Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 142 Arriving at Kessel 4

Chapter 142 Arriving at Kessel [-]
"Name, prophecy content."

In the psychic suppression room, the Spiritual Prophet was tied up and placed on the ground. In front of her, Wang Ming and Hu Jin looked down at her and asked her. Their majestic voice seemed like a heavy hammer hitting the soul. Let the Eldar prophets have some fear.

As for how the Spirit Race got on the boat, Wang Ming knew how the Spirit Race got here, it wasn't some spells about psychic energy.

"Monkey, I have come to warn you that you will soon reach a world where I have seen souls howling in the darkness, I have seen children separated from their fathers, and I have seen worlds of ice and snow that will burn!"

Although the prophet of the spirit race felt terrified, she still spoke out her prophecy. Her Gothic language was not very good, and she smelled like a general when she spoke.

"What the hell?"

Wang Ming looked at the Prophet of the Spirit Race on the ground with a confused look on his face. What soul is crying?What separates?What world burns?Can you be more precise?Don't be a riddle!Riddler get off the Imperial Truth!

"Listen to the alien, first, we are called human beings, put away your arrogance, if it wasn't because you are a member of the death army, I would have chopped you up as an alien, and second, speak clearly and accurately Point, what is the situation, don't tell me these riddles, I know you know very well what the prophecy looks like."

Wang Ming looked at the spirit race on the ground, grabbed her head with his hands, and then put her face in front of him, instead of talking face to face, in the eyes of the spirit race prophet, Wang Ming's black pupils were like a universe. It was like a black hole, as if it wanted to pull her soul into it, and then compress it to pieces.

"Or, I can know the content of your prophecy in another way, such as our space fighter, ma'am, you don't want your brain to be eaten, do you?"

Wang Ming said to her, his voice was like a demon, at least in the eyes of the spirit tribe, Wang Ming stared into the eyes of the spirit tribe in front of him, he knew that his intimidation succeeded, because he saw obvious fear.

"I'm asking again now, name? Prophecy content? Ma'am, you should be glad that you are an Eldar and a member of the Death God Army. I don't dislike you too much. If you are some other alien, I will first Hack you to death, and then let the space warriors gnaw your brains to obtain memories, and finally feed your corpse to my pet."

Wang Ming felt that the Spirit Race was already frightening enough. He released the Spirit Race, and let her delicate face hit the metal floor. Wang Ming never felt that these aliens were easy to see. The knowledge has changed subtly.

Wang Ming likes human beings, not aliens. He looks at the spirit race just like a human being looks at monkeys, without any feeling at all.

The tenderness towards the little girl of the Spirit Race before was just like the tenderness towards a kitten and puppy. He just felt a little pitiful. If it were a human child, he would definitely chop up the alien that killed the child’s relatives into scorpions. .


The Spirit Race Prophet looked at Wang Ming, unable to say a word for a long time, because she already knew from Wang Ming's tone and behavior that this guy really might kill himself directly regardless of the Death God Army, she had seen it before Wang Ming's pet, that huge and terrifying monster covered in scales, she didn't want to be fed to that kind of thing.

"Oh, by the way, there is also the soul stone. I almost forgot about this, Hu Jin! When the time comes, after you gnaw her brains, take away her soul stone and be with the devil in your knife."

Wang Ming looked at the Lingzu who stuttered for a long time without a word, pretended to suddenly think of something, and said to Hu Jin who was beside him.

"Ah..., yes, yes, the demon in my knife likes the souls of the spirit race very much."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming, and instantly answered with understanding, and he pulled out the devil's long knife while speaking.

"My name is Elise. I have predicted that your soul will howl in the darkness, you will be separated from your genetic offspring, the power of chaos will corrupt you alone, and the world you go to will be covered in flames of war!"

Listening to the double reeds of Wang Ming and Hu Jin, the prophet of the Spirit Race finally ceased to be a riddler and spoke out his prophecy in the most concise and clear way.

"Look, this is not enough, but I want to be a riddle."

