Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 115 1 sword breaks the law, Xuankong Temple Buddha Demon

Chapter 115 Breaking the law with one sword, Buddha and Demon in Xuankong Temple

Sword intent.

These two words are truly powerful synonymous with kendo practice.

It represents the fundamental reason why Jindan Realm Sword Cultivator can become the backbone of all parties in the practice world.

Under the Nascent Soul, those who can achieve sword intent in the way of the sword can run rampant.

A sword cultivator who can condense sword seeds into sword intent and step into the golden core realm is known as invincible at the same level.

It is the real existence of a strong man who can break the law with one sword and is invulnerable to all laws.

Only after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, when the spells are transformed into supernatural powers, all spells become one, and all ways return to the same end, the tyranny of the sword cultivator will not be so prominent.

The seed of sword intent on the back of Zhang Li's hand at this time, as long as he slowly warms it with his own swordsmanship, it can blossom and bear fruit, and become a real sword intent.

With the sword in his body, under the Nascent Soul, he can run rampant.

This is the result of the fusion of immortal swordsmanship and mortal swordsmanship.

Holding the sword again, Zhang Li could feel that his understanding of swordsmanship was more refined and agile.

Is this an accidental insertion?

Originally, he just wanted to try to fuse his practice skills, but he didn't expect to fuse his own kendo cultivation base and turn it into a sword species.

At this time, owning this sword species also means that Zhang Li's sword practice has stepped into the realm equivalent to the foundation establishment state.

With the sword species in hand, Zhang Li can practice mundane and fairy swordsmanship in the future, and he can comprehend it much faster.

Conversely, the swordsmanship he practiced was to feed back the sword seed and give birth to the sword seed to germinate.

With joy on his face, a book of kendo classics fell on the long table in front of him.

In the quiet room, a faint sword energy rose from Zhang Li's body, and then turned into a mysterious phantom, constantly changing.


East China Sea.

Qinglin, the patriarch of the mermaid clan, had recovered his arms at this time, and his body was extremely strong, obviously his cultivation had improved a level.

In his hand, a long black awl flickered with a black halo.

A group of mermaids covered in light blue scales all walked behind him.

"Ahead is the hometown of our mermaid tribe, Minghe Island." Qing Lin stretched out his finger to the island reflected on the sea ahead, and said in a deep voice.

Minghe Island is an island with a radius of hundreds of miles. There is Minghe Valley on it, which not only has a trace of aura, but also produces Minghe pearls.

Minghe beads have a weak aura, and ten are equivalent to one spirit stone.

Thousands of Minghe pearls can be produced every year on Minghe Island, which is the foundation of the practice of the shark people.

It's a pity that Minghe Island has been occupied by Qi refiners from the East China Sea hundreds of years ago.

Without the Minghe Pearl on Minghe Island, the Merman tribe continued to decline, and it was difficult to have any masters in the tribe.

In the past hundred years, because of the hunting and killing of Qi refiners in the East China Sea, the ethnic group withered.

Today, the entire ethnic group is less than 3000 people, most of whom are old and weak.

This time, Qinglin led the remaining strong men of the clan to attack Minghe Island in order to snatch the Minghe Pearl.

Also, he wanted to take away the mother-of-pearl that produced Minghe pearls.

Ao Jin told him that the mother-of-pearl has three golden beads, which can mend broken shark beads.

Not only repair shark beads, this golden beads can be refined into demon pills.

The demon core is only available to the great monsters in the Golden Core Realm, and it is the symbol of the strength of the real big monsters.

The golden pearl of the mother of pearl is not a real demon core, and can only exert one-tenth of the power of the demon core.

But for Qinglin, let alone eleven, even one hundred is enough.

He had already decided on three golden beads, and gave one to his younger sister to help her mend shark beads.

One is refined by itself and possesses the power of a great demon.

Another one was given to Ao Jin.

Although this strong man of the Flood Dragon Clan may not necessarily like it, it is also his own wish.

In the sea breeze, there is a hint of earthy smell.

All the mermen quietly hid in the water and dived to Minghe Island.

The shark race is the darling of the ocean.

In just a few moments, more than a hundred strong men of the Merman Race had already set foot on Minghe Island.

Qing Lin looked around, a trace of emotion flashed across his face.

Minghe Island, he finally set foot on it.

