Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 142 Artifact Spirit Swallows, Zhang Li Hunts and Kills Demon Cultivator

Chapter 142 Artifact Spirit Swallows, Zhang Li Hunts and Kills Demon Cultivator
The difference between a demon cultivator and an immortal is that they are not procrastinating in their actions.

The demon cultivator's blow turned into bloody claws through the howling wind, and directly hit Zhang Li's head.


Bloody streams of light overflowed, bursting into countless blue lights.

Above Zhang Li's head, a cyan light shield was suspended.

Vitality shield.

Even if it's just a low-grade magic weapon, it can shine brilliantly in the hands of a foundation-building powerhouse like Zhang Li.

A full-strength strike by a demon cultivator at the ninth level of qi training could only stir up waves of light on the vitality shield.

The magic pattern on the face of the old man in green robe flickered black magic light instantly, and the eyes were blood red.

But his figure is not moving forward, but retreating.

"Building the foundation of the immortal way." He whispered in his mouth, and his body turned into a ball of blue-gray devilish energy, which drifted backward.

This is the method of magic.

The black tiger carrying Zhang Li didn't seem to dare to charge forward, standing ten feet away.

Zhang Li squinted his eyes, and his figure moved, as if flowing clouds were sweeping towards him.

The person was in the air, and he had already punched out.

The shadow of the fist turned into a roaring lion, arousing the blood circulation in his body.

Martial arts boxing.

This boxing technique comes from the Zhao State Enshrining Hall, it is the boxing technique of the royal family of Zhao State, it can gather energy and blood in one punch.


The phantom of the male lion collided with the blue-gray demonic energy and scattered it.

But this kind of scatter did not hurt the demon cultivator at all.

A chuckle came from the demonic energy, and then slowly rotated to surround Zhang Li who was standing there.

"Arrogant junior, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"My primordial demon Qingwu of the Wuyin Gate, let's see how you break it."

In the mist, the voice was illusory, covering Zhang Li's whole body.

This kind of magic energy seals the surroundings and can cut off all the senses of the surrounded people.

Magical skills have their own power, and ordinary people who don't understand them will be confused if they are so obscured and sensed.

Heihu, who was ten feet away, lost Zhang Li's sense, his face showed panic, and his footsteps moved back slowly.

It just seemed that he was scared by Zhang Li before, so he didn't dare to turn around and run away immediately.

There is no panic on the facade of the chapter that is blocked in the clouds.

He is not a magician.

He had never encountered a demon cultivator either.

But from the spirit memory of the magic clock, he has seen the practice process of countless demon cultivators.

At this time, his understanding of the magic way even far exceeds his understanding of the immortal way and martial way.

Many of the memories in the spirit of the demon-swinging bell are the practice perceptions of the strong demons.

"Mist hidden door?"


Zhang Li raised his hand, and there was a blue-gray cloud around the palm of his hand, as if it wanted to cover his body and palm.

"It's a good way to cover the divine thoughts and lock the five senses."

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Li raised his hand a little.

A faint golden light directly pierced the cloud and mist.

The cloud trembled, and a painful moan came from it.

"Unfortunately, it can't stop people who surpass the caster's own divine sense, nor can they stop the power of Qi and blood cohesion."

Zhang Li whispered in disappointment.

I was going to see a tyrannical magic method, but looking at it now, it is just the most common method in my memory.

If you really want to analyze it, it's just a magic trick.

His divine sense is too strong, and even though most of it was consumed by the spirit avatar of the previous refiner, he still has the level stock of the golden core level at this time.

As for the blow that was just clicked, it was a combination of energy and blood, a martial arts method.

But this is not something that ordinary martial arts masters can have.

The condensed power of qi and blood contained in this point has changed from virtual to real.

Martial Dao Grandmaster is in the seventh level, the power of Qi and blood can defeat ten thousand dharma, no blame.

Having sensed the method of the magic mist, Zhang Li didn't wait any longer, and raised his hand and punched out.

A ball of golden light exploded three feet in front of him.


All the mist around his body was instantly shattered, and a blue-robed magic cultivator with torn clothes fell three feet away with a pale complexion.

Moxiu widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Li in front of him.

He couldn't imagine why this person in front of him could break his secret magic way with a single punch.

"You, how did you do it?"

"How can you see through the secret technique of my Wuyinmen?"

Moxiu was terrified, raised his hand and slapped it again, then turned around and wanted to run away.

In front of Zhang Li, a faint blue vitality shield blocked the shadow of the black palm, and then stood still, watching the demon cultivator rise and fall, fly across the hill, and disappear.

A moment later, not far away, there was a scream.

After a few breaths, a faint phantom returned to Zhang Li's side and merged into his shadow.

