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Chapter 125 Let's go!Croas Rengar

Chapter 125 Let's go!Croas Rengar

Hundreds of huge transport planes pierced through the atmosphere, and the transport planes rubbed against the atmosphere like a falling meteor.

"We are entering the planet's atmosphere. Please pay attention to all planes and keep a safe distance. We expect to arrive at the destination in 10 minutes. After arriving at the destination, all the transport planes will put down Brother Astartes, and then leave quickly without stopping."

In the transport plane where Wang Ming was, he used this communication terminal to give orders to the fleet.

"Roger that!"

The mortal pilots of the fleet replied that this transportation operation is very dangerous.

According to Wang Ming's prediction, if Mortarion really came this time, the sky in that area will definitely be full of plague drone bees. The travelers will jump directly from the transport plane, and then the transport plane will leave at the fastest speed. Every traverser is equipped with a jet pack, and after landing safely, they can quickly fight.

On the top of the castle, Mortarion stood next to Li Yongkang, looking at the sky with him. Above the sky, a large number of plague drones were flying in the air, like green clouds.

"Do you have to stay like this?"

Suddenly Mortarion asked Li Yongkang, the more it looked at Li Yongkang's human appearance, the more it felt awkward. A monster that was twisted like a demon, why must it use a human appearance?
"I have to remind myself that I'm still human."

Li Yongkang looked up at Mortarion and said to him.

"It's hypocrisy. It's clear that your body has nothing to do with the human species, but you still have to maintain this appearance."

When Mortarion heard Li Yongkang's answer, he only felt it was ridiculous, and sarcastically said that he was already a twisted and abominable thing, but he still ridiculously insisted that he was a human being.

"Damn it! Don't mention my body! That's Nurgle's disgusting thing, the curse on me!"

After Li Yongkang heard Mortarion's words, he suddenly became excited. He stood up directly and looked directly into Mortarion's eyes. Following Li Yongkang's excitement, there seemed to be countless strange spots under his skin. Things are wriggling.


Mortarion didn't react to Li Yongkang's anger, he just stared at Li Yongkang's wriggling skin and smiled mockingly.

"Forget it, just wait a little longer anyway."

Hearing Mortarion's mocking laughter, Li Yongkang forcibly suppressed his emotions, then sat down again, continued to look at the sky and waited for the man to arrive.

The transport fleet arrived at the location very quickly, Wang Ming saw through the transport plane's camera, those plague plane bees hovering in the sky.

Wang Ming directly asked the traversers to jump off the transport planes and walk to the castle. The transport planes could not be put in danger. These transport planes had other tasks.

The cabin doors of all the transport planes opened slowly, and the traversers jumped out of them one by one, falling towards the ground.

"Well, the great Primarch, I don't think I can airborne, why don't you let me go back with the transport plane?"

Croas Rengar looked at the ground and said to Wang Ming beside him.

Wang Ming didn't answer him, Wang Ming directly kicked him off the transport plane, and then jumped off the transport plane together with Edwie.

Wang Ming didn't bring a jetpack, he directly used the powerful body of the Primarch to land on both feet.

After Wang Ming landed, he immediately saw Cloas Rengar who had fractured his whole body and was rapidly repairing his body.

"Can't you tell me in advance? I haven't even opened the gravity umbrella."

Croas Rengar stood up from the ground, straightened his broken arm, then walked to Wang Ming and said.

"You can't die anyway."

Wang Ming saw that he was breaking his own bones towards Croas Rengar, and said indifferently, anyway, this guy is an immortal, so he can't die anyway if he uses it casually.

When Wang Ming was talking to Croas Rengar, all the traversers landed, and Hu Jin and the traversers walked to Wang Ming's side.

"Let's go, get ready to fight."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin and said to him.

Hu Jin nodded, and drew out the phase sword and the devil's long knife. The traversers also took out the phase swords. Wang Ming looked at the traversers, and also drew out the golden giant sword.

