Chapter 123 Gobe World
The fleet of "Star Trekkers" entered the subspace and headed towards the Pnek galaxy where Gobe is located. There is nothing to say about the subspace voyage. Now let's take a look at the situation on Gobe's planet.

The name of the planet is Gobe, the surface area of ​​the planet is 6.17 million square kilometers, and the world is classified as an imperial wild world. However, don’t trust the classification of the Ministry of the Interior too much. In fact, the human civilization on the world of Gobe has reached the level of the European Middle Ages, and it may even be A little more advanced, it has reached the standard of the feudal world.

The environment of the Gobe world is very difficult. Rocks and forests are all over the surface of the planet. Gobe's local "little animals" are full of "warm and friendly" personalities.

In order to protect themselves, the local humans built huge castles and fortresses, and powerful knight armies. However, in some remote mountainous areas or jungles, there are still some primitive tribes wearing animal skins and using stone tools.

However, if it is not for the harsh living conditions, the Gobe world is still a beautiful world. After all, green mountains and green waters, blue sky and white clouds, who doesn't love it?

It's just that those "cute little animals" on Gobe want to kill you all the time, and the natural environment is more dangerous.

But now Gobe no longer has the former state of "everything is competing to grow, full of vitality". Now on the land of Gobe, green and disgusting Nurgle demon army and walking corpses walk on the land.

They are like green tides, devouring the human fortresses in the Gobe world one by one. Now all the human fortresses in the Gobe world are like a flat boat, which may be swallowed by the raging plague army at any time. The sky all over the world was dyed green by Nurgle's mighty power.

On the wall of a castle, two knights in armor, holding simple bolt-action rifles, looked at the seven cultists who were tied up on the ground. There was also a palm-sized incense burner hanging on the armor of the two knights. The censer was burning, and a puff of smoke with a strange aroma drifted out of the censer, slightly dispelling the disgusting stench in the air.

"Are all seven guys executed?"

The knight pressed the muzzle of his bolt-action rifle to the head of the cultist, and asked his companions.

"Yes, these seven are the leaders of the monsters outside the castle, the "Great One" (the local name for the Emperor) lord, these monsters who suddenly appeared are like demons from hell, bringing death and plague !"

The companion around the knight nodded to him, and he couldn't help sighing as he looked at the walking corpses of Nurgle outside the castle.

Just a few months ago, these monsters exuding a stench of corruption suddenly appeared in various castles and fortresses. A large number of civilians and soldiers were infected by the plague brought by these monsters and turned into monsters similar to those monsters. , and attack castles and fortresses with those monsters.

Looking at the green sky, the knight raised the incense burner on his body, bringing it closer to his head, so as to better dispel the stench in the air.

"Hurry up and execute them, the incense won't last long, the outside of the castle is really smelly."

The knight's companion dragged a worshiper of Nurgle to the edge of the city wall, and put the muzzle of a gun against his head, which had sprouted some kind of horn.

At the edge of the city wall, the tide of Nurgle's walking corpses surging below can be clearly seen, and their disgusting body forms are clearly visible.

"Hurry up, my stomach hurts looking at those monsters below."

The knight also dragged a Nurgle believer over, the knight's companion nodded, and then the two of them dragged the remaining Nurgle believers to the edge of the platform.

This was done to allow the corpse to fall directly under the castle after the execution. With all the Nurgle believers settled, the two selected a Nurgle believer for execution.

He put the muzzle of the gun against the head of the Nurgle believer, and then pulled the trigger. The simple barrel fired a fatal bullet and shot it into the head of the Nurgle believer.

The corpses of the executed Nurgle believers fell directly along the edge of the city wall into the group of Nurgle's walking corpses below the city wall.

The two knights pulled the bolt, and as the eggshell fell to the ground, a bullet was loaded, and the two knights aimed their guns at the heads of the other two Nurgle believers.

Aim at the head, pull the trigger, the bullet is fired, the body falls to the ground, all actions flow like water, and then the two repeat the above operations again, also executing two Nurgle followers.

"It's okay, everything is the cycle of life, and we will meet again in the garden of a loving father."

