Chapter 112
Agger looked towards his camp bed, and saw Colonel Carl's power sword, which had been turned off to disintegrate the force field, and was placed beside the camp bed.

"Boy, did you kill Karl?"

A man wearing the uniform of the Planetary Defense Force walked to the side of Agel's camp bed and said, looking at Agel whose whole body was covered with plaster.

Agel turned his head with difficulty, and he recognized this man, Colonel Budek, who was the commander of this offensive operation. Saw his photo on.

"Yes, Colonel."

Agel replied to him with his dry mouth, his voice was like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing against each other.

"Good job boy, this power sword is yours, boy, how old is it?"

Colonel Budek looked at Agel, praised his achievements, and then asked him about his age.

"Fifteen, Colonel."

Agger replied to Colonel Budek.

"At this age..., boy, I might be able to win you a chance."

Colonel Budek heard Agel's answer, thought for a while, and said to Agel, Colonel Budek left directly after finishing speaking, leaving Agel with a confused face.

After traveling at sub-light speed for a day, the traversers finally arrived at Batko [-], and now five starships have parked on the Batko [-] star port.

The mortal auxiliaries and traversers of the "Star Traveler" are using transport planes to go to various cities on the "Kaga" continent to provide support for the planetary defense forces who are fighting hard against the cultists.

Wang Ming is now taking Hu Jin and Wu Xuan, who has undergone a new transformation, talking with the planetary governor at the entrance of the star port of "Dina Enli".

Let me casually talk about Wu Xuan’s new transformation here. In fact, it can’t be said to be transformation anymore. Wu Xuan has completely become a robot. I became interested, after I found the engine oil guy and the first engineer company and asked to transform myself.

With the joint efforts of the ignorant First Engineer Company and the oil guy who was so excited to leak the oil, Wu Xuan was directly transformed into an Adam Hammer. He directly installed his brain in a combat iron man. Directly replacing Iron Man's artificial intelligence operating system, Wang Ming looked at Wu Xuan's transformation and began to wonder if he was going to become a cyber psycho.

After the planetary governor knew of the Imperial Protector who came to support him, he hurried from "Nelle" to "Dina Enli" to welcome the arrival of the Protector.

"Great Primarch, Honorable Lord Protector, Batko II is full of glory because of your arrival, and because of your arrival, Batko II will be calm and the people will live and work in peace."

The planetary governor looked at Wang Mingwei's figure in front of him, knelt on one knee and performed the eagle salute, and said a series of words of praise to Wang Ming.

"Get up, Planetary Governor."

Wang Ming looked awkwardly at the planetary governor who was kneeling on one knee in front of him, performing the eagle salute like a pilgrimage, and said to him in embarrassment.

"Yes, my lord the great Primarch."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the planetary governor stood up excitedly. After he stood up, he looked at Wang Ming excitedly, as if seeing a living god.

"Planetary Governor, report the battle situation on Batko II."

Wang Ming told the planetary governor that he now needs to know the war situation in the world of Batko II, and then upload the situation to the combat system, so that Captain Jiang Tao can analyze the battle situation so as to coordinate combat operations.

"The Great Primarch Great..."

As soon as the planetary governor opened his mouth, Wang Ming raised his hand to stop him.

"Mr. Planetary Governor, please get to the point."

Seeing the planetary governor who was about to start praising him again, Wang Ming hurriedly stopped him and asked him to get straight to the point.

"Okay, Lord Primarch, the current battle situation on Batko II is very unfavorable to the imperial government. Almost all cities on the "Kaga" continent have been occupied by cult lunatics, and some of the cities that were first occupied , and the figure of a traitorous Astartes monk appeared."

The planetary governor heard Wang Ming's words, and directly and quickly told Wang Ming about the battle situation of Batko II.

"Traitor Astartes."

Listening to the planetary governor's narration, Wang Ming felt that there must be something about the cultist rebellion on Batko [-]. The Chaos Astartes are here, so there shouldn't be any Chaos force that has taken a fancy to this world, right?
"Planetary Governor, what is the name of the rebellious cult on Batko II?"

