Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 174 Re-entering the Town Demon Tower, Zhenjun’s Surprise

Chapter 174 Re-entering the Town Demon Tower, Zhenjun’s Surprise

Zhang Li returned to Jingyuan Temple, whether it was Taoist Yuan Qing, the master of the temple, or Taoist Qingxun who had long been controlled by Zhang Li, and Taoist Yuanhe, all came to see him.

"Master Uncle, there are nineteen disciples of the Grand Master of Martial Dao in Jingyuan Temple now, including 31 disciples of Immortal Dao enshrined."

"All of this is the work of my uncle."

Taoist Yuanqing saw Zhang Li again, his face was full of excitement.

He was originally the master of the temple to succeed Wang Qingyang, and he became the master of the temple when Jingyuan Temple was extremely difficult.

At that time, all parties were in turmoil, and he didn't know whether Jing Yuan Temple could sustain it.

Unexpectedly, Jingyuan Temple is now the well-deserved number one mortal force.

Not only is he in charge of the Taoist sect, there is no shortage of great masters and strong men, but there are also countless elites of the younger generation.

It is foreseeable that Jingyuanguan will become stronger and stronger in the future.

He is a Daoist of Yuanqing, and he can be regarded as the most prosperous era since Jingyuan Temple was passed down.

As he said, all of this is due to the uncle Zhang Li.

"In such a world of great contention, the strength of Jingyuanguan is far from enough." Zhang Li waved his hands, without the slightest complacency on his face.

His expression also made Qing Xun Taoist and the others look at each other with serious expressions.

Qingxun is still in charge of all kinds of information collection in Guanzhong.

Today's Jingyuan Temple collects information not only from the Zhao Kingdom, not only from the mortal world, but also from all the fairy worlds, as well as the East China Sea.

"In Mingwang Prefecture, although the Jingyue Temple controlled by Ying Wuya can support it, other places are constantly losing ground."

"The demon powerhouses of the Five Demon City have already prepared an army to attack and completely destroy Jingyue Temple."

Qing Xun lowered his voice and reported the current battle situation in Ming Wangzhou and other places in the fairy world.

As for Huaxian Prefecture, it is still stable now.

There are more and more powerful people in Tang County.

The martial arts inheritance in Tang County is also scattered all over the place, allowing more people in the earth fairy world to practice.

According to the information Qing Xun and the others got, as long as another ten or twenty years pass, there will be the first batch of martial arts masters and grand masters appearing in those earth immortal worlds.

"Actually, as long as there are another ten years, the great masters and powerhouses in my mortal world will emerge rapidly."

There was a trace of emotion on Yuanhe Taoist's face.

ten years.

The key is how to hold on to this decade.

"Just ten years?" Zhang Li whispered.

At present, the crisis in the mortal world here is Ming Wangzhou. As for Dongzhou, it can be put later.

There are [-] sword cultivators in the fairyland, and it is very difficult for the strong Dongzhou to break through the Tianmen.

"If it's only ten years, I can think of a way."

Zhang Li moved his fingers on the long table in front of him, and whispered in his mouth.

To find ways to?
any solution?
Qing Xun and the others looked at each other with a hint of curiosity on their faces.

It's just that Zhang Li didn't say anything, which made them a little depressed.

Taoist Qing Xun is now a fourth-level Martial Dao Grandmaster, and so is Yuan He.

Taoist Yuanqing is on the third floor.

The eight great masters of Jingyuan Temple back then are all in the realm of great masters now.

Zhuo Shi, Zhuo Jin, who was stationed in the small courtyard before, is already at the Grandmaster level.

Aoki, who is guarding the Demon Town Tower, has even stepped into the half-step grand master.

When there is no shortage of resources and hard work, whoever is more talented and hardworking will be able to surpass others.

In Jingyuan Temple, there is no shortage of extremely talented disciples.

Returning to Jingyuan Temple, Taoist Qing Xun sent all the information collected by various parties over the years to Zhang Li's desk.

But Zhang Li also glanced at it.

Today, he no longer needs to pay too much attention to the affairs of the mundane world.

Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan arrived half a day after Zhang Li returned to Jingyuan Temple.

Along with him was Zhao Ji, who was wearing a brocade robe and a gauze cap.

Today's Zhao Ji has a lot of bearing that an emperor should have, and his figure is also much stronger, and his eyes are even more profound.

But seeing Zhang Li, Zhao Ji still looked excited and bowed to salute.

"Zhao Ji met Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan also bowed together: "Meet Master Zhang."

In the past, it was Zhao Ji who first wanted to worship under Zhang Li's sect.

Unfortunately, in the end he didn't have this chance.

Zhang Li waved his hand and asked the three of them to sit in the courtyard.

"Gui Yunxue, this time I brought all the Gui Yunxues in the imperial city."

Zhao Ji was carrying a small basket and said with a smile.

Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan smiled and put two small wine pots on the table.

