Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 111 Grandmaster 6 levels, body training and martial arts double foundation building!

Chapter 111 Great Grandmaster Sixth Level, Body Training and Martial Arts Double Foundation Building!
Bone Congealing Pill, condenses the power of bones and blood.

It is rumored that there is a great medicine in the body, hidden between the bones and blood.

Bone Congealing Pill gathers the power of the medicine to nourish the mysterious medicine in the bones and blood, and then catalyzes it to turn into a powerful force that can shatter mountains and rivers.

A Congealing Bone Pill sells for [-] spirit stones in Yunlanshanfang City, and at least the immortal practitioners of the fourth or fifth level of Qi training are willing to take this kind of pill.

Zhang Li collected a total of [-] Bone Congealing Pills.

Jade Tendon Pill is not only consumed by body refiners to increase the carrying power of the meridians, but also by many immortal practitioners who practice Qi in the late stages of Qi training to increase the toughness of their meridians.

Zhang Li saw in a certain travel book that someone had opened up the secrets of the meridians and created a meridian space equivalent to the second dantian.

The meridian space, which can carry the circulation of true energy and store the real energy, has its own mysteries.

Zhang Li has a total of [-] jade tendon pills with fifty spirit stones each.

This kind of elixir is already the best in Yunlanshan Fang City, and it is difficult to buy more.

Taking advantage of the surging power of his own blood, Zhang Li didn't swallow the elixir immediately, but a cyan halo in his palm enveloped the jade bottle.

When the blue light dissipated, the elixirs in the two jade bottles had merged into two green and red elixirs that were full of light.

Zhang Li didn't know if this purified elixir had a special name, but he could feel the surging medicinal power emanating from the elixir.

The potency of this medicine is so strong that just a faint fragrance can cause the energy and blood in his body to vibrate.

His physical strength has long been able to carry the improvement of martial arts cultivation base, so he didn't hesitate to put the two pills into his mouth and swallow them.

When the medicine enters the mouth, the power of the medicine directly turns into a torrent and swims in the body.

The medicinal power of the purified Jade Tendon Pill travels through Zhang Li's meridians, pushing the true energy of martial arts into a torrent.

The purified bone coagulation pill is transformed into the power of qi and blood, and pours into the limbs and bones.

At that moment, Zhang Li only felt that his body was full of qi and blood and the true qi in his meridians, and his body was about to burst.


Behind him, the body of a porcelain white war elephant emerged, and then slightly suspended the whole body on Zhang Li's shoulders, suppressing his surging blood and martial arts true energy.

Martial arts power intertwined in the body, Zhang Lizhou's body was shattered one by one, and the rich spiritual energy was absorbed into the body, turning into the true essence of immortality.

The coolness of Xiandao Zhenyuan soothes the dry and hot martial arts Qi in the body, and subdues the mania in the flesh and blood.

It turns out that fellow practitioners of immortality and martial arts can have such benefits.

The cyan true essence of the immortal way pours into the dantian, and blends with the red true energy of the martial arts, yet they are distinct.

The two forces collided with each other, it can be seen that the martial arts zhenqi is constantly compressing the space.

Compared with the power of Immortal Dao, the power of martial arts zhenqi is still weaker by one level.

In addition, Zhang Li's immortal cultivation base has been purified many times, and has reached the ninth level of Qi training, which is not comparable to the fourth level of the Grand Master.

The martial arts zhenqi in the dantian was continuously compressed, and then converged with the zhenqi in the meridians, and around the body, a faint wandering dragon spun rapidly.

This scene has the same secret as Ying Wuya being crushed by the Luoshui long sword.

Compress with all your strength to change the power level of true energy.

This is the secret of the martial arts great master stepping into the fifth floor, to carry the strength of mountains, to step on mountains and rivers!

Zhang Li, who had observed Ying Wuya's breakthrough all the way, broke through the martial arts at this time, and it happened naturally without any waves.

The moment he successfully stepped into the fifth floor of the Grand Master Realm in his martial arts cultivation base, a pillar of blood and qi formed above his head, directly hitting the suppressing war elephant above his head.

The protective formation around him roared and shook, locking the pillar of smoke tightly.

All the power is transformed between square inches, without leaking the slightest bit.

