Chapter 200 3000 million reward

Thunder is shining, thunder is rolling!
If it is a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm, under such lightning, his whole mind will be shattered.

But in front of this thunder, a golden core master can stabilize his soul and remain unmoved.

Although Zhang Li has cultivated Yunlei and Tianlei, his cultivation in the Dao of Thunder is not extremely advanced.

This kind of thunder can't hurt the big monks above the fourth level of Jindan.

But the premise is that it is a Daoist practice, a golden elixir with a stable mind and soul.

If it is a person who has achieved the Golden Core Realm by trickery, or the kind of overhaul who does not know whether it is a human or a demon, and whether he has survived the thunder tribulation of the transformation of the monster race, then the result will be different.


With the power to tear everything apart, the thunder light directly enveloped Hu Zhentang.

Hu Zhentang looked frightened, and raised his hand to grab Lei Ting in front of him.

The thunder light hit his arm, tore off his pale gold robe, and shattered the spirit patterns on the robe.

Without this spirit pattern, a surge of monster energy burst out from Hu Zhentang's body.

The majestic owner of Huyuan Village is not a major repair of Jindan at all, but a big monster of the tiger tribe!
A tiger demon in the Golden Core Realm.


A roaring roar came out, and Hu Zhentang rushed towards Zhang Li.

But in front of him, the lightning turned into chains, blocking his body.

Yaozu, no matter how strong they are, are still afraid of thunder.

Zhang Li stretched out his palm, and thousands of thunder beads reappeared.

At this moment, the tiger demon roared and walked away.


He is a big demon, and he is afraid of thunder in his bones.

The sky thunder transformed by these thunder beads ravaged his body, making his blood seem to be evaporated.

It would be fine if he was of pure Tiger Clan bloodline.

The point is, he is not even a pure tiger blood.

At this time, the blood power in his body was stimulated by the thunder light, and several kinds of power intertwined, making him tremble all over.

With all his combat strength, he was imprisoned by [-]%.

"I'm curious, the owner of the Huyuan Village has the blood of the Tiger Clan, the Wolf Clan, and the Green Beaver Clan at the same time."

"Do you condense your blood power by yourself, or do you draw the blood of the monster clan to practice?"

There was curiosity in Zhang Li's voice, and even a hint of majesty.

He can feel the feedback of the power of heaven and earth.

This means that the blood power of Hu Zhentang was not obtained properly.

Is it devouring other people's bloodlines through secret methods, or are there other unknown means?

Hu Zhentang has always ruled Huyuan Village with the power of his own blood, and those black tigers also gathered because of the power of his tiger blood.

If his blood was not pure, the result would be that the entire Huyuan village collapsed in an instant!
In the past, not to mention whether anyone could see the mixed power of Hu Zhentang's body, even if they could, it was impossible to show his mixed blood.

Hu Zhentang's cultivation base and combat power can fight at the eighth level of Jindan.

In the wasteland, no one can make him manifest the mixed blood.

But today he met Zhang Li.

Immortal Master Thunder.

Thunder billowed, and the blood was invisible.

"How could this be? How could Hu Zhentang's bloodline power be chaotic?" Someone whispered on the far bank of the water.

"Yeah, this so-called overlord of the wilderness has always regarded himself as the pure blood of the tiger clan. How could he not be the tiger clan..." Someone looked up at Hu Zhentang, who was entangled in the thunder chains, and his eyes flickered. Bright.

Some things seem to be developing in an unimaginable direction?
Below, the incarnation of Zhang Li, who swept the Black Tiger Guard with the power of the Demonic God Elephant, no longer needed to make a move.

The mixed blood power on Hu Zhentang's body aroused the mania of the black tigers below.

Many black tigers were already running, trying to throw away the black tiger guards riding on them.

They surrendered because Hu Zhentang, a strong man with pure blood and strength, sat in and suppressed him.

Feeling the chaos of Hu Zhentang's blood power now, these black tigers will naturally defect.


Another thunderbolt fell and exploded.

The thunder light turned into a thunder pond with a radius of thousands of feet, covering all the Black Tiger Guards.

For these Black Tiger Guards, this thunder light is not very strong.

But Zhang Li felt more feedback from the power of heaven and earth.

Heihuwei has many grievances in his hands, and at this time he is bombarded with the power of thunder, unconsciously, he is acting as a punishment on behalf of the sky.

Regardless of whether this method of punishment works or not, at least Zhang Li has made a choice.

In the distance, the expression on the face of Luo Jiachen standing by the lake changed.

"Elder Luo, the young master asked you to garrison the camp before, but the situation is different now." Xue Lin who was standing beside Luo Jiachen said in a low voice.

