Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 127 Create a Blessed Land, the Demon Pill in Zhang Li's Hand

Chapter 127 Create a Blessed Land, the Demon Pill in Zhang Li's Hand

The golden light sprinkled on his body, making Zhang Li, who was hanging ten feet still, look like a god.

Looking up at the sky, Zhang Li took a light breath, and Zhang Li felt that the whole world had become open.

Indeed, the heaven and earth of the earth fairy world are far less lofty than the mortal world.

A faint breeze wrapped his body.

This is the promise that Heaven asked him to do.

Million Lingshi.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Li just waved his hand.

Endless spiritual light flooded the whole body.

Millions of spiritual stones, reflecting bright spiritual light in the sun, turned into colorful cloud pools.


A beam of light covering the entire sky and earth went straight up to the sky.

Standing behind him, Ao Jin watched the rising beam of light, and the rain of spiritual energy burst and spewed out towards the surroundings.

Zhang Li, who was drenched in the rain of spiritual energy, quietly looked at everything in front of him.

He can feel the joy of this world.

He could feel the promotion of Fang Tiandao more clearly.

Is the way of humanity changing the way of heaven, or the way of heaven changing the way of humanity?

Standing there, he seemed to be able to see the endless river of history and the reproduction of countless creatures...

The reason why Dao is ruthless is because the life of creatures is too short.

If there are living beings with the same life span as the heaven and the earth, wouldn't it be possible to be friends with the heaven and the dao?

Conversely, in the eyes of other living beings, the living beings with the same life span as the heaven and the earth are also the same as the ruthless Dao?
Because all living beings are just passers-by in the endless river of life.

Just like a wave, it will eventually dissipate.

A faint aura emerged from Zhang Li's body.

This is the feedback of the power of heaven and earth.

On the merits and vows in his sea of ​​consciousness, there are traces of golden clouds gathering.

"Qing Xun, have you broken through to the Grand Master Realm?"

It was not the first time that Zhang Li felt that someone would feed back because of his breakthrough to the Grand Master.

The last time Zhao Cheng made a breakthrough, Zhang Li's spiritual cultivation has improved a lot due to the merit and willingness to feed back.

But now his soul realm is extremely advanced, a breakthrough in the realm of a great master, and the wish to feed back can no longer help his practice much.

Looking around, Zhang Li smiled.

One great master may not help much, but what about ten or hundreds?

Millions of spirit stones were shattered, spirit energy scattered into the world, and the entire mortal world felt it.

The power of heaven and earth is increased, the upper limit of power of heaven and earth is increased, and more masters can break through the bottleneck and step into the great master.

As long as you become a grand master, you will have 200 years of life.

In this way, there may be opportunities for improvement.

As long as this world can continue to break through and improve, more great masters will appear.

Zhang Li, the instigator, will be able to get the feedback of every great master.

Accumulation of a little makes a lot, this kind of merit and vow is extremely powerful.

Having already tasted the sweetness of increasing strength, is this Heavenly Dao willing to decline slowly?
In the future, there will be more opportunities to trade with Tiandao.

Down below, those stone carvings were filled with spiritual light, as if they were desperately absorbing spiritual energy.

The Immortal Transformation Altar also needs spiritual nourishment. It has been supported by the power of the phalanx of the sky demon before. This time, there is a massive burst of spiritual energy. The first one to benefit is the Altar of Immortal Transformation.

Zhang Li could feel that with the infusion of spiritual energy, the repulsion and hostility towards him from the Immortal Transformation Altar gradually dissipated.

When he digests the power of heaven that he has drawn from the Earth Immortal Realm, he will almost be able to re-enter the Altar of Transformation Immortals and return to the Earth Immortal Realm.

No wonder the time to enter the Earth Immortal Realm couldn't be too long, it turned out that the guarding treasures everywhere sensed the alien power.

Watching the aura around him gradually calm down, Zhang Li let out a long laugh, and drove a sword light across the sky.

Returning to Luojing, quietly concealed his figure, and entered the Jingyuan Temple.

The small courtyard is still the same.

Back in the small courtyard, Zhang Li picked up the bamboo tubes on the director's case and looked at the messages in them.

There is not much news about Luo Jing sent by Zhang Chu.

