Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 151 "Regular" Surgery of the Greenskin

Chapter 151 "Regular" Surgery of the Greenskin

"Zhang Mingyu! Support!"

The traverser kicked down the green leather scrap metal can, and then rushed to the next scrap metal can while using the communicator inside the helmet to ask the traverser in the team closest to them.

"Come on, what the hell, there are too many green skins."

Zhang Mingyu and the auxiliary army quickly moved towards the traverser. While talking to the traverser, Zhang Mingyu chopped off the green skin that was rushing towards him.

"Hurry up, I won't be able to hold on if I don't come, half of my body is almost gone, it really hurts like hell!"

Gritting his teeth, the traverser raised his power sword and looked at the green-skinned scrap iron cans and all kinds of green-skinned people in front of him. He was almost unable to hold on now.


A green-skinned head rushed straight towards the traverser, and while shooting wildly at the traverser, it ran towards the traverser.


Just when the traverser was about to wait for the green boy to rush in front of him and kill him with a sword, a laser beam directly vaporized his head.

"My lord! Come back quickly, our weapons are ready!"

Muhata yelled at the traverser, and the traverser also watched, the weapons of the auxiliaries are ready, the plasma has cooled down, and the meltagun has replaced the ammunition.

"That's good…"

Looking at the auxiliary army, the traverser felt a burst of relief, and fell to the ground involuntarily. His mission had been basically completed, and he needed to be revived. His body could no longer support him.

"grown ups!"

Muhata and the mortal auxiliary army watched the traverser fall, and rushed towards the traverser. They could not let Master Astarte die on this battlefield.

"No! I have to wait for Zhang Mingyu to arrive before I die!"

The traverser had already fallen on the ground and lost consciousness, but when he was dying, he heard the shouts of Muhata and the auxiliary army, and remembered something. The traverser stuck his power sword on the ground and supported himself forcibly body, stood up unsteadily.

"Don't come here! This is an order! Wait where you are, support will be here soon!"

The traverser stood up, and although his figure was already shaky, he still shouted at the auxiliary army with the loudest voice he could make now.

After hearing the roar of the traverser, the auxiliary army hesitated and stopped. Although the auxiliary army still wanted to come and take the traverser away, because it was the order of Lord Astarte, they must obey .

"Damn it, it hurts so much! No matter how many times I feel like this..., the feeling of death, no matter how many times I feel like this..."

The traverser staggered for a while, and finally fell down. His consciousness gradually disappeared. The traverser had experienced this feeling many times, but no matter how many times, this feeling of death made the traverser feel uncomfortable.

"It's finally here, Leman Russ is leading the way! Don't stop the lasers! Hey! Hey! Qi Lu, where are you? I'm here!"

Zhang Mingyu looked at the mortal auxiliary army that was fighting with the green skins, and then used the communicator to call the traverser's name, but he did not see the traverser in the mortal auxiliary army.

"Stop shouting, I'm listening, I hung up, and I'm next to the company commander, come here right away."

Qi Lu's voice appeared in Zhang Mingyu's earphones, and the helplessness in his tone almost overflowed.

"Oh~, so that's the case, alas~, I saw your dead body!"

After Zhang Mingyu heard Qi Lu's words, he searched on the battlefield, and he soon found Qi Lu's body.

"Oh~, my brother~, Brother Qi Lu~, why did you die so miserably~"

He rushed to the side of Qi Lu's body in a flash, picked up Qi Lu's body, and said to Qi Lu on the communicator.

"Uncle Ni..."

Qi Lu listened to the voice in the communicator speechless, he was really speechless for this class of fighting brothers.

"Be serious... I'll come right over and protect the auxiliary army."

Qi Lu said to his fighting brother who was out of tune.

"Okay, the battle is basically stable, and the surrounding teams have come to support, it's all right."

After hearing Qi Lu's words, Zhang Mingyu immediately became serious. After observing the surrounding battle situation, he said to Qi Lu.

After the two teams joined forces, the battle situation basically stabilized. The auxiliary army has an advantage against the green skins. The laser rifle can easily kill the orc boy, but the green leather scrap iron cans make the lasers of the auxiliary army completely useless. As a result, neither the auxiliary army nor the traversers can figure out why a piece of scrap iron plate armor can reach the laser shooting.

"The front line is advancing steadily, and there are not many green skins left."

Wang Ming in the command center looked at the sand table on the data board and said relaxedly.

"Yes, my lord, the remaining orcs have been concentrated in the east of the island, and they have nowhere to escape now."

Colonel Andras also looked at the sand table on the data board and said, now that the green skins have been deliberately forced by the human army, they have all concentrated in one area, and they have no way out.

"Okay, the green skin cleanup operation on this island has been basically completed, and the command has been transferred to the third company commander of the second regiment. Now I need to go to the next island. By the way, where is the planetary governor of this world?"

Wang Ming put down the data pad in his hand and said to Andras.

"Okay, Lord Primarch, the planetary governor of this world is on another island, and the battle on that island is in charge of the first company led by Hu Jin."

After hearing what Wang Ming said, Andras replied to Wang Ming.

