Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 129 Demon Extermination Order, Zhang Li conquered the Hanging Temple

Chapter 129 Demon Extermination Order, Zhang Li conquered the Hanging Temple

With Luojing as the center, the whole world has a radius of [-] li, and it's all under my control!
The soul reflects the heaven and the earth, and the space of the sea is the place where authority controls!

Above Zhang Li's Sea of ​​Consciousness, meritorious wishes surged, and the Immortal Sealing Talisman vibrated, as if it was about to turn into a golden seal.

Zhu Yunshan's complexion changed and he couldn't help but quickly backed away.

"This guy, is his soul cultivation so strong..."

If he didn't retreat, he might fall to the ground immediately.

Dongfang Jing also had a dignified expression, his body surged with strength, and he finally retreated from the city wall.

At this moment, Zhang Li was not something they could look directly at!
Three hundred miles away, the wind and the clouds are turbulent, as if the power of the sky and the earth has turned into a tornado soaring into the sky.

In front of Xun Kuang, the word "wind" suddenly shattered.

Countless ink beads flew down, staining Xun Kuang's robe, turning it black and blue.

His silver-white beard and hair were also stained with ink beads, with traces of gray.

"Three hundred miles of heaven and earth are full of cages..."

Looking at the world in front of him, like a ferocious python that chooses people and devours them, Xun Kuang whispered.

On the other side, on the barefoot monk with folded hands, the black and white cassock instantly shattered, revealing the golden armor close to his body.

A flame-like divine light flickered in the monk's eyes.

The appearance of a ten-zhang bright king emerged.

It's just that this king of enlightenment is not the enlightened king of Buddha, but a black armored king of enlightenment holding a magic pestle.


The golden lion under the Ming throne roared forward, but its four legs kept retreating, as if it had encountered an unimaginably powerful enemy.

"Come, I will accompany you."

Zhang Li stood on the top of the city, whispered in his mouth, and the light and shadow of the world in the sea of ​​consciousness dispersed.

Zhu Yunshan looked up at him, shook his head, and his figure turned into a breeze.

Half a day later, when Zhang Li returned to the small courtyard of Jingyuan Temple, Taoist Qing Xun came and sent the latest news.

Xun Kuang, the chief sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy, entered Luojing alone, but before arriving at Jingyuan Temple, he first went to the court hall to pay a visit to Prime Minister Su Ming.

In Su Ming's previous life, he was Xun Kuang's teacher at Ji Xia Academy.

Su Ming is also a strong Confucianism and Taoism. He became a great master with Confucianism and Taoism. With his own strength, he supported half of the world.

Xun Kuang enters Luojing, but the Buddha and Demons are in the sky but the future.

Three hundred miles away, Buddha Demon Changkong finally chose to turn around and leave, leaving Luojing and going straight back to the northern wilderness.

"Buddha Mochangkong is cautious. He has been suppressed in Xuankong Temple for hundreds of years, and his cultivation is tyrannical. This time he chooses to retreat. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

Taoist Qing Xun looked at Zhang Li and spoke softly.

Originally, Wang Qingyang and the others had already negotiated that if the Buddha and Demon Changkong came to Jingyuan Temple and took the opportunity to make trouble, they would use the power of their uncle to suppress him.

But this time, Chang Kong retreated directly, making Wang Qingyang's plan come to nothing.

Zhang Li didn't speak, but there was a trace of light in his eyes.

When he reflected the sky and the earth with his soul and sea consciousness, he had seen the sky and King Ming behind it.

Enchanted by Buddha.

The sky is clearly possessed.

The Xuankong Temple used Buddha to suppress demons, but now it is controlled by demons.

Doesn't that mean that the passage under the Xuankong Temple is very likely to have been infiltrated?
The Earth Immortal Realm suppressed by Xuankong Temple must be extremely powerful.

It is also the world of the earth and immortals who cultivate the way of magic. If there is chaos, the entire mortal world may be swept away.

For Zhang Li now, the stability of the mundane world is the most beneficial to give him the opportunity to practice slowly.

The turmoil in the mundane world is not good for him.

"Where is Ying Wujiang?" Zhang Li asked, making Qing Xun slightly taken aback.

King Xuan of Daqin Town Ying Wujiang, the number one martial artist in the world, and the younger brother of Emperor Daqin Ying Wuya.

This Zhenxuan King also came to express his condolences to Taoist Yuji, and he should be on his way now.

