Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 203 I Heard You Are a Sword Cultivator?

Chapter 203 I Heard You Are a Sword Cultivator?
The three flying boats moved forward.

Zhenyuezong's team is led by two elders of the sixth level of Jindan.

Luo Jiachen has already returned to Luan Xinghai with Xu Zhaonian, and they will go to the northern region of Luyangzhou together when Zhang Li returns.

After Zhang Li waits to return to the chaotic sea of ​​stars, he will also return to the mundane world.

He also needs to stay in the mundane world often to stabilize the heaven in Xiniuzhou.

If the way of heaven in Xiniuzhou was not stable, the power of heaven and earth he had obtained from the mortal world would gradually fade away.

He also wanted to improve his way of practice with the help of his understanding of the promotion of heaven and earth.

Looking at all the places of practice, only the Heavenly Dao of Xiniuzhou can bring him such a realization.

"The ancient battlefield is dangerous, and all parties will form alliances in advance."

On the flying boat, in front of Zhang Li were two old men sitting upright.

Su Ji, the law-enforcing elder of Zhenyuezong, and Wu Yunzheng, the elder of Chuangong.

The person who speaks is Wu Yunzheng, who preaches meritorious deeds and establishes Wu Yunzheng.

Next to Zhang Li were Wu Yutao and He Kun.

According to Taoist Yunchi's confession, all the participants in this competition must obey Zhang Li's command.

He Kun and the others also wanted to assist Zhang Li.

"The elder means that we are going with the allied sect now?" Wu Yutao looked at the elder ahead and asked in a low voice.

He himself is Wu Yunzheng's junior, so he speaks less restrainedly.

Wu Yunzheng smiled and looked at Zhang Li.

"If you reveal your alliance identity directly outside the ancient battlefield, I'm afraid they will be besieged by others in advance, right?" Zhang Li said calmly.

This kind of thing is normal.

If you want to form an alliance, you must truly unite and play the role of reversing the situation at a critical moment.

"Hehe, nephew Zhang is the one who can see through."

Su Ji beside Wu Yunzheng raised his hand with a smile, and a golden aura rune appeared.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the rune.

Wu Yutao and the three of them also looked at the rune, but their eyes were all blank.

This spirit pattern is normal and nothing special.

"Yunlu, there are 32 drawing techniques in total." Zhang Li looked at the spirit pattern and said in a low voice.

"If this section of spirit pattern is combined, there can be 130 nine changes."

His words froze the faces of the two elders in front of him.

Su Ji shook his head and muttered, "I was planning to explain it to you."

I wanted to pretend, but unfortunately I didn't.

"Ahem, there are a total of 41 sects allied with our Zhenyue Sect, but among them, there are less than ten sects with sufficient real strength." Wu Yunzheng raised his hand, and a flash of inspiration emerged in front of him.

These auras are cloud talismans, and the auras connect with the previous auras to form a complete aura.

These spirit patterns have no practical significance, and only true allies of the family can identify their identities with Yunlu at critical moments.

What sect corresponds to what identity.

It is not possible to pretend to be an ally by continuing a spirit pattern at random.

The two Zhang Li narrated in a low voice, introducing all the allies of their sect.

You don't need to know which sect the other party is from, just recognize Yunlu.

The same goes for others.

This cloud talisman is only for the four of them to remember, other disciples are not qualified to master it.

At the end of the elite competition, there were only a few winners. Although the others could not be said to be cannon fodder, they were not qualified to know the real secrets.

"The ancient battlefield is not about fighting each other."

"Discovering all kinds of treasures and spiritual materials left by the predecessors are all calculated points."

"If you're lucky, picking up a spiritual weapon will give you more points than fighting a few battles."

"Also, blocking the passage to Izumo Continent, discovering space cracks, and beheading the practitioners in Izumo Continent are all merit points."

The reason why elites are elites is because these people are better than others in terms of combat power and luck.

Practice in the world is really only favored by a few people.

