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Chapter 145 The Demon Primarch and the Bound Legion

Chapter 145 The Demon Primarch and the Bound Legion


The body and soul of the devil prince were burned by human karma. This kind of extreme pain was unbearable even for a prince of Slaanesh who could enjoy the pain.

The blessing of Slaanesh was erased by human karma, and a normal human feeling appeared on the devil prince. The double pain of body and soul even made his body start to twitch unconsciously.

Wang Ming looked at the demon prince who had been burned by the golden flames, and made up another sword. This sword cut off his head directly, making him die beyond measure.

The twisted head of the demon host rolled to the ground, and the rest of his body burned in the fire of human karma, which would consume his sinful body.


Suddenly, a desperate roar came from a distance, Wang Ming was taken aback by the roar, and he quickly turned his head to look at the source of the roar.


Kedar looked at Sarathel, who was being burned by golden flames, and shouted its name in despair. It and Sarathel have been friends for 1 years. From the Legion era to the Horus Rebellion, this eternal It was with Sarathel in the long battle.

They are friends, they are brothers. Kedar's act of ascending the devil is to prevent Sarathel and himself from being killed by Wu Xuan, but now Sarathel is dead, and now its heart is filled with endless anger Man, it rushed towards Wang Ming without thinking about anything, it just wanted to kill the person who killed his brother, even though the other party was a Primarch.

Wang Ming watched the demon prince rushing towards him, his body flashing with psychic lightning, raised the golden giant sword again, and rushed towards the demon prince.


Just as Wang Ming rushed towards the devil prince, a psychic lightning struck Wang Ming first.

The psychic lightning hit Wang Ming, but was blocked by the defensive force field on his power armor. Wang Ming's actions were not hindered, and he still rushed towards the devil prince quickly.

Seeing that the psychic lightning did not harm Wang Ming, the devil prince began to wave his twisted claws and continued to charge towards Wang Ming.


Wang Ming and the devil prince had just made contact, and the golden giant sword was about to hit the devil prince's claw, but a sudden sound made both Wang Ming and the devil prince stop their movements.

Wang Ming and the devil looked at the place where the sound came from. The place was not far from them, and Wang Ming and the devil prince could see it very clearly.

It was above an open space, the space on the open space was broken like glass, and a huge claw protruded from it. With the claw protruding, a huge distorted body also quickly passed through the subspace portal. drilled out.

"What the hell, Fulgrim?"

Wang Ming looked at the extremely distorted and terrifying figure, and immediately recognized its identity. It was the demon prince of Slaanesh, the former Primarch of the Third Legion, Fulgrim.

Fulgrim got out from the portal, surprisingly, one of its hands was still holding Lu Xiaoxiao who had escaped just now. Lu Xiaoxiao had already been punished by Fulgrim sent by Slaanesh for running away. .

"Oh~, we finally meet, my strange brother~"

After Fulgrim saw Wang Ming, he threw Lu Xiaoxiao on the ground, and rushed towards Wang Ming excitedly. You must know that the task Slaanesh gave it was to corrupt Wang Ming. Fulgrim was extremely excited when he received this order. At that time, I had already begun to imagine what could happen between myself and this strange brother. They could do many things together.

"Let's settle this first."

Wang Ming looked at Fulgrim who was rushing towards him, and in an instant, he slashed at the devil prince who was watching Fulgrim foolishly beside him. This sword directly took the head of the devil prince.

Wang Ming used all his strength with this sword. He must quickly deal with the demon prince, and then concentrate on confronting Fulgrim. The giant sword instantly cut into the demon prince's neck, and the golden flame quickly entered the demon prince from the edge of the sword. In an instant, the demon prince was burned from the inside out into a mass of ashes.

After Wang Ming dealt with the devil prince in an instant, he set up his posture and prepared to deal with Fulgrim rushing towards him. Just after Wang Ming had already settled his posture, Wang Ming suddenly felt that his body became very heavy. It was as if the Titan was pressing on him.

This was not Wang Ming's mental feeling, but the power that really acted on his body, and the ground under him even cracked due to this huge weight.