"Uncle Master, don't you think—" Taoist Qing Xun's thoughts turned sharply, his eyes widened.

"I fought against the Buddha and the Demon in the sky, and I sensed that he has become a demon."

Zhang Li's voice made Taoist Qing Xun tremble all over.


A great master of martial arts is possessed by a demon, and its destructive power is unimaginable.

What's more, this person is still in charge of the Xuankong Temple.

"Let the Zhenmagic Division issue the Demon Extermination Order." Zhang Li raised his hand, and handed out a talisman with a pale golden imprint.

On this talisman is the mirror image of a phantom of the Enchanted Ming King behind the sky.

The mirror image talisman, which records the imprint of the soul, can show the picture recorded by the soul.

With this talisman, people can see the appearance of being enchanted in the sky.

Perhaps, Changkong never thought that his stress golem at that time was recorded by Zhang Liyuan three hundred miles away.

Taoist Qing Xun took the talisman, and his true essence penetrated into it, his face tensed.

Holding the talisman in his hand, he turned and left.

An hour later, Taoist Yuanhe, who was guarding the Zhenyao Pagoda, left Jingyuan Temple.

Half a day later, Xun Kuang in long robes and green shirts came to Jingyuan Temple to visit Immortal Master Thunder.

Three days later, the Great Qin Emperor Ying Wuya, and Luo Ning, the head of the Demon Suppressing Department, issued the Demon Extermination Order.

Everyone in the world knows the identity of Changkong Buddha and Demon.

It's just that for the big forces of all parties, the sky is so powerful that no one dares to face it.

Unexpectedly, this time, Da Qin directly issued an order to exterminate the demons.

Is this to fight the Xuankong Temple forever?
The powerhouses from all sides who came to Luojing were startled by Jing Yuanguan's handwriting before they understood what was going on.

For the sake of the world's safety, Jingyuan Temple sealed up the body of the master ancestor, watched from top to bottom, and marched northward with his sword.

Exterminate the demon!

Mr. Zhang, who seldom appeared in front of people, accompanied him.

Three great masters, plus an immortal master who is invincible in the world.

Ten grand masters accompanied him, and more than twenty immortal masters were exiled.

There are as many as 40 others in the condensed air environment.

Such power and influence immediately silenced all parties in the world.

The only one who can form such a powerful demon-killing army is probably the Daqin Town Demon Division.

When Jingyuan Temple was going northward, Zhao Guochaotang also responded.

State Prime Minister Su Ming himself did not leave Luojing, the [-] troops of Habayashi Guard and Xuanyue Guard headed north to exterminate the demons under the leadership of Yuan Wuwei Commander Zhang Chu.

Although Zhang Chu, the commander of Yuan Wuwei, was only able to concentrate his cultivation, he could drive the black tiger chariot bestowed by Emperor Zhao, and he could face the grand master directly.

Zhao Guo and Jing Yuanguan's actions made other wait-and-see forces dare not hesitate any longer.

The Northern Wei Dynasty, Beidi, and Chu State, as well as the thousand-year-old family, have sent strong men to the north.

All of a sudden, the world was in a state of turmoil and turbulence.

The interlacing of such qi mechanisms makes the world seem to lose its color.

Zhao Guo, the land in the northwest, Xishan County.

A group of monks wearing monk's robes, bamboo hats and straw sandals walked forward quickly under the leadership of a young monk in black cassock.

All the monks folded their hands together, their faces were solemn, and there was a hint of sadness.

There was a flickering cold light in the eyes of the leading monk.

He is Changkong who turned from Luojing to the Xuankong Temple in the North.

Originally, Changkong was going to enter Luojing to fight head-to-head with Immortal Master Lei Ting, regain the golden seal of the abbot of Xuankong Temple, and at the same time subdue Jing Yuanguan.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he arrived outside Luojing City, he was shocked by the power of Immortal Master Thunder.

"Stop." Walking before the verdant hills, Changkong raised his hand, his eyes showed a strong killing intent, and the black cassock on his body moved automatically without wind.

"The majestic Martial King has become a bandit?"

Changkong let out a low cry, raised his hand, and the black cassock on his body flew out, hitting the hill in front of him.

"Shoot." A voice sounded from the hill ahead.


In the mountains and forests, all arrows are fired!
Chang Kong snorted coldly, and slapped out with a palm, and a gray-black Gang Jin erected a ten-foot light curtain in front of him, blocking all the long arrows that were shot.


