Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 209 Soul attack method, the ancient battlefield seal begins

Chapter 209 Soul attack method, the ancient battlefield seal begins

Soul attack is invisible, but it is the most dangerous.

As far as Zhang Li knows, there are not many such inheritances on Luowuzhou or Luyangzhou.

The method of controlling the spirit encountered in the ordinary life is not a pure soul attack.

On the other hand, Shinto practice pays attention to the soul, and because of the blessing of merit, Zhang Li's own soul is powerful, but he has few means of attacking the soul.

At this time, the cloud and mist rope transformed by the power of the soul enveloped him, and he was a little more interested.

He didn't draw out his sword, but moved his body and stepped back.

"You're sensible, and you know that Pindao's broken soul can't be taken by force." The Taoist missed with a single blow, chuckled and waved his hands.

The cyan streamer exploded, and was already behind Zhang Li when he reunited, blocking his retreat.

The other two Izumo Island practitioners retreated tacitly, raising their hands to trigger two virtual lights, rippling and flickering.

"Zhu Daoyou, after searching for benefits, our brother wants [-]%."

"make a deal."

From the exchange of two sentences, it is obvious that the three Izumo Island practitioners have reached a tacit understanding.

Not only the three practitioners from Izumo Continent took action, but the remnants scattered around ignored the practitioners from Izumo Continent, and rushed towards Zhang Li instead.

Practitioners in Izumo Island are good at cultivating souls, so they naturally have a way to keep these remnants from attacking them, and even use them for them.

No wonder Luo Wuzhou banned the ancient battlefield directly. In fact, in this ancient battlefield, Luo Wuzhou's qi refiners did not have the advantage.

Looking at the blue light and remnant soul around him, Zhang Li's eyes revealed a gleam of divine light.

In this moment alone, the opponent's use of the power of the soul has shown at least three forms.


Zhang Li raised his hand, the long sword in his palm trembled, and the sword rang.

He walked with the sword, stepped across the gap in the blue light in front of him, and raised two swords to cut back the remnant soul blocking the way.

The movement is fast, and the sword is like the wind.

This scene made the three Izumozhou practitioners not only not surprised, but joyful on their faces.

The stronger Zhang Li is, the more treasures he has on him.

The stronger Zhang Li is, the stronger his combat power will be after subduing him.

It is much easier to use than those remnant souls subdued in the ancient battlefield.

"Feng." The Taoist standing in front waved his hand, and a blue light curtain rose in front of him.

The soul is the thought, and the formation is formed when the thought is formed.

The cultivation method of Izumo Island is closer to Shinto.

Not to mention the world of immortals, among the three continents practitioners that Zhang Li came into contact with, Lu Yangzhou was good at spells and supernatural powers, and Luo Wuzhou mostly practiced body training. This time out of Yunzhou, there are more methods in the spirit and soul.


Zhang Li's long sword pierced the blue light curtain in front of him, and the blade trembled slightly.

This light curtain can block the blow of the fifth level of foundation building.


After all, the other party is just a practitioner of the fourth floor of the foundation.

Without a blow piercing the light curtain in front of him, Zhang Li turned around and slashed. The sword edge tore apart the two cyan halos that were chasing him.

This sword changed the colors of the three Izumo Island practitioners.

The sharpness surpassed their previous imagination.

is a tricky guy.

The three of them approached vigilantly, one of them held a blue long spear, and the two of them appeared with whisks and three-footed water spurs.

They are all top-grade instruments of good quality.

Obviously, the three of them are also used to shooting together.

At this time, Zhang Li, who had already grasped the strength and spirit means of the three of them, did not hold back anymore.

He raised his sword, turned into three sharp edges, and pointed directly at the three people in front of him.

The sword's edge disappeared in a flash, without the slightest wind, but it was extremely fast.

The magical weapons in the hands of the three Izumozhou practitioners were too late to resist, and they were already hit by the sword in the chest, and they fell over and sat down.

One sword and three nods, the phoenix dances in nirvana.

Zhang Li's long sword swept across, and the sword light exploded around his body, knocking those remnant souls away.

A hundred feet in radius, a piece of emptiness.

Holding the sword forward, the sword intent on his body condensed and turned into a fierce killing intent.

"I'm somewhat interested in your Izumo Continent's spiritual cultivation method."

Zhang Li raised his sword.

The three Izumo Island practitioners who fell to the ground with bleeding from the corners of their mouths were pale.

Sword intent.

If they had known that the sword cultivator in front of them had gathered their sword intent, the three of them would never have made a move.

They will choose to take a direct detour.

"Whoever among you hand over the inheritance of spiritual cultivation can leave alive." Han Muye's voice was without any emotion.

On the edge of the sword, killing intent condenses.

"Don't trust him—"


Before the outspoken practitioner from Izumo Island finished speaking, Zhang Li's sword had already slashed across his neck.

The cultivator's eyes widened, and he spread out his palm, which was a piece of jade slip.