When executing the last Nurgle follower, the Nurgle follower suddenly said to the two.

The two heard the words of the disciples of Nurgle, but they didn't understand why. What is a garden?What is a loving father?
In the end, the follower of Nurgle was executed, but just as his body fell to the ground, a green and disgusting smoke appeared from the group of Nurgle's walking corpses under the city wall.

A strange singing sounded in the group of Nurgle walking corpses. The disgusting Nurgle walking corpses used their distorted voice to sing the lyrics of the arrival of Nurgle children. Nurgle spirits appeared from the green light one by one, and they were fighting on the ground , trying to attract that name's attention.

The green smoke dissipated slowly, and a person came out of the smoke. He looked at the Nurgle walking corpses singing distorted songs, and the Nurgle spirits who were playing around in his footsteps, with an undisguised expression of disgust. On the face, this person is Li Yongkang who was unintentionally summoned by two knights.

With the appearance of Li Yongkang, all the mortals in the castle in front of him suddenly felt that something was wrong. Their bodies began to itch for no reason. Relief, gradually they scratched and tore flesh and blood on their skin, the itching turned into pain, and there was a terrible scream from the whole castle.

"Sorry, this is the last time, I won't be seeing anything like this again anytime soon."

Li Yongkang kicked the Nurgling away at his feet, and then walked to the gate of the castle. Li Yongkang put his hand on the thick gate, and the thick gate opened under his touch. Gradually corroded, and finally turned into a pool of corrupt black water.

Li Yongkang walked into the castle stepping on the corrupt black water. When Li Yongkang walked into the castle, all he saw were mortals who had been corrupted by the virus on his body. Those mortals had now turned into unconscious virus walking corpses.

However, there were still some fish that slipped through the net. For example, in front of him, there was a knight with pus dripping out of his body and walking wobbly, holding a gun, trying to pull the trigger on Li Yongkang.

He put his rotten finger on the trigger and pulled the trigger hard.


A rotten finger fell from the knight's hand and turned into a puddle of pus on the ground. His body was completely corrupted.

In the end, the knight still failed to pull the trigger. He fell to the ground and his body gradually rotted away. However, his willpower was very strong. Li Yongkang.

Li Yongjian looked into the knight's eyes, walked to his side, picked up his gun under the suspicious eyes of the knight, and pointed it at his head.

Under the surprised eyes of the knight, Li Yongkang pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot into his head, then passed through his brain and hit the wall.


Li Yongkang threw the gun on the ground. Because of his touch, the metal structure on the gun had begun to rust, and the wooden butt on it had turned into a puddle of black water.

The knight looked at the bullet hole on Li Yongkang's head that was slowly healing, his eyes were full of fear. After he removed the bullet hole on Li Yongkang's head, he saw the inside of Li Yongkang, which was an abominable thing with a human appearance.

"Rest in peace, my lord."

Li Yongkang looked at the terrified knight on the ground, and put his hand on his head. Almost instantly, the knight's head, together with his helmet, turned into a mass of corruption.

Li Yongkang looked at the rest of the knight that was rotting, shook his head and walked towards the interior of the castle. Now he just needs to wait for that man to come to the world of Gobe, and then use his power to completely free himself.

Li Yongkang came to the highest point of the castle. This should be the room of a nobleman. The gorgeous room, as well as all kinds of gems and gold ornaments, all show the nobility of the owner of the room, but now in this room, only one is wearing Gorgeous clothes, nothing more than a plague walking corpse wandering aimlessly.

"It's a luxury."

Li Yongkang looked at all kinds of gorgeous decorations in the room, and couldn't help sighing, and then he directly threw the plague corpse out of the room. Li Yongkang felt that it was too obtrusive.

Li Yongkang listened to Nurgle's walking dead singing distorted songs while admiring the artwork in this room, silently waiting for the man to arrive.

At the Mandeville point in the Punek galaxy, the fleet of "Star Trekkers" jumped out of the subspace and reached the physical universe, and began to use the sublight speed engine to advance towards the Gobe world.

"This should belong to a feudal world, right?"