Four people sat around, with wine and tea.

Zhao Ji and the others only know that Zhang Li has been in charge of Tianmen for these years.

In today's mortal world, there is no surprise in the past for practitioners who fly into the sky and hide from the ground, and the strong people who continue to appear.

The Earth Immortal World, Dongzhou, and several blessed lands, the mortal world is no longer the place where spiritual energy was cut off.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think the mundane world will become the world of practice?" Zhao Ji put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Zhang Li and spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan on the side all look at Zhang Li.

They have discussed this issue many times in private.

For ordinary people, this problem is not difficult.

Don't need too much attention either.

But for Zhao Ji and the others, it is a major matter related to the safety of the country.

Just like Zhao Guo and Qin Guo, it seems that the country is at its peak now, but if there is turmoil in the earth and immortal world, or Dongzhou advances aggressively, Zhao Guo and Qin Guo may also be overthrown overnight.

In the face of the forces of cultivation, the kingdoms of the mundane world are really nothing.

Zhang Li put down the teacup in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

"With the current general trend of the mortal world, it is not impossible to transform into the world of practice."

Zhang Li spoke softly.

The mortal heaven has been promoted again, and it has become a world that can accommodate the Golden Core Realm.

With the growth of the power of heaven, the spiritual energy in many places has also begun to recover.

The mortal world, which was originally cut off from practice, can also be revived through practice.

Only in this way, this side of the world will become the world of practice, a place coveted by the fairy world everywhere.

No one would care about the mundane world without any aura, but the mundane world with aura is different.

Zhang Li's words made the expressions of the three people in front of them dignified.

No matter whether it is Zhao State or Qin State, the mortal world has no ability to resist the practice world.

"Mr. Zhang, then, what should Zhao Guo do?"

Zhao Ji took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.

When he came to see Zhang Li, he naturally considered everything.

Zhang Chu and Shen Yuan also clenched their fists.

The world of practice is good, and this ordinary world is also their home.

They also don't know if they still have the strength to protect this world when the mundane world becomes the world of practice.

"I will be stationed in this world for 300 years." Zhang Li said lightly.

300 years is the number of years required for the guarding mission of Lu Yangzhou's guarding disciples.

For Zhang Li, who has already stepped into the Martial Dao Golden Core Realm, he doesn't need to worry about lifespan and resources now.

The reason why he still stays in the mortal world is because he wants to improve and consolidate his cultivation base.

No matter where he is practicing now, it is actually the same.

But this mortal world is blessed by the power of heaven.

Zhao Ji, Zhang Chu, and Shen Yuan looked at each other.

300 years.

For a mortal, this is an unimaginable time.

But for Mr. Zhang, who is so powerful in the immortal way, 300 years is just a journey on the road of practice.

When Zhao Ji left, he felt a little lonely.

He got the answers he wanted, but the answers frustrated him.

In the future, this mortal world will become a practice world, and the imperial power in his hands will become something that has no binding power.

Although Mr. Zhang will stay in the mortal world for 300 years, in 300 years, he, Zhao Ji, has already aged and died.

If I hadn't chosen the position of emperor at the beginning, would I be able to be like Mr. Zhang and not take ordinary longevity seriously?

Zhao Ji and Zhang Chu left first, while Shen Yuan was left behind by Zhang Liming.

"Let me see how much your sword skills have improved."

Zhang Li stood in front of the stone steps, with his hands behind his back, and spoke softly.

Shen Yuan nodded and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The moment his palm touched the hilt of the sword, his aura suddenly changed.

This is the sharpness and sharpness that a swordsman should have.

In Zhang Li's eyes, there was a faint sword light shining on Shen Yuan's body.


The long sword was unsheathed, and the clear edge of the sword struck.



A sword flashed, and it reached Zhang Li's chest in an instant.

It's just that this kind of sword, which is difficult to resist under the ninth level of ordinary Qi training, has been fixed three feet in front of Zhang Li.

A light blue lotus flower rotates gently.

On the lotus, every petal has a shimmering sword light.

"Sword Intent!"

Shen Yuan let out a low cry, and the sword in his hand shook and shattered.

His body also flew out and fell into the flowers.

His kendo talent is very high, and his kendo practice is also extremely assiduous.

But no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to be able to resist sword intent with just a few years of practice.

Not to mention sword intent, his kendo only condensed three inches of sword light.

"Huang Xianyu said that your sword skills are very strong now."

Zhang Li put his hands behind his back, and Qinglian in front of him slowly dissipated.

"In my opinion, there is still a long way to go."

Zhang Li walked up to Shen Yuan, raised his hand, and a blue lotus petal appeared.

As soon as the petal fell into Shen Yuan's palm, it immediately dispersed.

Shen Yuan stared wide-eyed, watching the sword light that scattered into his arm and then turned into a light blue mark.

"This is the seed of sword intent..."

