Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 254 Conquering the Thunder God Beast and Entering the Little Immortal Realm

Who could have imagined that the fairy world that he had been thinking about turned out to be such a decadent appearance?
There is still a sense of immortality here, but those strong men, immortals, are nothing more than flies.

For a few fairy beads, the principle can be lost.

Those high-level pills, those inherited classics, and even all kinds of treasures that they knew would fall into the hands of the Hades were sold without hesitation.

Is such a fairyland still the fairyland that everyone yearns for?

Walking out of the fairyland, Ming Luo figured it out instead.

What Zhang Li did was right.

Gathering resources in one's own hands is the only correct way.

Looking at it this way, it has only been a few hundred years. Zhang Li has grown from an unknown little monk to the peak of the mortal cultivator. This kind of opportunity did not come for no reason.

Also, what Zhang Li is really good at is not practicing at all, but gathering wealth.

Earth Immortal World, Mortal World, Practice World, Evil Domain, Immortal World.

The caravan connecting all directions is his real confidence.

Only by mastering resources can one become an existence that no one dares to offend.

Now, their goal is Little Immortal World.

After agreeing with Ming Luo to go to Xiaoxianjie in three years, Zhang Li returned to Yunlan Mountain and started preparations.

According to all the information in hand, what Little Immortal Realm lacks most now is fairy spirit.

But everyone lacks this thing, and it is hard currency.

The Immortal World is even more lacking than the Little Immortal World.

Zhang Li will bring some fairy beads to Xiaoxianjie this time, but not too many.

Judging from the current situation, the pills refined in the Immortal Realm, especially those needed by practitioners above the Nascent Soul Realm, are the most valuable things in the Little Immortal Realm.

It just so happened that Zhang Li went to the Immortal Realm this time, and exchanged a lot of pills from the Yulong Temple and other forces for cultivation above the Nascent Soul Realm.

Not just pills.

Zhang Li also brought many classics from the fairy world.

At this time, he was retreating in the Yunlan Dao Sect, and he happened to read these classics and understand the practice methods in them.

The inheritance of the Immortal Realm is in the same vein as the Little Immortal Realm.

It's just that the Little Immortal Realm has been closed for so many years, and there must be some missing training books.

Not to mention the Little Immortal Realm, the current classics in the practice world are even more incomplete.

Among the inheritance of Yunlan Daozong, the top one is to reach the state of leaving the body.

It is already indescribable for the state of transformation of gods, and there are only a few words of legends about Mahayana and immortality above the transformation of gods.

Looking through these classics at this time, Zhang Li himself gained a lot.

At the same time, he also organized these classics into different categories.

These things will definitely fetch a good price in Little Immortal World.

Classics, pills, and some secret records circulated in the fairy world are enough.

These are the things that the strong in the Little Immortal Realm long for.

For three years, Zhang Li did not take half a step out of the retreat.

For a strong man like him, not to mention retreating for three years at a time, it is normal for ten years, even a hundred years.

The bigger the cultivator, the slightest improvement in cultivation is measured in hundreds of years.

In the past three years, Gao Muhe, who presided over the Yunlan Dao Sect, was the luckiest person.

He had just come to power and became the suzerain of the Yunlan Dao Sect, but he found that he had nothing to do at all.

Zhang Li has already arranged everything.

The strong man in the Hall of Demons has been wiped out, and he only needs to issue various training tasks to wipe out the demons.

Issuing various tasks can not only give Taoist disciples a chance to hone their skills, but also condense the will of the sect.

In the past, Yunlan Taoist sect and the entire Luyangzhou Taoist sect did not know how to deal with the demonic way, but now there are only sporadic forces that are lingering, and they are not worth mentioning.

In this way, what I hear every day is good news, and every day on Yunlan Mountain is good news.

In addition to the battle with the magic gate, the search for resources from other parties made Gao Muhe even more delighted.

When he first became the suzerain, he had already issued an order to lift the ban on the Southern Wilderness and the Northern Territory.

So in the second year, all kinds of materials from the Northern Territory and the Southern Wilderness were sent directly to Yunlan Mountain.

This is a really big business that even Chiyuelou would envy.

The arrival of the two caravans directly reduced the prices of materials in the hinterland of Luyangzhou by [-]%.

All of a sudden, the whole world was shaken, and Lu Yangzhou went to the Taoist school, especially the low-level practitioners, all thanked Gao Muhe.

In this way, Gao Muhe basically did nothing, but earned enough prestige.

As for Zhang Li, he couldn't get out of seclusion for three years. Although there are many legends about him in the practice world, the talk about him gradually became less and less.

In the eyes of the vast majority of practitioners, the distance between a great monk like Zhang Li and them is too far away.


Luo Wuzhou.

The barren sea.

Chaos Sea of ​​Stars.