He wanted to sacrifice his legacy.

He just wanted to plot against the two people around him, but he didn't expect Zhang Li to be so decisive.

A sword seals the throat.

Zhang Li picked up his long sword and dropped the jade slip into his palm.

Shrouded in spiritual thoughts, feeling that the jade slips were indeed spiritual skills, Zhang Li could only say sorry silently in his heart.

The sword came out a little faster.

He looked up again, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"My soul art is better than his soul art."

"I, mine is the secret of the sect."

The remaining two practitioners from Izumo Island raised their hands and threw the jade slips to Zhang Li.

Zhang Li reached out to take the jade slip, retracted the long sword, and waved his hand.

The two practitioners who survived the catastrophe quickly got up and fled.

"Did you miss something?" Zhang Li's voice sounded.

The two of them were shocked, and carefully put down the magic weapon in their hands.

Then he reluctantly put down the storage bag at his waist.

It wasn't until they got into the mist and completely lost their sense of Zhang Li after running far away, that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's too wronged." The black-bearded Taoist gritted his teeth and whispered. He rubbed his palm, and a jade-colored talisman appeared in his palm.

"A sword cultivator who condenses sword intent is a great achievement." Another practitioner from Izumo Island showed a trace of sternness in his eyes.

The two looked at each other, ran quickly, and disappeared into the mist.

At this time, Zhang Li had checked all three jade slips.

The three methods of condensing the soul of cultivation are not very clever.

He has his own merits and virtues and does not need these practices.

However, the method of controlling the spirit and soul contained in the three jade slips, and several not-so-complicated means of attacking the spirit and soul, are extremely rare gains for him.

Concentrating on the needle, flying hundreds of feet.

Turning the gods into a net, you can attack and defend with a body of three feet.

There is also a divine soul as a sword, attached to the weapon, which can break the gods and slay the soul.

All three methods are extremely practical.

Standing in the distance, Zhang Li pondered for a moment and looked around.

At this time, the remnant souls that were originally scattered hundreds of feet away have begun to gather slowly.

He stood where he was, with a halo in his eyes.

Raising his hand, a broken sword flew down.

The broken sword shook, and a phantom appeared.

"Little friend Zhang—"

Xu Ying clasped his fists, Zhang Li had already slapped him before he finished speaking.

A golden talisman flew out, enveloping the remnant soul.

Fengxian Talisman.


With a radius of thousands of feet, the wind and clouds surged and turned into a whirlpool.

Rows of pale golden streamers spun and merged into the body of the remnant soul.

The phantom of the remnant soul continued to solidify, turning into a middle-aged man in his forties wearing a light golden battle robe and a golden crown on his head.

Holding a long sword in his hand, his middle-aged face showed determination and joy.

"Zhao Pucheng pays homage to the master." He saluted Zhang Li with his sword in his arms, and the remnant sword cultivator named Zhao Pucheng looked around with golden light in his eyes.

Even if this place is an ancient battlefield, and the power is suppressed, he can directly control the world with a radius of thirty miles, and his own strength has reached half a step of Jindan.

Although his cultivation level has not yet reached the Golden Core, Zhao Pucheng, as an Imperial Immortal, can be said to be immortal in the Thirty Li God Realm.

He raised his hand, and the golden light exploded in his palm.

A streak of golden light scattered around, and then locked those panicked remnants.

But for a moment, there was already a row of nearly a hundred remnant souls standing in front of Zhao Pucheng, all wearing thin golden armor.

These remnant souls will be the family members of Zhao Pucheng's God Realm in the future.

Naturally, with his strength, he couldn't directly recruit so many dependents. Fortunately, this is an ancient battlefield, and there are many remnants of souls, all of whom can be drawn with only a little divine power.

After Zhao Pucheng arranged the remnants around him and guarded them all around, Zhang Lifang slowly crossed his knees, and then put the three jade slips in his palm.

It is not difficult to practice the soul practice methods in the jade slips. For Zhang Li, who already has the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm, these small methods only take half a day to practice proficiently.


The moment Zhang Li opened his eyes, ten invisible ruler-long soul golden needles condensed in front of him.

These Divine Soul Golden Needles flickered and flew three hundred feet away.

His spiritual cultivation is more than a thousand times stronger than that of the Izumo Island cultivator, and it is easy to control ten golden needles and shoot far away.

The moment the divine soul golden needle flew out, Zhang Lishen's three layers of blue divine soul snare emerged.

Layer upon layer, unreal shines.

In his hand, the long sword slowly condensed, and then a thin layer of sword light covered the edge of the sword.

This is the sword energy of the soul, which can injure the soul of a person and kill the soul.

The completion of the three kinds of soul techniques, although they are all small methods, are not elegant, but they are a great blessing to Zhang Li's combat power at the current stage.

In his practice, the golden body of martial arts with the physical body is roughly equivalent to the second level of Jindan, and the two swords of swordsmanship are also equivalent to the second level of Jindan.