Now that Zhao Ji is on the throne, Su Ming is the Prime Minister, Zhao Chengcheng is at the frontier, and the general situation of the Zhao Kingdom is stable.

However, Zhang Chu also mentioned that in Luojing, the current aristocratic families, Confucianism and Taoism, and the millennium aristocratic families are all fighting for the top.

The emperor intends to balance several parties and at the same time contain Su Ming.

Zhang Li is not interested in these court affairs.

Zhang Chu also mentioned that the emperor intends to expand Zhang Chu’s Yuanwuwei to calm down Zhao’s rivers and lakes.

Although Zhao Ji knew that Zhang Chu had masters under his command, he didn't know that there were two hundred demon cultivators who turned into humans again after being demonized.

These demon cultivators are hiding now, and only Zhang Chu and Zhang Li know about the practice method of Qi refiners in the East China Sea.

Luo Jing is fine.

On the other side of the East China Sea, the war is raging.

In the bamboo tube sent by Jingyuan Guanqingxun, the news was astonishing.

In the battle on Muyun Island in the East China Sea, Huang Xianyu was seriously injured, Taoist Yuji was killed in battle, and Taoist Qingxun broke through to the Grand Master realm.

If Dongfang Jing hadn't turned into a demon on Muyun Island, revealed his demon body, and killed dozens of outsiders, the seal on Muyun Island might have been broken.

Dongfang Jing revealed his demon body, and now he has quietly left Muyun Island, and he doesn't know where he is going.

The battle on Muyun Island has temporarily come to an end, but the East China Sea is occupied by practitioners from outside the realm, and it is unknown when the war will resume.

At present, many strong men from Jixia Academy went to Muyun Island to sit in town, while Taoist Qingxun led the disciples of Jingyuanguan and escorted Taoist Yuji's body back to Jingyuanguan.

Zhang Li burned the scroll in his hand and shook his head lightly.

Daoist Yuji died in battle as a grand master and protected the mortal world. This kind of reputation is much better than Huayao being suppressed in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

If Taoist Lai Yuji died, he would be able to wash away his sins.

The reason why he asked Taoist Yuji to go to the East China Sea was because Taoist Yuji had already told him in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

Daoist Yuji's lifespan is about to expire, and he has no intention of prolonging his life to practice, so he went to the East China Sea with the heart of death.

Killing the East China Sea in battle can be regarded as his wish fulfilled.

Born in the mundane, die in the mundane.

After all, humane practice is a bit more spiritual than fairy practice.

"Brother Zhang, what great things have you done in the upper reaches of the Jinjiang River?" Zhu Yunshan's voice sounded from outside the courtyard.

The illusory Zhu Yunshan rushed in, saw Zhang Li, looked him up and down, with a strange look on his face.

"How do I feel that you have a trace of divine power?"

"Is it the power of the Immortal Sealing Talisman?"

Zhu Yunshan felt a little afraid to look directly at Zhang Li.

This is the suppression of divine power.

Zhang Li sensed that the golden seal in the Sea of ​​Consciousness had been re-formed into the Immortal Sealing Talisman.

It seems that the golden seal is in the earth fairy world, and it can only be condensed with the blessing of the power of heaven in the earth fairy world.

I don't know if the mundane way of heaven can also be combined with the power of Fengxian Talisman and merit to turn it into a golden seal.

"I sensed the way of heaven in the place where the sky demon was buried, and I aroused the power of heaven and earth. Brother Zhu also felt it?" Zhang Li changed the topic and looked at Zhu Yunshan.

Zhu Yunshan is now the fief immortal of this world. Although he is only in charge of the land of ten miles, it is not complete, but he can be regarded as an earth immortal.

Of course, he was the first to sense the changes in the power of heaven and earth.

It's just that he is not sure whether Zhang Li did this.

"I can't even imagine how much power is needed to increase the power of heaven in the mortal world."

"If you are in front of it and sense the changes, you will definitely benefit a lot." Zhu Yunshan showed envy on his face.

Now he can only guard, and has no way to enjoy the world.

Zhang Li naturally wouldn't tell Zhu Yunshan that he exploded a million spirit stones at once.

"It's a blessed land right now, you won't just leave it like that?"