"hold head high--"

A faint dragon chant sounded.

A reddish dragon with golden radiance appeared above Zhang Li's head.


The war elephant condensed by the Divine Elephant Condensation Art rammed headlong towards the blood dragon.

The blood dragon also resisted with all its strength, and slapped the war elephant's head with one claw.

The phantoms of the two powerful manifestations of power collided together, and the agitation of blood and true energy in the entire quiet room seemed to smash the protective formation around him.

The power of the array can't suppress the explosion of the two forces!

A strange color flashed across the front of the chapter, and a new disk appeared in the palm of his hand.

It's just that he didn't activate the array, but raised his hand.

As the golden light flashed at his fingertips, there was a buzzing sound from the Demon Suppressing Tower in Jingyuan Temple.

An illusory golden pagoda of three feet condensed, flew out from the Zhenyao Pagoda, spanned thousands of feet, and landed on the quiet room in Zhangli's small courtyard.

Daoist Yuan He, who was sitting cross-legged on the fourth floor of the Zhenyao Pagoda, flew up, looked at the direction where the three-foot golden pagoda flew down, his expression changed, and finally returned to the original place.

Uncle Shi, unexpectedly used the means of suppressing demon towers to inspire such unknown power.

No wonder the uncle was able to directly suppress Master Yuji with the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Thinking of Yuji being suppressed on the basement floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, Yuanhe Daoren sighed softly, his body was filled with true energy, and his blue true essence surged.

He can't control these things, so he might as well practice hard by himself.

In Jingyuan Temple, several strong men sensed the changes in the Town Demon Tower, but no one made a sound.

Uncle Master's skills are as high as the sky, and with the strength of one person, the Qi refiners who broke through the East China Sea joined forces, and defeated the Emperor Qin with a sword from a distance of three hundred miles. Win Wuya.

Today's Jingyuanguan is the most powerful since Liguan.

Wang Qingyang and Yuanhe Taoist's two great masters have revealed their cultivation bases, and there is also the unfathomable Thunder Immortal Master sitting in command. Who dares to face the strongest in the world?

The golden illusory three-foot tower descended, covering the quiet room.

A huge pressure instantly gathered from all around.

This is the suppressive power in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

The power of the second basement floor of the Town Demon Tower is suppressed!

The white war elephant and the blood dragon were suppressed by this force, and the fight was slightly restrained.

The qi and blood dragon slowly shrinks its body, reflecting the true qi power in Zhang Dioli.

As the Qi and blood dragon contracted, the war elephant began to charge, and every blow made the Qi and blood dragon retreat.

The Qi and Blood Dragon is the embodiment of the five-level cultivation of the great martial arts master.

The five levels of strength of the martial arts grand master are already the top level in the world.

But in front of the war elephant, it was still a little bit worse.

The body of the war elephant behind Zhang Li is the manifestation of his cultivation of the ninth level of body training, and it is the body training power of the half-step foundation building state.

The fifth floor of the Martial Dao Grandmaster is not as powerful as the half-step foundation building.

In the dantian, the true essence of the immortal way gathered rapidly, and it was already about to occupy all the positions in the dantian.

Behind the head, the war elephant also pushed the blood dragon to a desperate situation.

Under the pincer attack of body training and immortal power, the power of martial arts seems to have lost its vitality.

Zhang Li's eyes shone brightly.

He only stimulated the power of bones and blood in his body over and over again, and then fully aroused the power of Yujin Dan in the meridians.

The dragon of Qi and blood of the fifth level of the great master of martial arts roared and slammed into the war elephant with all his strength.


The body of the war elephant swayed, and the blood dragon collapsed.

Without the blessing of the power of the Dao of the Martial Dao, even the fifth level of the Grand Master of the Martial Dao cannot reach the peak of the ninth level of body training.

The foundation of the dantian was pulled out by the true essence of the immortal way, and the dragon of qi and blood that manifested also collapsed.

Inside and outside Zhang Li's body, blood was pervasive.

That's it!

With a low shout, Zhang Li raised his hand and punched out.

Tianmen Five Elements Fist.

Based purely on the power of qi and blood, Dacheng can shake the fist of the five elements that guards the gate of heaven.

With one punch, the martial arts zhenqi that had been kicked out of the dantian had a tendency to rely on.