The cassock he threw hit the hill, and collided with a phantom of a golden wild lion.

Wearing black armor, Zhao Chengfei rushed forward, and behind him were dozens of generals holding long knives who formed an formation with him, their energy and blood surging, turning into a column of smoke.

Martial arts battle formation!

At this time, there was endless power of energy and blood in the formation, condensing into a roaring ten-foot giant lion, smashing open the light curtain in front of Changkong.

The falling arrows rained down again.

The ascetic monks who followed the sky were pierced by long arrows one by one.

Just because the rain of arrows couldn't break through the Grand Master's defense didn't mean it couldn't kill the martial arts practitioners under the Grand Master.

"Looking for death!" Changkong let out a low growl, and the black gangster energy surging behind him gathered, revealing a black armor Mingwang holding a magic subduing pestle.

"Looking for death?" Zhao Cheng, who flew down, stretched out his hand and drew out a long knife, standing there, pointing forward with the long knife.

"Long Kong, I'll wait for you to kill me."

As his voice fell, soldiers with spears came out from the forest behind him.

Those generals with sabers in their hands stepped forward quickly, blocking Zhao Cheng's front.

"If you can kill Zhao Cheng before the [-] troops, this is a great head to take."

With a roar, Zhao Cheng's fighting spirit suddenly condensed and turned into a blood-colored smoke column, as if directly tearing the world apart!

The power of martial arts in the world is consistent with the Dao of heaven and earth.

Thousands of energy and blood are gathered in the army formation, inspired by the great master, and the combat power is monstrous.

In the mortal world, there are countless great masters who participated in the battle of great power and were besieged and killed by the army.

Behind Chang Kong, there were less than thirty monks who could stand under the rain of arrows.

"Master, you go first."

"Prince Ming is in charge of the world, and he fell today, but he escaped from the misery of the mortal world."

"Evil, the Buddha is fighting with you!"

Those monks with arrow clusters all over their bodies gritted their teeth and cursed.

The eyes of Chang Kong were blood red, and with a roar, King Ming behind him opened his eyes, and threw the magic pestle in his hand at King Wu Zhao Cheng.


The moment the Demon Subduing Pestle was swung, the surrounding ten miles of heaven and earth seemed to be imprisoned at once.

Before subduing the magic pestle, it seemed that pieces of heaven and earth were torn apart.

The long knife in the hand of the black-armored general standing in the front shattered, and then his whole body exploded as if hit by a heavy hammer!

Then, the body of the second warrior and the long knife in his hand were shattered.

the third.

Zhao Cheng shouted violently, and slashed down with the long knife in his hand.

The moment the long knife cut down, the energy and blood of all the soldiers in the forest condensed and turned into a bloody sword of one hundred feet.


The saber collided with the Demon Subduing Pestle in front of it, and it shattered.

The Demon Subduing Pestle was also knocked back and fell into the hands of King Heijiaming.

The expression on Changkong's face with his hands folded changed, and he glanced at Zhao Cheng who was pointing forward with a long knife in his hand. His body moved like a roc spreading its wings and crossing the hills.

Standing at the same place, Zhao Cheng's face remained motionless, and after dozens of breaths, his face turned pale, and then spit out a big mouthful of blood with a "poof".

"Back to camp!" He shouted the moment he fell down.

Zhao Cheng, the King of Zhao Guowu in the Grand Master Realm, led an army of [-] troops under his command, but he couldn't stop the Buddha and demons from the sky.

When such news was sent back, the masters from all sides who had gone northward to exterminate the demons suddenly lost a lot of vigor.

Many masters, even grand masters, hesitated.

The [-]-strong army formed an array, led by the great master, but they couldn't hold the Buddha and the demons in the sky, but seriously injured Wu Wang Zhao Cheng.

Who dares to face the combat power of the Buddha and the Devil in the sky?
Fortunately, in only three days, the Buddha and the Devil in the sky were stopped by the Qin Emperor Ying Wuya, and the news of defeat and escape came.

The Emperor Qin won Wu Ya's strength alone, and fought against Chang Kong for a quarter of an hour, and then urged the army to form an array with the Zhenma Division and the Zhenma Envoy, besieging and killing Changkong.

On the wasteland, there was a chaotic battle for half a day, and finally the sky was defeated.

It is said that in this battle, Ying Wuya showed the power to move mountains and take mountains, one punch and one kick can shatter mountains.

It's just that news came later that the demon suppressor who followed Ying Wuya to stop the enemy suffered a lot of casualties.