He turned his head and looked at Xu Zhaonian who was beside him: "Master Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Zhaonian nodded, squinted his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Although I'm not good at fighting, I probably know how to maximize the benefits."

He pointed to the battlefield facing the lake in front of him.

"Whether it's slaughtering the Black Tiger Guards, or chasing and killing the Gale Wolf that scattered just now, for these wasteland casual cultivators, these are rare opportunities in this life."


The Black Tiger Guard is extremely powerful, and Huyuan Village is even more powerful in the wasteland.

The Gale Wolf is so strong that even a hundred thousand casual cultivators dare not face it directly.

But at this time, Galewind Wolves fled in all directions, losing the advantage of living in groups.

Heihuwei and Huzhentang had no intention of fighting.

Now that a hundred thousand casual cultivators rushed over, I dare not say what the results will be, but as long as there is a little harvest, it is a rare opportunity in this life.

This kind of improvement of one's own combat power and self-awareness may not be possible in the future.


Luo Jiachen shouted loudly, and rushed forward with the wind and thunder entrained in his body.

His voice resounded through the night sky.

"Killing monsters—"

Xue Lin's voice sounded.

Kill monsters.

Kill those scattered Galewind wolves, or kill those black tigers that have struggled out of the thunder pond.

It doesn't matter who he kills, as long as he kills, he will make a lot of money.

The flesh and blood of a Gale Wolf is worth thousands of spirit stones.

If you kill a black tiger, then three to five thousand spirit stones are at least.

This is the case for casual cultivators, who are good at calculating.

There is no way, no backing, no strength, so I can only carefully calculate everything.

Who doesn't want to open it to use spirit stones, and open it to swallow medicine?

But as a casual cultivator, he can only live his life tightly like this.

got used to.


A casual cultivator in the foundation building shouted loudly, and flew across the lake, rushing towards a fleeing Gale Wolf.

This casual cultivator has followed the caravan since it came to the wasteland, and has a good relationship with many caravan guards. It has been secretly finalized that when the caravan leaves the wasteland, he will be recruited as a guard.

At this time, he showed enough positivity.

This is exemplary.

The first person rushes out, the 1th person rushes out.

Countless auras lit up, with brilliance and agitation.

Qi and blood gathered into a column of smoke, dyeing the surrounding world golden red.

One hundred thousand casual cultivators scattered, that is a mess of loose sand.

Hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators gather together, and that is a torrent that no one dares to stop.

Even if it is a major repair of the Golden Core Realm, it can only retreat in front of these people.

Zhang Li's avatar dispersed, and the sword in his hand was also put away.

Standing in mid-air, he looked indifferent.

Hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators gather strength, and there is no need for him to do anything.

This is the world of practice.

Even for casual cultivators, as long as their power is activated, it will be a terrifying force.

"Young master, these loose cultivators will be useful in the future." Xu Zhaonian said in a low voice as he landed beside Zhang Li with his spiritual light.

Let's fight side by side together today, and we will have more hard-core friendship in the future.

"If you can fight side by side for a few more games, even if you want to form a new casual cultivator alliance, young master, it is not impossible."

Xue Lin, who was flying down on the other side, said with a smile on his face.

The means and strength displayed by this young master of his own family are top-notch.

As a follower, it would be a good thing if he could help the young master improve his overall strength behind him.

"The Loose Cultivation Alliance is not difficult. I think the Fengcao Alliance, which is from Elder Luo's background, would be very willing to form an alliance with me." Zhang Li didn't need to come forward to form an alliance himself.

But he is not without allies in the wasteland.

As long as you have enough interests, you can win enough allies.


The roar below exploded into one piece, and those fleeing Galewind wolves were killed one by one.

Heihu was also besieged and killed.

Three hundred black tiger guards, it would require tens of thousands of practitioners to besiege and not necessarily win.

But the strength of the scattered black tigers and the black tiger guards without black tigers dropped to a low point.

Of the three hundred Black Tiger Guards who had lost the Black Tiger, a small number of them fought to the death, but most of them were captured without a fight.

The black tiger was divided up by the casual cultivators.

A dead tiger and a dead wolf were dragged to the big lake to be washed and stripped clean.

Even the spilled blood was gathered up.

The soil and water mixed with monster blood can be made into fertilizer.

Many sects, many cultivators who plant elixir will collect such soil.

Naturally, Jingyuan Trading Company doesn't like these things, but for casual cultivators, these are good things.

It was some scraps of skin and meat scattered on the battlefields everywhere, and they were searched over and over again.

According to Zhang Li's instructions, the caravan bought all kinds of spiritual materials by the lake all day the next day.

Gather bones, fur, flesh and blood, and minions by category.

Then the Lingshi was delivered on the spot.

This time, Jingyuan Trading Company showed the strength to make the casual cultivators stunned.

