Chapter 136 Danatus Tiger

Wang Ming was walking in the jungle, wearing a piece of armor. It was just a very ordinary armor, not power armor. Wearing the power armor needed assistance. Wang Ming couldn't wear the power armor alone. In the shopping mall, he took out a set of ceremonial armor that was the same size as his own, and put it on. He didn't want to run naked in the forest like a young lion king.

His damaged power armor was carried on his back with a bag. After returning to the "Imperial Truth", he will ask Minerva to help him repair it. Wang Ming thought about adding some more next time. pure gold.


When Wang Ming walked into a jungle, he suddenly heard a small sound, which was the sound of a large animal running in the jungle.

"Oh...why do you want to die so much?"

Wang Ming sighed, thinking in his heart that all the big and small animals in the Gobe World could not pose any threat to him, even the top predators in the Gobe World, he could tear them apart instantly.


From the grass in front of Wang Ming, a low growl sounded like that of a feline came from it.

When Wang Ming heard that low growl, he immediately knew that this was the top predator in the Gobe world, the Danatus tiger, an animal similar to the Terra tiger, but it was much bigger than a tiger, and its size It can grow to the size of a chimera, and has a hard carapace all over its body. Ordinary automatic guns and laser rifles don't do much damage to it. Only artillery and large-yield weapons can damage it. (a chimera-sized tiger with black scales)

"Forget it, let's not kill it. It's not bad to catch it and play with it. It just happens to be a pet."

Looking at the grass in front of him, Wang Ming put the power sword in his hand back to his waist and hung it up. Just as Wang Ming retracted the power sword, the Danatus tiger in the grass instantly rushed towards Wang Ming. The existing shadow in the middle of the body covered Wang Ming.

"You also know that power swords are dangerous, quite smart."

Wang Ming looked at the Danatus Tiger that was rushing towards him, and punched the big cat directly on the head with a punch that was completely invisible from the Danatus Tiger. The power of the Primarch's punch was extremely powerful. The big one, the Danatus tiger howled miserably, then flew out sideways.

Danatus tiger hit a huge tree and was directly broken by the huge tree. Danatus tiger lay on the ground and howled, with sawdust all over his body.


Danatus Tiger's eyes looked at Wang Ming in horror. It got up from the ground and watched Wang Ming growl continuously. It didn't understand why this kind of creature that could be killed casually was just a little bigger. Why? How strong?
"Come on, continue."

Wang Ming looked at the Danatus tiger who was roaring at him on the ground, rushed to it and hit it flying again with a big bidou.


The Danatus tiger howled again and was beaten into the air. The moment it flew out, Wang Ming quickly ran beside it, and directly pressed it to the ground.

After it was held down by Wang Ming, it kept struggling, but no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free from Wang Ming's palm. Wang Ming pressed Danatesihu's hand like pressing a "bigger" cat. the back of the neck.

"Be good, if you can't be my pet, I can only try local dishes."

Wang Ming looked at Danatushu who was struggling constantly, and said with a smile, he naturally knew that Danatushu could not understand, and he was just joking.


Donate Sihu didn't know if he understood Wang Ming's words, or if he was overwhelmed by Wang Ming, and gradually lay still on the ground.

"That's good, and quite smart."

Wang Ming smiled, and slowly let go of his hand, allowing the Danatus tiger to stand up again.

Danatushu stood up from the ground, looked at Wang Ming and subconsciously let out a low growl, then instantly remembered Wang Ming's terror, and slowly laid his body on the ground to express his surrender to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at Danatus Tiger, and happily took out a chain from the mall. Wang Ming tied the chain around its neck, and then hung the big bag containing the power armor on it through the chain. .

Wang Ming looked at the Danatus tiger who had been transformed into a tool tiger by himself, and pulled the chain in his hand very satisfied, signaling that Danatus tiger, whose neck was locked by the chain, would follow him.

Being pulled by Wang Ming, Danatushu first retreated back in resistance, and then he was pulled back by Wang Ming because he was still not as powerful as Wang Ming.