Wang Ming looked at the Prophet of the Spirit Race approvingly, nodded and said, he is extremely satisfied with this answer.

"Okay, let's release our allies, after all, they are our allies, but don't take off the psionic suppressor, she is still very dangerous, Captain Jiang Tao, send a combat iron man to follow her 24 hours a day, she is ours Allies, we want to keep her safe."

After Wang Ming collected the information he needed, he asked someone to release the Prophet of the Spirit Race. Anyway, there is no spiritual power. There are [-] Astartes in this ship, and a large number of mortal auxiliary troops. The Iron Man, and a group of Mechanicus god assistants who are looking at the various equipment of the "Imperial Truth", two immortals and a Primarch, Wang Ming does not believe that you, an Eldar, can survive in this Make trouble under the circumstances.

"Thank you, thank you, human."

The Lingzu stammered to Wang Ming, saying that she had begun to be polite under the fear Wang Ming gave her.

"It's really polite, let's go, take a look around, we are very hospitable."

Wang Ming gently held her head and pulled her up from the ground. The restraints on her body have been lifted by Captain Jiang Tao.

After she was lifted from the ground by Wang Ming, she staggered on the ground for a few steps before stabilizing her body.

The Spirit Race Prophet left the Psionic Energy Suppression Room followed by the Battle Iron Man, but she did not dare to go anywhere else, she only dared to sit in the observation room of the Psychic Energy Suppression Room. After seeing Wang Ming's horror, she There is no such arrogance as before.

Wang Ming looked at the spirit clan sitting on the chair, whose body was still trembling slightly, and took Hu Jin out of the psionic suppression room. Wang Ming was not worried about the spirit clan at all. Captain Jiang Tao would stare at her all the time. .

"My soul will howl in the dark, I will be separated from you, the world we are about to arrive in will be covered in flames of war, Hu Jin, what do you think?"

Wang Ming and Hu Jin were walking in the corridor, Wang Ming asked Hu Jin while walking.

"How should I put it? Chaos is probably doing something again this time. According to the prophecy, boss, your death this time will be very miserable."

Hu Jin thought for a while, and then said to Wang Ming.

"Whatever, as long as it's not something from the underworld, I don't care."

After hearing Hu Jin's words, Wang Ming replied disapprovingly, he was already a little used to death, as long as it wasn't something from the underworld in the subspace, he didn't care.

"I think it should be this time, Boss, your soul will be howling when the time comes, isn't this something from the underworld?"

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming and analyzed it again, and then said, he felt that this time, Wang Ming should be tortured very badly.

"How many times have I been tormented by the Emperor? He made the fake subspace essence before, and he whipped my psychic master every day. I'm already numb."

Hearing Hu Jin's analysis, Wang Ming waved his hands and said calmly, his wailing had already been completely exhausted in the pocket of the emperor's psychic competition, what can he do this time?Wang Ming did not believe that what happened this time could be even more outrageous than the emperor.

The 40K prophecy is very strange. You can believe the prophecy, and the prophecy is very accurate, but since it is a prophecy, it cannot be changed. This thing will definitely happen in the future.

For example, an Eldar saw that he would be hacked to death by an interstellar warrior in the future, and then he wanted to change his fate of being hacked to death in the future. The warrior killed everyone, including him, successfully fulfilling the content of the prophecy.

"It's going to happen anyway, just wait."

Wang Ming looked at the door of the operating room in front of him and said, Wang Ming and Hu Jin walked into the operating room. Today there is a young man who is ready to become an Astartes monk.

"Oort, don't be so nervous, your operation will start as soon as we leave the subspace, you can go to sleep for a while."

As soon as Wang Ming entered the door, he saw Ort Peckhardt who was sitting nervously on the chair. Wang Ming walked up to him and said to him, this young man is still a little nervous.

"No, Lord Primarch, I'm ready."

Alt Pekhart looked at Wang Ming and said firmly that he was not nervous because he was afraid of the operation, but was too excited.

"There are at least two hours left. Let Minerva give you a physical examination first to see how the gene seeds are growing."