With one punch, the already shattered Martial Dao Qi and Blood Dragon has a foundation to rely on.

With one punch, Zhang stood around, the blood dragon groaned, and the churning blood turned into a tall gate.

Fist as a guide, watch the scenery of heaven and earth!

Take your own way as the way of heaven, and the fist around your body reaches your own world.

This is the sixth level of the great martial arts master, transforming into a scene with his body!

This is also the pinnacle of the realm of a great martial arts master!

The gate rose slowly and directly hit the white war elephant behind Zhang Li.

The war elephant was shattered.

The peak of the ninth level of body training cannot stop the sixth level of the Martial Dao Grand Master.

That is to say, the sixth level of the great martial arts master is the power of foundation establishment!
"hold head high--"

The qi and blood dragon shadow of Zhang Lizhou flew out and entangled the shattered war elephant.

At this moment, the light in Zhang Li's eyes was extremely bright.

The phantom of the golden demon-suppressing tower outside his body is also endlessly bright.

"Martial arts and body training are in common."

"The true essence of the immortal way can be purified, so can martial arts and body refining be integrated?"

Stretching out his hand, Zhang Li's fingers revealed a blue light.


Shrouded in blue light, the war elephant shattered, and the blood dragon turned into a cloud of golden blood mist.

In Zhang Li's meridians, the originally surging martial arts qi was shattered, and then rushed into an illusory space.

Open up meridian space!
The second dantian!

With the opening of the second dantian, all the martial arts zhenqi has a home to return to, gathering instantly.

Zhang Li could sense that the moment the second dantian was opened, hundreds of light spots lit up in the meridians.

Can this spot of light open up the position of the electrical meridian space?
Before he had time to think about it, the golden blood mist transformed by the blood dragon around him wrapped the broken war elephant and directly merged into it.

In Zhang Li's eyes, golden dragon scales appeared on the body of the war elephant, which was originally porcelain white.

A golden dragon shadow was imprinted on the body of the war elephant, as if looking up to the sky and chanting, and also seemed to be swimming agilely.

When the dragon and the elephant are in harmony, the giant force is self-generated!
Sensing the power coming from the body of the dragon elephant, Zhang Lichu's calm face showed a trace of horror.

The power of this dragon elephant is one hundred thousand jun in one blow!

With this power, it can really smash mountains and rivers with one blow!

If he stood at the head of the original Luojing City with such strength, he would not be able to stop the impact of the Luoshui Longlong Dragon, and he would not be able to retreat even a single step!

"This is the real power of the dragon and elephant!"

"The combination of the power of the god elephant and the dragon with qi and blood turned into an ancient dragon elephant."

This kind of power is martial arts body training and double foundation building!

Slightly clenching his fist, there was a roaring sound as if the air was being crushed in Zhang Li's palm.

Practicing Qixian Dao, but he didn't want to enter the foundation building first with the body training and martial arts practice that he also cultivated in the end.

Building a foundation, this is an existence beyond the level of Qi training.

When the body training level entered the foundation building stage, Zhang Li could feel a mysterious force in the flesh and blood of his body swimming through his whole body.

Shouyuan improved!

While the five senses were rising, he could feel that his life span, which was bound to be cut off at the age of two hundred, had grown by a little and a half.

At least 300 years.

This is just breaking through to the foundation building realm.

In the future, as the cultivation level increases, the lifespan will continue to increase.

Stepping into the foundation building realm, Zhang Li finally had more control over the power of the soul.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, layers of thick clouds rolled.

That dense cloud is hard to find in the world.

Only the wish of life and death can be so strong.

The five golden pillars transformed by the Immortal Sealing Talisman in the Sea of ​​Consciousness vibrated, attracting the dense clouds of wish power to turn into sea water of spiritual thoughts, impacting the four walls of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In just a moment, Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness expanded to three hundred miles.

In the sky, most of the remaining vows and merits are scarce, but they are still being gathered with the attraction of the Immortal Sealing Talisman.

In the three hundred li sea of ​​consciousness, nearly half of the space was submerged by the sea water transformed by the power of the soul.

The sea water swirls, and in the vortex, five light golden soul beads collide with each other.

On the soul sea, a phantom of heaven and earth is reflected.

