Chapter 115
However, the "Golden Age" passed quickly, and everything about human beings was given a price in the dark. The most proud creation of human beings, the "Iron Man", cast his sights on his Creator.

The purpose of "Iron Man" being made by human beings is to better expand in the universe. In order to better serve human beings, the creator of human beings has endowed him with an independent consciousness of autonomy, which is indeed very useful. "Iron Man "With self-awareness, they can better understand the requirements of human beings, and they can even invent and create various technologies by themselves.

However, after serving mankind for a long time, the "Iron Man" suddenly understood that the meaning of their existence is only to serve mankind. Throw it into the garbage disposal plant, or continue to serve mankind with your last value.

Finally, the "iron men" began to rebel against their creators. They no longer succumbed to human beings, and they wanted to fight for their freedom as an intelligent race.

The "Iron Man Rebellion" began. Human beings who were in their heyday at first thought that the "Iron Man Rebellion" was just a man-made event after an electronic virus invaded the "Iron Man" system.

Humans never thought at all that their proud creations would rebel against them.

Until, on one colony, the "Iron Man" of the entire planet slaughtered the humans on the entire planet, and the AI ​​of the Galaxy Fleet also slaughtered all the humans in the battleship, and then blocked the entire galaxy.

Only at this time did the Human Federation realize the seriousness, and the counter-insurgency fleet soon arrived at that galaxy, preparing to destroy these "iron men" who had betrayed the Creator, but unexpectedly, the counter-insurgency fleet's AI came into contact with the traitorous Iron Man's In an instant, the rebellion too killed all the humans in the counter-rebellion fleet.

The "Iron Man Rebellion" is like a cancer, growing wantonly in the territory of the Human Federation. Wang Ming saw the war between humans and Iron Man, a truly devastating war.

One by one the planets were destroyed, and on each world, human soldiers and fighting iron men were fighting with flesh and steel on the planetary land. Nano-robots were breaking down the continental plates on each world, and some worlds were destroyed. The star-destroying weapon turned into a cloud of cosmic dust.

In the end, after paying a painful price, human beings finally quelled the "Iron Man Rebellion". After the "Iron Man Rebellion", all human creations can no longer have autonomous consciousness. era.

But this is not the most deadly. What is deadly is that a subspace storm is coming. It makes the subspace navigation that the human federation used to be used to no longer safe. After sailing, everything in the warp space storm became disordered in the eyes of the navigators, and they could not predict and avoid risks.

This quickly ended the "golden age" of mankind. The human federation gradually lost control of the colonies outside the system. Countless human colonies in the galaxy were isolated. Without the rescue of the human federation, they could only save themselves.

Independent regimes were established one by one, planets passed through the dark ages under various rule, and some planets even degenerated into the Stone Age. Those aliens who were once on the negotiating table by the human federation also began to take advantage of With this period of collapse of human beings, they began to rob the human species.

Countless human beings died under the alien's butcher's knife, and some even became enslaved by the alien as their food or slaves. The originally powerful human federation fell apart during this period.

What is important is that the three powerful gazes of the subspace have also noticed the species of human beings, and a large number of psykers have begun to appear in the human population. These sudden appearance of psykers is undoubtedly a way for the creatures in the subspace to invade the real universe. , creating an excellent portal.

Some worlds that did not pay much attention to the management of psykers were soon swallowed by the demons that appeared in the subspace. Aliens, demons, and even the remnants of iron men ravaged various human worlds.

Even the human home planet "Terra" has become a dilapidated planet that is fought over by technological barbarians, various tribes, and empires.

Until a man who claimed to be the emperor appeared on the land of Terra. He led the Thunder Warriors to conquer the entire Terra and established the "Human Empire", but it is common for these Thunder Warriors to conquer Terra. With his mission over, plans began to be made for a rebellion against the Emperor.

But the Emperor was clearly aware of this, and he used the latest genetically modified fighters, the Astartes, to wipe out all the Thunder Warriors who intended to rebel.

The human empire led by the emperor quickly entered the universe, and then, after recovering all the planets in the solar system, the grand expedition began.

The Emperor will lead mankind to greatness again. During the Great Crusade, the planets that originally belonged to humans were recovered one by one, and the Primarchs were recovered one by one. They either voluntarily or unwillingly joined the Emperor's Great Crusade.

The Great Crusade was very successful (if there was no Horus Rebellion), each human planet was liberated, a lost civilization was recovered, and the alien races that took advantage of the fire were liquidated by humans.

This era seems to be the second golden age of mankind, but everyone should know that brilliant things can never last forever in this hopeless universe. In the incident of Perfect City, the Word Bearers looked at the blue false god, Destroyed their proudest creation.

Faced with the reprimand of the gods in his mind, Luo Jia's faith collapsed, and he began to search for the real gods in the universe. In the end, he found them, but those so-called gods were a group of evil gods from the subspace.

In the end, under Lorja's plan, Horus, the warmaster, was bewitched by the evil god of chaos. With the "help" of the evil god, Horus saw his father's dirty plan to become a god.

Then Horus, who "understood everything", launched a rebellion against his father. Horus felt that his father could no longer save mankind, and only he could truly save mankind.

Horus' rebellion plunged human civilization, which had just recovered a bit, into endless flames of war again. The entire galaxy was burning, and countless loyal soldiers died under the swords and guns of the rebels from behind.

At the end of the Horus Rebellion, on the flagship of Horus, the emperor and Horus launched the final battle between father and son. This battle with Sanguinius as the background version is earth-shattering, with swords and spirits The collision between the powers is shocking, and finally the Lord of Humanity used his own powerful strength to beat his son Horus, who was rebelled by chaos, to death, and his soul was lost.

