Kill a road if you are not allowed.

Shen Yuan's words made all the practitioners of Yulanmen in front of them look down.

Shen Yuan held a long sword in his hand and walked forward slowly.

On his body, there are layers of turbulent swordsmanship rising sharply.

That sharp aura condensed into a ten-foot sword light, following Shen Yuan forward.

"Sword method!"

The practitioners of Yulan Gate panicked and whispered,
This kind of sword light, even if it is not sword intent, is not far behind.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Since he can have such a level of swordsmanship, he is by no means an unknown person!"

The Taoist of Yulan Sect who was in the Foundation Establishment Realm looked at Shen Yuan, held a jade-colored steel fork in his hand, and spoke loudly.

The realm of practice is said to be big, which means it is vast and boundless.

But to put it mildly, every continent, above the foundation, will basically leave a name for anyone with a little special ability.

It is impossible for Shen Yuan to be famous for his extraordinary swordsmanship.

Shen Yuan stood still, raised the sword in his hand, and said calmly: "Yunlan Daozong, disciple of Duanyang Peak, Shen Yuan."

Yunlan Daozong!

When Shen Yuan shouted these words, everyone froze.

How could it be Yunlan Daozong!

Yunlan Daozong is the leader of the Taoist sect!

The cultivator of Yulan Gate shuddered and his eyes widened.

Qiao Chunfeng, Qiao Anliang and the others behind Shen Yuan were also full of confusion at this time.

Zhang Li and Shen Yuan who took him away in front of them turned out to be members of Yunlan Daozong?

"Yunlan, Yunlan Daozong?" The corner of Yulanmen's foundation-building realm trembled, suppressing the shock in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "How do you prove—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Li raised his hand.

In his palm, a jade tablet emerged.

The aura on the jade tablet was activated.

This is the identity jade badge of Duanyang Peak, and the imprint on it needs to be inspired by the method of authentic inheritance.

This imprint represents the orthodox identity of Yunlan Daozong.

The moment the mark appeared, all the cultivators of the Yulan Gate trembled and took a step back unconsciously.

"Why do you think Chiyun Dao Palace didn't stop us?" Shen Yuan's voice sounded faintly.

Why didn't Chiyun Taoist Palace stop it?

Taoist Chi Phosphorus of Chiyun Taoist Palace would never say that he was blocked by a sword and dare not stop him.

They also didn't expect Shen Yuan and the others to be members of the Yunlan Dao Sect.

But when Shen Yuan asked this way, in the ears of those Yulanmen, it was because Chiyun Taoist Palace knew that Zhang Li and the others were members of Yunlan Taoist School, so they didn't stop them.

But the people from Scarlet Cloud Dao Palace suppressed this matter, deliberately misleading others.

"Since it is the work of the last sect, my Yulan Sect will never stop it." The foundation-builder of the Yulan Sect bowed, and then said: "Do you need my Yulan Sect to arrange disciples to escort?"

"If you two fellow Taoists are free, you can come and sit at my Yulan Gate."

People from Yunlan Daozong, why stop them?
It's too late to flatter.

"No, we just have to move on."

"We have escorts." Zhang Li said, looking at the sky not far away.

Over there, a flying boat has already flown in.

On the flying boat, there is the mark of Yunlan Daozong.

It's really Yunlan Daozong!
Whether it was the Qiao family or the Li family, or other families that followed desperately, they were all overjoyed at this time.

Who would have thought that a desperate choice would lead to hugging golden thighs?

Daoist Yunlan, on Luyang Continent, besides the Demon Dao, who else can fight against Daoist Yunlan?

In the past 500 years, the strength of Yunlan Daozong has become stronger and stronger, and there are many Jindan realms in the sect, and there is also Yuanying Daxiu.

This is the leader of the Taoist sect. How could his down-and-out family have the opportunity to follow the Yunlan Taoist sect?

The flying boat landed, and a group of Duanyang Peak disciples flew down.

After a while, the flying boat continued to move forward, leading the team below to move forward.

Zhang Li didn't want to go forward in the name of Yunlan Daozong with such great fanfare, but he just thought about the troubles he would bring along the way, so he might as well just open his name.

Sure enough, when Feizhou revealed his identity and went all the way, all the sects from all sides came to welcome him.

When those aristocratic families heard that they would have the opportunity to follow Yunlan Daozong, they even dragged their families to come here.

In half a month, the team has grown nearly tenfold, reaching about 10 people.

Fortunately, these people are all from family backgrounds, not to mention their own dry food, they also brought some resources.

The sects along the way not only did not stop them, but they wanted to meet Zhang Li and Shen Yuan.

Since his identity was made public, Zhang Li simply accepted it generously.

The identity of Duanyang Peak acting peak master of Yunlan Taoist sect is nothing in Yunlan Taoist sect.