The current owner of Luan Xinghai is the Daoist Yue Teng who was sealed by Zhang Li with the Dinghai Pearl combined with the Immortal Seal Talisman.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yue Teng is Zhang Li's master and the foundation for Zhang Li's rise on Luowuzhou.

But only Daoist Yue Teng knew that without Zhang Li, he would have fallen long ago.

At this time, Yue Teng stood on a deserted island in the Chaotic Star Sea with a respectful expression on his face.

There was no way, none of the people in front of him could offend him.

Wearing a green robe, Zhang Li with a calm face, this former disciple, is now a master of transformation.

Ming Luo, who is dressed in a gray robe and has a long beard, is also a legendary power on Luo Wuzhou, an existence to look up to.

As for Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, who had a small golden pagoda spinning above his head on the other side, this was far from being comparable to a guarding immortal like Master Yue Teng.

"Master Yue Teng, this sea of ​​chaotic stars is becoming more and more prosperous now." Looking around, Zhang Li smiled lightly.

Indeed, the current Luan Xinghai is no longer a dangerous place in the barren sea, but a base for practitioners on Luowuzhou to practice in the barren sea.

There are millions of Qi refiners gathered here.

"Hey, isn't it your way?" Yue Teng shook his head and said with emotion.

Although Zhang Li rarely came here, the caravan under his command controlled the resources of all parties.

Yue Teng knew a lot about the caravan in Zhang Li's hands, so of course he could see how powerful his resource conversion methods were.

Even if they just copied it, it would still make Yue Teng and Luan Xinghai a lot of money.

Hearing his words, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan and Ming Luo smiled and shook their heads.

They have become more prosperous these years, isn't it also because Zhang Li's caravan brought them all kinds of wealth?

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan could never forget that in the mortal world, in the Demon Suppressing Tower, a chalcedony bead could make him drool.

He didn't even dare to think that now he could have immortal world pills in his hand, and several immortal world inheritance classics for enlightenment.

"This time we are going to the Little Immortal Realm through the passage left by Senior Wujian."

"What the Little Immortal Realm looks like, we'll have to wait until we figure out the situation."

Zhang Li turned his head to look at Zhu Yuanzhenjun and Ming Luo, and spoke in a low voice.

The expressions on the faces of the two also turned into solemnity, they looked at each other and nodded.

Although their cultivation is top-notch in the cultivation world, it is not necessarily the case in the Little Immortal Realm.

They don't know what it will be like to enter the Little Immortal Realm.

Especially Ming Luo, the Immortal Realm and his party touched him a lot. What he wants now is to go to the Little Immortal Realm to see if the Little Immortal Realm has also fallen into the same state as the Immortal Realm.

As for the control of Luan Xinghai, it still depends on Yue Teng.

According to what Zhang Li and the others said, they shot directly, causing the crack left by that year to appear on the deserted island.

"This is the passage to the Little Immortal Realm, but according to my feeling, this passage is not stable." Yue Teng real person looked at Zhang Li and Ming Luo, and said.

Space cracks are not space channels, and have never been stabilized.

If it was really that easy to travel through the world, then Ming Luo would not be able to guard Ming Luo Mountain alone, so that those strong men from the Little Immortal Realm would not dare to come.

Fortunately, this crack was left when the Little Immortal Realm was built, and it was originally intended to allow scattered strong men to step into the Little Immortal Realm.

Ming Luo, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, and Zhang Li are all powerful practitioners who have already left their bodies. Even if they are in danger if they step into this space crack, it will not be too dangerous.

The three of them straightened up and stepped directly into the space crack leading to the Little Immortal Realm.

As soon as he entered the crack, the expression on the facade of the chapter changed slightly.

The danger of this spatial crack is greater than he imagined. A series of dim cracks appeared in front of him, and a careless one could tear apart the body of a Nascent Soul Realm.

Also, he had only taken a few steps before Ming Luo and Zhenjun Zhu Yuan disappeared in front of him.

This is the space folding, so that the distance between them directly changed from the original three steps to tens of thousands of miles.

Fortunately, they had discussed before that if they were separated in the Little Immortal Realm, they would each find an opportunity to trade according to the previous arrangement.

And whether it is Zhu Yuanzhen Jun or Ming Luo, in this little fairy world, there may be one or two acquaintances from back then.

Zhang Li walked forward in the illusory space crack, and the scene in front of him was constantly changing.

He found a direction and ran quickly.


With a roar, a ferocious beast ran towards him.

This strange beast has a huge body, ten feet high, its whole body is like a cow, its scales are like blue copper coins, the most important thing is its head with two horns, and the light of thunder is shining on its body.

Without hesitation, Zhang Li punched out.

The thunder light on the strange beast exploded and collided with this punch.

