Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 132 Spiritual Artifacts Are Intangible!Thousands of warriors enter the world of immortals!

Chapter 132 Spiritual Artifacts Are Intangible!Tens of thousands of warriors have entered the world of immortality!
Yunze Eight Diagrams Mirror has hidden attributes.

Everything is invisible!

Yunze was originally invisible and formless, and could only be manifested in the mirror of the gossip because he was constrained by the means of refining.

Now Zhang Li uses the power of spirit and merit to break the imprisonment of the eight trigrams, and finally obtains the fourth mobilization method of the Yunze gossip mirror.

That cloud of air kept changing in Zhang Li's hands, turning into a long spear of eight feet long.

With a thrust of the spear forward, it instantly turned into a three-foot long sword with a green front.

A sword flower, the long sword dissipated, and condensed into a green wood folding fan.

The fan spreads out, a picture of green mountains and rivers.


Borrowing the power of gossip, you can imagine its shape on the outside and condense its meaning on the inside.

All metamorphic weapons have their eighth attribute power.

Although it is not as good as a real spiritual weapon, it can be regarded as a semi-spiritual weapon, a top-grade magic weapon.

With this gossip mirror in hand, all magic tools can be transformed.

Zhang Li clenched his palm, and Yun Qi turned into a bronze glove, and punched out with a roar.


The quiet room protective circle in front of him shattered.

On the three formation disks at the side, twelve spirit crystals were directly shattered.

1 Lingshi.

One punch.

This is because Zhang Li's own cultivation is not enough, and he only activated less than one-tenth of the power of this spiritual weapon.

If all the power in this spiritual weapon is really activated, Zhang Li feels that a single punch can turn most of Jing Yuanguan into ruins.

The spiritual weapon is already a treasure entrusted by the strong in the Jindan realm.

Jindan Realm, lifespan two thousand years old, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, is not something the ordinary world can guess at all.

Feeling some pain, he held the cloud gas, and Zhang Li turned it into a black hairpin, replacing the Yuanduan knife that was originally inserted in his hair.

The Duanyuan Dao, the second magic weapon refined in Zhang Li's hand, and the first attack magic weapon, was finally replaced.

In fact, when he was refining the medium-grade magic weapon Liuyunjian, the effect of the Duanyuan Saber was not very great.

Putting away the Duanyuan knife and refining the eight trigrams mirror, Zhang Li felt refreshed.

The Yunze gossip mirror is inserted in the hair, and the traces of spiritual power are constantly nourishing.

The spiritual weapon already has its own spirituality.

This Yunze gossip mirror can activate itself when Zhang Li encounters a crisis.

Of course, urging the imperial envoy's spiritual weapon would consume a lot of energy, and with Zhang Li's immortal cultivation base that has not yet reached the foundation establishment stage, a single blow may drain his whole body of true energy.

He needs to wait for Ao Jin to infuse the demon core, and then use the power of the demon core to activate the spirit weapon, so that he can truly form his combat effectiveness.

In a month, after stabilizing himself and refining the spirit weapon, Zhang Li walked out of the quiet room.

In the side hall of the quiet room, there is a row of bamboo tubes containing messages from various places.

When it was uncovered, a piece of paper recorded the recent changes in Luo Jing and other parties.

The emperor of Qin State wins Wuya and the crown prince wins Ji.

Winning Wuya's cultivation base, suppressing the world, and Qin's power is in hand, there is no possibility of any turmoil at all.

Ying Wuya, who gave up the throne, announced his retreat, but everyone in the world knows that he has brought the Buddha fruit relic that Mr. Jing Yuan Guanzhang gave him, and entered the bottom of Zhenma Division.

The information in Zhang Li's hands is more accurate.

Ying Wuya brought a total of five great masters, sixteen grand masters, and more than a hundred other Qi Condensation people to the bottom of Zhenmasi.

Among them are Xun Kuang, the chief sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy, Dongfang Jing, the former prime minister of Zhao State, and Helian Jishu, the heavenly king of Beidi Town.