"I thought you were going to stay there to practice."

Zhu Yunshan looked at Zhang Li, and said in a low voice: "The aura there is now richer than some small sects in the practice world."

It takes time for the aura of a million spirit stones to dissipate.

Go now and have some soup.

It can be regarded as the wool of heaven.

Zhang Li nodded and called out with a smile.

Shen Yuan, who had improved his sword skills a lot, hurried forward to salute.

Standing on the stone steps, looking at Shen Yuan in front of him, Zhang Li said, "Shen Yuan, you will practice in the upper reaches of the Jinjiang River, where the sky demons are buried."

"Come back every month."

He took out several swordsmanship classics and passed them along with several jade bottles.

Not only Shen Yuan, but also Zhang Li recruited Daoist Tuoyuan and Gongsun Jiu, and told them to go to the place where the demon was buried to cultivate.

There are a lot of offerings to the Immortals in Jingyuan Temple, so we can just go together.

"By the way, brother Zhu, I got a method of condensing incense with the power of merit and wish in the burial place of the sky demon. Take a look."

After Shen Yuan and the others left, Zhang Li took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhu Yunshan.


As a practitioner of Shinto, Zhu Yunshan is missing this treasure now.

After receiving the jade slip, Zhu Yunshan rubbed his hands and left with a big laugh.

Zhang Li didn't give him incense directly because he didn't need it.

The earth fairy world is sparsely populated, and it is difficult to gather incense.

Zhu Yunshan sits in the southern city of Luojing, and millions of people's incense and vows can be collected at any time.

There was no suitable method before, but now that there is a way to collect incense for Shinto practice, I wish Yunshan's Shinto practice will be able to make rapid progress.

It doesn't take long to truly become an Earth Immortal.

Zhu Yunshan gave Zhang Li the Fengxian Yuanfu, which is the basis for Zhang Li's return from the earth and immortal world.

Giving the method of condensing incense and fire to Zhu Yunshan is repaying his favor.

Watching Zhu Yunshan leave, Zhang Li shook his head, turned and walked into the quiet room.

Millions of spiritual stones erupted, and the fairy light shone for thousands of miles. Jing Yuan Guanzhong also got the news half a day later.

At this time, under the leadership of Shen Yuan, the immortal priests in the temple had already quietly gone.

In that ten-mile radius, the richness of aura in the next few decades will far exceed that of other places.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a holy place for practice.

Instead of letting outsiders occupy it, it is better for people in Jingyuan Temple to occupy it.

Zhang Li usually practiced in Jingyuan Temple, and when he wanted to communicate with Gongsun Jiu and the others, he just went there.

The changes in the aura of heaven and earth are not only sensed in Jingyuan Temple, but also felt by the whole world, the Grand Master Realm, and even those powerhouses at the peak of the Grand Master Realm.

It won't take long for someone to break through the bottleneck.

This burst of spiritual energy should be regarded as the beginning of the improvement of the cultivation power in the mortal world.

Zhao Guo's royal family also responded quickly, sending hundreds of priests to the place where the sky demon was buried.

Other forces will also respond in the shortest possible time.

Zhang Li retreated in a quiet room for three days.

During these three days, he came here to sort out his own cultivation, and weigh the pros and cons of various cultivation methods such as divine way, body training, martial arts, immortal way.

He also purified his immortal cultivation base again.

After this purification, his immortal cultivation base was fixed at the late stage of the ninth level of Qi training, and foundation building was just one step away.

As long as his immortal practice step into the foundation building, then the immortal way, martial arts, and body training will all enter the foundation building state.

From the earth fairy world, he brought back many practice books.

These classics are foundation building, and even the cultivation method of Jindan realm.

There are many foundation-building realms, and there are three methods of cultivation in the Golden Core realm.

Huaxian State is still too weak, there are not many golden elixir realms, and Tang Jin himself is not the kind of golden elixir with a deep background.

In Dong Mingshen's collection in Zhang Li's hand, there are no golden core realm practice books.

It is estimated that this Earth Immortal never thought of bringing classics to the world of practice.

Looking through the classics of the Earth Immortal Realm, Zhang Li also found that it was a little different from the practice method in the current practice world.