Zhang Li himself is also a person with excellent luck.

He has the blessing of heaven, more than luck, there are really not many people better than him.


Suddenly there was a shocking sound ahead.

Several auras shone.

"Elder, Qi Yunmen is visiting." A voice sounded from the flying boat ahead.

The two elders looked at each other and stood up.

"Qi Yunmen's strength is comparable to that of my true Yuezong. It seems that he wants to test it out in advance." Wu Yunzheng whispered, and then looked at Zhang Li.

"Nephew Zhang, you can't retreat all the way, there is something for Wu Yutao and the others to deal with."

Zhang Li nodded without refusing.

Although he is not afraid of challenges, it is better to do less than to do more.

This kind of probing challenge will not only fail to see the real strength of the opponent, but will also arouse all kinds of suspicions, which is really troublesome.

In the cabin, Zhang Li raised up formations one after another.

Wu Yunzheng and the others led He Kun and the others to fly the boat ahead.

After a while, there was the sound of fighting.

After half an hour, the members of Qi Yunmen left.

Just now Yu Qiuzheng fought against the Qi Yunmen disciples who came to challenge him, one win and one draw, overall, the strength is not much different.

In the next few days, I kept meeting people from various sects who came to visit.

Some come to challenge, some come to discuss.

There are strong men who can suppress the two elites of Yue Zong by themselves, and there are also those who can't do three moves in the hands of He Kun and the others.

Zhang Li spent these days in the cabin, trying his best to refine the fairy beads in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is his own name, but there is indeed this name in the ancient books, but he doesn't know if it is not this thing.

Unknowingly, his cultivation base of Immortal Dao had already reached the ninth floor of foundation building, but after he tried his best to suppress and purify it, he dropped to the eighth floor of foundation building again.

Before, he felt that the aura level in the Fire Spirit Orb was the top, and his immortal cultivation base was the Fire Spirit Orb.

Now that he had the Fairy Spirit Orb, he naturally had to purify his true essence to the same level.

The power of the fairy spirit is much higher than the previous true essence level, and the combat power of the attack is naturally extremely powerful.

Zhang Li tried it, and the power he exerted with the magic of immortality is far higher than that of other practitioners of the same level.

With the same wind blade, he can directly defeat several of the opponent's attacks.

This kind of power crushing at the same level comes from power purification.


There was a soft sound outside the cabin.

Zhang Li put away the formation, and his breath calmed down.

"Brother Zhang, Elder Wu invites you to go."

When Zhang Li walked out of the cabin, a disciple of Zhenyue Sect bowed and spoke at the door.

Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji haven't disturbed Zhang Li's retreat for so many days, so there must be something important this time.

Sure enough, in the cabin ahead, He Kun and the others were all there.

"Ahead is the forging gate station."

Su Ji looked at Zhang Li and said.

Forging Tianmen.

One of the top sects on Luowuzhou is a sect whose strength is even higher than that of Zhenyue Sect.

Lu Zhan, the patriarch of the Forging Heaven Sect, is a master of the Nascent Soul Realm.

It is said that Lu Zhan once traveled to various continents in the past, and his strength could overwhelm the monster clan Ao Ju.

In the entire Luo Wuzhou, no one dared to say that his strength surpassed the ancestor Lu Zhan.

"The Forging Heaven Sect sent us an invitation. This is a rare opportunity."

Wu Yun looked solemn and said in a low voice: "If you can form an alliance with the Tiantianmen, you can get more opportunities on the ancient battlefield."

As the top sect of Luo Wuzhou, Lian Tianmen, the elite disciples of the sect naturally have incomparably powerful strength.

Zhang Li nodded.

It seems that Zhenyue Sect has not formed an alliance with Duan Tianmen yet.

That's right, without the identity of Daoist Yue Teng, Zhen Yuezong is not qualified to be seen by the Tiantianmen.

A sect as big as the Forging Heaven Sect doesn't bother to form an alliance with anyone.