There are quite a few masters from all over the world intending to step into Mingwang Prefecture, but it is a pity that Ying Wuya and the others went too fast, and others can only wait for the second batch organized by Jing Yuanguan to step into Zhenmosidi.

After reading all the messages, Zhang Li finally held a letter in his hand.

This letter was delivered here yesterday.

On it is written "Mr. Jing Yuan Guanzhang's personal instruction".

Unfolding the letter, it was written by Ying Wuya himself, introducing the current battle situation in Ming Wangzhou.

This letter was sent from the Earth Immortal Realm!

Ying Wuya is worthy of being a generation of emperors, who knows the importance of information.

With this letter, Zhang Li and other powerful people in the mortal world can have a bottom line in their hearts.

According to the letter, the passage under the Zhenmagic Division has not yet been occupied by the demon cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demon State, but it is not far away.

Ming Wangzhou has a radius of [-] li, and now only less than [-] li of mountains and rivers are left in the hands of Buddhist cultivators.

Countless Buddhist disciples, guarding earth immortals were killed, and their relics were shattered.

There are still more than a hundred strong people in the Earth Immortal Realm in Ming Wangzhou, but because of the overturning of the general situation and the damage to the power of the Heavenly Dao, the strength of these guarding Earth Immortals has also been greatly reduced.

"My mortal world martial arts practitioners have already fought against the demon cultivator, and there are no casualties for the time being, but the demon cultivator's strength is indeed tyrannical, with both internal and external cultivation, it is difficult to resist."

"The magic energy is very easy to intrude, so we can't do our best."

Ying Wuya gave a detailed introduction to the current situation in Ming Wangzhou, showing that the general situation is not optimistic between the lines.

However, in such a battle between general trends, the outcome cannot be determined in a few days.

Looking at it now, Ming Wangzhou can last at least hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

This is similar to what Zhang Li thought before.

Just because Ming Wangzhou can support it, it doesn't mean that Moxiu won't come to the mortal world, and won't take the idea of ​​the magic treasure in the Zhenmagic Division.

The mortal world still has to find a way to improve its own strength to deal with the possible invasion of the Ten Thousand Demon State.

Not only the magic cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demon State, but also the out-of-bounds practitioners on the East China Sea side need to be on guard.

Among the messages sent by Jing Yuan Temple, there was another warning from Huang Xianyu.

Turning all the notes into fly ash, Zhang Li looked up at the sky.

The mundane way of heaven resides in the nine heavens, and he will not pity the creatures in the world.

For the lofty mundane heaven and earth, it doesn't matter who controls this world.

Humanity and martial arts are not things that cannot be discarded.

Those who really have no right to choose are mortals like ants, endless creatures in the mortal world.

Not only which side occupies the mortal world, but also a catastrophe for the human race.

Ying Wuya and the others can't stay in Mingwang State for too long, otherwise they will be rejected by the Heavenly Dao of the mortal world.

Not everyone can have Zhang Lina and others directly dig out spirit stones to buy a road.

Ying Wuya's first batch of practitioners who entered Mingwang State will return within a month.

In other words, the second batch of support needs to enter Mingwang Prefecture within a month.

Zhang Li will not go for the time being, but Jing Yuanguan and other powerful people from all parties will enter Mingwang Prefecture in the second batch.

Walking out of the small courtyard, Zhuo Shi and Zhuo Jin, who were on duty at the gate, bowed quickly with excited expressions.

"Zhuo Jin thanked his master and uncle for rewarding the elixir, and now his cultivation level has broken through." Zhuo Jin, who was a little dignified, bowed to Zhang Li and said.

Seeing that both of them had improved their cultivation bases, Zhang Li nodded, his body turned into a breeze, and left Jingyuan Temple.

Daoist Yuji's funeral has already been held, and many martial arts practitioners gathered around Jingyuan Temple have dispersed.