Sword intent seeds.

If you are practicing by yourself, you need at least one year to condense this sword intent seed!

Zhang Li this petal, save Shen Yuan Jiazi's penance!

"Call me Zhang Shi, I said I will teach you the way of swordsmanship."

Zhang Li walked out of the courtyard slowly with his hands behind his back.

His voice came from outside the door.

"The prosperity of the world of mortals fascinates the eyes. This prosperity is also worth protecting."

"What's the use of the sword in my sword repairer's hand if it's not for protection?"

As the voice faded away, Shen Yuan slowly stood up, his expression changing.

He is a little obsessed in the world of mortals.

But Master Zhang not only did not blame him, but relieved him.

Looking down at the kendo marks on his arm, the kendo aura that had been scattered on his body gathered again.

"Hold the sword to protect this world of mortals. The way of the sword is your own way."

There was a flash of inspiration in his eyes.


When Zhang Li came to the Demon Town Tower, it was no longer Aoki who guarded the Town Demon Tower.

But it was obvious that the disciple on duty recognized him.

"Master Uncle, Yuan and Shibo have told you that as long as you come, you can directly enter the pagoda." The Taoist who spoke was about forty, and his cultivation base was in the late stage of the martial arts condensing state.

This level of cultivation is already extremely strong, but in today's mortal world, cultivation is flourishing, and this level of Qi Condensation Realm cultivation cannot be said to be rampant in the world.

Zhang Li nodded, raised his hand and a talisman flew out.

"This is a golden armor talisman, which can withstand a blow from the master realm."

Under the surprised and grateful eyes of the disciples on duty, Zhang Li walked into the Demon Town Tower.

Yuan and Taoist were not there, so Zhang Li went straight to the basement floor of the Zhenyao Tower.

Today, the basement floor of the Town Demon Tower is much deserted.

Zhao Hutu and other monsters who were imprisoned before have all gone to Huaxian Prefecture to practice in the blessed land.

Yu Honggu took Yu Mengmeng and the others to find Dongfang Jing three years ago.

This family is finally reunited.

Dongfang Jing is now basically living in a hut near Zhenmasi, going to Mingwang Prefecture to practice for a month, and then come out for a period of time to cultivate.

On the other hand, Xun Kuang, the high priest of the Jixia Academy, chose to stay in Mingwangzhou directly, just like Ying Wuya.

The other demons in the Demon Town Tower were a little scared when they saw Zhang Li again.

The strength quietly displayed by Zhang Li made them feel oppressed.

Zhang Li didn't stay on this floor for long, he crossed the second basement floor, and then entered the third basement floor.


A blue light fell on his head.

The way Xiao Qing'er greeted her was the same as before.

Zhang Li's expression remained the same, and when he looked at the blue light falling on his head, he was actually a little more kind.

He didn't move his feet, raised his hand, and the green lotus in his palm spun, and golden sword lights flew away.


The sword light collided with Qingguang, directly chopping Qingguang into pieces.

A figure fell down, Xiao Qing'er, with thin anger on her face, stared at Zhang Li with her white shoulders: "You have been away for five years, and when you came back, you tore the dress I had cut with great difficulty."

"I want you to pay."

It was said in the words that she wanted to pay, but her figure moved, raising her hand to attract the water vapor between the sky and the earth, turning into an endless spear, and piercing directly towards Zhang Li.

This kind of means is no longer able to resist under Jindan.

Seeing the spears stabbing like rain, Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to point out.

"call out--"

A flash of sword light directly turned into ten feet of sword energy, and then exploded with a bang.

The sword qi shot out screamed, shattering the surrounding world, crashing into the rain curtain, and tearing apart all the long spears.

The water vapor fell down again and turned into water vapor again.

Break the law.

Since it is already a golden elixir of martial arts, ten thousand spells are invulnerable, Zhang Li can see through other people's spells at a glance.

The rain curtain of the spear was shattered, Xiao Qing'er showed a trace of astonishment on her face.

Zhang Li's methods far exceeded her expectations.

With these methods, the cultivation of swordsmanship has already entered the room.


A voice sounded in the sky not far away.

With his hands behind his back, the white-bearded Taoist in a green robe came step by step.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan.

With a smile on his face, Zhu Yuanzheng walked forward step by step, looking at Zhang Li who was standing there.

"You have improved a lot in the past five years."

"Let me see if you can give me some surprises."

In the middle of the voice, Zhu Yuanzhenjun had already clapped it with a palm.

Xiao Qing'er hurriedly stepped aside.

Looking at the slap on the head, Zhang Li looked solemn for the first time.

"it is good."

He drank lightly, raised his hand, and grabbed it.

A blue long sword appeared in his palm.

Sword up.

The sword light exploded.

Within a hundred feet, the sword light was as bright as stars.

"Great sword intent?"

"it is good!"

There was surprise in Zhu Yuanzhenjun's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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