Chapter 238
After Sun Jilin finished speaking, Shen Yuan, who was sitting beside Zhang Li, frowned slightly.

Could the people in Qiao's Village be Qiao Cheng's descendants?

Many people around have a glimmer of light in their eyes.

For them, those families with inner disciples cannot be offended.

"Ahem, brother Shen Yuan, some things have been in the past for more than a hundred years. We can maintain the friendship of the elder generation. If we can't maintain it, then there is nothing we can do." Sitting not far away A fifty-year-old man coughed lightly, holding a wine glass in his hand, and spoke in a low voice.

"That's right, Brother Chen is right. Even if the Qiao family village is a descendant of senior Qiao Cheng, you don't need to offend the Lu family who has inner disciples just because you don't have much friendship." On the other side, a An old man with a black beard said softly.

The eyes of everyone around flickered, some bowed their heads, and some looked sideways.

Shen Yuan stood up and cupped his hands towards Sun Chengjue who was sitting upright: "Senior, let's go to Qiao's Village."

He turned his head, looked at the people around him, and cupped his hands again: "Everyone, Shen Yuan has never been to Sun's house today."

Having never been to the Sun family, even if he offended the Lu family, it would not implicate the Sun family, and naturally it would not implicate anyone else.

After Shen Yuan finished speaking, the venue suddenly fell silent.

Sun Chengjue nodded, with a look of despair on his face, he sighed softly: "Little friend, if the old man is a hundred years younger, I will help you to take a look at these things."

"Now, the old man can't do anything."

Sun Chengjue's lifespan is short, and the Sun family has no inner disciples.

The current Sun family doesn't want to offend the Lu family either.

Shen Yuan and Zhang Li got up and left, the original atmosphere in the arena became dull at this moment.

After all, whether it is the Sun family or the descendants of the other outer disciples present, they seem to be united here, but in fact they are all relying on the glory of the past.

They can't even be regarded as real members of Chi Yun Dao Palace.

They are nothing in front of those real Dao Palace powerhouses.

Not to mention the strong, even an inner disciple can make them extremely afraid and dare not offend.

"Hey, let's go, let's go," Sun Chengjue watched Zhang Li and the others leave, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "It's as if there is no party today."


Qiaojiazhuang said it was not far away, Zhang Li and Shen Yuan walked quickly, but they would arrive in less than half an hour.

The Zhuangzi is surrounded by scattered spiritual fields, which shows that the rice in it is growing vigorously.

It's just that there are not many people on the Zhuangzi in front, and the clothes look a little dilapidated.

In front of Zhuangzi, you can see the broken traces left by the spells everywhere.

"Who are you?" On the road in front of Zhuangzi, a few middle-aged men in short shirts looked at Shen Yuan and Zhang Li and raised their voices in alarm.

Zhang Li and Shen Yuan stopped in their tracks.

"In Shenyuan, I don't know if the Qiao family village is Qiao Cheng's descendant?"

Qiao Cheng?

Those middle-aged people looked at each other.

"Qiao Cheng is my grandfather, and the people in my Qiao family village are basically descendants of his old man."

The middle-aged man who was speaking bowed his hands to Shen Yuan, and said, "I don't know Mr. Shen, why are you here at Qiao's house?"

Is it really Qiao Cheng's descendant?
Shen Yuan showed joy on his face.

He raised his hand, holding a jade-colored ID card.

This is Qiao Cheng's sect identity card, and there is a trace of his blood in it.

This is a method used by various sects to identify low-level disciples.

If it is a high-level disciple, who has established a foundation or even a golden core, what is fused in the identity jade card is the power of the soul.

Shen Yuan handed over the jade tablet.

The middle-aged leader over there hesitated for a moment and took the jade token.

He looked around, with excitement on his face.

"This, this is Qiao Cheng's grandfather's identity token!"

With this identity token, some resources can be exchanged in Chiyun Dao Palace.

Even if this is the last incense, it is also a resource, isn't it?

"You should know how to identify your identity?" Shen Yuan nodded and asked.

The descendants of the next generation infuse the token with their own blood energy, and if they come from the same source, they will be able to sense it.

If it is an inheritance disciple, it can also be identified by the inheritance method.

The middle-aged man was holding the jade card, showing a hint of shame on his face: "Mr. Shen, I can see that this is the identity card of my grandfather, but I have no cultivation base, so I can't stimulate it."

"Two, please follow me to the ancestral hall. There are several uncles in the clan over there, and they can stimulate the feelings."

To have a feeling, one must be a practitioner.

Of course, if you are not a practitioner, there are ways to stimulate the induction.

But practitioners still need to preside over it.

Zhang Li and Shen Yuan followed several middle-aged people through Zhuangzi and came to the ancestral hall behind.

This ancestral hall has eight large houses across it, with blue bricks and black tiles.

It's just that there seems to be traces of battle in front of the ancestral hall at this time, and there are broken bricks and stones in many places.