After several times of trying to resist Wang Ming, Danate Sihu finally had no choice but to be led away by Wang Ming like walking a dog.

One person and one tiger were moving very fast in the jungle. The presence of the big cat, Danatus Tiger, surrounded Wang Ming, so that some small animals that were hidden around and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Wang Ming also left helplessly. .

"Finally came out."

Wang Ming dragged Danatus Tiger and walked from a forest. He looked at a castle in front of him and sighed. He and Danatus Tiger walked in the forest for about five hours before finally came out of the forest.


The Danatus tiger led by Wang Ming looked at the human castle in front of him and let out a low growl.

"Be quiet!"

When Wang Ming heard Danate Sihu's low growl, he was like a big rival.


The Danatus tiger wailed, and stopped growling. It just let out a sound from its mouth from time to time, which was similar to a low murmur, and seemed quite dissatisfied with Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at Danate Sihu, who was obviously dissatisfied with him, and another big patted him on the head.

After teaching the Danatus tiger a lesson, Wang Ming led it and walked towards the castle. Now Wang Ming needs to confirm where he is, so that the traversers can pick him up.

Wang Ming never lost contact with the "Imperial Truth". When Wang Ming just came out of the lake, Wang Ming took out a communicator from the mall and contacted the "Imperial Truth". Due to the strange magnetic field in the Gobe World Forest, the "Imperial Truth" could not determine the exact location of Wang Ming, only the approximate location of Wang Ming.

Wang Ming had to find a reference so that the travelers could know where he was and come to pick him up.

Wang Ming walked towards the castle and found a knight standing guard with a bolt-action rifle at the door, so Wang Ming immediately walked towards him.

"Hi sir, what is the name of this castle?"

Wang Ming walked up to the knight and asked him politely. Wang Ming's words were translated into Low Gothic by the translator on his neck and reached the knight's ears.

"Burkesburg, great giant, this is Birkersburg, wait! Be careful, my lord!"

Seeing Wang Ming in front of him, the knight thought it was the giants who had saved them before, and replied respectfully to Wang Ming, but when the knight saw the Danatus tiger behind Wang Ming, he immediately shouted at Wang Ming. He said, and he also took off the bolt-action rifle on his back.

He raised his bolt-action rifle and aimed it at the Danatus tiger, and while pulling the trigger, he shouted to Wang Ming to be careful behind his back.


The bullet flew out from the muzzle of the gun and hit the head of the Danatus tiger behind Wang Ming, and was bounced off by the scales on his head.


Danatus Tiger was obviously enraged by this shot, and instantly wanted to pounce on the knight, wanting to bite his neck off.

When the Danatus tiger flew towards the knight, Wang Ming grabbed it immediately, stepped on the ground with his foot, and controlled the Danatus tiger.

"Sorry, thank you for telling me the location."

Under the surprised eyes of the knight, Wang Ming dragged the Danatus tiger to a place far away from the castle, and then turned on the communicator to contact the "Imperial Truth".

"Captain Jiang Tao, my location is in Erkersburg, send a transport plane to pick me up."

Wang Ming spoke to Captain Jiang Tao through the communicator.

"Okay, Captain Wang Ming, I have confirmed your location and am notifying the hangar."

After receiving Wang Ming's order, Captain Jiang Tao quickly conveyed Wang Ming's order to the transport plane pilot in the hangar.

With the exact location, the transport plane arrived at Erkersburg where Wang Ming was located in a short while. Wang Ming watched as the hatch of the transport plane opened slowly, and there was a person sitting in it.

"Wu Xuan, is this kid undergoing surgery again?"

Wang Ming looked at the people in the cabin and dragged Danatus Tiger to the transport plane. Wang Ming stuffed Danatus Tiger into the transport plane first, and then entered the transport plane by himself.

"Boss, you have gained a lot from this one-day trip to the jungle."

Wu Xuan looked at Danatushu who was grabbed by the back of the neck by Wang Ming, and joked to Wang Ming, and he patted Danatushu's head while talking.

"It would have been a nice day out in the jungle if it hadn't been for falling off the track."