Unknowingly, Zhang Li's weapon spirit incarnation had already killed this demon cultivator, and his soul, demon energy, and blood were all restrained.

The spirit of the swinging demon clock, combined with the supernatural powers of the soul-devouring python, is best at devouring.

Swallowing the spirit and blood of this nine-level qi-training demon cultivator can restore the strength of the weapon spirit avatar a little.

At least for the next shot, as long as it's not a foundation-building demon cultivator, Zhang Li's power doesn't need to be expended.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Li did not do it himself.

Isn't this a violation of Ming Wangzhou's rules?
Turning around, the black tiger not far away showed a flattering look on his face.

In Hei Hu's eyes, there was a kind of gratitude that he didn't escape.

I knew this guy was strong.

Flying onto Heihu's back and ordering Heihu to move forward, Zhang Li quietly sensed the memory of the demonic cultivator's soul that had been restrained just now.

The Demon Swinging Clock not only uses all the power of the opponent for its own use, but also melts the memory of the opponent's soul.

Such treasures are truly terrifying.

This Wuyinmen magic cultivator named Peng Teng is the deacon elder of a small sect in Wanmo State.

There are more than [-] disciples in Wuyinmen, among them, the elder with the strongest cultivation is half-step golden core.

This kind of sect can be regarded as a middle-level sect in Luyangzhou in the practice world, but it is not enough in the Wanmo state in the earth fairy world.

Fortunately, Wuyinmen's practice method is very suitable for hiding and spying, but as for the combat power, it is not too tyrannical.

The entire sect is not a big threat to other major sects, but it is very useful.

For example, infiltrating and spying on other immortal worlds are the tasks of many Wuyinmen.

It is also because of this that the Wuyin Sect was able to survive in the Ten Thousand Demon State with such a small sect.

In Peng Teng's memory, Wuyinmen not only has the method of atomization, but also the technique of changing appearance and changing body shape.

It is difficult for outsiders to identify the person pretended by the Wuyinmen.

Of course, for most practitioners, to recognize a person is not only through the appearance, but more about the breath of the soul.

This is not what the little Wuyinmen Moxiu can do.

The most difficult thing for a person to change is the breath of the soul.

Unless, you can really control the opponent's soul power.


A faint devilish energy surged on Zhang Li's body.

His appearance, soul breath, all turned into Peng Teng's appearance.

The souls collected in the Demon Swinging Clock can be directly manipulated and used.

The power of the weapon spirit avatar can be turned into an appearance.

At this time, Zhang Li, anyone who looked at him, was a demon cultivator.

Heihu, who carried Zhang Li on his back, trembled all over, as if he was at a loss.

"Go over there."

Zhang Li's voice resounded, making Heihu feel a little more at ease.

The black tiger was running extremely fast, but it had already reached a steep cliff in a while.

Zhang Lifei stepped down, then waved his hands, and Heihu backed away obediently.

"Junior Brother Peng, why are you back so early?"

Under the cliff, a low shout came from a piece of bluestone.

An old man in a green robe with a bloody demonic aura appeared in his eyes.

The old man didn't doubt Zhang Li, but frowned.

"I ran into a few old guys from Jingyue Temple to inspect, so I quit."

"I don't know what happened to Jingyue Temple recently. It seems that its strength has increased greatly."

Zhang Li muttered, looking disappointed, and walked towards the cliff.

The old man sitting cross-legged on the bluestone nodded and looked into the distance: "There is something wrong with Jingyue Temple, it makes sense for the Great Elder to ask us to investigate."

"It's just that I haven't caught any clues yet."

"If not, it would be a credit to go back."

The old man moved his body, and said in a dull voice: "This Ming Wangzhou's Buddha light shines on my body, and I always feel uncomfortable."

For demon cultivators, of course, the cold magic light is what really makes them feel comfortable.

The Buddha's light is warm to outsiders, but it is too hot for them.

Zhang Li walked forward and took out a small piece of jade in his hand.

"By the way, Senior Brother Wu Qiang, I beheaded a man from Ming Wangzhou, and I feel that his cultivation method is a bit weird."

"I captured his soul, look."

He naturally handed over the jade piece.

Sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, Moxiu stretched out his hand without vigilance.

The old man was slightly taken aback when he took the jade piece.

"This is, Xiandao——"

As soon as he finished speaking, his face froze suddenly.

On the jade piece, a blue-black halo flickered, enveloping his body.

In the light curtain, it kept churning.

Zhang Li raised his hand, and a golden aura flashed in his palm.


A faint thunder light passed through the light curtain and exploded in the light curtain.

The originally turbulent light curtain instantly calmed down.

The light curtain slowly melted and collapsed.

In the end, there was only a bluish-gray shadow left in front of him.

Artifact clone.