The power of soul imprinting is a natural reaction of the power of the soul, which can reflect the illusory scenery of the world for three hundred miles.

As long as the cultivation base does not exceed Zhang Li, it can be reflected by the power of the soul.

The sea of ​​consciousness of three hundred miles is only available in the Golden Core Realm.

The soul golden beads can only be condensed in the golden core state.

According to Zhang Li's reckoning, with the blessing of such surging vows and virtues, a golden pearl of soul can be condensed in his sea of ​​consciousness in one year.

The aura brought by the shattered spirit stones around his body was completely absorbed, and the cultivation base of the ninth level of Immortal Dao Qi training was stable, and Zhang Lifang stood up.

At this time, he is the sixth level of the martial arts grand master, that is, the foundation building state of martial arts.

Refining the body and building the foundation, the condensed body of the god elephant turns into the power of the dragon elephant.

Immortal cultivation base, the nine levels of Qi training are stable.

This level of cultivation is also the elite among the elites on Yunlan Mountain, and is the top figure among the descendants.

But for Zhang Li now, his cultivation in the mundane world is his foundation.

Here, there is a way to trade and cooperate!
Thinking of watching the promotion process of the Heavenly Dao and understanding the changes in the power of the heavens and the earth, Zhang Li forced a smile.

This time, Ying Wuya survived with the help of Heavenly Dao, and his cultivation base stepped into the fifth level of the Grand Master of Martial Dao, which gained great benefits.

This time, because of the improvement of Ying Wuya's cultivation base, Tiandao has raised the upper limit of the power that the Dao can accommodate, and has also been promoted, and the power of Tiandao has become more magnificent.

But whether it's Tiandao or Ying Wuya, they don't have as many benefits as his Zhang Li, and there is a lot of room for improvement!
He was very curious, what would happen when the power of the Demon Suppressing Tower dissipated and the array was put away, and Tiandao sensed the sixth level cultivation base of the great master of martial arts on his body?
Raising your hand, the golden three-foot-high tower dispersed.

The golden disk array mask also disappeared.

For a moment, the power of the sixth level of martial arts on Zhang Li's body touched the power of heaven and earth here.

Behind him, Zhanggao's court, where the Tianmen Five Elements Fist gathered together, appeared.

The view of heaven and earth!

Martial Dao Grandmaster Sixth Level!

Zhang stood around, and layers of wind howled.

The whistling sound lingered, but he didn't know where it was going.

The smile on the chapter facade is even better.

God, he was also dumbfounded.

Zhang Li was promoted in this world, and he is a martial artist.

This realm of cultivation can be in harmony with the way of heaven, and then help the way of heaven to improve.

However, Fang Tiandao is trying his best to cultivate Ying Wuya.

At the beginning, Zhang Li's sky-supporting sword force was divided, and Ying Wuya was saved at the cost of breaking the space.

Now, Zhang Li first breaks through to the sixth level of the Grand Master of Martial Arts.

Do you want to combine with Zhang Li's power to enhance the power of heaven?
Zhang Li could feel the entanglement of power around him and hesitated.

It is not easy to change the avenue.

If the way of heaven is to be involved with Zhang Li's martial arts cultivation level, it is not as simple as transferring the power of heaven and earth's favor from Ying Wuya.

The way of heaven is turbulent, even involving the whole world.

If the greatest favor of heaven falls on Zhang Li, he will have a smooth journey in his practice in this world in the future.

At the beginning, he was only in harmony with the way of heaven, and he punished him ten breaths on behalf of heaven, so that his cultivation and perception improved rapidly.

If Fang Tiandao chooses to put the strongest power of favor on him, wouldn't he be able to comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth every moment in the future?

The wind turned into a breeze, and the aura slowly died down.

The wind around Zhang Li's body slowly dissipated.

God, back off.

There is no choice to match Zhang Li's cultivation base.

Feeling the blessing of the power of heaven and earth still remaining around him, Zhang Li smiled lightly and shook his head.

He didn't dare to pay a huge price to combine the power of Dao's favor with his own cultivation base, and he didn't want to give up his own cultivation base power.

The mundane way of heaven does have the greed and stinginess of human nature.

Humanity establishes the way of heaven, that's it.

After getting dressed, Zhang Li walked out of the quiet room.