But the small sects in all parties are already unattainable existences.

No one cared that Zhang Li's revealed cultivation was only at the Foundation Establishment Stage, so how could he be Daifeng Master.

As long as they can invite Zhang Li to the banquet and have a few words with Zhang Li, they will be satisfied.

During this process, Zhang Li also calmly explained some not-too-advanced insights into practice.

These insights into practice that he doesn't think are profound have already driven countless practitioners crazy.

Zhang Li's current real cultivation is in the Out of Aperture Realm.

He just hasn't gotten used to his realm yet, and he still regards himself as an ordinary practitioner.

The state of leaving the body is a legend on Luyang Continent.

Zhang Li's understanding of cultivation is also blessed by the Dao of Heaven, and he also has Zhu Yuan and Ming Luo, two great powers from ancient times to guide him. His cultivation and accumulation are beyond the imagination of these small sect disciples on Luyangzhou.

There are only a dozen sects in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Zhang Liduan sat at the head.

The Foundation Establishment Realm of the Zongmen, as well as several Golden Core Realm and Foundation Establishment practitioners from other sects who came here admiringly, all sat down solemnly.

"Your Yun Shendao's Shinto practice method is actually a little messy." Zhang Li looked at the Taoist in front of him and said softly.

His words made everyone's expressions change drastically.

Directly accusing other people's sects of inheriting the law, this is to end a deadly enmity.

If it was an outsider, the people from Yun Shendao had already made their move at this time.

"Master Zhang Feng, is this statement too—"

A trace of blush flashed across the face of the Taoist who spoke. He was wearing a cloud-white Taoist robe and a white beard.

Taoist Fulin opened his mouth, and the eyes of the others also flickered.

"Daoist Fulin, Yun Shendao's spiritual practice lacks the most core divine power blessing, and you don't have the runes that form the foundation of the divine soul."

Zhang Li spoke again and asked everyone in Yun Shendao to stand up.

How could outsiders know such a secret!

"Zhang Daoyou, you, who are you?" Fulin Daoist trembling, staring at Zhang Li, asked in a low voice.

How could Zhang Li know such a secret!
The practitioners of the foreign sect also showed surprise on their faces.

Even someone from the Yunlan Dao Sect wouldn't have such abilities, would he?

"I have practiced some Divine Dao exercises, and I have comprehended some Divine Dao powers at that time, so when I came to your sect, I felt the incompleteness of your spiritual cultivation." Zhang Li waved his hands with a calm expression.

He raised his hand, and a jade slip flew out.

Taoist Fulin stretched out his hand to take it, his complexion changed, then flushed and trembling.

"This this--"

He held the jade slip tightly, stared at Zhang Li in front of him, and bowed to the end: "Friend Zhang Dao, I don't know how I, Yun Shendao, need to repay such a great favor?"

This jade slip clearly records the part of spiritual practice that Yun Shendao lacks, and it is the kind of practice method that can improve their inheritance level and allow them to step into the Golden Core Realm.

This kind of practice method is invaluable to Yun Shendao.

"Actually, it's nothing. For me, it's just a practice method that I don't need." Zhang Li glanced around, his face calm: "However, the law should not be passed on lightly."

The law cannot be passed on lightly.

This is the rule of the practice world.

Firstly, inheriting the practice method is not that simple.

Secondly, the inheritance of each sect cannot be scattered at will.

Besides, if the inheritance is given away easily, other people will come in the future, should they give it away or not?
Taoist Fulin and the people around him looked at each other and nodded.

This rule is to protect these small sect inheritors.

For Da Zongmen, he has a lot of practice inheritance in his hand, so he doesn't care.

"I don't know what fellow Daoist Zhang wants?" Taoist Fulin asked again.

This is very good, knowing that his own sect must have something that Zhang Li needs.

"It's very simple. Your sect goes to the place where I am stationed at Duanyang Peak and guards it for a hundred years." Zhang Li looked at Taoist Fulin.

Before Taoist Fulin opened his mouth, Zhang Li added, "I can guarantee that you will produce a golden elixir within a hundred years."

The land guarded by Duanyang Peak is the southeast where the aura is thin, and it is the land of mortals.

There are almost no sects over there.

Taoist Fulin, who was a little embarrassed, bowed without hesitation when he heard Zhang Li's second sentence: "Okay, I Yun Shendao is willing to stay for a hundred years."

Just kidding, who wouldn't want to change a golden elixir for a hundred years?

Don't say that Taoist Fulin agreed, even the other practitioners all looked envious.

It's just a pity that most of the sects that Zhang Li is going to guard are cultivators of the spirit and soul.

For the sects of immortal cultivation, he basically did not send invitations.

This disappointed a lot of people.