One of the bluestone lions at the door shattered.

"Hey, my family is unlucky, I made you laugh." Seeing Zhang Li and Shen Yuan looking around, the middle-aged leader sighed.

Entering the mansion, the ancestral hall is a bit more solemn.

On the walls on both sides are portraits of people wearing various robes.

In front is the incense table and a row of tablets.

The very eye-catching position is Qiao Cheng's tablet.

There are several old people sitting in front of the long table.

The leading middle-aged man stepped forward and handed over the jade token, then whispered a few words.

The old man who received the jade card opened his squinted eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

He held the jade tablet with a dignified expression.

Several other old men around also gathered around.

The old man held his hands tightly, and a faint halo flowed around his body.

Immediately, the jade tablet turned into green and red.

This is the blood sense.

If it is inherited induction, it should be blue and yellow in color.

Shen Yuan looked at Zhang Li, who nodded.

"Everyone, it seems that you are indeed the descendants of Daoist Qiao Cheng." Shen Yuan said, causing the old men in front to turn their heads to look at him.

"Ah, thank you both, thank you both." The old man holding the jade plaque hurriedly got up and bowed his hands to Shen Yuan and Zhang Li repeatedly.

"The two of you can send back the identity badge of my uncle Qiao's family, you are really my benefactors of the Qiao family."

Several old men bowed and cupped their hands again and again, with expressions of gratitude on their faces.

At that time, the old man carefully took out a spirit stone from his sleeve, handed it to Shen Yuan, and said in a low voice: "You two, my Qiao family has been in danger recently, so I won't let you stay for a long time."

As he said that, he looked at the middle-aged man who was leading the way: "Qiao Shang, you lead the two benefactors away from the back mountain of Zhuangzi."

"Remember, if someone from the Lu family obstructs you, you must ensure that the two benefactors will not be harmed in the slightest."

Hearing his words, the middle-aged man named Qiao Shang nodded and said in a deep voice, "Elder, don't worry."

Shen Yuan looked at the spirit stone that the old man handed to him, and then looked at Qiao Shang who was beside him.

This spirit stone is already a very important treasure to the Qiao family.

"Everyone, I still have some relics of Daoist Qiao Cheng that I want to hand over to you."

Shen Yuan spoke softly.

Relics of the ancestors?

Several people in the hall of the ancestral hall were slightly taken aback.

The two in front of them not only sent the identity jade tokens from their elders, but also their relics?

"Two, this, this," the old man bowed excitedly.

"Third brother, what's the use of having the relics of my uncle?" An old man in black robe standing aside whispered.

These words caused sadness to flash across the faces of everyone present.

"Hey..." The old man in front turned his head to look at the tablet behind him, bowed to Qiao Cheng's tablet, and said, "Uncle bless you, I hope you can save the younger generation of the Qiao family to leave safely."

After finishing speaking, the old man took a deep breath, turned around and bowed to Zhang Li and Shen Yuan: "You two, we are willing to use the relics of our uncle as a reward, and I beg you to take the younger generations of my Qiao family away and never come back."

Take the juniors of the Qiao family away.

This is the Qiao family's request.

Although they don't know what relics their ancestors have, the Qiao family is willing to take them out in exchange for their descendants to leave.

In fact, if one is a little more careful, it is impossible to act hastily like this.

But at this time, it was obvious that the Qiao family had reached a dead end.

"Everyone, before we came here, we also visited some things about Qiao's family." Shen Yuan looked at the people in front of him and said in a low voice.

"I don't know the extent of your enmity with the Lu family."

Shen Yuan's words caused complex expressions on the faces of several members of the Qiao family.

The old man in front bowed his head and sighed softly: "I'm already immortal..."

Never die.

The Lu family used to be similar to the Qiao family and the Qiao family.

The descendants of the Qiao family had no enmity with the Lu family.

Five years ago, an elite disciple of the Qiao family married a family in the town, and the marriage contract was finalized.

In the end, I didn't expect that some younger disciples of the Lu family also fell in love with that woman.

For this matter, the younger generations of the two families had some conflicts, but there was not much dispute.

But three years ago, the Lu family gave birth to an inner disciple of the Scarlet Cloud Dao Palace.

With inner disciples, the status of the Lu family suddenly changed.

And the one who fell in love with the fiancee of the Qiao family's children happened to be the cousin of the inner disciple of Chi Yundao Palace.

The family that was originally married to the Qiao family hurriedly broke the contract and wanted to marry the Lu family.

The Qiao family had no intention of fighting any more.

What I didn't expect was that the kid from the Qiao family eloped with his fiancée.

This incident angered the Lu family. They have always been deliberately targeting the Qiao family.

"Half a month ago, Qiao Anliang returned with his wife and children, and wanted to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan."

The old Qiao family sighed softly.

Qiao Anliang was the elite son of the Qiao family who eloped with his fiancée for three years.

Now they have a child outside.

I thought it had been three years, and that was fine.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Anliang and his wife and children came back half a day before the Lu family knocked on their door.

