Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 198 So what about a breakthrough in front of the battle?

Chapter 198 So what about a breakthrough, a sword still crushes the golden core
The body of the golden dragon elephant reveals layers of dragon scales.

Subduing the Demon Dragon Elephant, the power to step on the sky.

Although Qu Yang was already at the half-step Golden Core Realm and was a Qi refiner, he was still blown away by Zhang Li's dragon-elephant power.

absolute power.

This scene made all the onlookers feel close.

This kind of power gap usually only appears when there is a big difference in cultivation level.

For example, a strong person in the Golden Core Realm has at least three times the strength level of the Foundation Establishment peak alone.

Only in this way can the advantage of rolling be formed.

The gaps in other small realms are not so big that they will collapse after just one encounter.

Qu Yang is still a half-step golden elixir no matter what, and he is a figure on the elite list.


Qu Yang, who was hundreds of feet away, let out a low shout, and the blade of the long knife in his hand turned into a light of ten feet, dark and bright.

This is to cultivate a sword technique to the state of great success.

Being able to become the top [-] existences on the elite list is not just as simple as a hundred-year-old half-step golden core.

Combat power has never been completely linked to the realm of cultivation.

With Qu Yang's great sword skills, there are not many people in the same level who can beat him.

It is not impossible to fight over the next level.


At the moment when Qu Yang's sword light appeared, before the spear in Zhang Li's hand, he spit out a spear light of the same ten feet.

But unlike Qu Yang, Zhang Li's gun light only flashed, and then condensed into three inches, attached to the tip of the spear.

One inch long and one inch strong.

An inch of short is an inch of risk.

You don't need a sharp edge of ten feet, but you need a sharp edge of three feet.

With Zhang Li's spear in his hand, it gave people the feeling that it even surpassed Qu Yang who was waving a long knife on the opposite side.

"To what extent is this a person who has mastered marksmanship, so he dares to fight the enemy with an inch of light?"

Someone whispered, staring at the light of the knife.

"It's really unimaginable, since when did he start practicing." Someone shook his head and muttered.

If you want to achieve great success in this kind of combat skills, you need to work hard.

Every knife and gun needs real training.

Even if one cultivates from the womb, one cannot achieve great success so easily.


Facing the light of the sword, he stabbed with a long spear.

The man followed the gun, and then stabbed him horizontally.

At this time, Zhang Li was united with the spear, and the sharp edges converged. He let the long knife slash, but he refused to give up half a step. Instead, he bullied himself with the point of the spear, forcing Qu Yang to step back.


Every time the long knife collided with the long spear, it would shake and retreat.

The edge of Zhang Li's spear became more and more brilliant, with a palpitating roar, every blow seemed to pierce the space in front of him.

"His marksmanship is definitely better than Qu Yang's."

Some people are sure.

"He is still carrying a sword. It is said that he has inherited the inheritance of Zhenyuezong's swordsmanship..." Someone's face flashed blankly.

Is there really such a strong man in the world, who not only has great cultivation and unparalleled combat skills, but also can practice the fabled way of sword that can break spells?

On Luo Wuzhou, there are not many people who can practice swordsmanship.


The long spear swung the long knife, and the foreigner Qu Yang retreated ten feet with the light of the knife.

He had a serious expression on his face and was panting slightly.

"Shopkeeper Zhang Shao, I admit that your marksmanship is superb, and you haven't shown the strongest marksmanship until now."

"But I'm more curious about your swordsmanship."

"I don't know if I might have a chance to see your sword skills?"

Looking at Zhang Li, Qu Yang solemnly raised his hand, the blade was on the blade, and the stream of light was ups and downs.

"Even if I lose, I have to understand."

To lose by the sword.

At least he showed that he let Zhang Li draw his sword.

If you don't even have the qualifications for a sword repairer to draw a sword, wouldn't it make you look too useless?

Qu Yang was not reconciled.

Even if he knew that he would not be the opponent's opponent.

Among the Zhenming Sect, Zhang Li has actually fought against a Jindan realm of the sect.

If not, Zhenmingzong would not finally agree to Zhang Li, let Qu Yang fight him, and become his stepping stone.

For a sect, it is also an opportunity to have a friendship with a real strong man.

Qu Yang's master told Qu Yang that after today, he might be proud of having fought against Zhang Li.

"Okay." Zhang Li replied simply.

He directly raised his hand, put away the spear, and then grasped the hilt of the sword with his palm.

At this moment, the phantom of the golden dragon elephant behind him dissipated.

It's not that the power of the dragon and elephant is not needed, but that all the power of the dragon and elephant is incorporated into the sword move.

The moment he grasped the long sword in his hand, the sound of the sword's cry resounded throughout the entire world, within a hundred li radius.

That is the induction of the power of heaven and earth, and only a true swordsman can do it.

Be it Qu Yang, or the practitioners who were watching, their complexions changed drastically.

What kind of sword power is this?
"Sword Intent!"