Zhang Li took a step back, and the strange beast also shook its head, obviously injured.

"If you can block my punch, you have thick skin and thick flesh."

Zhang Li moved his wrist and looked at the strange beast.

If he had gone to the fairy world, he really wouldn't have recognized this strange beast.

Now, he happened to have seen the name of this strange beast from some classics in the fairy world.

Sky Thunder Beast.

Traveling through the void, controlling the beast of Thunder.

This Sky Thunder Beast is a strange beast with a trace of the blood of Kui Niu, an ancient divine beast, and the power of the blood of the Dragon Clan.

The most important thing is that the Void Thunder Beast can travel through the void, and the cracks in the void can't do anything to its thick scales.

This is more suitable for transportation than those void beasts.

For a person like Zhang Li who can ride in a car and never walk, he must not let go of such a good mount.

He let out a long laugh, stepped forward, and punched the Kong Lei Beast's neck again.

The Sky Thunder Beast roared, and thunderbolts exploded between its two horns, hitting Zhang Li.

Although this thunder light is not as good as Heavenly Tribulation, it is not much worse. If a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm, his body will collapse directly under this thunder light.

It's just that for Zhang Li, who is good at the way of thunder, this thunder light is just scratching an itch.

With a flip of his palm, he had already suppressed the thunder light, and then it turned into a golden thunder bead at his fingertips.


His fist hit the Kong Lei Beast's neck, causing the Kong Thunder Beast's body to tremble and growl.

Zhang Li didn't stop on his feet, and punched out again.

The thunder light that Kong Lei Beast was proud of could only turn into thunder beads around Zhang Li's body.

This scene made the Sky Thunder Beast tremble all over, and it wanted to turn around and run away.

But how could Zhang Li let it go?

With a wave of his hand, all the Thunder Beads exploded, directly overturning the Sky Thunder Beast.

In his palm, a blue sword light condensed.

The halo shining above the sword light made the Konglei Beast who fell to the ground full of vigor.

This kind of sword light can definitely cut off its head with one sword.

"I want to find a spirit beast that can be ridden. I wonder if you are interested?" Zhang Li said softly, holding the long sword.

Before the Sky Thunder Beast could answer, Zhang Li had already shook his head: "Of course a beast like you won't give in. I can kill you and exchange your flesh and bones, as well as your thunder and lightning supernatural power—"

Before he could finish his words, the overturned Sky Thunder Beast had already nodded repeatedly with a red face.


Three days later, Zhang Li, who was riding on the back of a blue-gray buffalo, finally landed on a hill.

Here is the Little Immortal World.

The spirit of the fairy is much stronger than that of the practice world.

It's not like Immortal Realm that absorbs all the aura.

It's just that, as they speculated before, today's Little Immortal Realm is indeed so thin that it can no longer support cultivation in the Immortal Realm.

Not to mention the Immortal Realm, even the Mahayana Realm above the Transformation God, in such a dense space, it can barely keep the realm from falling.

No wonder the Little Immortal World tried to increase the concentration of the spirit energy and annex the world of practice.

It doesn't take ten thousand years for the fairy spirit in the Little Immortal Realm, most of the inheritance may be cut off.

Standing on the hill, Zhang Li's spiritual thoughts swept across quietly, and turned his head to look in the direction of the plain in the distance.

Over there, qi and blood and fairy light rose, and demonic light intertwined.

He patted the neck of the green bull under him, and the blue bull was running on all fours, moving forward quickly, but arrived on the plain in a short while.

Here, more than a dozen big men in linen clothes are trying their best to round up a Zhanglong green wolf.

This blue wolf has a dignified demonic aura, at least half a step into the Foundation Establishment realm.

Those big men's cultivation bases are not very good, but their movements are neat and they cooperate with each other tacitly.

The knives and guns in their hands are also sharp and heavy, so that the demon wolf who has half-step foundation building strength dare not face them directly.

Zhang Li observed for a while, sensed it, and understood why a group of low-cultivation humans could besiege and kill monsters.

The space in this small fairy world is stable, and ordinary magic and demon methods cannot mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

In this way, the half-step foundation-building monsters are stronger and faster, and they don't even have supernatural powers.

With such abilities alone, it is really difficult to escape the roundup of these human races.


As if feeling the crisis, Qinglang let out a wild roar, and was slashed on the back by two saber lights, and rushed towards a thirty-year-old youth in front of him.

The young man in his thirties wanted to escape, but his feet became weak and he fell to the ground.

With a look of despair on his face, he swung the spear in his hand, but it missed.

It’s over.

This is his thought at this time.

Zhang Li sat in the distance, reaching out to pat the green bull.

Qingniu raised his head reluctantly, and there was a thunderbolt on his horns.


The saved green wolf was directly burnt. (end of this chapter)

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