Chapter 100 Iron Man
"It's pretty big in here."

The traverser held the jump shield and observed the situation ahead. Just as he entered the corridor, several laser turrets suddenly slid out of the corridor wall.

Several lasers were shot at the traverser, and the lasers quickly melted the ceramic steel armor plate of the jump shield, and the lasers that penetrated the ceramic steel armor plate penetrated the traverser's breastplate.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or the AI ​​monitoring function was locked, but the laser was impartial, and it just pierced through the traverser's heart.

"Fuck, there's also a turret."

The second heart is activated, the traverser puts the bolt gun on the jumping shield, and aims at the laser turret, and a shuttle of bombs shoots over. After destroying a turret with the bolt gun, several laser beams directly penetrate the traverser's head .

The traversers following the traverser saw the traverser whose head was pierced by the laser, and quickly dragged the traversers blocking the door out.

Then he threw an EMP grenade into the explosion-proof door. This kind of grenade was equipped by Wang Ming for the traversers after he knew the environment in which he was going to fight the "Starry Sky" AI. However, whether the equipment of the "Starry Sky" can play an effective role is still unknown.

The EMP grenade was thrown on the floor inside the explosion-proof door, and after two bounces, there was a "hissing" sound of electric current, which did not have the blue electric light flickering that Wang Ming and the traversers imagined.

After the sound of the EMP grenade stopped, a traverser quickly rushed into the explosion-proof door, and other traversers followed his pace and rushed into the blast-proof door together.

After entering the inside of the explosion-proof door, the traversers quickly locked on the target, and fired at the laser turrets that were temporarily paralyzed by the EMP and were flashing the restarted blue light, and the explosive bombs instantly destroyed the laser turrets.

After confirming that there were no other laser turrets or defensive facilities, the traversers began to enter the explosion-proof door on a large scale.

After entering the huge golden corridor inside the explosion-proof door, Wang Xiaofa threw a teleportation beacon on the ground, and then the huge body of Wu Xuan's fearless mech appeared in front of the traversers.

For this operation, Wang Xiaofa also specially borrowed Wu Xuan from the second regiment, letting him take the lead for this operation. (In fact, I just want to find a meat shield that can head-to-head with the defense facilities.)
"Wu Xuan, you take the lead, and we will follow behind you." Wang Xiaofa said to Wu Xuan.

"Okay." After Wu Xuan sent back a sentence to Wang Xiao, he walked to the front of the team, and the traversers followed Wu Xuan, and started the tank coordination. (canned and freezer)
"Attention, there is movement ahead!" Wu Xuan, who was walking in the front, saw five three-meter-high humanoid objects walking towards them at a corner of the corridor ahead through the intelligent tactical camera of the dreadnought. Come.

"Damn it, security robot!"

The moment Wu Xuan saw those things clearly, he rushed towards them. Wu Xuan knew about these things, and the security robot "Imperial Truth" also had them.

At every corner of the corridor of the "Imperial Truth", there are hidden compartments to hide these security robots. The oil guys even took out a few of them and conducted some dismantling and research. (It's just that you can't put it back after you take it apart)
These security robots are equipped with two kinds of weapons, one is a small laser cannon, and the other is a power sword. It is good to destroy the shell protection of the security robots, and these security robots are also equipped with defensive force field generators.

In addition to the security robots on the "Imperial Truth", there is also a planetary airborne force composed of a thousand robots that are actually used for combat. These combat robots have also been seen by Wang Ming and the travelers. Mi Gao's huge size and the powerful weapons he carried left a deep impression on Wang Ming and the traversers.

Then Wang Ming was worried that something might happen to them, so he directly dismantled all of its energy systems through the central console.

Wu Xuan quickly rushed towards those security robots. He had opened the decomposition force field of the power claw, and the melt cannon in his palm was ready to fire at any time. The traversers behind Wu Xuan also saw those security robots, and pulled out their own guns one after another. power sword.