The strength of that Buddha Demon Changkong is really incomparable.

Especially when the powerful from all sides entered the wasteland and saw a small tribe of [-] people being massacred and all their blood absorbed, this scene made countless people even more terrified.

"Long Kong was injured, so he couldn't control the magic on his body."

"Replenishment with mortal life and blood, butchering living things, it's really bewitched."

Standing outside the tribe, Wang Qingyang had an extremely serious expression on his face.

Beside him, Xun Kuang, who was dressed in a Confucian robe, also had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Not far away, on a blue-gray rocky hill, Zhang Li stood with his hands behind his back, and not far away was Ying Wuya in a light yellow martial robe.

Tall and tall, Ying Wuya wearing a golden hair crown has a calm expression on his face.

For a martial arts master like him who is used to seeing life and death, not to mention the destruction of a tribe of a hundred people, even if thousands of people die, it is impossible to change their color.

"Mr. Zhang sent a message saying that Chang Kong has been possessed by demons, and is even related to the Earth Immortal Realm suppressed under the Xuankong Temple."

"When I fought against him, I could indeed feel the devilish energy in him."

Ying Wuya turned his head to look at Zhang Li, and then lowered his voice: "Sir, Changkong may have been seized by a powerful immortal from the Xuankong Temple, but Wuya didn't feel it."

"If it's really such a strong man, the demon-subduing battle array of my town magician will not be able to stop him."

In the Zhenma Division, the Zhenma Envoy basically focuses on martial arts practice, but it also includes practice world inheritance.

The passage under Zhenmasi is a Buddhist fairyland.

A big force that can compete with Buddhism is naturally powerful.

Zhenmusi's method of subduing demons is the strongest in the mortal world.

"Ming Wang's inheritance is the Immortal Realm that Zhenmasi went down to." Zhang Li cast his eyes on the tribal body in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"Xuankong Temple was not inherited by King Ming, but now there are black and white faces of King Ming."

"If my guess is correct, the Earth Immortal Realm under Zhenmensi and the Earth Immortal Realm under the Xuankong Temple may have already been decided."

There is also a war between the earth and fairy world.

Every 500 years, due to the convergence of the heaven and earth forces in the earth fairy world, there will be a chaotic war.

The powerful Earth Immortal Realm can suppress all parties and plunder resources.

The fairyland of the magic way under the Xuankong Temple, and the fairyland of Buddhism under the Zhenmosi are both great realms.

When I was in Huaxian Prefecture, there were records of these two worlds in those classics.

Among them is the record that Mingwangzhou was defeated, Wanmozhou was victorious, and Mingwangzhou was invaded to unify the inheritance of Buddhism and magic.

The reason why Zhang Li started the battle of exterminating demons was that after seeing the black and white King Ming, he remembered the records in the classics.

Devil soul invasion.

At the beginning, in Wanmo State, there were demons who turned into Buddhist disciples, traveled to Mingwangzhou, stole Mingwang's relics, and then turned into Buddhist demons.

The defeat of Ming Wangzhou was due to the theft of his own inheritance, which led to the dispute between Buddha and demons in Buddhism.

"Whether Zhang Kong has been taken away or not, you can go to Xuankong Temple to find out." Zhang Li whispered, with a movement of his body, he stepped out and was ten feet away.

There was a glint in Ying Wuya's eyes, and he followed quickly to catch up.

"Mr. Zhang, are you this year's guardian deacon disciple?"

"You came to the mortal world to deal with the chaos in the earth fairy world?"

Ying Wuya asked in a low voice.

Zhang Li did not answer.

Ying Wuya chuckled lightly, as he acquiesced.

Two days later, Zhang Li, Ying Wuya, and other experts gathered on the wasteland, looking up at the towering Hanging Mountain Temple in front of them.

At this time, the Xuankong Temple is filled with demonic flames!
A Buddhist temple has turned into a demon temple.

"We're late..." Ying Wuya's face was extremely solemn.

"Long Kong wants to break through the suppression here and release the demon cultivators in the Earth Immortal Realm."

There are countless strong people in the world of immortals, and if you really want to step into this world, no one can beat you.

Zhang Li's eyes flickered brightly, and a small golden seal with Buddha patterns appeared in his hand.

Above the small seal, golden light shone.

"Perhaps, it's still too late."

Zhang Li whispered, raised his hand, and threw out the gold seal directly.

(End of this chapter)

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