Someone whispered.

Only the sword intent can have such a sense of attracting the power of the hundred miles of heaven and earth.

"Didn't it mean that the inheritance of swordsmanship on Luowuzhou has declined, and the number of people who can cultivate sword intent is less than double ten?"

"How old is this person, and he has already cultivated sword intent?"

"Sword intent, invincible at the same level, comparable to Jindan, his combat power is basically equal to Jindan, no wonder he didn't use the sword before..."

Countless exclamations.

Everyone watched Zhang Li slowly draw the sword out of his hand.

The edge of the sword lit up, and a sharp force pressed down on Qu Yang's head.

At this moment, Qu Yang trembled all over, as if he had lost control of his body.

This is an extremely powerful coercion.

"The sharpness in the world is all in one sword."

"Cultivation in the world is to go forward indomitable."

Zhang Li's voice rang in Qu Yang's ears.

Go ahead!

Qu Yang trembled all over, only felt that all his strength collapsed, and then switched again.

Bright energy, turn empty energy!

The cultivation base that was already stuck in the half-step Jindan realm suddenly improved.

Condensed golden core!

An illusory golden elixir appeared above Qu Yang's head.


"My God, Qu Yang used the pressure of this battle to break through to the Golden Core Realm!"

The moment this golden elixir appeared, countless exclamations sounded.

There is a completely different strength between achieving a golden elixir and a half-step golden elixir.

This difference is heaven and earth!
"Swallowing a golden core into my stomach, my life is up to me..."

An old man with white beard looked at the golden core formed behind Qu Yang, with emotion on his face, and whispered softly.

"Achievement of golden elixir will lead to golden elixir catastrophe, and Qu Yang may not be able to get through it at this time." Someone looked at the turbulent cloud around Qu Yang's body and said in a low voice.

The golden elixir is the gathering of the power to seize the heaven and the earth, so it is naturally rejected by the heaven and the earth.

This kind of rejection will turn into various tangible and intangible catastrophes.

For example, in the clouds around Qu Yang's body at this time, there were thunderbolts surging.

Thunder robbery.

There is no way of heaven in the practice world, and low-level practitioners will not have the blessing of enlightenment from the way of heaven.

But without the way of heaven, it doesn't mean that when the golden core power gathers, it won't cause natural rejection.

This kind of repulsion turns into thunderbolts.

Qu Yang raised his head and looked at Yun Tao around him.

"Shopkeeper Zhang Shao, today's battle—" He whispered, reminding Zhang Li to leave first.

"It's okay." Zhang Li looked indifferent, and the light of the sword in his hand slowly gathered.

"I'll wait for you to cross the catastrophe."

He didn't take this opportunity to defeat Qu Yang, but waited for Qu Yang to go through the catastrophe before fighting.

What kind of confidence is this!
"Haha, okay, after that Qu Yang has passed the tribulation, I will challenge Master Zhang again." Qu Yang shouted, flew up, and slashed out the long knife in his hand facing the falling thunder.

The blades converged and entangled with Lei Guang, making him grin his teeth.

But this time was no longer the time to evade, he used one strike at a time to induce Lei Guang to temper his body and golden core.

This is the benefit of tempering the physical body.

At a low level, Qi refiners have no advantage over Taoist inheritance.

But at the time of crossing the catastrophe, the advantages of Qi refiners who have a solid physical body, are not afraid of thunder bombardment, and can quickly stabilize their cultivation will be revealed.

Just like Qu Yang at this time, with a thunderous calamity on his face, he didn't flinch.

If it was in Luyangzhou, no matter who they were from the Taoist sect at this time, they would probably go all out in front of Lei Ting and dare not neglect in the slightest.

Zhang Li looked at the lingering thunder, and also felt the emphasis of different practice methods.

Pros and cons.

There is no perfect way in the world.

If you want to practice, you must choose the one that suits you best.

Just like myself, the indomitable and sharp way is the most suitable.


As if sensing his intentions, a sword light soaring to the sky rose from behind him.

At this time, Qu Yang, who had already survived the thunder calamity, let out a long shout, and the long knife led the remaining thunder light, mixed with the power of his own golden core, and slashed at Zhang Li.

The light of the sword collided with the light of the sword.


In everyone's eyes, Qu Yang's body flew out.

Qu Yang, who had just become a golden elixir, was defeated.

If Zhang Li hadn't brought too much shock to everyone before, when Qu Yang, who had achieved Jindan, was defeated by a sword, everyone would definitely be in an uproar.

But at this time, Qu Yang couldn't catch Zhang Li's sword, and in the eyes of everyone, it was a matter of course.

The battle ended, and everyone left in silence.

Zhang Li was re-invited to Zhenmingzong and hosted a banquet.

This battle can be described as a joy for all.

With Zhang Li's reputation, Zhenmingzong has substantial benefits.

Zhang Li defeated Qu Yang and became the elite list, Qu Yang made the golden elixir, and Zhenmingzong gained a golden elixir overhaul.