Travelers are also very clear about this "golden age" robot and the like. When the oil guy dismantled the security robot, almost all the traversers watched the live broadcast of the oil guy.

They know how powerful this thing is, and bolt guns won't do much, if they really use bolt guns to attack these security robots when their defensive stance generators are overloaded.

You will be surprised to find that hitting them with explosive bombs can only deform their shells a little. If you want to penetrate them, at least one shuttle of explosive bombs must hit the same place. Chop into scrap iron.

Wang Ming also picked up the golden giant sword, and rushed to the security robot in the first place. He was faster than Wu Xuan who had already approached the security robot, and he had already arrived in front of the three-meter-tall security robot.

Holding the golden giant sword, Wang Ming swept across. The golden giant sword slashed at the security robot's defensive stance. Wang Ming's huge strength and decomposition stance instantly overloaded the security robot's defensive stance generator.

The golden giant sword cut towards the security robot's body, Wang Ming wanted to cut it in half, but the robot's movements were also fast.

At the moment when the defensive position was overloaded, it aimed the arm equipped with the laser cannon at Wang Ming's head. Wang Ming looked at the flashing red light of the laser cannon muzzle, and turned his head to the right with all his strength.

A red laser flew past Wang Ming's helmet. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. Wang Ming could even feel the terrifying heat of the laser.

Dodging the laser cannon, Wang Ming quickly cut the security robot in half with the golden giant sword. Another security robot also found Wang Ming, and the laser cannon fired directly at Wang Ming.

Wang Ming was hit on the chest by the laser cannon, and a large piece of Wang Ming's breastplate was instantly melted. However, Wang Ming was not repelled by the cannonball. Instead, he continued to pounce on the robot. Although a large piece of the chest armor was melted, it did not No real harm was done to Wang Ming.

Holding the golden giant sword, Wang Ming slashed at the robot's defensive force field. The crackling sound of the force field resounded in the air, and the robot's defensive force field was instantly overloaded.

Just when Wang Ming was about to continue cutting down, his right shoulder armor was shot again. I have to say that the material of Wang Ming's power armor is really good. If it is replaced by the ceramic steel armor of ordinary space warriors, These few laser cannons are enough to kill them.

But these lasers only left a melting mark on Wang Ming's power armor, and they couldn't really hurt Wang Ming.

Wang Ming was stunned for a moment by the sudden laser beam. It was at this moment that the robot in front of him opened the power sword and slashed at Wang Ming. After reacting, Wang Ming quickly used the power sword to block the robot's power sword. Hold, and then press against the robot with a stronger force than it.

The decomposition force field of the power sword made a "cracking" sound on the hard shell of the security robot. Under Wang Ming's huge strength, the security robot was cut in half by Wang Ming like a knife cutting butter.

The entire battle process was very fast. The battle process between Wang Ming and the security robot was actually only about 1 minute. During this time, Wu Xuan also came to Wang Ming's side. The huge body stood in front of Wang Ming.

Just as Wu Xuan stood in front of and behind Wang Ming, the laser from the security robot hit the front armor plate of the Dreadnought. The armor plate made of pure gold blocked the laser cannon. The laser did not cause damage to the fine gold armor, but The silver painting of "Star Traveler" on it was just scratched.

Wu Xuan used the power claws to quickly grab the robot, and casually grabbed the robot next to the robot. The decomposition force field on the power claws flashed, and the two security robots became in the two power claws. A piece of debris.

Of the five security robots, four have already been dealt with by Wang Ming and Wu Xuan, and the last security robot was directly rushed by the traversers, and the power sword directly chopped it into a pile of scrap iron.

"Boss, you can't do this, it's too shameful for a few iron men to beat you like this."

Wang Xiaofa held the semicircular head of a security robot, looked at the various mechanical equipment on the head, glanced at the damage on Wang Ming's power armor and said, Wang Ming's current power armor, one by one Like surging sand grains, the nano-robots are slowly repairing the damage on Wang Ming's power armor.

"You are very brave, you still have the nerve to say that I am not more embarrassed than me." Wang Ming said gloatingly after glancing at Wang Xiaofa.