The aura of the earth fairy world is rich, and the inheritance is still the practice method of the ancient times.

The spiritual energy in the current practice world is thin and is still declining. It is difficult to practice the cultivation methods that consume extremely spiritual energy, such as the practice methods of the ancient times.

Moreover, the various spells carried in the cultivation method of the earth fairy world all use the power of heaven and earth when they are cast, and the concentration of aura is very high.

In the mortal world, the combat power of these spells would be greatly reduced.

In the world of practice, these techniques are not easy to use.

It seems that, following the old ways and being complacent, the cultivation methods of the Earth Immortal Realm have fallen behind.

Zhang Li was a little hesitant, whether or not he should practice the exercises of the fairyland after his immortal practice had stepped into the foundation-building realm.

If he didn't practice the techniques of the earth and immortal world, where would he find the subsequent method of cultivation in the foundation-building realm?

Fusion by yourself?

It is possible, but it is easy to fall into the same predicament as the earth fairy world.

Without more knowledge, one can imagine what kind of exercises one can get by simply relying on the fusion of low-level cultivation methods.

Fortunately, Zhang Li is not in a hurry to practice for the time being. During the three days in the quiet room, most of them are counting their own gains.

During this trip to the Earth Immortal Realm, he received the cultivation insight from the Earth Immortal Great Master Dong Mingshen, as well as the gift of the Heavenly Dao of Huaxian Prefecture, and mastered the method of gathering clouds and thunder.

He even got a huge fortune worth billions of Lingshi.

Dong Mingshen's storage rings were almost counted now, and Zhang Li wrapped the two storage rings he got from Immortal Songze with the power of his soul.

The soul initially merged into it, hid in the sea of ​​consciousness, and slowly faded away.

This is the means to unblock the remnant soul in the storage ring.

This process will take several years, ten years.

But Zhang Li is not in a hurry, he has no shortage of spirit stones and treasures now.

What also needs to be nourished slowly with the soul is the Yunze Eight Diagrams Mirror.

magic weapon.

This kind of treasure can only be used by those who are strong in the Golden Core Realm.

Although the strength of Zhang Li's soul is not inferior to that of Jindan, his true energy is far behind.

He estimated that even if he refines this treasure now, when he makes a move, he will at most stimulate half of its power.

Moreover, he would drain his true energy with one blow.

However, he has an alternative.

This is what Ao Jin told him, and Tang Jin also said it was feasible.

Infuse his body with the power of the golden core.

Just because Zhang Li didn't reach the Golden Core Realm doesn't mean he doesn't have treasures of the same power in his hands.

Three golden beads floated in front of him.

One is a large pigeon egg bead with golden light.

The two are egg-sized gray beads wrapped in a dim blue light.

The golden light bead is the demon pill that Ao Jinchu cultivated.

The other two are demon pills that were exhausted outside the Altar of Transformation Immortals.

There is no power in these two demon pills, but that doesn't mean they can't be infused.

"Brother Zhang, cultivators of the same level are needed to infuse the power of the demon core, and I have no realm right now—" Ao Jin was called to the quiet room, and when Zhang Li said that he was required to infuse the demon core, he quickly shook his head.

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Li had already pushed the demon pill that belonged to him over.

"Do you want?"

Ao Jin opened his mouth happily, swallowed his demon pill, and said: "Okay, I will help brother Zhang infuse the demon pill with demon power."

"A hundred years, as long as a hundred years, I can fill a demon pill."

Zhang Li frowned, and said, "Can't it be faster?"

"Yes, but you need a chalcedony bead." Ao Jin nodded: "One chalcedony bead can last ten years."

"Ten chalcedony beads can fill this demon pill with demon power in a hundred days."

"It's just that treasures such as chalcedony beads are lacking even in Luo Wuzhou, let alone this mortal world, don't even think about it—"

After Ao Jingang finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

22 chalcedony beads swirling with spiritual light gently floating in front of him.

"I'll give you two hundred days to fill these two demon pills with demon power."

"These two chalcedony beads are your reward."

"Is there a problem?"

Zhang Li looked at Ao Jin and asked calmly.

"No, no, no problem..." Ao Jin replied with a "calm" expression.

(End of this chapter)

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