Wu Yutao and He Kun on the side looked at each other, complex expressions flashed across their faces.

Regardless of their strength and background, they are not valued enough by the Forging Heaven Sect.

Only ask Zhang Li to leave the customs.

This is the world of practice, and one's own strength is just as indispensable as the background behind him.

Half an hour later, the three flying boats landed slowly.

On a large square, tall and straight Qi-robed Qi-refining warriors stood solemnly.

"Fellow Taoist Xu Jie came to pick him up in person. I'm flattered to wait." Wu Yun, who got off the flying boat, showed joy on the front, and stepped forward quickly.

"This is Elder Xu Jie, the elder of the Forging Heaven Sect's foreign affairs, and the top craftsman in the Forging Heaven Sect."

Liantianmen is not only a powerful and tyrannical sect, but also possesses unmatched means of refining weapons by outsiders.

There are many refining masters in the sect, and some of them are capable of refining high-quality spiritual weapons.

If it weren't for the insufficient level of spiritual materials and resources on Luo Wuzhou, the Forging Heaven Sect could refine more spiritual weapons.

An elder of the seventh level of golden elixir and a master craftsman greeted him, which was enough to give Zhen Yuezong enough face.

"Hehe, I'm also familiar with fellow Daoist Su, Daoist Wu, so I should come to pick him up." The burly man in a green robe with a bit of fireworks on his body looked at Zhang Li.

"This is your little friend Zhang Li?"

After looking at Zhang Li, Xu Jie showed a smile on his face: "He is really a heroic boy."

It doesn't matter if a hero is not a hero, but at least Xu Jie appreciates it in his words.

This made both Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji heave a sigh of relief.

Zhang Li naturally bowed his hands and saluted.

This is a respect for a Jindan Daxiu.

The other disciples were arranged to repair, and Xu Jie led Zhang Li and the two Jindan elders to tour around the Tiantianmen.

This is the treatment only for the powerful.

A group of people stopped in a place surrounded by fireworks.

"This is the place where I refine the Tianmen." Xu Jie pointed to the furnace fires in front, with a smile on his face.

"Little friend Zhang, the quality of spiritual materials in Jingyuan Trading Company is good, so you need to take care of me in the future."

Looking at Zhang Li, Xu Jie smiled and said.

It turned out to be for refining resources.

Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji looked at each other, no wonder Xu Jie was so attentive to Zhang Li along the way.

That's right, they forgot that Zhang Li is not only the elite of the sect, but also in charge of all kinds of trading resources from Luan Xinghai to Luowuzhou.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely ask the firm to send more resources to the Forging Heaven Gate." Zhang Li nodded, and a glimmer of light flickered in his eyes.

"I'm also interested in the various treasures refined by the Refining Heaven Sect."

If you want resources, you can exchange them with the magical artifacts you refined.

Hearing Zhang Li's words, Xu Jie's eyes revealed a hint of depth.

This young treasurer is not usually difficult to deal with.

The magic weapon of Forging Heaven Sect is in short supply on Luowuzhou, so it is not so easy to trade it.

"Hehe, in fact, the magic weapons of Zhang Xiaoyou's firm are of excellent quality, but the old man is just curious, which weapon refining sect made the move?"

The magic weapons of Jingyuan Trading Company are all inherited from Luyangzhou, so others can't see it, so why can't the masters in the big weapon refining sect see it?
It is also because of this that Xu Jie deliberately asked Zhang Li which company made these magic weapons.

Zhang Li chuckled, but did not answer.

Doing business is naturally false.


There was a loud noise ahead, and flames shot up from a refining furnace.

A Zhangba spear flew out.

The spear was full of fire, surrounded by golden light, and full of spirit patterns.

"Good gun." Wu Yunzheng whispered, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

This is a semi-spiritual weapon, as long as it is warmed up, it is very simple to become a spiritual weapon.


The spear was grabbed by a tall man who stretched out his hand.

The big man held the spear, looked up and down, and then looked up to Zhang Li and the others.