Tens of millions of spiritual stones were thrown out directly, not a single piece was owed, not even a piece of spiritual material was paid.

Naturally, it cannot be credited. If any piece of spiritual material is brought out of the wasteland, it can be doubled if resold. How can it be credited?
As for spirit stones, what Zhang Li lacked most was spirit stones.

His storage bag is full of spirit stones.

If these low-level spirit stones were not for trading, he would not pretend at all.

The spirit stone that Zhang Li didn't like was something that casual cultivators desperately wanted to exchange for.

When the purchase price much higher than that of other firms was announced, and various materials were actually purchased, casual repairs with good deals began to move on.

The caravan that originally stayed for one day became a two-day stay.

Hundreds of casual repair groups spread out in all directions.

Those Galewind wolves who fled before suffered another disaster.

Gale wolves don't always live in groups, they only act collectively when called by the wolf king.

There are only dozens or hundreds of Galewind wolves scattered everywhere, and they can't stop the encirclement and suppression of tens of thousands of casual cultivators.

At the end of the day, thousands more Galewind wolves were killed.

On the third day, the red-eyed casual cultivators made a decision.

At least [-] casual cultivators formed a team and went to Huyuan Village, which is thousands of miles away.

They are going to end Huyuan Village.

The reason why he dared to do this was that last night, there was news that Hu Zhentang, the owner of Huyuan Village, was intercepted and killed when he was returning to his residence.

The digital Golden Core Realm made a move, severely wounding Hu Zhentang, who was already injured and his blood power was seriously depleted.

Hu Zhentang had to flee.

Without Hu Zhentang and the three hundred black tiger guards, Huyuan Village is already a piece of fat.

This is a faction, as long as it is wiped out, all kinds of treasures, treasures, and various practice books can become opportunities for one's own practice.

The casual cultivators in series have been discussed. As long as Huyuan Village is conquered, all the classics will be opened.

This time, they are going to play big.

No one expected that after Jingyuan Commercial Bank entered the wasteland, it would cause such a storm.

For a moment, all parties turned their attention to Huyuan Village.

Sanxiu's attack on Huyuan Village was not particularly smooth.

After all, it is a casual cultivator, and no one dares to fight to the death.

Tens of thousands of people surrounded Huyuan Village, but they were attacked several times by people from Huyuan Village, causing a lot of damage.

But they also killed several practitioners from Huyuan Village.

Many of them are wealthy.

This harvest alone has made many people determined to take down Huyuan Village.

What's more, many forces were also moved, and quietly arranged people to mix in the team of casual cultivators, and together they attacked Huyuan Village.

Huyuan Village was breached three days later, and the practitioners in the village scattered and fled.

Several secret vaults were opened, and various treasures looted in the past were divided up.

The harvest is not generally large.

It is said that the wealth of Huyuan Village is no less than that of a sect, and there are some things that are not visible.

There have been several headless robberies in the wasteland over the years, and stolen goods have been found here.

In this way, all parties are naturally more happy to see Huyuan Village being pacified.

Zhang Li, who was thousands of miles away, did not make a move, but only felt the battle situation in Huyuan Village from the daily surge of merit.

When Huyuan Village was breached, he could feel a surge of merit enveloping his body.


Around Zhang Li's body, lightning and golden light intertwined.

Martial arts cultivation is improved.

The Martial Dao Golden Body is promoted to the second level, which is equivalent to the second level of Jindan, and it is invulnerable to all laws, and its power is much more magnificent than that of ordinary Jindan.

The most important thing is that the second floor of his martial arts golden body is promoted in the world of practice.

There is no power of heaven in the world of practice, but the Dao still exists.

This kind of infusion of great virtues gave him a clearer understanding and connection with this world.

He could feel that he seemed to be blessed with a trace of heaven and earth power.

This is the power of heaven and earth in the practice world!

In the future, when he returns to this world, his cultivation speed will be faster and his upper limit will be higher.

Ten days later, when Zhang Li left the customs, his own cultivation had been stabilized.

"Young master, someone from the Wind Grass Alliance is here to pay a visit." Luo Jiachen stepped forward and said in a low voice, "They found out that the siege of Gale Wolf and Huyuan Village this time has something to do with the Wutu Alliance."

"The meaning of the Wind Grass Alliance is that we join forces to take down the Wutu Alliance."

Zhang Li naturally knew that someone was plotting against him behind the scenes.

It's just a small wasteland alliance, do you need to do it yourself?

Looking at Luo Jiachen, Zhang Li shook his head, and said lightly, "A reward of 3000 million is offered, and I want the Wutu Alliance to disappear from now on."

3000 million rewards!
Luo Jiachen shuddered and nodded.

3000 million is enough to buy a few Gold Core Realm lives.

(End of this chapter)

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