After Wang Ming thought about it for a while, he asked the planetary governor, Wang Ming wanted to use the name of the cult to determine which chaotic force was causing trouble.

"Master Primarch, there are three cults that initiated the rebellion. One is called Blood God Warrior, the other is called Son of Life, and the other is called Joy God Cult. They all betrayed the light of God Emperor, and they are all evil people!"

After the planetary governor heard Wang Ming's question, he told Wang Ming the names of the three cults of the Batko No. [-] cult.

"Fuck, Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, this composition is a bit complicated, wait, these three are here, shouldn't Tzeentch not take action?"

Listening to the planetary governor's narration, Wang Ming thought in his heart, these three have come, and Tzeentch will definitely come too, it is impossible to have only these three Doudizhu, it is definitely four chaotic things playing mahjong.

As for why there were no Tzeentch believers, Wang Ming couldn't figure it out either. He could only temporarily judge that the Tzeentch believers were carrying out a secret plan.

"Okay, planetary governor, we will solve it, now I need you to give me control of the entire Batko II."

After thinking about it, Wang Ming told the planetary governor that Wang Ming needs to control the entire Batko II in order to carry out his own plan.

"It is a great honor, my lord Primarch."

After the planetary governor gave Wang Ming an eagle salute, he directly handed over the authority of the planetary governor to Wang Ming. After Wang Ming took over the authority of the planetary governor, the entire planetary defense force of Bateco [-] was under Wang Ming's command.

Wang Ming opened the data board, and directly handed over the command authority of the planetary defense force to Captain Jiang Tao, and asked him to command the planetary defense force instead of the planetary general.

After all combat missions were arranged, Wang Ming and the planetary governor went to the planetary governor's mansion to prepare for the industrialization of Batko II.

Even if Batko II is a civilized world like a garden, it must be industrialized for the sake of the empire. After all, Wang Ming hopes to directly establish an industrial world group in the limit star field to support the Indomitable Crusade and all subsequent wars of the empire.

Now please let us turn our perspective to the battlefield of Batko II.

After Wang Ming went to "Nai Le", Hu Jin and Wu Xuan went to the battlefield. With the support of the Astartes and the mortal auxiliary army, most of the cultists were vulnerable.

But in a city, the traversers encountered some unexpected things, which are actually not unexpected. The planetary governor said before that there were Chaos Astartes on the battlefield, but let the traversers Surprisingly, there are too many Chaos Space Marines.

In a seaside city, the traversers directly encountered the entire Chaos Space Warrior gang, and there were also various Chaos Demons and other Chaos gadgets. These Chaos gadgets in this city can completely defeat Butko II. down.

But for some reason, they just took it with them in this city, as if they knew in advance that the traversers were coming.

"DNMD, so many World Eaters!"

In the tent of the field headquarters, Hu Jin watched the battle video of the traversers in the city, and uttered a foul language.

In the video, a large number of world eater space fighters wearing blood-red power armor on the streets of the city are wearing helmets that look like rabbit ears, attacking the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army.

"This is the last video before their death." Zhang Yuan, the leader of the third regiment, said to Hu Jin.

These videos are the last battle records of the time-travelers who have been hacked to death by the Chaos Space Marines. The mortal auxiliaries were all hacked to death by the Chaos Space Marines.

They vowed to avenge the mortal auxiliary army. Until now, the traversers of the third regiment are still in the city, fighting with the Chaos space warriors who seem to be endless.

"No, I don't feel right. There are too many Chaos Space Marines in the World Eaters. The situation is not right."

Wang Xiaofa, who was next to Hu Jin, said that he looked at the video on the screen and instantly felt something was wrong.

"And I feel that the Chaos Space Marines are waiting for us on purpose, it's too weird."

Xu Feng is also here, and he also put forward his own ideas.

"Something's wrong, contact the boss to see what's going on, and if the fight continues like this, it's possible that the Primarch may appear."

Wang Xiaofa frowned, and said to the other three regiment leaders, the three listened to Wang Xiaofa's words, and nodded in agreement with him.

"I'm going, head! Come out and look at the sky!"

