Chapter 166

The sea breeze blows, and the clouds gather and disperse.

The wind on the barren sea seems to be filled with the aura of water, and it is more boundless.

A single-masted blue-gray ship sailed across the sea like a sharp arrow, piercing the waterline.

A sea ship is similar to a floating flying boat. Although it cannot fly across the sky, it can cross the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Sea ships are also a type of magic weapon, and they are large magic weapons that can be controlled by a strong person alone or jointly by multiple people.

The two sea ships captured by Jinhua Island are not really powerful treasures, and their defense is not high. There are only three water-colored light curtains, which can block the attacks on the first and second floors of the foundation.

As for the attack power, it was the two crossbows on the bow.

The third floor of the foundation building couldn't withstand the blow of the crossbow.

This kind of attack and defense, if you encounter a powerful monster above the sea area, basically you will never return.

Fortunately, thousands of miles away is not too far away for sea ships to travel through.

In three days, starting from Qingmu Island, the sea boat that circled a large circle has already seen the big island ahead.

"Boss, that's Jinhua Island." On the bow of the Jing Yuan, a [-]-year-old Taoist in a gray robe whispered.

His name is Lu Jun, and he is a casual cultivator living in the sea.

At the eighth level of Qi training, at the age of more than 130 years, it is basically hopeless to establish a foundation.

Continents such as Luowuzhou and Luyangzhou are somewhat different. There are more casual practitioners in Luowuzhou than Zongmen practitioners, and there are many more.

Because the body training method is easy to practice, and the low-level exercises are widely spread, no matter whether it is a human race or a monster race, as long as you put in a little effort, you can do it.

Among the Qi refiners on Luowuzhou, there are also many masters in casual cultivators.

Lu Jun practiced in the waters near Jinhua Island, receiving missions everywhere.

This time, he was captured because he accepted the task of investigating Aoki Island.

For these casual cultivators, as long as they have something to eat, that's all.

Taking refuge in Zhang Li and becoming the guard of Jingyuan Trading Company is the same thing as being a casual cultivator.

Except for Lu Jun, the other 30 casual cultivators who went to Qingmu Island to investigate were basically incorporated into the guards of the firm.

Zhang Li nodded, narrowing his eyes.

His divine sense disappeared in a flash, and he detected the surrounding area for a hundred miles.

"Interesting." He whispered, his eyes turned to the front left.


There was a sound of roaring and cracking on the sea ahead.

The demonic light collided with the spiritual light, and the evil spirits dyed half of the sky red.

"Ao Qingyun, today is the time when you all died on Jinhua Island—"

In the void, the sound of roaring shook and could be heard for hundreds of miles.

The surging golden light was like a tide, covering the scattered monster lights.

"It's the demon clan fighting on Jinhua Island!" Lu Jun trembled all over, and said in a low voice.

It was because Jinhua Island was besieged by the Jiaolong clan before that it was impossible for Jinhua Island to send an army to investigate Qingmu Island.

It is said that the surprise attack by the Jiaolong clan caught Jinhua Island by surprise and caused a lot of losses.

Looking at it now, the Yaozu has declined and cannot resist Jinhua Island's counterattack.

The power of the shot at this time must be a strong Jindan.

"You go to Jinhua Island to report first, and then leave a mark, I will go and have a look." Zhang Li waved his hand, and with a movement of his body, he had already stepped out of the bow of the sea ship.

It would be safer to let Lu Jun and the others go to Jinhua Island first.

Zhang Li was not afraid of Lu Jun's betrayal, because before accepting them into the firm, he had made them take an oath.

Although something like an oath cannot completely restrain the practitioner, it has a great effect in controlling the practitioner's mind. Once betrayed, the mind and soul will be damaged, and the practice will no longer be able to improve.

As long as life and death are not in danger, ordinary practitioners will not break the oath.

Lu Jun and the others were familiar with Jinhua Island, so they went to arrange everything first, and waited for Zhang Li to go, and all personal identities and business reports were completed.