Wang Ming looked at the armor on his body, and while replying to Wu Xuan, he casually patted the head of Danatushu, who was grinning at Wu Xuan.

"By the way, has the merchant's ship been checked? Is there still chaos on it?"

After Wang Ming made a joke with Wu Xuan, he quickly asked him about something serious.

"After checking, there is only the demon host on the entire ship. Now everyone on the ship has been resettled to the Gobe world, and the ship is about to be completely destroyed. The equipment and personnel on it may have been corrupted by chaos. "

Wu Xuanxiang told Wang Ming what happened during the five hours after Wang Ming disappeared.

"Understood, let's do this, the ship will be destroyed in a while."

After listening to Wu Xuan's narration, Wang Ming nodded and said to Wu Xuan.

"One more thing, boss, what should the crew do?"

After Wu Xuan heard Wang Ming's words, he asked him how to deal with the crew of the "Warmaster Ambition". These crew members may have been exposed to the evil power of chaos. If they are left alone, they may leave a legacy for the future. Hidden danger.

"Well..., indeed, how many people are there?"

Wang Ming looked at Wu Xuan and asked him about the number of crew members.

"A total of 270 people, most of them are locals on the ship, and some are passengers who followed the ship to Terra."

Wu Xuan replied to Wang Ming that when the "Warmaster Ambition" was moored at the last star port, in addition to loading the "cargo" that Horus personally ordered to transport, it also loaded some passengers who were going to Terra.

"Five thousand, 270 and three people, forget it, build a one-way boat, send it to "Gurtel", and play with TiTiLe with those cultists before."

After hearing the number of people, Wang Ming thought for a while, and then said to Wu Xuan.

"Boss, you are letting them be cannon fodder."

Wu Xuan looked at Wang Ming and complained to Wang Ming.

"There is no way around this. Chaos' corruption cannot be eradicated. As long as they are still alive, Chaos' eyes will not be removed from them."

Wang Ming sighed and said to Wu Xuan. After Wang Ming finished speaking, both of them fell into silence.

Chaos corruption is inevitable for both mortals and space warriors. Space warriors can still use their strong willpower to resist this kind of corruption, and some mortals with strong willpower can also, but once signs of chaos corruption appear on their bodies, As long as it is still alive, it is only a matter of time before it is corrupted by Chaos
Chaos never lacks the time to corrupt intelligent creatures. One day, one week, one month, one year, no matter how strong its willpower is, under the corruption of chaos day and night, it will eventually fall into the embrace of chaos.

"By the way, I remembered one thing. Has the fleet led by the Battle Sister reached the Starport?"

After a while of silence, it was Wang Ming who broke the silence first and asked Wu Xuan about the situation of the battle nuns fleet.

"We've already arrived at the Starport, Boss, didn't you see that a large group of Battle Sisters and Christian believers, and a company of Astartes got off the ship in great numbers, and the leading Battle Sister wants to I came to you, saying that I was going to make a pilgrimage to the sons of the Emperor God."

When Wu Xuan heard Wang Ming's question, he immediately became excited and began to talk to Wang Ming about the scene when the fleet led by the Battle Sisters arrived at the star port.

The fleet members led by the Battle Sisters were a group of fanatical believers of the State Church, and there was also a company of the Astartes chapter "Book Burners" with ties to the State Church. They were originally planning to go to Cadia for a pilgrimage. But on the way, a big rift happened to open, and they were trapped in the subspace by a sudden subspace storm. They did not return to the real universe from the subspace until the day before. They had just returned to the real universe when Wang Ming contacted them.

Think about it, a fleet composed of state church members who just experienced the subspace storm, after experiencing the subspace storm that escaped death, just returned to the physical universe, and saw the emperor's heir who they thought was the son of God, the great Primarch.

Almost instantly they thought they could return to the physical universe, thinking that it was a gift from the Emperor to them, that the Emperor had sent them to this galaxy to follow the great Primarch.

"Ah this..."

Listening to Wu Xuan's eloquent narration, Wang Ming shook his head with a wry smile, expressing his helplessness towards these believers of the state religion.

(End of this chapter)

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