"Hehe, this is me, Qin Zhen, from the Forging Heaven Clan."

Qin Zhen, who has entered the Golden Core Realm for three years, is one of the top figures of the younger generation in the Forging Heaven Sect.

In the elite list, Qin Zhen ranked 31st.

Most importantly, Qin Zhen is also a well-known craftsman.

"This is the Zhenyue Zongzhangli who defeated Zhenming Zong Quyang."

Xu Jie pointed to Zhang Li and introduced with a smile.

Hearing Zhang Li's name, Qin Zhen's expression changed, and he stepped forward.

A trace of fighting spirit rose from him.

"I heard that you are a swordsman?" Qin Zhen held the spear and looked at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li nodded.

"Let's have a fight." Qin Zhen raised the long spear he had just refined in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Whether you win or lose, this battle spear will be given to you."

A half-step spiritual weapon-level spear.

Even Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji, who were at the Golden Core Realm, were a little moved.

Such treasures are not available if you want them.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the spear.

A fight is naturally necessary, but just for this long gun?


He raised his hand, and a spear flew down.

Spirit weapon!

This spear is clearly a spiritual weapon.

"I'll take this gun as a bet. If I lose, I'll give you this gun."

If you lose, you lose a spirit weapon!
Qin Zhen was taken aback.

He didn't expect Zhang Li to bet so big.

"Haha, Master Zhang's wealth is something that even this old man is jealous of."

"There is a reward of 3000 million spirit stones on the wasteland, and I don't even blink my eyes."

Xu Jie on the side smiled, and then looked at Qin Zhen.

"If you lose, I will make up a long sword, and I will never let your bet be worse than what Zhang Shao brought out."

Forging Tianmen's bet is not as good as the opponent's?

No matter what, he couldn't lose this reputation in his own sect.

"Okay." Qin Zhen smiled, threw the spear in his hand, and then strode forward.

But after a while, Zhang Li and Qin Zhen were already standing in a square, facing each other.

"Let me see your sword." Qin Zhen raised his hand, holding a pair of dark gold gloves, and looked at Zhang Li and shouted.

Zhang Li raised his hand and the Zhenyue Sword emerged.

To deal with people in a place like Forging Heaven Sect, he naturally wanted to use Zhenyue Sect's Zhenzong Treasure.

The moment Zhenyue Sword appeared, the surrounding clouds flickered and the wind howled.

With the big sword in hand, Zhang Li pointed forward.

Qin Zhen condensed all his energy, blood and true essence, let out a low drink, and strode forward.

The sound of wind and thunder resounded around him, and the shadow of cloud, dragon, wind and tiger emerged.

With one punch, the sound of a sonic boom resounded.

Raising the sword to block in front of him, Zhang Li's eyes showed calmness.


The shadow of the fist collided with the sword and exploded.

Qin Zhen's forward steps stopped, Zhang Li remained motionless.

Not moving like a mountain.

Qin Zhen shouted loudly and flew over.


Zhang Li's long sword blocked and collided with the glove.

For a time, the sound of roaring resounded.

Wu Yunzheng and Su Ji showed tension in their expressions.

Qin Zhen's combat strength is by no means as simple as just entering the Golden Core Realm for three years.

Even an old Jindan early stage is not Qin Zhen's opponent.

At this time, Xu Jie, the leader of the Forging Heaven Sect on the seventh floor of the Golden Core Stage, also had a solemn expression.

His eyes fell on Zhang Li's feet.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Li did not move at all!
"Qin Zhen, you can't even break through their defense, so what qualifications do you have to make a move?" Xu Jie yelled violently.

If you can't shake Zhang Li's heels, it will be a joke to continue fighting.

Hearing Xu Jie's voice, Qin Zhen took a step back and took a deep breath.


He punches out.

This time, Zhang Li did not stop where he was.

He raised the sword in his hand, and stabbed out with a sword!

The wind and cloud follow the sword, and the mountains and rivers change color!
(End of this chapter)

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