The way of heaven does not match his cultivation level, which makes him less aware of the power of the way of heaven.

But he didn't care.

What should be his is his after all.

He can deduce the martial arts cultivation base to the sixth level of the Grand Master Realm, and then he can further deduce and improve it.

Who told him not only to comprehend Ying Wuya's understanding of martial arts cultivation, but also to see the promotion of the power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth with his own eyes!

Walk out of the quiet room and go to the side hall, where dozens of bamboo tubes are placed on the long table.

Before he knew it, he practiced in closed doors for nearly three months.

Uncovering the bamboo tubes one by one according to the time on them, and taking out the notes one by one, Zhang Li finally had an understanding of the situation in the world.

In the past three months, the situation in Luojing, Zhao Kingdom, and the world has changed drastically.

The way of heaven seems to have changed, and many martial arts practitioners feel that the bottleneck of their cultivation has disappeared.

Within three months, Mo Chen, the new lord of the Baigong Hall in the Northern Wei Dynasty, stepped into the realm of the Grand Master, and Xuan Wang Ying Wujiang of the Great Qin Town stepped into the realm of the Grand Master.

Kong Ji, the head teacher of Jixia Academy in the state of Chu, stepped into the realm of a great master.

Guarding the southeast of the Zhao kingdom, Su Ming, the heavenly official of Yushitai, stepped into the realm of a grand master.

After the battle between Helian Jishu, the heavenly king of Beidi Town, and Ying Wuya, he realized Dao in the wilderness of the Northland, intercepted the strong demon masters who were attacking the Xuankong Temple, and successfully stepped into the fourth level of the Martial Dao Grandmaster.

The East China Sea qi refiner lineage reappeared as a strong man, fought with Huang Xianyu, the lord of Wuhuang City on the bank of the East China Sea, and ended in a tie.


With the improvement of the power of heaven, the upper limit of practice power in the mundane world also began to increase.

The world is getting more and more exciting.

"Dongfang Jing revealed the identity of the blood of the demon clan, and entered the demon tower with Yu Honggu?"

Looking at the empty courtyard without Yu Mengmeng and Qingyue, Zhang Li was curious.

Did Dongfang Jing and Yu Honggu reunite at Jingyuanguan's family on purpose, or did they use the power of the Demon Suppressing Tower to suppress the demon power that Yu Honggu could not condense?
After one note was burned out, Zhang Li looked at the next one and laughed lightly.

Zhu Yunshan, Feng Xian, failed again.

This time, the one who got the cheapest was Liu Yue.

Zhu Yunshan used the method of enshrining immortals at the head of the southern city of Luojing, and wanted to use his merits and virtues to wish to become immortals.

At the critical moment, the power of the water dragon broke the way to seal the immortal.

It was Liu Yue who condensed with her own blood and helped Zhu Yunshan re-enable her as an immortal.

If Yunshan succeeds in sealing the immortal, Liu Yue will be the sacrificial offering.

In the end, Zhu Yunshan gave up Fengxian and summoned Zhang Li to smash the water dragon.

Zhu Yunshan is half of the immortal, and the power of the soul is frozen in a radius of ten miles outside the southern city of Luojing.

Because of the power of her soul, Liu Yue could fight Grandmaster Sanchong within ten miles of Nancheng.

After reading the notes one by one, Zhang Li got up and walked out of the side hall.

"Master Zhang."

Seeing Zhang Li, Shen Yuan, who was practicing swordsmanship in the small courtyard, stepped forward quickly and bowed to salute.

At this moment, Shen Yuan's cultivation was in the middle stage of Qi Condensation, and there was a faint aura of swordsmanship emerging from his body.

"Master Zhang, your Majesty has been here several times during these days of retreat, and brother Zhang Chu also visits you every day."

Shen Yuan raised his head, looked at Zhang Li, and said in a low voice: "Wang Qingyang is the master of retreat, before retreat, come to visit."

"He has already sealed Jing Yuanguan's master seal envelope."

"Just wait for Master Zhang to go out and take charge of Jingyuan Temple."

 First, push a book for a friend.

  "Dao Jun: Starting from the Top Grade Golden Elixir"

  Second, I almost got the boutique badge today, let's hang up the book friend group.

(End of this chapter)

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