Zhang Li's figure was covered by a talisman, so no one could see him at all, but he arrived at the head of Nancheng in a short while.

Before he arrived, he felt Nancheng's Divine Dao power condensed.

Ascending to the top of the city, Zhu Yunshan, who was much more compact, stood there with a smile on his face.

"How about it, my domain of God has expanded five miles."

"Now, I can travel in the daytime."

Showing his holiness in front of people, creating a few miraculous things, Zhu Yunshan gained a lot of merit and vows.

Then gather the power of the vows into incense and use it for practice.

This kind of Shinto practice has turned into a closed loop, which can completely rotate back and forth.

This is the practice method of the gods and earth immortals.

The advantage is that it is easy to improve the cultivation base, but the disadvantage is that it is too involved with ordinary creatures, and its own foundation is a bit vain.

Of course, Zhu Yunshan's cultivation is still far from the real guarding of the immortal realm, so there is no need to worry about other things, as long as he concentrates on improving his cultivation.

I wish Yunshan can improve his cultivation, and Zhang Li is also happy for him.

After all, with the improvement of Zhu Yunshan's cultivation base, there will be more top-class talismans that can be drawn.

Walking up to the top of the city, Zhang Li recounted the message from Ying Wuya from Ming Wangzhou.

"It's hard..."

Zhu Yunshan shook his head, and said in a low voice: "There are no real masters among ordinary people. If you go too little, it's a drop in the bucket, but if you go too much, you're going to die."

Martial arts experts themselves have advantages.

Qi and blood power gather to protect the soul.

But the practitioners in the mundane world are really vulnerable compared to the immortal world.

"Ming Wang Prefecture has a radius of [-] li."

"There are only 3000 million living beings."

"Even if there are many Demon States, they won't go anywhere."

"Among them, there are only a hundred and one true practitioners."

No matter which world it is, it is rare for one person out of a hundred to cultivate.

In the vast world of practice, there are very few real practitioners.

As for the Earth Immortal Realm, judging from the data of Huaxian Prefecture and Mingwang Prefecture, not everyone practiced, but practitioners accounted for a minority.

Too many low-level practitioners will divide resources thinly.

A powerful monk who controls the cultivation resources will not allow too many low-level practitioners.

In any practice world, real resources and real authority will always be in the hands of a few people.

Zhang Li stood at the head of the city, his eyes cast into the distance, and there was a flash of agility in his eyes.

His words made Zhu Yunshan raise his eyebrows.

"Zhao State, Chu State, Qin State, Northern Wei Dynasty, any country can send tens of thousands of soldiers."

"The mortal world respects humanity and martial arts, and there are at least one tenth of the world's martial arts practitioners."

Zhang Li turned his head, the aura in his eyes made Zhu Yunshan afraid to look directly at him.

"If all ordinary warriors enter Mingwang State with their swords, they can sweep Wanmo State ten times."

In Zhang Li's words, there is firmness that is hard to refute.

Zhu Yunshan opened his mouth, pondered for a while, and finally shook his head.

"This statement sounds true, but in front of the strong, it is useless to have the courage of a man with blood and blood."

"Unless these fighters are at least able to sense the Qi state and can form battle formations."

Zhu Yunshan curled his lips: "That's impossible. Ordinary practice requires less than eleven senses of qi and one hundred condensed qi. There is no one in a thousand masters of transforming qi, and there is no one out of a hundred thousand warriors in a grand master."

More than a hundred thousand, I am afraid that there is only one great master among a million warriors.

In the final analysis, the power of heaven and earth is still insufficient, and the power of the Dao cannot be blessed, giving birth to more martial arts experts.

"I can open a passage to an earthly fairy world, and I can also allow martial arts practitioners to practice in it."

Zhang Li suddenly spoke.

Zhu Yunshan's originally smiling face gradually became tense.

He widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Li.

"You, can you open the passage to the Earth Immortal Realm?"

"Yes, under the Demon Town Tower?"

Zhang Li shook his head.