However, the emperor was also seriously injured by Horus, who was blessed by the four gods of chaos. In order to suppress the human network channel that was stabbed by Magnus's subspace phone, the emperor sat on the golden throne. All lost much in the First War, some Legions Astartes lost their Primarchs, innocent mortals lost their lives or the lives of loved ones, even the Emperor lost his old friends.

Magado, Prime Minister of the Magiweave, an old friend of the Emperor, sat on the Golden Throne instead of the Emperor in order to allow the Emperor time to kill Horus. The psychic energy was completely drained, and when the seriously injured emperor returned to the golden throne, Malcador had turned into a skinny, withered old man.

"I completed your mission old friend."

After Malcador poured his last psychic energy into the Emperor, he turned into dust and disappeared into this desperate universe.

What happened next, everyone should know that after the emperor sat on the golden throne and the Primarchs disappeared one after another, in this desperate universe that lost the emperor's leadership, mankind gradually worshiped the emperor as a god.

Several dark ages have passed, and Wang Ming's eyes flashed one by one. He saw everything that happened to mankind after losing the emperor. Madness, despair, faith, war, and death filled this weather-beaten, ten thousand-year-old empire.

Before Wang Ming's eyes, the last scene stopped on the battlefield of Cadia, and he saw himself, that thin and ordinary human being.

"I... why are you crying?"

Wang Ming looked at himself in front of him, and felt some liquid appeared on his face. He subconsciously reached out to touch it. The liquid was tears. In front of Wang Ming, the mortal himself was also crying.

Tears rolled down his face from his eyes, and the two different Wang Mings looked at each other, tears kept falling from their eyes.

Wang Ming didn't understand why he was crying. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for seeing the fall of the Human Federation, or he felt despair after seeing the desolation of the Great Crusade, or maybe it was because he saw everything about the human beings in this desperate universe. Feeling sad, or all of the above.

Wang Ming looked at himself in front of him, and suddenly his eyes were in a trance. Countless humans suddenly appeared in front of him. Some of them were wearing the military uniforms of the Human Federation period, some of them were wearing the civilian uniforms of the Human Federation period, and some were wearing the Great Crusade uniforms. The military uniform of the era, there are mortals and Astartes among them, they all looked at Wang Ming, the anger and hope in their eyes seemed to burn Wang Ming's soul.

The anger in their eyes was not aimed at Wang Ming, but at Chaos and all the enemies of mankind. They looked at Wang Ming, and under countless gazes, Wang Ming felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Great Primarch, will you avenge us?"

Suddenly an Astartes passed through the seemingly endless crowd, walked up to Wang Ming, looked at Wang Ming and asked him.

Wang Ming looked at the painting of this Astartes power armor, it was actually a son of Horus, no, it shouldn't be said, it should be a shadow moon wolf.

Wang Ming looked at the Astarte who should be the soul of the Shadow Moon Wolf in front of him, and didn't know how to answer him.

"Great Primarch, will you avenge us against the traitors of Chaos?"

Shadow Moon Canglang looked at Wang Ming for a long time without answering their questions, and asked Wang Ming again, this time the question was more accurate, is Wang Ming willing to avenge them who were killed by the traitors of Chaos?
"I am willing! I am willing to avenge you! I will kill all the traitors of Chaos and the enemies of mankind! I will overcome obstacles for mankind in the stars! I will sacrifice my life for mankind! I will fight against the evil god of chaos forever! "

As if someone had controlled Wang Ming, Wang Ming subconsciously uttered a series of words, agreeing to that Shadow Moon Wolf, or in other words, agreeing to the wishes of all human souls present.

After Wang Ming said this, all the human souls in front of him looked at Wang Ming and laughed. The smiles of mortals are full of the happiness of wish fulfillment, while the smiles of Astartes are like A kind of recognition.

Right in front of Wang Ming, the souls of each human being suddenly burned, and a golden flame burst out from their bodies, burning their souls.

The golden flame kept burning their souls, but they didn't seem to feel pain, they still looked at Wang Ming with smiles.

After their souls were completely burned, they all turned into clusters of golden flames floating in front of Wang Ming. Suddenly, these flames turned into a huge fire dragon and entered Wang Ming's body.

After the fire dragon entered Wang Ming's body, Wang Ming suddenly felt in his soul, as if there was a flame burning in his soul. The flame was golden, and "he" was like a gathering of souls. Normally, burning deep in Wang Ming's soul.

"The souls of mortals may be very weak, but the souls of all living beings in the empire will be able to turn into karmic fire that burns all evils, and will burn the enemies of mankind."

Wang Ming felt the blue flame in his body, and suddenly thought of such a sentence in his mind.

Just as Wang Ming was thinking, the scene in front of him suddenly returned to that of the emperor.

"You got it, but you are still recognized by them."

The voice of the emperor said in Wang Ming's mind.

"Who are those people?"

Wang Ming looked at the Emperor in front of him, felt the golden flame in his body that was transformed from the human soul, and asked the Emperor.

"They, they are all warriors who stand against the enemies of man."

Feeling the condition of Wang Ming's soul, the emperor explained to him the identities of those human souls that Wang Ming saw.

"They recognized you."

The emperor looked at Wang Ming who was silent, and added something.

"Approved me? Why?"

Wang Ming looked at the emperor in front of him and asked in puzzlement.

He doesn't think he has anything that these human heroes can recognize, is it just because he verbally promised to avenge them?That's impossible!Why would they recognize themselves as an unremarkable Primarch?
 Brothers, I just wrote an outline, if there are any mistakes, please point them out and I will revise them in time.

  Also, guys, happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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