Immortal practice is weaker, and has not yet reached the Jindan realm.

But his highest level is the water of the soul that can cover a radius of three thousand miles in the sea of ​​consciousness that has stepped into the ninth level of Jindan.

This kind of power of the soul, if it is not used to use the attack method of the soul, it is really a waste of money.

Now, he has several soul attack methods from Izumo Continent, which is directly equivalent to a soul overhaul of a Jindan ninth-level realm.

Even if these kinds of small methods can't really be used to compete with those powerhouses at the ninth level of the golden core, but with this method of protection, he has no fear in the face of the late stage of the golden core.

"Master, someone is here."

Zhao Pucheng took a step, landed beside Zhang Li, and spoke in a low voice.

His body shape is no different from that of ordinary practitioners now, except for a trace of divine way aura on his body, other people can't feel it at all.

Zhang Li raised his hand, all the means of spirit dissipated, and then turned his head to look behind him.

Not far away, a group of about seven or eight practitioners moved forward cautiously.


"Be careful, if you are a practitioner from Izumo Island, you will be surrounded and killed."

Seeing Zhang Li through the clouds, the team quickly surrounded him.

After waiting ten feet away, seeing Zhang Li's face clearly, the two leaders trembled.

"Zhang Li!"

"Zhenyue Zongzhang is established!"

A total of eight practitioners froze there.

There are no top elites among them, and it is not enough to face a master like Zhang Li.

Generally, when they met on the ancient battlefield, the strong suppressed the weak, and it was light to take away the gains.

When encountering a strong man with a tyrannical temperament, whether he can escape his life is another matter.

"Let's go." Zhang Li waved his hand.

He has no interest in killing these people.

Among them, there is no master who can make him have the desire to make a move.

"Thank you Zhang Daoist."

"Young Master Zhang is benevolent."

"Master Zhang will meet later, we are members of Lu Yangzong."

The relieved people slowly backed away, found a direction, and left quickly.

This is when I met Zhang Li, who is considered to be a status among the elites. He cherished his feathers and did not attack them.

"Be careful and be careful, next time, you may not have such good luck." Walking hundreds of feet away, the leader of the practitioner turned his head and said in a low voice.

The others also wiped off the sweat from their foreheads, nodded and said: "Zhenyue Zongzhangli is indeed quite graceful."

A few people walked forward quickly, but they couldn't walk a thousand feet away, when they heard a roar behind them.

"That sword cultivator is here!"

"Haha, Luo Wuzhou went to the sword cultivator, and he still cultivated the sword intent, and it is a great achievement to catch it back."

Several long laughs sounded.

The surrounding clouds and mist churned, like boiling sea water.

The overhaul of Izumozhou is coming!
This kind of power is at least in the Golden Core Realm!
That's right, if you dare to besiege and kill a sword cultivator like Zhang Li, don't even think about it if you don't have the strength of Jindan.

The eight elite disciples of Lu Yangzong looked dignified.

"Senior Brother Du, we can't participate in this kind of battle at all, let's go." A thin young man whispered.

The others nodded in horror.

In this scene, those practitioners who only have the sixth and seventh floors of the foundation building, let alone participate, can't even watch the battle.

It's fine if Zhang Li can win, but if Zhang Li loses, the practitioners in Izumo Island will not give them a chance to escape.

"Zhang Li acts benevolently, so we can't just walk away." Brother Du, the team leader, gritted his teeth and took out the jade-colored token in his hand.

"Junior Brother Zhang, you lead everyone away with the Jade Card of the Zongmen Alliance."

"Go to a safe place, you can try to activate the tokens to summon other teams of brothers from the same sect, and see if you can find the team from the alliance sect."

Senior Brother Du took a deep breath, clenched the gray long-handled wooden stick tightly in his hand, turned around and rushed in the direction he came and went.

"I can't lose Lu Yangzong's face."

When practitioners in Luo Wuzhou were besieged, as a disciple of Luo Wuzhou's upper sect, they didn't save him. It would really lose the face of the sect if it was said.

But in the final analysis, before life and death, who really dares and who is really willing?
"Senior Brother Du!"

Several people whispered, but they could only watch Senior Brother Du disappear in the mist.

"Let's go, don't disappoint senior brother." The junior brother Zhang who was holding the jade card gritted his teeth, with grief in his eyes, and strode away.

Others followed closely behind.


From behind, the sound of tremors and explosions came.

"Young master Zhang, Lu Yangzong Du Shicheng came to help—"

In Senior Brother Du's voice, there was a sense of indifference to life and death.

This made the Lu Yangzong disciples who were running even more sad.

"We must find reinforcements to rescue the senior brother."

The palm of Junior Brother Zhang, who was holding the jade card tightly, shone with golden light, and the spirit patterns on the jade card were scattered, sending out slight shocks to the surroundings.

At this time, Du Shicheng had already seen Zhang Li's figure.

"This, how is this possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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