He narrated most of what he saw and encountered in Huaxian Prefecture.

In his palm, the runes condensed from the Immortal Sealing Talisman shone with a faint golden light.

Zhu Yunshan looked at the talisman with a wry smile on his face.

"Do you believe it? If I knew that this immortal talisman was the immortal seal talisman, I would never give it to you."

Shaking his head and turning his head, he seemed to be trying his best to calm down his mood before he took another breath: "Fortunately, I can draw the Immortal Sealing Talisman by myself now."

"Give me the talisman paper that can carry the Immortal Sealing Runes, and I will be able to draw the Immortal Sealing Runes."

"However, it is far worse than this Xianyuan Talisman."

The Fengxianyuan Talisman is the imperial seal of the Xianting era, and it was drawn by the ancient power at that time with the blessing of heaven and earth.

In today's practice world, this level of Fengxian Yuanfu is really a treasure that can suppress all parties.

"Put it up, put it away, so as not to mess with my Daoist heart." Zhu Yunshan waved his hand angrily.

Zhang Li smiled and put away the Fengxian Yuanfu, re-condensed on his own sea of ​​consciousness, and floated quietly.

This talisman has been integrated with his soul and merit, even if he wanted to return it to Zhu Yunshan, he couldn't do it.

"This talisman was obtained in a secret place outside Luyangzhou. When you go back in the future, you can go and see it again when you have a chance."

Zhu Yunshan sent a flash of spiritual light to Zhang Li, and sighed softly: "I have no chance to go."

He has turned into an Earth Immortal, so he can only guard this side, co-existing with the heaven and the earth.

Although it is hard to guard, this is also the longevity that countless practitioners seek.

"As you said, using the power of Huaxian State to practice martial arts is a way."

"It's just that this matter can't be rushed, lest it backfires."

Zhu Yunshan lowered his voice and spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Li nodded.

Worldly affairs emphasize a balance.

The mortal world must be balanced, Huaxian State must be balanced, Mingwang State and Wanmo State must be balanced.

It was because the balance was broken that the chaotic battle between Mingwang State and Wanmo State shook the foundation of the general trend.

If a large number of warriors from Zhang Li's side enter Huaxianzhou to practice, all parties in Huaxianzhou will inevitably panic.

The various forces on Fansu's side will also panic.

Zhu Yunshan's analysis gave Zhang Li a better understanding of the general situation.

Otherwise, how do you say that there is an old man in the family?

Zhu Yunshan has lived for 3000 years, his knowledge is not comparable to that of Zhang Li.

All kinds of vicious tricks were said one after another.

Back at Jingyuan Temple, Zhang Li directly recruited Taoist Yuanqing, and asked him to arrange Taoist Qing Xun, as well as more than [-] other disciples in Jingyuan Temple, to go to Huaxian Prefecture to practice for a month.

One month is just the time limit for not being rejected by the mundane world and guarding the altar.

Not only these 300 people, but according to Zhang Li's request, every month in the future, Jingyuan Temple will arrange at least one master, and [-] disciples will enter Huaxianzhou to practice.

Jingyuan Temple is in charge of the world's Taoist sects, and it is Zhao Guo who guards the sects. Although this temple has only a few thousand disciples, there are guards everywhere, and those who belong to the sects, the total number of disciples may be several million.

Not to mention three hundred disciples per month, even three thousand disciples, Jingyuan Temple also has them.

Daoist Yuanqing was naturally extremely happy about the arrangement of his uncle.

The place where the demon's bones are buried is full of aura, and it is already one of the few blessed places in the world.

But this kind of blessed land is nothing compared to the aura of the earth fairy world.

"Let Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan go to Huaxian Prefecture to practice together, and one month later, they will enter Mingwang Prefecture."

"Practice in martial arts, support war with war."

"If you don't have the heart to fight, you can't become a real master."

Zhang Li handed out a black long knife and said, "Give this knife to Zhang Chu."

"Let him come back from Mingwang State alive."

(End of this chapter)

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