"Psionic spells."

Wang Ming felt the abnormality in his body, and raised his head to look at Fulgrim with difficulty. He now knew the source of the psychic spell. Just behind Fulgrim, another huge figure was fighting with him. Several Thousand Sons Space Marines held their staffs together, and the psychic light flickered wantonly around them.


Wang Ming looked at the giant holding up the staff and casting psionic spells, and felt numb. The two demon primarchs even hit a hammer.

"Oh, my brother, what's wrong with you? Can't you move~"

Fulgrim arrived at Wang Ming's side. It looked at Wang Ming who was suppressed by the psychic spell, and said excitedly. While talking, Fulgrim licked Wang Ming with his disgusting tongue. Face in a helmet.


Wang Ming looked at the distorted face in front of him, and a disgusting scent filled Wang Ming's nasal cavity, which made Wang Ming feel extremely disgusted. Wang Ming was very glad that he was wearing a helmet, it was really disgusting.

"Fulgrim, hurry up, he's struggling very hard, we won't be able to suppress him for long."

Magnus looked at Fulgrim who was writhing in front of Wang Ming and said, Wang Ming has been struggling since he was suppressed. Under the spell of Gnus, it still doesn't have much effect.

"Fine, fine, anyway, he will be mine when the time comes."

Fulgrim heard Magnus's words and replied to him. After Fulgrim finished speaking with Magnus, it put a knife on Wang Ming's neck.

"Oh~, my brother, enjoy~, when you wake up again, you can share the joy with me."

As Fulgrim said, he stabbed into the gap in the armor on Wang Ming's neck. The devil's blade pierced through Wang Ming's inner lining and entered his body. The evil poison of Slaanesh also followed the blade Entered, also entered Wang Ming's body.

Wang Ming looked at the blade that pierced his neck, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. Finally, after holding on for a minute, Wang Ming collapsed directly on the ground.

"Successful, his soul has been pulled into my lord's realm."

Fulgrim looked at Wang Ming who was collapsed on the ground, and excitedly said to Magnus.

"Better so."

Magnus looked at Wang Ming on the ground, lifted the spell, and said to Fulgrim that it didn't think Slaanesh would succeed, because it knew it when it first came into contact with Wang Ming on the moon, Wang Ming is a special Primitive, a Primarch that, like him, aims to accomplish a certain purpose.

"Okay, now take him away."

Magnus told Fulgrim that he did not tell his brother what was in his heart, because it would be meaningless.

"Clap clap clap!!"

Just as Fulgrim was about to take Wang Ming away after hearing what Magnus said, a burst of explosive bombs hit him suddenly.

The three Krieger brothers finally arrived. Looking at Wang Ming on the ground, the three Krieger brothers suddenly felt an indescribable anger in their hearts.

Bai Qi rushed towards Fulgrim with the hammer of thunder, while Wang Ben and Zhang Liangjie used storm bolters, and kept attacking Fulgrim from the side to cover Bai Qi's charge.

The bombs did little damage to the Primarch, but they could still interfere with Fulgrim. Under the cover of Wang Ben and Zhang Liangjie, Bai Qi rushed to Fulgrim's side, just as he was about to swing the Thunder Hammer to attack Fulgrim. When he was with Grem, Fulgrim suddenly cut Bai Qi in half with a single knife, and Bai Qi didn't even see how Fulgrim cut himself in half.

The gap between the Primarch and the Space Marines is reflected at this moment. Fulgrim is like killing a chicken, and quickly kills the three Primaris Space Warriors wearing iron cavalry terminators. Magnus looks at Fogg Rem shook his head with his behavior, it knew the characteristics of the traversers, but it didn't stop Fulgrim immediately.

"Fulgrim, you should not have killed them."

Magnus spoke to Fulgrim after Fulgrim had killed the Krieger brothers.


Fulgrim was puzzled when he heard Magnus, wasn't it just three space warriors?Is there anything you can't kill?
"Clap clap clap!"