Wang Ming looked at the young man and nodded, then patted him on the head and said, Wang Ming is very satisfied with Alt Peckhardt, who has a relationship with Anton and a blessing from Emperor Agel He is the only recruit who has been forcibly trained in the auxiliary army barracks. He has participated in battles, and he has participated in some battles in the mortal auxiliary army. He is already a real warrior.

"He has already had a physical examination. The gene seed has developed well, and all physical indicators are very normal. Surgery can be performed at any time."

The holographic projection of Minerva appeared next to Wang Ming, and placed Alt Pekhart's body index data in front of Wang Ming.

"Captain Wang Ming, the ship will jump out of the subspace and arrive at the destination galaxy in an hour. It's strange that we shouldn't arrive so soon. My subspace monitoring equipment and navigator have both detected a subspace turbulence. , although it was only for a split second, I think that's why we arrived early."

After Minerva reported Ort Pekhart's body data, she informed Wang Ming of the ship's early arrival.

The arrival time of the "Imperial Truth" was very abnormal. It was obviously expected to take about a week to arrive in the subspace voyage, but suddenly it arrived within a day, as if something had affected the voyage time.

"Five possibilities, it doesn't matter which one it is, anyway, it's right if someone wants to mess with us."

Looking at the holographic projection of Minerva in front of him, Wang Ming shook his head helplessly. He already knew what was messing with them, and it was nothing more than the five subspace gods messing with them.

After an hour's voyage, the "Imperial Truth" jumped out of the subspace and arrived at the Kessel Galaxy. Captain Jiang Tao immediately located the position of the Kossel [-] star, started the sublight engine and sailed towards it.

"How about surgery?"

In the observation room of the operating room, Wang Ming looked at Ort Pekhart on the operating table and asked Minerva.

"It was very successful, there was no mutation reaction, no rejection reaction, and the 22 organs adapted to his body very well."

The holographic projection of Minerva is floating beside Wang Ming. She has completed the operation of Ort Peckhardt, and the result of the operation is very successful. Wang Ming's gene seed brings strong adaptability and vitality to his gene offspring , so that he doesn't have to worry about the failure of the operation or the accidental method.

"That's good, let's get ready. After arriving at Koser [-], let each regiment separate, and lead the mortal auxiliary army by company to disperse in various cities on the planet. This battle is probably difficult to fight."

Wang Ming looked at Minerva in front of him, and said to him, through the prophecy of the Spirit Race, he already knew that he would act alone this time, and even the traversers could not be resurrected by his side, so he simply dispersed the traversers , to maximize efficiency.

"Okay, the notification has been completed."

After Minerva heard Wang Ming's order, she uploaded Wang Ming's order to the commanders of various command levels.

It only took half a day for the "Imperial Truth" to reach the sky above Koser [-], and the ship slowly anchored on the star port.

The star port of Kessel [-] is still under the control of the empire for the time being, and the staff on it cheered wildly after seeing the Imperial Skyhawk on the hull of the "Imperial Truth". Come on, the efficiency of the Ministry of the Interior this time is really too high.

After the Starport staff docked the "Imperial Truth", they all stood in front of the docking port, waiting for the troops supporting Kosser [-] to enter the Starport. They had already been numb by the green skins, and the Empire's support finally came. .

The gate of the docking port opened slowly, and the staff stretched their heads to look inside the gate one by one. Some of the staff behind the crowd even stepped on the moving machine servants, so that they could stand higher and see behind the crowd. Scenes.

"Clap clap clap..."

From the docking port, there was a sound of steel colliding. As the sound approached, a giant in golden armor came out from the docking port. His golden power armor shone sacredly under the light. Several emperor angels around him walked with him, and the emperor angel was like a mortal and an angel under his height.

The moment all mortals saw the giant, there was a sense of affinity with the giant in their hearts. They felt that their souls were washed, and they were extremely comfortable.

Just like the legendary scene where the Lord of Humans walks in the mortal world, all mortals who saw the giant knelt on one knee and watched the giant say all the praises they had known in their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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