The old man's spirit, blood, and demonic energy have all been swallowed up.

The means of the magic way are really evil.

Zhang Li shook his head.

He promised that in the future, this method would not be used on people outside the magic way.

For him, there may be good and evil means, but as long as the heart is righteous.

Killing with evil methods or killing with a sword, which one is more noble?

It is nothing more than whether the murderer adheres to the way in his heart, but the killed has a way of taking death.

With a movement of his body, he quietly sat cross-legged on the bluestone.

The blue-gray shadow fell in the dark, and the memory of Dao Dao's soul began to digest.

This old man who has already established the foundation is the strongest person who came here this time, and he is also an elder in the Wuyin Gate.

The task they came to Mingwangzhou this time was to find out where the recent immortal practitioners from Mingwangzhou came from.

Before there was an immortal cultivator who made a move, it had already been noticed by the demon cultivator of Wanmo State.

From the memory of the elder Moxiu, Zhang Li also found out some secrets of the magic way of the Wanmo State.

The reason why Wan Mozhou was able to attack Mingwangzhou was that the power of the demonic way overwhelmed Mingwangzhou, and it also relied on those demon cultivators lurking in Mingwangzhou to quietly demonize the Buddhist immortal cultivators in Mingwangzhou.

"Although Jingyue Temple doesn't have magic cultivators hidden there, Ningyue Temple not far away does."

"Moreover, he is still in power in Ningyue Temple."

Zhang Li didn't expect to get such a secret.

He raised his hand, and a long blue cone appeared in his palm.

This is Peng Teng's portable magic weapon.

It is roughly equivalent to a medium-grade magic weapon.

The refining methods in Wanmo State are not strong.

Zhang Li knew that because of sticking to the Earth Immortal Realm and having plenty of aura, in most of the Earth Immortal Realm territory, the cultivation of auxiliary ways was not prosperous.

This is true for Huaxian State, and it is also true for Mingwang State.

The inheritance of alchemy, weapon refining, and other talisman formations is relatively weak.

It is really thanks to Qing Yuzi that the alchemy inheritance in Qingdan Prefecture can continue.

If it wasn't for Qingyuzi who wanted to separate Qingdan Prefecture and live elsewhere in the Immortal Realm, I'm afraid even the inheritance would have been cut off.

"Uncle, I have found the secret of Jingyue Temple."

"These people from above their ranks all come from the mortal world."

A young man in a black robe walked in quickly, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Zhang Li sitting cross-legged.

"Uncle Peng Teng? Didn't you go to check elsewhere?"

The young man looked a little unsightly, and turned his head to look around.

"Where's Uncle Qi Yang?"

Zhang Li stood up with a smile on his face: "Are you talking about the ordinary warriors from Jingyue Temple?"

"I have already reported it to Senior Brother, and he is going to investigate in person now."

Zhang Li's words made the young man's face darken.

He was slightly lost.

Originally, this great merit should be his own.

Looking at Zhang Li with a smile on his face, he said in a low voice: "It turns out that my uncle has already found out about this matter."

He nodded and looked beyond the cliff: "Then I'll go find one or two people from the mortal world, and catch a few alive."

He said, ready to leave.

Zhang Li laughed, moved his body, and chased after him.

"Nephew is really impatient, uncle will go with you."

The young man really has no doubts about his behavior like this.

Grabbing credit is a normal thing at Wuyinmen.

Although he was unhappy, he could only nod his head.

Just when he was about to turn around, Zhang Li's hand was already on his shoulder.



The strong power of qi and blood rushed into his body in an instant, causing his muscles and bones to shatter directly.

The young man stared wide-eyed, seeing that his body was surrounded by demon energy, and then he didn't know anything.

Half an hour later, the two demon cultivators returned.

"Hey, why is there a smell of blood?"

A magician opened his mouth cautiously.

"Nephew Zhang Zhiyu is injured." Zhang Li's voice sounded from under the cliff.

The young man lying on the bluestone was pale and his eyes were closed.

"Come and have a look, this method is not a method of Buddhism." Zhang Li lowered his head and said.

The two magicians walked over.

"I think this is a bit like the martial arts of the mortal world back then. It's just that the martial arts don't seem to be so strong."

As Zhang Li said, he pressed his palm on the young man.

The two demon cultivators followed suit.

"I'm about to report to senior brother that the warriors from Jingyue Temple are indeed from the mortal world."

A magician spoke.

"We met a guy who was extremely powerful and almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, a master from the Green Demon Sect arrived."

"Tang Sanji, the half-step golden core powerhouse of the Green Demon Sect, made a move. That guy is probably doomed."

Moxiu, who stretched out his hand to press down, raised his head and said, "By the way, that person seems to be called Ying Wuya."

(End of this chapter)

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