But think about it, practitioners who practice together with spirit and soul have very little need for spiritual energy to practice in the place where mortals gather.

If other sects of immortal cultivation and inheritance are moved there, let alone develop, it would be good if the inheritance lasts for a hundred years.

Chiyun Dao Palace went to Yunlan Daozong to file a complaint, but the matter was finally settled.

No one dared to offend Yunlan Daozong, and the Duanyang Peak people naturally did not dare to offend either.

After disclosing his identity, he moved forward without hindrance.

In three months, Zhang Li and his team had reached 30 people.

At this time, they also came to the boundary guarded by Duanyang Peak.

The team stops at the boundary position.

In a large tent, Zhang Li sat at the top, Shen Yuan, Taoist Fulin, Qiao Chunfeng and others sat at the bottom two sides.

Unknowingly, this team has grown to more than 20 people, and the people in the big tent are all practitioners.

Everyone looked at Zhang Li.

Because today's gathering determined the positioning of the entire guarding mission.

"Master Zhang, the disciples who came earlier have already figured out this land with a radius of 300 million miles."

With a wave of Shen Yuan's hand, a golden light curtain rose in the middle of the big tent.

In the light curtain, streamers of light gathered together to form a bright map.

"This land known as the Southern Desolation, if it includes the Void Sea, is at least tens of thousands of miles away."

"This is where we are now."


Due to the lack of cultivation resources and the thinness of aura in Southern Wilderness, few immortal cultivators came.

This place is similar to the mortal world.

There are quite a few mortals living here, at least [-] million, and they all live together in ethnic groups and small towns.

There is no country in the Southern Wilderness, only a few sects govern it.

Now, the principals of these sects are all here.

Shen Yuan told all the news, making everyone in the big tent frown.

In their view, going to the southern barren land is not worth the loss, and it is better to practice in the surrounding area.

After Shen Yuan finished speaking, he returned to his position.

Everyone in the big tent lowered their heads slightly.

Although I feel that there is no need to really go to Nanhuang, but looking at Shen Yuan's attitude, they have found out the information of Nanhuang in such a short time, which shows their strength.

This is Yunlan Daozong.

Taoist leader.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the light curtain in front of him.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

Along the way, he continued to comprehend the way of heaven, and practiced with the power of the mortal world. The power of the soul and the realm of the primordial spirit have all improved.

This method of practice is orthodox in his opinion.

It's a pity that the way of heaven in the world of practice has long been incomplete. Only by replacing the way of heaven with the mortal world can one achieve oneself.

It's not just him, Ming Luo and Zhu Yuan are now waiting for the mortal world to grow and become the existence that supports the practice of the world's heaven.

They withstood the pressure from Xiaoxianjie to buy time.


Golden lights shone on the light curtain in the big tent.

Zhang Li raised his hand and touched it with his fingertips.

"Here, build a city."

That location is the central area of ​​the Southern Wilderness.

With a wave of his hand, streaks of staggered spiritual light shone, dividing the entire Southern Wasteland map into small pieces.

"Three hundred avenues ten feet wide, one hundred rivers fifty feet wide."

"Publish this task."

Zhang Li glanced ahead, and said lightly: "My disciples from Duanyang Peak will build the city, and the roads and rivers will be handed over to you, how about it?"

Three hundred avenues, one hundred rivers.

How big is this project?
In the big tent, everyone was stunned.

Letting them stay in the Southern Wilderness for a hundred years means building a century-old avenue and digging a century-old river?

"Don't worry, Master Zhang, the Qiao family will do our best." Qiao Chunfeng was the first to stand up, bowed and spoke.

His Qiao family only has a few qi refining realms. Anyway, most of the clansmen are ordinary people, and they can just do things like build roads and dig rivers.

With Qiao Chunfeng taking the lead, the others had no choice but to stand up even though their faces were ugly.

Zhang Li didn't wait for them to speak, he waved his hand: "A spiritual stone in the first mile of the avenue."

"Two spirit stones within one mile of the river."

For Lingshi?
Give Lingshi!
Not for nothing!

In the big tent, there was silence first.

Because everyone has not reacted yet.

"Master Zhang Feng, what do you mean..." An old man with white beard couldn't believe it, and asked in a low voice.

The others also looked up at Zhang Li.

"That's the price, settled once a year."

After Zhang Li finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the big tent.

In the big tent, everyone turned their heads slowly and looked at the interlaced lines on the golden light curtain.

"I have repaired this road in Wulongmen, and no one can steal it!"

"Haha, my Qu family built this river, just this one."

"Get out of the way, this, this, this, these three avenues are covered by my Sun family."


Outside the big tent, Zhang Li turned to look at Shen Yuan behind him.

"Is their supplies ready?"

"It's okay to build a big city within a hundred days?" (End of this chapter)

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