In Wang Ming's office on the "Imperial Truth", Wang Ming looked at the information on the Gobe World in his hand, and asked Captain Jiang Tao in confusion.

"According to the information you gave me about the empire, the operation efficiency of the Empire's Ministry of Internal Affairs is frighteningly low, and their statistical errors are astonishingly large. It is not impossible to remember a world wrong."

Captain Jiang Tao looked at Wang Ming, analyzed it with him and replied.

"Or, that's how they define the wild world, but according to the information you gave me, I classify the Gobe world as a feudal world."

Captain Jiang Tao also added a sentence, telling the classification he gave to the world of Gobe.

"Okay, the armor and castles of the European Middle Ages, as well as the firearms and equipment of the First World War, are too strange, Captain Jiang Tao, please sort out the information of Gobe World, I will need to use it later."

Wang Ming put down the materials, stood up and said to Captain Jiang Tao while walking towards the door.


Captain Jiang Tao answered Wang Ming, and then went to sort out the materials.

Wang Ming left the office and walked towards the hangar, which had been transformed into a square by the traversers.

When Wang Ming came to the hangar, he saw that the traversers of the six regiments were already waiting in the hangar. The mighty Astartes stood neatly in the huge hangar, just like the legions about to go out in the era of the Great Expedition.

"Brothers, we are about to reach the world of Gobe, which is a barbaric world, and the human civilization on it is equivalent to the Middle Ages in Europe."

Wang Ming took out a remote control and clicked on a copy of the Gobe World information compiled by the Ministry of the Interior, which appeared in front of all the traversers through a large holographic screen.

Wang Ming needs to introduce the basic situation of Gobe's world to the traversers, so that the traversers have a basic understanding of the world they are about to arrive at. Of course, these materials are compiled by Captain Jiang Tao. For example, Captain Jiang Tao took Gobe's The world classification has been changed to the feudal world.

The common people in the feudal world generally did not know the existence of the human empire, and the only people who had contact with the empire were some nobles and planetary governors.

However, this is also relatively dangerous. People in the feudal world are often in a superstitious atmosphere. If a chaotic cult or a chaotic demon appears in this world, it will have a considerable impact on the thoughts of those people who are in superstition .

This kind of influence is definitely beneficial to Chaos, maybe there will be a large number of Chaos followers or worse.

"Also, brothers, new equipment is here."

After Wang Ming finished talking about the situation in the Gobe world, he took out the six thousand phase swords that he exchanged from the Figure King.

These phase swords before, because of too many things recently, Wang Ming forgot to send them to the traversers, and Wang Ming put them in the warehouse of "Imperial Truth" to collect dust, until Xu Zheng found Wang Ming, hoping that he would transfer the technology of Necrons It was only when the creation was given to them to study that Wang Ming remembered to equip the traversers with phase swords.

Just this time, I followed the explanation of the situation in Gobe's world, and launched the phase sword together.

It is worth mentioning that Hu Jin was the first traverser to get the phase sword. When Wang Ming used Abdullahi's sword on the black stone obelisk before, Wang Ming "smoothly" Abdullah Xi picked up the Star God phase sword and threw it to Hu Jin.

However, Hu Jin did not use this Star God Phase Sword to fight. Hu Jin was worried that this Star God Phase Sword would be played off by himself, so he directly hung the Star God Phase Sword in his room. a collection. (It is offered, it belongs to yes.)
Wang Ming really can't figure out the phase sword. There is no such thing in the system mall. It should be said that there are only human creations in the system mall, and there are no alien technological creations. Even those alien weapons imitated by the human empire, the system None in the mall.

This also means that if the phase sword is dropped, it is really gone, and it cannot be supplied in unlimited quantities like the weapons in the "Imperial Truth" arsenal.

However, Wang Ming has already given some of the phase swords that he exchanged with the Starry Sky to the First Engineer Company. Now the traversers of the First Engineer Company and the engine oil guy are conducting reverse research day and night. Copy it out.

 The warm daily life is over, cruelty and despair are the main tone of this universe, and there will eventually be a visitor from another world who will die among the desperate stars.

(End of this chapter)

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