Zhang Li stepped out of the bow of the boat, turned into a sword light, and was ten miles away in one breath.


Among the clouds ahead, a demonic light collided with the spiritual light, causing the surrounding heaven, earth and sea to vibrate.

A cyan thirty-foot-long dragon body fell from the clouds, and the blood on its body was stained with red sea water.

"The Jiaolong clan didn't hide in the depths of the barren sea, but they dared to come to Jinhua Island, they really wanted death."

"Today, I will destroy you all!"

In the void, a burly man in black armor held a light blue battle gun in his hand, and the spear swept across, knocking away the digital monsters who rushed to rescue them.

Jindan realm.

This is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm, and his aura is like abyss.

Although the blood of the Jiaolong clan is strong, but their cultivation has not yet reached the golden core, they cannot compete with the strong golden core.

At this time, the strong man of the Golden Core Realm who was holding a long spear was imposing, and the sharp edge on the long spear stabbed towards the body of the dragon.


Jiaolong tried his best to dodge, but was still swept by the spear on the tail, causing the whole body to be turbulent.

Jiaolong was churning on the sea surface, with despair in his eyes.


"Zhao Lin, if I, Ao Qingyun, can become a golden elixir, I will kill you like a dog!"

The roar sounded through, but it could only be a desperate wail.

Jindan, is it so easy to achieve?
There is no way of heaven in the world of practice. If you want to overcome the catastrophe of the golden core, you must use your own cultivation to attract the natural repulsion of the surrounding heaven and earth, and then gather them into thunder.

This not only requires one's own strength to truly reach a level that cannot be further improved, but also requires luck.

Because you don't know what will happen after the power of heaven and earth around you gathers.

There are no rules at all, crossing the catastrophe is all about luck.

Of course, there are probably some rules.

For example, if the evil spirit of blood on the body is too strong, it will easily trigger the killing of heaven and earth.

That is close to death.

At this time, blood and demonic light continued to intertwine on the body of the cyan dragon floating in the sea, obviously seriously injured.

"Ao Qingyun, you haven't become a golden elixir in these 300 years, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant?"

"Didn't you claim to be a genius of the younger generation of the Jiaolong clan back then, crushing all parties?"

"Back then, you, a genius of the Flood Dragon Clan, when did you put my little Golden Core of the Wuhuamen in your eyes?"

The middle-aged cultivator standing with his hands behind his back in mid-air walked forward step by step, and the blue clouds under his feet supported his steps.

At this time, the Jindan Realm named Zhao Lin seemed to be filled with emotion, and he spoke loudly with a wild smile on his face.

"Back then, I wanted to double cultivate with Ao Shuangyue, but she humiliated me like that."

"It's just a small foundation-building dragon."

"How is it now?"

"On my Jinhua Island, doesn't she serve me every day?"

"Do you think that if this bitch didn't make trouble this time, you, Ao Qingyun, would be able to leave Jinhua Island alive?"

"Just relying on you, dare to come to find Yunlongzhu?"

Back then, the Jiaolong tribe was one of the overlords of Luowuzhou, and the Golden Core Realm of an ordinary small force was indeed ignored.

But now that the Jiaolong tribe is in decline, it means that the hairy phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken, and the dragon swimming in the shallows is being played by fish.

Contempt and humiliation could be seen in Zhao Lin's words, and the monsters around were all enraged, roaring and rushing forward.

Jiaolong roared angrily: "Everyone go back—"

"Tell the clan that the human race has already set up a trap to wipe out our Jiaolong clan!"

"Yunlongzhu is not in Jinhua Island at all!"

Amidst the roaring sound, the body of the dragon flew up into the sky again, riding the clouds and rain, and slammed into the Golden Core Realm holding the gun.

"court death."

"None of you can get away today."

Zhao Lin shouted, a dark stream of light came from the spear in his hand, and stabbed towards Jiaolong's body.

This blow can kill the dragon.

It seemed that Jiaolong didn't want to live anymore, and head-on head-on towards the spear.