Wang Xiao found out that the current situation was indeed very embarrassing. When the last iron man was just cut down, Wang Xiaofa was the first to charge. He had a short one-on-one fight with the iron man. One of his arms was cut off by Iron Man's power sword. Iron Man's attack speed was even a little faster than Wang Xiaofa, the Primaris Space Marine, and the Primaris Space Marine could not do much good in close combat with it.

"Just this defensive iron man is so strong, how strong will those iron men on the battlefield that are actually used?" Wang Xiaofa threw away the head of the iron man, and continued to follow the large force to the interior of the ship. As he walked, he asked Wang Ming.

"In the system mall, it is called "E-013". According to the introduction, it is a planetary battlefield combat weapon in the human federation period. It has intelligent AI and can slaughter the creatures of an entire planet at the fastest speed. It is mainly used for For some "indigenous civilization" extinction operations, putting 20 units on a planet can kill all creatures on the entire planet within three days."

Listening to Wang Xiaofa's question, Wang Ming went to the mall to search and found it. Wang Ming read the explanation of this gadget to Wang Xiaofa.

"Damn it, are the humans in the "Iron Man Rebellion" period playing this kind of thing?" Wang Xiaofa and the traversers were walking, and while listening to Wang Ming's description of the "Golden Age" Iron Man, they were all taken aback. If iron men are so perverted, how did humans in the era of "Iron Man Rebellion" match them?And finally defeated them.

Looking at the introduction in the mall, Wang Ming also felt a little chills down his spine. It is absolutely impossible for him to take this thing out of the mall at any time. If this thing gets out of control, it will be a world-class trouble. The traversers tried their best to pile it up, and they might not be able to pile it up to death.

"Well, boss, did we forget something?" Wu Xuan, who was leading the team suddenly stopped, and asked Wang Ming.

"what is the problem?"

Wang Ming looked at it suspiciously, and Wu Xuan, who stopped suddenly, asked him suspiciously.

"Security robots are mass-produced. Based on the [-] on the "Imperial Truth", there are at least a thousand on this ship."

Wu Xuan suddenly opened the thermal muzzle of the dreadnought's chest armor, and he also raised the arm of the dreadnought, pointing to a huge explosion-proof door in front.

"The scanning radar I equipped shows that there are a hundred human-shaped objects behind this door. Get ready and they will come out soon." Wu Xuan said, setting up the two plasma cannons on his shoulders, ready to Wait for the iron man inside the door to break through.

"so much?"

After Wang Ming heard what Wu Xuan said, he poked his head halfway out from behind Wu Xuan, and looked at the writing on the door.

"Planetary Airborne Troop Storage Depot."

The tactical eyepiece on Wang Ming's helmet automatically translated it for him. The name directly made Wang Ming shiver. He quickly took out a large number of plasma and melta guns from the mall, and distributed them to the traversers on the spot.

Each person has a plasma gun or a melting gun, and the traversers are directly arranged in a wall formation. As long as the explosion-proof door is opened, the traversers will use plasma plasma and heat melt to wash the "warm" of those iron men. bath.

The traversers looked at the blast door, and they were even a little nervous, but this tension should be some kind of excitement, because they knew that they would soon see those "Old Nightmare" that only existed in the background setting.

As the explosion-proof door slowly opened a small gap, the traversers had already put their fingers on the trigger, and now they just waited for the explosion-proof door to fully open, and the traversers would immediately pull the trigger.

The explosion-proof door slowly opened, and when it opened to the size that Wang Ming could pass through, a metal arm suddenly protruded from behind the door. With the appearance of the metal arm, a four-meter-tall iron man slowly appeared on the blast-proof door. At the door, the camera with scarlet lights flashing on its head was looking at Wu Xuan and the traversers in a line facing it in the corridor.

It slowly raised one of its arms, and its speed was as slow as that of a person practicing Tai Chi. The traversers also looked at it, and collectively pulled the trigger of the weapon in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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