This is the first time in the past 500 years that the Mermen have set foot on Minghe Island.

Everyone lurks and goes to Minghe Valley where Minghe Pearl is located.

Because too many Qi refiners fell in Luojing, although there were guards on Minghe Island, their strength was obviously much weaker.

After raiding three qi refiner camps and killing more than 20 condensed and transformed qi refiners, Qing Lin and the others finally stood in front of a misty valley.

The original "Minghe Valley" stele in front of the valley has been smashed and replaced with the "Ningyu Valley" stele.

Walking into the valley, flowing springs and rocks are like jade.

A Wang Qingtan, in which the aura is like a cloud.

"Minghe mother-of-pearl is in this pool." Qing Lin glanced back, then whispered, "I'll go and take it out."

As he spoke, he leaped and flew into the bottomless clear pool.

Around, those mermaids all looked solemn and guarded.

Ever since Minghe Island was occupied by Qi refiners, it has become an important place for them to heal and recuperate.

Maybe there will be strong people coming and blocking them here.

Everyone waited for a while, and suddenly saw the waves rolling in the pool.


Qing Lin, who was shining with spiritual light, flew out.

On top of his head, a golden spirit bead flickered.

"The patriarch got the golden bead!"

"With this golden bead, the patriarch can fight the Foundation Establishment Overhaul!"

"With this level of cultivation, the mortal world is invincible, right?"

Those mermans all exclaimed in surprise.

But when they saw Qinglin's face, they seemed to be panicked.

Qing Lin, who flew out of the pool with a dignified expression, raised his hand and threw out the two golden beads, and said in a low voice, "Take the golden beads to Luojing, and all the merman race will leave the East China Sea!"

Leaving the East China Sea?

Those mermaids were taken aback.


Below the pool, there was a roar, and the original clear pool disappeared instantly, turning into a bottomless cave.

A figure rushed out of the cave and rushed towards Qinglin.

It was a middle-aged man in black armor with a long knife in his hand and a cold expression on his face.

Senhan on the long knife clearly condensed the energy of the knife.

Qing Lin gave a low drink, and cut off the black dragon horn in his hand.

The golden beads above his head shone with spiritual light, and the power blessed his body.


When the sword light hit the black horn, Qing Lin was shocked and stepped back.

The black-armoured middle-aged figure also paused and fell into the cave.

Being able to fight against the head of his own family after refining the gold beads is comparable!

The surrounding mermen all stared wide-eyed.

Who is this black armor middle-aged man?

"Let's go quickly!"

"Below is the passage leading to other worlds. There is a strong attack coming. I can only resist for a moment!"

Qinglin let out a roar, and the golden light on the dragon's horn in his hand shone, covering his body, turning into a swimming dragon, and then slammed into the two figures rushing out from below.

The two figures were knocked down by the dragon, and the surrounding stone walls also began to collapse.

But not only was the deep cave not blocked, but it felt like it was constantly expanding.

"The chaos in the East China Sea can only be quelled by Young Master Jin and Immortal Master Thunder!" Qing Lin let out a low growl, before disappearing into the deep cave.

The merman race looked at each other, turned around and left.

Half a day later, most of the entire Minghe Island collapsed, and a ten-mile radius was shrouded in mist, and a strong man stepped out of it.

Each of these strong men wearing black armour, cultivating immortals and body training has at least five levels of Qi training.

In just a few days, they took over the territory of the Eastern Sea Qi Refiners.

If those East China Sea qi refiners did not surrender, they would all be killed.

The mermaid tribe moved away from the East China Sea, and its patriarch Qinglin disappeared in the passage, and his whereabouts are unknown.


Hanging Temple.

The number one power in the wilderness back then, after the death of Kong Wen and the death of the Fourteen Guardian King Kong, its strength was greatly reduced.

Demon cultivators from all sides on the wasteland quietly besieged. If Helian Jishu hadn't made a move, the Hanging Temple might be in danger of being destroyed.

Helian Jishu killed and scattered a group of strong demons, his own martial arts improved, and his cultivation level stepped into the fourth level of the Grand Master Realm.

But this matter will also deter all evil ways for a period of time.

Helian Jishu returned to Beidi, the demons reunited, and then surrounded the Xuankong Temple.

Dharma-protecting temples around the Xuankong Temple were all uprooted, and countless ascetic monks were killed by demons.