Wang Ming's ability was activated, and the golden giant sword was instantly wrapped in golden flames. Wang Ming waved the sword and pointed at the castle, and the traversers quickly moved towards the castle.

"Boss, I know you want to imitate the emperor, but listen to me, can you make something to wear next time, you don't have that taste, you know."

Hu Jin walked beside Wang Ming, and complained to him that Wang Ming's sword swing just now was obviously trying to imitate the emperor, but Wang Ming's appearance was completely uninspired.

The traversers moved very fast, and in less than 5 minutes, they had already arrived under the castle, in front of the corpses of the Nurgle Demon Army and the plague.

Wang Ming rushed into the Nurgle Demon Army at the head. The golden giant sword was wrapped in golden flames. Wang Ming waved the giant sword. The golden flames in the Nurgle Demon Army were like sparks falling into alcohol. The dirt demons spread among them, burning their bodies. Once they were burned to ashes by the golden flames, then these subspace demons were completely dead, and there was no way they could be revived.

"finally come!"

Li Yongkang looked at the golden flames spreading in the Nurgle Demon Army, and jumped off the top of the castle in an instant. Li Yongkang rushed into the golden flames excitedly, and the golden flames instantly covered his whole body.

"Pain! Hahaha! It hurts so much! I finally feel it!"

Li Yongkang felt the pain of the golden flame burning on his body, and laughed crazily. Finally, after so long, his body finally felt the pain again. Although it was only pain, it also made Li Yongkang excited enough.

The golden flame burned Li Yongkang's skin, and Li Yongkang's body, which he tried hard to hide in the skin, was completely exposed. It was a twisted monster, and all kinds of strange maggots were happy on it. Wriggling, various internal organs were exposed from the rotting holes in its body, and disgusting tentacles stretched excitedly in the golden flames.

Although the golden flame can make Li Yongkang feel pain, it can't really kill him. Wang Ming must kill him himself, so that he can truly embrace death.

Above the castle, Mortarion looked at the excited Li Yongkang, playing with the virus needle that Nurgle specially prepared for Wang Ming's "Eternal Life" physique.

Li Yongkang looked at Wang Ming who was killing in the Nurgle Demon Army, and rushed towards him waving his twisted body.

After Mortarion saw Li Yongkang rushing towards Wang Ming, it also spread its wings and rushed towards Wang Ming.

Wang Ming and the traversers were having fun hacking Nurgle's demons when they suddenly smelled an earth-shattering stench. How would you describe that stench?
That kind of smell is like a pair of underwear filled with all kinds of strange smells that has not been washed for 4 years, and then boiled for another 4 years in the cauldron of a loving father with countless diseases.

The breathing filters in the helmets of Wang Ming and the traversers were completely out of action, but Wang Ming and the traversers could still use their own physical strength to resist, while Edwie and Croas Rengar had already gone on strike because of the filters. , and is now lying on the ground and swinging, the two of them are convulsing constantly on the ground because of the stench.

"Fuck, Mortarion, eh? What's the other one? Nurgle the Great? Looks so weird?"

Wang Ming picked up Edwie and Croas Rengar one by one, and the golden flame passed over them, and the two of them woke up with a snap. This is one of Wang Ming's abilities , the karmic fire of all human beings will also protect human life.

"I'll go, it smells so bad."

As soon as the two regained consciousness, they smelled the earth-shattering stench. This was the state where Wang Ming had used the golden flame on them once. If it hadn't been for this time, they would have fainted again.

"Cloas Rengar, hurry up! Aren't you a demon hunter of the Inquisition? Come on! Come on!"

Wang Ming looked at Croas Rengar who woke up and shouted.

And Croas Rengar, still in, who am I?where am I?What am I going to do?Why is it so smelly around here?state of bewilderment.

"Forget it! It's up to you! Croas Rengar! Stop Mortarion!"