Fulgrim was in doubt, when suddenly a burst of explosive bombs hit its body from behind, Fulgrim turned his head suddenly, and saw the three space warriors who had just been killed by it standing Beside Wang Ming, he held a bolt gun and shot at himself.

"It's impossible. The bodies of the three of them are still on the ground. It's so possible."

Looking at the three space warriors in front of him, Fulgrim thought in surprise.

"To deal with them, suppression is a good choice compared to killing them."

Looking at the surprised Fulgrim, Magnus finally raised the staff in his hand and pointed it at the three Krieger brothers.

Just like Wang Ming before, the three Krieger brothers were also pressed down by the gravity of psionic spells and couldn't move.

"Okay, let's take him away quickly, it won't last long over there, and father will be here after a while."

Magnus looked at Fulgrim and said to it that Tzeentch had already told Magnus that he could not hold on any longer, and he didn't know if his words were true or not.


Just when Magnus had just said these words, interstellar warriors blazing with flames suddenly appeared around them. These interstellar warriors used explosive bombs with strange flames to continuously attack Fu Graham and Magnus.

These explosive bombs with strange flames can cause damage to Fulgrim and Magnus, even if it is only a little damage. Magnus and Fulgrim are quickly killing these space fighters who suddenly appeared, But these interstellar warriors are like subspace demons, no matter how many are killed, they will continue to appear continuously.

"We're still slow."

Magnus looked at the space fighters around him and thought in his heart that he knew his father had arrived, and their plan to take Wang Ming away had failed.

But there is nothing wrong with that, the rot of Slaanesh has been planted, their task has been completed.

"This..., this is my brother."

Magnus was thinking, when he heard Fulgrim say this sentence suddenly.

Magnus followed Fulgrim's line of sight, and saw that among the Astartes, a giant with flames all over his body was rushing towards them with a huge thunder hammer in his hands. Like metal, it has no head, and its body is full of raging flames.


Magnus instantly recognized the identity of the giant, which was killed by Fulgrim himself ten thousand years ago, Ferrus Manus, the Primarch of the Tenth Legion.

The headless giant rushed directly in front of Fulgrim, and swung his giant hammer towards his head. Although Fulgrim was shocked, he still caught the hammer.


Fulgrim looked at the giant in front of him, and fought against it in an instant. Their movements were so fast that the long knife and the hammer collided in the air.

During the battle, Fulgrim subconsciously slashed at the giant's neck, but the attack was in vain because the giant lost its head ten thousand years ago.

While Fulgrim was slashing at his head, the giant directly hit Fulgrim's body with the Thunder Hammer, and Fulgrim flew out with a snap after being hit by the Thunder Hammer.

However, the headless giant did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. After he knocked Fulgrim into the air, he just stood beside Wang Ming, standing with the three Krieg brothers who had escaped from the shackles, and guarded Wang Ming.

"Sure enough, we are just tools, even after we die."

Magnus looked at the headless giant guarding Wang Ming, and said sadly.

"Fulgrim! We can go!"

After Magnus killed several space fighters who were attacking him and the Thousand Sons Supreme Sorcerer with spells, he shouted at Fulgrim, and then opened a portal to communicate with his genetic offspring. Moisturized.

"I know."

Fulgrim got up from the ground, stared at the headless giant for a while, then grabbed the Slaanesh God's Chosen on the ground, and opened a portal to return to the warp.

"Boss, boss, wake up!"

Bai Qi looked at Wang Ming lying on the ground, shouted and tried to wake Wang Ming up.

"It's over, it's over, the boss is going to the ICU too."

Bai Qi looked at the wound on Wang Ming's neck, remembered Fulgrim before, and immediately thought of Fulgrim's injury to Guilliman.

"Let's take the boss back first, there shouldn't be a stasis position, right?"

When Wang Ben heard Bai Qi's words, he also thought of Guilliman, and he said to Bai Qi and Zhang Liangjie.

"Well, compared to this, have you noticed when the surrounding cursed legion disappeared?"

Looking at the empty battlefield at some point, Zhang Liangjie said to the two brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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