At the beginning, Monk Kongwen turned thirteen demonic powerhouses into Dharma protectors. Now, the demonic masters turned dozens of ascetic monks into demonic cultivators. They were dressed in black robes with blood-red eyes and possessed demonic aura.

Five hundred feet above the mountain, the devilish energy soared into the sky.

The golden bell on the Xuankong Temple rang, shaking for hundreds of miles.

In the mountain temple, monks stood on the edge of the cliff with swords, guns and sticks, ready to fight to the death.

Under the tower of the stone wall at the back of the Xuankong Temple, an old monk wearing a yellow cassock sits sitting upright.

"Why, the Xuankong Temple is going to be destroyed, do you think of me now?" A voice sounded from the tower, with a trace of teasing.

"I can wait until all the monks in the Xuankong Temple are dead, and then the seal here is broken before going out."

The voices converged and turned into a young monk with a handsome face in a moon-white monk's robe.

The monk's face is fair, and his body seems to have a white jade light.

If you don't look carefully, you will feel that this is clearly a Buddhist monk.

But the crimson eyes of the monk's eyes were shining brightly, with the coldness of choosing someone to eat, which made people's heart palpitate.

"Master Uncle Changkong, you are also from Xuankong Temple." The old monk sighed and put his palms together.

"You save the Xuankong Temple today, and the Xuankong Temple will be dominated by you in the future."

The old monk shook his head helplessly, and said softly: "My Xuankong Temple inheritance cannot be broken."

Hearing his words, the flashing red light in the young monk's eyes instantly became intense, and a chuckle appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice, "Really?"

The old monk nodded.

The young monk smiled, raised his hand and said, "Bring it."

The old monk was taken aback.

The young monk smiled even more.

"The Hanging Temple presides over the seal."

"There is also the seal of control of the Mingwang Pagoda."

"Since you want me to take charge of the Xuankong Temple, then these two things must be handed over to me."

The old monk pondered for a moment, then took out a light red Buddhist bead, then shook his head: "Here is the seal of control of King Ming Pagoda."

"As for presiding over the seal, Sui Kongwen was lost in Luojing, Zhao State, and was taken away by Jingyuan Temple."

"The Immortal Master Thunderbolt of Jingyuan Temple is powerful and boundless, and my Xuankong Temple is also unable to get back the seal."

The old monk's words made the red in the young monk's eyes shine through the pupils, and a bloody aura instantly permeated the air.

The strength of this power and the intensity of the evil spirit made the old monk at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm tremble all over and couldn't control himself.

The young monk raised his hand to grab the red Buddhist beads, turned around and left.

"Give me the King Ming Pagoda, and I will get the presiding officer's seal in person in the future."

The old monk watched the young monk step into the darkness, with a flash of relief and a trace of anxiety on his face.


A golden streamer rose from the back mountain of the Hanging Temple.

This golden light turned into a phantom of a thousand-foot-thousand-foot Fudo Mingwang in mid-air, and the place covered by the phantom seemed to be like a fountain.

On the Hanging Mountain, a ten-foot-high nine-story Buddhist pagoda of ten thousand species is slowly floating.

A young Taoist in a moon-white monk's robe clasped his hands together, with a string of blood-red beads hanging around his neck, and strode out.

The nine-story pagoda is above his head, and the virtual image of King Ming moves with his body.

"Little monk goes up into the sky."

"About, 500 years ago, it was suppressed in Mingwang Pagoda."

"You guys, remember?"

The young monk's voice was full of illusory smiles, but it seemed to sound from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Most of the monks in the Hanging Temple showed blank faces.

Fear flashed across the faces of several monks who were wearing yellow robes and who had already reached the level of masters.

"Yes, it's the uncle Changkong who was possessed back then!"

"He has been suppressed for 500 years, how is he still alive?"

Under the cliff, an old man in a black robe with magic lines on his face showed fear in his eyes.

Beside him, a middle-aged man who was full of devilish energy turned his head and said in a low voice, "Elder Inorganic, who is Changkong?"

The Inorganic Elder looked up at the virtual image of King Ming who was slowly approaching, and said in a deep voice: "Use Buddha to become a demon, step down the Devil's Bone Mountain, and confront King Ming, from the tower of King Ming."

"This one is the Demon Buddha Sky."

"It's rare for someone to remember the little monk." There was a chuckle in the void, and then, a palm that supported the sky patted it down.