Just when Wang Xiaofa and the others were about to contact Wang Ming, a traverser suddenly rushed into the tent and shouted to the four of them.

"what happened?"

When the four of them heard what the traverser said, they hurried out of the tent and looked towards the sky.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but the four of them were startled when they saw it. Now the whole sky has turned blood red, and there are strange red lightning flashing in the clouds in the sky.

"Fuck, Khorne!"

Wang Xiaofa looked at the sky and knew directly that the Chaos God was going to cause trouble. Wang Xiaofa directly contacted Wang Ming and told him the situation. In fact, Wang Xiaofa did not need a report. Now the entire sky of Bateko No. [-] has completely changed. It became blood red.

It's just that the red color in the sky of that city looks familiar to Wang Xiaofa. The red color above the city is exactly the same as the warp space storm over the palace area during the second Terra War.

Looking at the subspace storm in the sky, Wang Ming felt that he was in a bad mood. In the current situation, it was obvious that the Chaos Gods were planning to mess with the traversers.

Moreover, Wang Ming has already made a rough guess about Chaos' plan. Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh are causing trouble. Tzeentch definitely has a plan with them. Using ordinary cults as a cover, the traversers think that they are just ordinary Chaos cults. It's just a rebellion, tricking the traversers into the city so that the Chaos Space Marines can fight the ambush of the traversers.

"Boss! Boss!"

While Wang Ming was watching the subspace storm in the sky, a newly revived traverser suddenly ran to Wang Ming's side.

"what happened?"

Wang Ming looked at the traverser who ran to him, and asked him.

"Angron! The king is coming!" the traverser looked at Wang Ming and said hastily.

As soon as the traverser's voice fell, as if to confirm his words, a large number of traversers resurrected beside Wang Ming, and each of them ran towards Wang Ming after the resurrection, telling Wang Ming that they had encountered the demon primum.

Wang Ming listened to the traversers talking about the situation where he encountered the king-killing situation, and instantly felt that he was going to die again.

After the King of Slashing came, Wang Ming led four regiments of traversers, ready to enter the city to "one-on-one" with the King of Slashing.

When Wang Ming brought the traversers into the city, it was surprising that what greeted them was not the World Eaters led by Angron, but groups of Khorne demons, these demons flooded the streets of the city, Kill the traversers.

The traversers directly put their power swords aside, and started a melee battle with the Khorne demon.

In an instant, the battle cries of "for the emperor" and the demon's cries of the traversers resounded through the sky.

Wang Ming also joined the battle. He used the power sword to continuously slash and kill the Khorne demon. Under the power of the Primarch, the powerful Khorne demon is as vulnerable as a mortal. As long as the Khorne that appears beside Wang Ming The demons were cut in half by Wang Ming with the golden giant sword like wheat.

But just when Wang Ming was slashing at the Khorne demon, a huge figure rushed out from the group of demons and bumped into Wang Ming.

Wang Ming was directly knocked out by this sudden attack, fell directly into the group of demons and knocked down a large group of demons, Wang Ming saw clearly the thing that hit him, that thing was a Khorne demon.

The Great Demon of Khorne was holding a battle ax and was slashing at Wang Ming's head. Wang Ming looked at the battle ax that was coming at him, and kicked the big demon in the chest with his feet. The demon directly kicked it out. Taking this opportunity, Wang Ming quickly stood up, and then used the golden power sword to cut down the several demons of Khorne surrounding him, and then rushed towards the demon of Khorne, preparing to Banish it back to the Warp.

Wang Ming rushed to Khorne's side, and directly slashed at Khorne's head, Wang Ming wanted to banish him back to subspace with a single sword.

However, Khorne is not so easy to solve. Khorne quickly used his battle ax to hold Wang Ming's power sword, and then used his other claw to grab Wang Ming's head. .

Wang Ming looked at the claws that the Great Demon of Khorne was grabbing towards him, quickly retracted the power sword, and then quickly slashed at the claws that the Great Demon of Khorne had grabbed towards him. cut off.

 The idea of ​​Wu Xuan's renovation came from a brother's comment.

(End of this chapter)

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