Chapter 102 Chaos Demon
The AI ​​looked at these crazy humans and thought about what to do. These humans obviously had physical and mental problems, and the intruders obviously knew that they had problems before killing them.

The crew members in the AI ​​computer room are getting more and more crazy, and the power that AI cannot understand begins to affect them. They use their own or their companions' flesh and blood to draw pictures that have never appeared in the AI ​​database on the white ground of the computer room. symbols and text.

As they drew with flesh and blood, the symbols and words became clearer and clearer. A kind of psychic energy in the AI ​​records appeared from Colonel Gore's body and permeated the computer room. With the appearance of psychic energy, the computer room A layer of ice crystals formed on the walls and equipment.

The moment the psychic energy appeared, all the human beings in the computer room turned into pieces of flesh and blood, floating in the air. Under the action of the psychic energy, the human flesh and blood gradually formed a humanoid entity, and its general appearance was a strong humanoid body. Red, five meters tall, with two horn-like things growing on its head, and a lizard-like tail growing on its tailbone.

"Thank you, stupid humans, I finally came out and finally appeared in the real universe. That artifact is mine!"

The name of the demon is Onekahiam. It is a demon wandering in the subspace. It does not know how it was born. It guesses that it may be born through its own characteristics of deceiving people. A malice against a powerful being, but it has nothing to do with the four supreme beings.

When the "Starry Sky" just entered the subspace, it had already noticed the crew of the "Starry Sky" and an item on it. During the 50 years of the "Starry Sky"'s trek, he constantly used his own power to corrupt the crew members of the "Starry Sky".

It wants the "Starry Sky" to become its believers, let the crew believe in it and sacrifice to it, let it come to the real universe to get that item.

Although this process of corruption took 50 years, it succeeded in the end. It looked at the runes drawn with flesh and blood on the ground, laughed and walked towards the door of the computer room. It didn't pay attention to AI, this technology The product is not very useful to him, and it doesn't want to waste the precious time that descended on the physical universe to deal with this technological creation.

AI looked at this demon-like monster in human myths and legends, and it now fully understands why the traversers killed all the crew members. These crew members actually used their bodies to summon a monster that only appeared in human mythology. of demons.

The AI, which already knew everything, stopped immediately, the combat iron man's attack on the traversers, and connected a combat iron man, ready to talk to the traversers.

In the storage warehouse of the Planetary Airborne Troops, Wang Xiaofa and several traversers were besieging a Combat Iron Man. Just after he dodged a slash from the Combat Iron Man, the Combat Iron Man suddenly stood still.

Wang Xiaofa felt that this was an opportunity, and quickly slashed at Combat Iron Man's head with his power sword. Just when Wang Xiaofa's power sword was about to touch Combat Iron Man's head, Combat Iron Man suddenly made a sound, but Wang Xiaofa couldn't close the sword anymore. Living.


Before the AI-controlled Combat Iron Man spoke the words through the microphone, Wang Xiaofa's power sword directly cut the Combat Iron Man standing still in half.

"Is this iron man going to say something?"

Looking at the wreckage of Iron Man on the ground, Wang Xiaofa asked the traversers who besieged Iron Man with him. He seemed to hear the sound from Iron Man's loudspeaker just now.

"Have it?"

A traverser looked at the wreckage of the Iron Man on the ground, poked it with a power sword, and then sent back to Wang Xiao.

"Wait, I surrender! Stop fighting! Captain Wang Ming, I have a situation and need to communicate with you!"

Just when the traversers looked at the stopped iron man and sharpened their knives to the iron man, all the iron men's loudspeakers suddenly uttered these words.

When the traversers heard what Iron Man said, they all put down their power swords and looked at Iron Man in bewilderment.

"Look, I'll just say they just talked."

Wang Xiaofa looked at the iron men, and said to the traverser, proving that he heard correctly just now, then Wang Xiaofa turned on the communicator, contacted Wang Ming who was fishing at the resurrection point outside the warehouse, and told him about the situation just now. I talked about it.

After Wang Ming heard what Wang Xiaofa reported, he threw the "Happy" card in his hand on the ground, stretched his newly grown arm, and walked towards the warehouse.

As soon as Wang Ming entered the warehouse, he saw a fighting iron man walking towards him. He watched the iron man silently raised his hand in the power armor. Cut it in half.

"Captain Wang Ming, hello, I'm the AI ​​Rostin of the "Starry Sky", I have already understood the purpose of your operation, the crew of the "Starry Sky" has problems, your task is to clean them up, what I said right?"

Iron Man walked up to Wang Ming, introduced himself to him, and then told his guess.

"How did you know I'm Wang Ming?" Wang Ming listened to Iron Man's words, and did not answer the AI's guess. Instead, he asked it curiously how he knew his identity. , you never took off your helmet, did you?
"When I invaded your power armor before, I saw the built-in camera in your helmet and knew what you looked like. When you made a video connection with Captain Darcy Oak, I was watching." The AI-controlled Iron Man explained to Wang Ming.

"Captain Wang Ming, now is not the time to talk about these things, please take a look at this."