Endless devilish energy and blood light dissipated under King Ming's palm.

The new abbot of the Xuankong Temple, 500 years ago, the Demon Buddha Changkong, with the supreme power of King Ming, suppressed and killed three thousand demon masters, and subdued all the demons on the wasteland.

When Demon Buddha Changkong walked back to the Hanging Temple from the wasteland covered in blood, the entire sky in the wasteland changed color.


Zhao Guo, Jing Yuan Guan.

Daoist Qing Xun, who controls all the investigation information of Jingyuan Temple, has a solemn expression.

The news about the massacre of the Qi Refiner in the East China Sea is not accurate enough. Although there is news from the Merman Clan, but because they want to avoid being chased and killed, they don’t know where they are hiding now. What happened on Minghe Island cannot be explained clearly.

The birth of Buddhas and demons in Xuankong Temple, ruling the wasteland Buddhism and demons, changing the way of heaven, this news came from Beidi.

A warning has been issued on Beidi Yuanmo Mountain, and the cultivation and combat power of the Buddhist sky is definitely not something that ordinary grand masters can resist.

Each of these two incidents may affect the general situation of the world and needs to be reported to my uncle.

In addition, there are several visions that my uncle asked to pay attention to, and I have to report them.

Taoist Qing Xun went directly to the small courtyard where Zhang Li lived without using a bamboo tube to convey the message.

Shen Yuan reported, and then Taoist Qing Xun came to the side hall and saw Zhang Li who was drawing talismans with his head down.

Regarding the changes in the East China Sea and the Demon Buddha Changkong, Zhang Li just nodded and didn't say anything.

The way of heaven is promoted, the power that can be accommodated becomes stronger, and the strength of the ordinary foundation-building realm can be brought into play.

Be it the East China Sea or the Hanging Temple, they are just the epitome of the changes in the Dao of Heaven.

The Dao of Heaven still favors the Dao of Martial Arts, and the true general trend has not been shaken.

Regardless of whether he is a Buddhist or other forces, if he dares to interfere with the general situation, it will inevitably arouse the wrath of Heaven.

Zhang Li longed for Heaven's wrath.

He is more willing to help Tiandao.

Punishment on behalf of the sky, he is familiar with it.

"Because the Jinjiang River was diverted, the stone forest at the bottom of the river at the source of the upper reaches was revealed, and there was a strange light shining, which may be related to the place where the sky demon's finger bones are buried."

"The Yuntai Lin family of the thousand-year-old family has received news that there seems to be a strange phenomenon on Yuntai Mountain. The mountain is closed by clouds and mists, and the laurel snow cannot be picked."

"A hunter from Shanglin County entered the mountain and found a Ganoderma lucidum as big as a millstone, and sent it to the imperial city."

"There have been a lot of rumors about various spiritual herbs and elixir recently."

"Tuoyuan Taoist enshrined in the imperial city is good at alchemy and is interested in these elixir. The enshrining hall has already ordered all parties to collect elixir."

What Taoist Qing Xun said made Zhang Li's eyes light up.

"That fellow Daoist Tuoyuan can still make alchemy?"

In Zhang Li's storage bag, there are also many spiritual herbs and medicines brought from Yunlan Mountain, as well as several good alchemy furnaces, and various alchemy classics.

He tried to grope for alchemy by himself before, but unfortunately it was difficult to get started.

None of the immortal priests in Jingyuan Temple knew how to make alchemy.

Zhu Yunshan said that he dabbled a little bit thousands of years ago, but Zhang Li didn't dare to ask him for advice.

This one has never been reliable.

If Taoist Tuoyuan knows alchemy, he can ask for advice.

"Master Zhang, Your Majesty is here to see you." In the small courtyard, Shen Yuan's voice sounded.

The new emperor, Zhao Ji.

Taoist Qing Xun bowed and said in a low voice, "The disciple is going back first."

Zhang Li nodded and looked at the figure slowly approaching the door.

"Sir, there is no Gui Yunxue, only the blood of the setting sun."

Zhao Ji, who was wearing a blue brocade robe, came in, put the wine jar on the long table, and sat down in front of Zhang Li.

"I want to ask sir something."

"That day I got drunk at Mr.'s place and stayed overnight in the cloud boat."

"Did you lose yourself to others?"

(End of this chapter)

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