Qu Yang went to retreat to stabilize his cultivation, and Zhang Li only stayed in Zhenmingzong for two days.

In just two days, the news of his battle with Qu Yang has spread thousands of miles around.

The true descendant of Zhenyuezong, Zhang Li, the young shopkeeper of Jingyuan Commercial Bank, defeated Qu Yang and became the elite leader.

At the same time as this incident caused a stir, many people remembered the news from the Jingyuan Trading Company that Zhang Li was going to the Zhenyue Sect to challenge the young lord Jin Yao.

From this point of view, Zhang Li definitely has this strength.

Then I don't know if Zhen Yuezong, the young suzerain, has the courage to fight?

The people who eat melons can't wait for Zhang Li and Jingyuan to rush to Zhenyuezong day and night.

But the caravan was not in a hurry, so they went around and sold treasures everywhere.

Pills, spiritual fruits, and various instruments.

The instruments brought by Jingyuan Trading Company are of high quality and quantity, and the price is [-]% lower than those on the market.

Such transactions are welcome everywhere.

In a month, the caravan traveled thousands of miles and finally arrived at the hinterland of Luowuzhou.

"Twenty thousand miles to the south is Fengtianya." Luo Jiachen beside him stretched out his finger to one side, and then said in a low voice, "To the west is the wasteland."

In the wilderness, there is an alliance of casual cultivators, an alliance from which Luo Jiachen was born, and many people have quietly attached themselves to it.

This time the caravan came to Luo Wuzhou with another task, which was to contact the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and then gather more practitioners to go to Chaotic Star Sea.

Although Daoist Yue Teng doesn't care about the number of people under his command, but Zhang Li needs more practitioners to station in the Earth Immortal Realm.

There are many casual cultivators on Luowuzhou, and these casual cultivators have no resources and no background, so they are just suitable to be dragged to Mingwang Prefecture.

"Feng Tianya won't go for now, let's go to the wasteland first."

Zhang Li waved his hands and looked ahead.

The more Ao Ju is in Fengtianya, the more he can't get close.

The power of the Chaotic Star Sea is regarded as the continuation of the power of the barren sea monster clan.

As the caravan headed towards the wilderness, they saw more and more practitioners.

But compared with other places, the practitioners here are also much lower.

Most of them are Qi training environment.

Scattered practitioners of Qi training realm followed the caravan and headed for the wasteland.

"Without the protection of the sect, gathering enough combat power, and not having enough resources and inheritance, casual cultivators, hey..." A trace of helplessness flashed in Luo Jiachen's eyes.

This is casual practice.

Although there are many alliances formed by loose cultivators in the wasteland, such alliances are loose, not binding, and have no real meaning of protecting casual cultivators.

On the contrary, it is more similar to some business groups, exploiting the last value of loose repairs.

"There are many monsters in the wasteland, and there are some spirit mines that are not particularly valuable."

"These are the biggest cultivation resources for casual cultivators on the wasteland."

hunting, mining.

If you just do these two things in exchange for resources, it's not impossible.

It's a pity that from the Loose Cultivation Alliance to all parties, a layer will be exploited.

In the end, the resources that fall into the hands of casual cultivators are not enough for their own practice.

Luo Jiachen looked at the casual cultivators who were curious about the caravan in the distance but did not dare to approach, and spoke softly.

Zhang Li looked over, pondered for a moment, stretched out his hand to attract Xu Zhaonian, and then whispered a few words.

Half a day later, when the caravan was resting, a small container was opened.

There are not many things, and the quality is not high. They are basically leftovers obtained during transactions in other cities and Zongmenfang City.

But these scraps are also rare treasures in the wasteland.

The most important thing is that Zhang Li's price, which is equivalent to a gift, is really attractive.

The opening of the container immediately excited all the wilderness casual cultivators who came carefully.

When camping for the second time, there were thousands of casual cultivators around the caravan.

In the next few days, the number of casual cultivators chasing the caravan increased every day.

When the caravan stopped in front of a vast lake, there were already more than 3 practitioners gathered.

At this time, not only Jingyuan Commercial Bank's transactions, but also other casual cultivators and small forces have also traded on their own.

The firm even received a lot of valuable treasures.

Zhang Li has no shortage of spirit stones, but he lacks casual repairs.

The purchase price of the caravan was [-]% higher than that of other places, so those casual cultivators were willing to come and sell their treasures.

"Young master, two casual repair alliances have protested, saying that the purchase price we set is too high."

When Xu Zhaolai met Zhang Li, he spoke in a low voice.

"Too high?" Zhang Li showed a smile, looked at the bustling crowd by the lake, and said lightly, "Then, add [-]% to the price."

Xu Zhaonian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I think so too."

"This place is just a wasteland. These alliances are used to taking advantage of it, and they still want to overwhelm us."

"However, such a price increase may attract the interception and killing of these casual repair alliances."

(End of this chapter)

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