili Luojing City, and flew straight for three hundred miles.

The long dragon was in the air, and the image above Zhang Lizhi's sea had dissipated.

The power of heaven and earth can no longer be blessed.

This Luoshui dragon is about to fall on Luo Jing!
The way of heaven really cannot be relied on.

Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and the palms that were originally clenched suddenly spread apart.

The last power of the Yushui Talisman exploded.

His soul power is boiling at this moment!
In the sky above Luojing City, the long dragon exploded and turned into endless misty rain.


Zhang Li's voice sounded.


The power of [-] Water Control Talismans condensed into one!
Eight hundred ten-foot water swords hang across the sky.


The eight hundred swords merged into one, turning into a ten thousand zhang water blue long sword.

In front of the Demon Suppressing Tower and behind Zhang Li, a golden halo from the Demon Suppressing Tower fell on him.


Zhang Li waved.

With this wave of his hand, half of the power of his soul was consumed in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the golden soul beads exploded, leaving only the golden pillars transformed from five fairy-sealing talismans. divine light.


The ten-thousand-foot long sword flew three hundred miles across the sky.

This sword is the number one master of martial arts in the world.

There is no limit to winning.

(End of this chapter)

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