The AI-controlled Iron Man turned on Iron Man's tactical projection function, and displayed a holographic screen in front of Wang Ming. The traversers also came to Wang Ming's side and watched the scene on the holographic screen.

The picture on the screen is a scene of a corridor. A large number of security robots in the corridor are fighting a huge five-meter-high monster, but their laser weapons seem to have no effect on that monster.

The laser cannon's attack, hitting the monster's body, could only leave a slight scorching mark, and could not really hurt it.

"Khorne demon?"

Wang Xiaofa looked at the red-skinned monster on the screen and said.

"It's not a demon of Khorne, although it looks very similar, but look at the psionic energy around it, do you think the demon of Khorne would bother to use psionic energy?"

Wang Lei who was next to Wang Xiaofa heard Wang Xiaofa's words, looked at the flashing psychic light beside the demon on the screen and said.

"Where is it now?"

Wang Ming looked at the demon on the screen tearing several security robots to pieces with psychic energy. After thinking for a while, he asked the AI.

"It is now in the corridor of the ship's cargo door, fighting with the security robot I control. It should want to obtain some items in the warehouse."

Hearing Wang Ming's inquiry, the AI ​​used the holographic screen to show the internal structure of the ship to Wang Ming and the traversers. It marked the location of the warehouse corridor where the demon is now with a bright red dot.

"This demon, which is similar to human mythology, was summoned by the crew hiding in my computer room. They suddenly started attacking others frantically, their own and other people's flesh and blood, and drew some runes on the floor of the computer room. stuff, all over the floor of the computer room."

While talking about the process of the demon appearing, AI showed Wang Ming and the traversers the video in the computer room at that time.

Wang Ming and the traversers looked at the holographic screen. If ordinary space fighters or mortals saw these images, they would be loyal to the Inquisition or the Gray Knights, and began to point and point.

"It seems that there are psychics among these crew members. Did you know this before?"

Wang Ming looked at the psychic energy that appeared from Colonel Gore's body on the holographic screen, and asked Lostine.

"I don't know about Colonel Gore being a psyker. All federal psykers need to be registered. Colonel Gore has not shown the talent of being a psyker before." Rostin replied to Wang Ming road.

"Okay, open a way for us, and I will kill that demon."

Wang Ming already understood the whole process of the demon being summoned, so he didn't talk to the AI ​​anymore. Now he needs the AI ​​to use his authority over the ship to guide himself and the traversers to find the demon, and after killing it, put the " Just sell the AI ​​of Xing Kong to the figure king.

As for the AI ​​of "Starry Sky", Wang Ming didn't want to destroy it directly, that would be too wasteful, it might as well sell it to Figure King for something.

"Okay, I will control the battle robot to guide you there."

The battle iron man controlled by AI said to Wang Ming, then controlled all the battle robots and walked out of the warehouse.

Wang Ming and the traversers also followed the battle iron man. The battle iron man guided them where to go. All the hatches along the way were opened by AI. Wang Ming and the traversers went all the way without hindrance, and arrived soon. The location of the demon.

Wang Ming and the traversers looked at the corner of the corridor and heard the sound of an explosion. They knew that they had reached the vicinity of the demon. The combat iron man rushed to the corner and joined the battle between the security robot and the demon. Ming and the traversers followed closely behind and rushed to the corridor around the corner.

The parts of the security robot in the corridor were scattered on the ground covered with a thin layer of ice. The psionic reaction caused the corridor to be bombarded with lasers, and the heated air brought a little coldness.

A large number of security robots have been destroyed by the demon's psionic attack. There are only more than 50 security robots left in the corridor, and they are still fighting against the demon. However, the damage of technological weapons to the demon is still too small.

The demon approached the warehouse step by step. It continuously used its spiritual energy to tear apart the security robots that stood in front of it. The security robots were almost unable to stop the demon.

The battle iron man operated by AI will join the battle the moment he enters the corridor. Through the communication with Wang Ming on the road before, the AI ​​knows the most effective way to deal with demons in melee.

After the AI ​​joined the battle, it immediately operated the battle iron man, popped out the power knife, and quickly killed the demon, but the demon was not so easy to get close to, it looked at the battle iron man that was killing it, covered with red The palm of the scale made a false grip in the air, and a fighting iron man rushing towards it suddenly lost control and fell to the ground. It just directly destroyed the internal circuit of the fighting iron man with spiritual energy.

After it destroyed the fighting iron man, Wang Ming and the traversers also arrived in the corridor and joined the battle.

The traversers rushed towards the demon with their power swords, and the demon also saw the traversers. It knew the space fighters of the human empire, and it knew the strength of these fighters. It didn't want to waste time entangled with them.

It was directly preparing to use its psychic power, rushed into the warehouse quickly, and got the Chaos Artifact that it wanted to get day and night.

The light of psionic energy emerged around it, and its body was gradually covered with a layer of light. This layer of psionic defense would allow it to resist a large number of attacks, so that it could ignore the traversers and rush into the warehouse.

 This chapter is a bit short, tomorrow I will try to see if I can improve it.

  Also, my chapter name is wrong, I can't change it (┯_┯)
(End of this chapter)

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