Chapter 11 Fulgrim
Wang Ming took the cube from Traasin the Endless, and through the translucent green barrier, he saw a figure in purple power armor inside.

With white hair and a perfect face, this is Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children, a duplicate Primarch, a faithful Primarch.

"This is the stagnant position where Fulgrim is imprisoned, and it is also a communicator that can contact me, and the transaction will be completed within a thousand years." Traasin the Endless said to Wang Ming.

"In the name of the human empire's sacred emperor's gene descendant, I promise to fulfill your wishes." Wang Ming promised Traasin the Endless.

Traasin looked at Wang Ming with interest for a while and then disappeared in a sudden green light.

Wang Ming looked at the green translucent cube in his hand, and started operating on it after a while.

The figure king actually added an operation method that can be used by humans just a short while ago, which made Wang Ming truly understand the technological horror of the Necrons. (The operation method is translated by the Forbidden Army)

Following a green light, a huge figure appeared in front of the four people present from the cube in Wang Ming's hand.

Fulgrim was the original gene body who rebelled during the Great Crusade. During the Great Crusade, he was corrupted by the Slaanesh demon in the stabbing sword and became a demon prince. However, this cloned original body Remained loyal to the Emperor.

Wang Ming wanted to strengthen the power of the human empire, among which the Primarch was crucial. Ten thousand years after the loss of the emperor, the human empire abandoned the imperial truth of advocating science and became what the emperor least wanted to see.

The human empire has turned into a decayed giant full of fanatical beliefs and religions, staggering forward in this hopeless universe, Wang Ming must prepare for the coming "eternal night".

Fulgrim looked at a mortal in front of him, a Custodian, an unknown Primarch, and a great sage of the Mechanicus, and he didn't move for a moment, staying too dazed in the stasis force field of the Endless One. For a long time, he didn't know how to face the situation in front of him.

"Fulgrim, welcome back to the Human Empire." It was Wang Ming who broke Fulgrim's bewildered state first.

"Human Empire..." Fulgrim's memory is still at the moment when he was sold to Traasin the Infinity by the old doctor Fabius, and he is puzzled about the current situation.

"I have a question for you." Wang Ming saw Fulgrim's doubts, but now he wanted to confirm a very important matter.

"Fulgrim, are you loyal?".

Wang Ming asked Fulgrim.

Regarding the Primarch cloned by the old Chinese doctor, although Wang Ming has read some information, he is not completely sure whether the Primarch cloned is loyal or not.

Although it is said in the data that the original clone remains infinitely loyal to the Emperor.

"I'm absolutely loyal!" Fulgrim immediately retreated from his confusion after hearing Wang Ming's question, and he answered Wang Ming almost roaring.

Eyes are the window to the soul, Wang Ming looked at Fulgrim's eyes full of firmness.

"Great Sage Kaur, I need you to inform the Mechanicus to evacuate Cadia." Wang Ming looked back at Belisarius Kaur, who had been staring at him since he entered this space.

"It's not that I know any Primarch." Belisarius Korna's voice full of electromechanics came.

"Just treat me as an undiscovered Primarch in the Great Crusade." Wang Ming casually made up a reason and said to Belisarius Kaul.

Obviously, Belisarius Kaul had reservations about Wang Ming's explanation, but he still contacted the Mechanicus ship and began to evacuate Cadia.

Wuhu I live again.

(End of this chapter)

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