Killing intent flickered in Zhao Lin's eyes, and suddenly the spear shook, and the tip of the spear turned into a gray chain, locking the horn on the top of Jiaolong's head.

The chains are entangled, spreading from the horn to the neck.

With a flick of the spear, Jiaolong was chained by the neck and hung upside down in the air.

"Ao Qingyun, surrender, I still need a mount."

"Riding Ao Shuangyue at night and riding Ao Qingyun during the day, isn't it a happy day?"

With a long laugh, the blood on the battle gun pressed towards the top of Jiaolong's head, this is the method of the soul.

At the Golden Core Realm, he can already crush his opponents with the power of his soul.

The dragon who has not achieved the demon core can only twist his body at this time, but he has no chance to resist.

"Even if I die, I will not surrender!"

There is absolute absoluteness in Jiaolong's voice.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you, kill you, peel off the skin and bones, and refine it into a good spiritual weapon."

"Do you know how many spirit stones a dragon battle armor is worth in Jinhua Island?"

"50 spirit stones!"

Zhao Lin laughed wildly, drew his spear, and then stabbed hard.

Jiaolong closed his eyes in despair.


A bang.

When Jiaolong opened his eyes, he saw a spear flying in front of him.

Endless flames lingered on the spear, with a blue light and a mysterious aura.

This is a powerful artifact.

The spear was held in the hands of a figure.

The chains on his body have been smashed by the spear.

The figure in front of him had a pair of golden wings and a blood-colored battle armor with jade-white flames shining against each other.

Monster race powerhouse?
How many powerhouses are there in today's Yaozu?
"Who are you?" There was a trace of solemnity in Zhao Lin's voice.

Being able to save people within a short distance, and also block his lore blow, the cultivation level of this monster-like strong man in front of him is not inferior to him.

"Flood Dragon Clan, Ao Jin." Zhang Li's voice shook the world together with the light from the spear in his hand.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the sky and the earth shine.

Ao Jin!

Ao Qingyun's eyes widened.

Of course he knew Ao Jin.

One of the young masters of the Jiaolong clan, he was once an extremely talented existence in the clan.

It was only hundreds of years ago that Ao Jin disappeared in the depths of the barren sea, and the patriarch Ao Ju spent a lot of effort but failed to find it.

"Little Lord……"

Ao Qingyun gritted his teeth and growled.

"Haha, the Flood Dragon Clan is still an elite of the direct line, so it is really my luck, Zhao Lin."

The Jindan Daxiu in front of him smiled, and his body gathered aura.

Killing or capturing a direct descendant of the Flood Dragon Clan is a great achievement.

This feat can be exchanged for wealth resources.

"Come on, let me see what you are capable of." Zhao Lin raised his spear and pointed at Zhang Li standing there.

Zhang Li's expression was indifferent, he did not raise his hand, but said lightly: "Your opponent is not me."

What do you mean?
And the powerhouses of the Flood Dragon Clan?
Zhao Lin was taken aback for a moment, but the smile on his face was even bigger.

It is a good thing that the Jiaolong clan has more experts.

This time, Jinhua Island set a trap, but there were several mid-stage Golden Core Realm and two late-stage Golden Core Realm powerhouses.

Even if someone strong from the Flood Dragon Clan came, they would never return.

"Young Master, there are traps on Jinhua Island, and our group has no strong people, so we can't—" Before Ao Qingyun finished speaking, Zhang Li raised his hand to stop him.

With his back to Ao Qingyun, Zhang Li said indifferently: "Didn't you say that you can become a golden elixir, and killing him is like slaughtering a dog?"

What do you mean?
Ao Qingyun was at a loss.

Zhao Lin on the opposite side also frowned.

Zhang Li waved his hand, and two chalcedony beads, a fire spirit bead, and several spirit fruits flew down in front of Ao Qingyun.

Ao Qingyun took it subconsciously, but before he could react, he saw a golden thunderball burst in Zhang Li's hand.