Wang Ming looked at Croas Rengar in a bewildered state, and threw him directly at Mortarion. Now Wang Ming needs someone to delay him so that he can deal with the suspected Nurgle first. stuff.

The traversers are still fighting against the Nurgle demon army, and Edwie, Wang Ming doesn't expect her to stop Mortarion. After thinking about it, only Croas Rengar, who calls himself the judge Inquisitor of the Demon Hunters.

When Wang Ming threw Croas Rengar out, he was covered with a layer of golden flames. Now he is like a golden shooting star, flying straight towards Mortarion.

After Wang Ming threw Croas Rengar out, he took Edwie and ran towards Li Yongkang directly. Wang Ming wanted to deal with that Nurgle demon first, and then concentrate on dealing with Mortarion.

"Who am I? Where am I? Why am I flying? Also, what is that thing with big wings in front of me? Wait! Big wings?"

Croas Rengar was flying in the air, and he gradually came to his senses under the effect of the golden flame. The moment he was sober, he saw Mortarion in front of him, and he suddenly remembered what Wang Ming said to him .

"Damn it, Wang Ming! I *%@$*, I TM thank you!"

He watched in horror as he gradually approached Mortarion. Looking at the guy in front of him, he knew that this guy was Mortarion who had turned into a demon prince. He had seen him during the Great Crusade. poster.

In the end, Croas Rengar directly bumped into Mortarion.

The moment the two collided, the golden flame burned instantly on Mortarion's body, which made Mortarion feel incomparable pain. Mortarion bumped into him, Croas Ren Gal took it in his hand.

Croas Rengar was caught in Mortarion's hands, and he smiled awkwardly looking into Mortarion's eyes.

"Well, brother Mortarion, you see that I was thrown here by your brother. I have no intention of being your enemy. See if you can let me go. My brother will definitely come to thank you in the future."

Croas Rengar looked at Mortarion, smelled the earth-shattering stench, and said to Mortarion in his most sincere tone.

Mortarion didn't pay attention to the little bug, he squeezed Croas Rengar in his hand hard, directly crushed it into a ball of meat, and then threw it on the ground behind him with a "crack".

After Mortarion killed Croas Rengar, he was ready to support Li Yongkang, who was "fighting" with Wang Ming, but just as it took its first step, a loyal plasma group From its back, shot on its body.


Mortarion turned around, looked at the source of the plasma, and saw Croas Rengar, who had just been crushed into a pulp by him, was standing behind him intact, with both hands still holding Pulled out, a plasma pistol and a bolter.

When Mortarion turned to look at him, a scorching bomb hit his face, and the bomb exploded in Mortarion's face. Although it didn't hurt much, it was extremely insulting. powerful.

It, Mortarion, the demon prince of Nurgle, the Primarch of the Demon Gene, was wounded by a "mortal"!This made Mortarion feel a huge insult, and Mortarion didn't understand that Croas Rengar is almost naked now, with a few iron plates hanging on his body, his two guns Where did it come from?
"Huh~, it's okay, I made some Necron stuff when I was young, otherwise who knows what I'm going to use to beat this thing."

Croas Rengar looked at Mortarion and exhaled a long breath. Fortunately, during the era of the Great Crusade, he went to various planets to sustainably target the space necrons and cooperate with various human federations. Ancient ruins dig graves.

He found a Necromancer's storage technology, and put all his belongings in it, and he implanted this Necromancer's creation into his body to prevent it from being lost.

It took him a lot of time to bind the Necromancer creation to his body.

After the implantation, except for the green light in the implanted place, there are no side effects, which can be called a perfect implantation.

"Just hold on until Wang Ming gets rid of that big devil."

Cloas Rengar looked at the angry Primarch in front of him, raised his two guns again, and shot Mortarion in the head.

Mortarion didn't hide at all, he rushed towards Croas Rengar after receiving plasma and explosive bombs in his face.

Mortarion swore that he would capture this "mortal" and torture him to death with a thousand plagues.

(End of this chapter)

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