Not only did they destroy many spiritual fields and mansions in Qiao's village, and injured many people, they even took away Qiao Anliang's wife and children.

Putting aside the words, the Qiao family will kill Qiao Anliang's wife and children unless they take out 100 yuan of spirit stones within half a month and send Qiao Anliang's head in addition.

"Qiao Anliang's injury is not serious, and we put him in the Zhuangzi to recuperate."

"Now he is determined to exchange his own head for the lives of his wife and children."

Qiao Shang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a man, it is impossible to abandon his wife and children and live alone.

"My Qiao family has a small business, but I still have blood."

"We have decided that tomorrow is the last day of the deadline, and we will go to Lu's house with our family."

"There is death."

Qiao's parents spoke in a low voice.

In the past three years, because of the help of inner disciples of the Lu family, the strength of the family has increased several times.

Compared with the Lu family, the Qiao family is far worse.

This time, the Qiao family is going to die with the whole family.

That's why Qiao's parents always want to exchange the relics left by Qiao Cheng in exchange for Zhang Li and Shen Yuan's chance to take away the elite of the younger generations of the family.

After the elder Qiao's family named Qiao Chunfeng finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Li and Shen Yuan with a trace of expectation on his face.

"Bring Qiao Anliang, I want to see how he is." Zhang Li said.

Bring Qiao Anliang here?

Qiao Chunfeng and the other elders looked at each other and nodded.

"To be honest, this kid is the most aggressive and courageous among the younger generations of my Qiao family."

"If he hadn't eloped away and missed the selection of Chiyun Dao Palace's disciples, he would definitely have a chance to become a Dao Palace disciple."

Qiao Chunfeng spoke with regret on his face.

If Qiao Anliang could become a Taoist disciple, then the Qiao family would not be bullied.

Unfortunately, all was missed.

"Qiao Anliang has met the elder." A hoarse voice came from the entrance of the ancestral hall.

A young man in a gray robe with disheveled hair and beard came slowly.

His legs and feet are a little limp.

Seeing Shen Yuan and Zhang Li in the ancestral hall, Qiao Anliang was slightly taken aback.

"Elder, I said, no matter what, I will not leave."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Shen Yuan and Zhang Li, cupped his hands and said, "You two, no matter what promises you have from the elders, I, Qiao Anliang, will not leave my wife and children this time."

Shen Yuan nodded slightly.

Zhang Li glanced over, and said lightly: "Forcibly practice, the meridians will be damaged."

"The left leg is injured, and several acupuncture points have been damaged."

"The dantian has several cracks due to the reversal of the true essence."

"The soul is in turmoil, and it hurts the root."

When Zhang Li said a word, Qiao Anliang's expression was one point worse, and the faces of the Qiao family elders and Qiao Shang and others around him were more sad.

After Zhang Li finished speaking, Qiao Anliang chuckled, with sadness flashing across his face.

"I knew I was going to die, and I only hoped that I could get back Yuniang and Xiaozheng."

In the ancestral hall, there was a moment of silence.


At this moment, a stream of light exploded on the hill outside Qiao's Villa.

"A powerful enemy is attacking!" Qiao Chunfeng's expression changed drastically.

Following the sound of the streamer bursting, sirens sounded from all around Qiaojiazhuang.

Surrounded in all directions.

"Elder, the Lu family is here!"

"Elder, several priests from the Lu family led people to surround and kill Qiao's manor!"

There were exclamations of surprise, and outside the ancestral hall, panicked Qiao family members gathered.

In the ancestral hall, Qiao Chunfeng and the others had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Zhang, my Qiao family is sorry for you, today—"

Before Qiao Chunfeng finished speaking, Shen Yuan raised his hand and said, "Among the relics of Daoist Qiao Cheng I brought, there is a magic weapon, which can be used as long as the second level of Qi training is used."

He raised his hand, and a jade-colored dust whisk landed on his palm with a glint of light.

At this moment, in the ancestral hall, all the Qiao family members stared wide-eyed.

Magic weapon!

This is a treasure that only the elite disciples of the inner sect can obtain in Chiyun Dao Palace.

Such treasures can not only be exchanged for thousands of spirit stones, but also possess unimaginable power.

"This, this treasure—" Qiao Chunfeng's voice trembled.

"Of course this thing belongs to your Qiao family." Shen Yuan said lightly without changing his expression.

Qiao Chunfeng's face showed surprise, and then he was extremely disappointed.

"I, my Qiao family does not have a second-level Qi training expert..."

The second floor of Qi training is the inner disciple of Chiyun Dao Palace.

"I have a kung fu method that can temporarily raise my cultivation level to the second level of Qi training." Qiao Anliang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

A faint aura began to rise from him.

Everyone in the Qiao family was ecstatic.

Shen Yuan frowned.

"Evil method?" Zhang Li, who had been silent all this time, suddenly whispered.

Qiao Anliang's expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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