Lei Guang wrapped Ao Qingyun's body, causing his whole body to twist continuously.

As soon as the thunder light fell, it turned into a pool of thunder.

On Ao Qingyun, who was bathed in the thunder pool, pieces of scales turned into pale gold, and his body was filled with blood.

Thunder Tribulation!

Can trigger thunder calamity with a single finger?

This is impossible!

Zhao Lin stared at Zhang Li as if he had seen a ghost, and then at Ao Qingyun who was surrounded by thunder.

"You, who are you..."

There was a tremor in Zhao Lin's voice.

The world of practice is not without Leifa.

But the thunder cultivator has never seen anyone who can induce the sky thunder, and can turn the sky and the earth into a calamity thunder.

He naturally didn't know that the thunder method in Zhang Li's hand was the fusion of the original palm thunder, and he realized the way of heaven, cloud and thunder, and turned into sky thunder.

In addition, when he crossed the catastrophe for Ao Jin, he had already realized how to mix the power of heaven to elevate the ordinary thunder to the thunder of heaven.

At this time, the thunder pond he attracted was Ao Qingyun's thunder disaster.


Lightning flashed, enveloping Ao Qingyun's body.

Ao Qingyun roared in a low voice, his body was full of energy and blood.

Jiaolong swallowed all the spirit fruit and spirit beads thrown out by Zhang Li in one gulp, and then roared up to the sky.

The sound vibrated, as if the whole world was being moved and began to respond.

The Jiaolong clan was once the master of this barren sea.

Whether it is the creatures in this world or the spirituality of the world, they are naturally close to the Jiaolong clan.

At this time, Ao Qingyun crossed the catastrophe, aroused changes in the surrounding world, and felt close to that kind of world and all things.

Zhang Li could feel that a series of invisible merits and wishes gathered towards him, and then crashed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the merit of heaven and earth from thousands of creatures and from the barren sea!

This kind of power is blended with the power of merit condensed by himself, making the power of merit stronger.

"Go to hell—"

Zhao Lin in front didn't dare to wait any longer, and stabbed Zhang Li head-on with his long spear.

Zhang Li's eyes turned to the direction behind Zhao Lin, as if he had drifted to Jinhua Island in the distance.

He raised the spear in his hand and stabbed out.


The flames converged, and endless flames shot up into the sky.

The flames enveloped the surrounding world, knocked Zhao Lin away, and then spread towards Jinhua Island.

The power of ten Fire Spirit Orbs exploding together is unstoppable even by a Gold Core Realm.

What's more, at this time Zhang Li has already used the power of the demon pill in his dantian, and the spiritual weapon in his hand.

The flames turned into hundreds of long dragons, rushed directly into the verdant big island, and then turned into endless flames and scattered in all directions.

The entire island was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

For hundreds of miles around Jinhua Island, the sea was churning and boiled by flames.

The water vapor filled the air, and I couldn't see anyone when I stretched out my hands.

"You go back to the ethnic group first, I will go there when I have time."

Zhang Li's voice rang in the ears of Ao Qingyun who had just passed through the thunder disaster.

Ao Qingyun nodded and looked forward.

When the thick fog cleared, Zhang Li was no longer there, only Zhao Linli stood there in a panic.

"Zhao Lin, die—"

Ao Qingyun, who had turned into a figure, let out a roar and flew up.

Zhao Lin turned around and fled.

At this time, Zhang Li had quietly changed into a green-robed merchant, standing at the pier of Jinhua Island.

"The establishment of Jingyuan Commercial Bank was originally prepared to come to the island for business."

"In such a situation, shall I go?"

Looking at Jinhua Island, which was enveloped in flames and burned most of it, Zhang Lili spoke softly with a stunned expression on his face.

"It turned out to be shopkeeper Zhang. Don't worry, I, a powerful man from Jinhua Island, can handle such a small scene with a wave of his hand." The servants on the pier hurried forward.

"A small scene..." Zhang Li nodded with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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