"Well, by the way, there is one more thing, let the pharmacist of the third company (travelers who know a little bit of surgery) go and recover the gene seeds on the battlefield."

Wang Ming walked to the door of the headquarters, suddenly remembered something, and said to Colonel Andras.

"Good Primarch."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Andras bowed respectfully and replied to Wang Ming.

On the battlefield, heavy snow had already fallen at some point. In the empty space, next to the wreckage of the ancient giant garbage that Wang Ming played with bombs, among the countless snowdrifts made of green-skinned corpses, a ball of bulging snow Beside the pile, a fart was digging hard at the snow, trying to dig out the objects in the snowdrift.

"I got it! Boss Dakla!"

Grit looked at the green-skinned corpse with only half of its head left in the snowdrift, and shouted excitedly. After shouting, it continued to dig the snow vigorously until it dug out the whole green-skinned boy in the snowdrift. .

The Grit dragged the Greenskin's body out of the snowdrift, and then dragged it hard toward a hidden cave.

"Crazy doctor Ayala! I brought the boss back!"

Grott worked extremely hard to get the green boy's body out of the cave. After entering the cave, Grott shouted at a green skin in a white coat in the cave.

"I told you! Don't call me a crazy doctor! Call me a doctor! I'm a doctor!"

The green skin wearing a white coat, after hearing Grott's words, turned his head and yelled at Grott angrily. He is a "regular" green skin doctor, not those crazy doctors from "black workshops".

"Okay Mad Doctor Ayala, no problem Mad Doctor Ayala."

The Grit said to Dr. Ayala while dragging Dakla's body to the operating table made of stone.

"You mushroom! I should have made you an experiment!"

Crazy doctor Ayala looked at Grit angrily, and said angrily, but even though it said so, it would never do that.

This grit is its only friend, this grit named Reuven has been taking care of it since it was a big mushroom, and it has been supporting its other kids since it became a kid Disdainful experiments and medical technology research, the green skin corpses it has been using for research are all dragged back from the battlefield by the fart Reuven.

"Forget it! Let me see if this boss can be saved. He fought the big golden skinned guy before. As long as I heal him well, he will definitely become a very waaagh boss."

Crazy doctor Ayala looked at the green boy on the operating table with only half of his head left, and said excitedly to himself.

"But, crazy doctor Ayala, it's half of its head gone, it's already dead, how do you revive it?"

Lu Wen, the fart, looked at the crazy doctor Ayala, who was excitedly looking at the green boy on the operating table, and asked him, he didn't understand why the crazy doctor Ayala wanted to bring this kid back by himself. A green-skinned boy who was already quite dead, and the mad doctor Ayala even risked his life to bring it back. You must know that there are all shrimp boys and shrimp bosses outside.

"What do you know! I am the greatest doctor in green skin history!"

Crazy doctor Ayala glanced at the fart Lu Wen, and then said to him in a pretentious and unfathomable tone. Crazy doctor Ayala put a pair of white gloves on his hands while talking.

This pair of gloves was found on a local PDF medical soldier on the battlefield, and it is a bit inappropriate to wear it on his hands now, and it tightens his big green leather hands.

"Crazy doctor Ayala, do we have to do this?"

While looking at Mad Doctor Ayala, Grit put on a white coat of the same size as it, and also put on a mask made of a piece of white cloth.

"Of course, that's how we saw those Xiami doctors before. We need to learn "regular" medical technology."

As the crazy doctor Ayala said, he also put a simple mask made of white cloth on his face.

"Also! Assistant Reuven! Please call me Dr. Ayala!"

Suddenly, Mad Doctor Ayala remembered something, and said to Lu Wen, the fart, that he has been learning human medical technology, hoping that his medical technology will become "regular", and that he can become a "human doctor" like a human doctor. A doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded".

But sadly, even though it worked so hard, none of the injured kids came to him for treatment, and they all went to another crazy doctor.

That green-skinned crazy doctor was Ayala's thorn in the side and a thorn in his flesh before, and he looked down on that green-skinned crazy doctor, thinking that the green-skinned crazy doctor's surgery and medical techniques were extremely irregular.

But now it's all right, that green-skinned crazy doctor has been hacked to death by those shrimp boys and those shrimp bosses, and he has no competitors anymore.

After Mad Doctor Ayala finished speaking, he stretched out his white-gloved hand to Lu Wen, the fart. Lu Wen understood and handed over the surgical tools that Mad Doctor Ayala needed. It, it has completed many "operations" with Ayala mad doctor, so it naturally knows what Ayala mad doctor means.

"Assistant Lu Wen, you have done a great job, you are already a qualified doctor's assistant!"

Crazy doctor Ayala took the surgical tools from the fart Reuven, and then praised the fart Reuven.

After the crazy doctor Ayala praised the fart Lu Wen, he started his own "surgery". The fragments of the explosive bomb in the brain were carefully removed one by one.

After removing all the fragments, the crazy doctor Ayala threw the scalpel covered with green skin tissue into a cup filled with clean water.

After the mad doctor Ayala threw the scalpel into the cup, he took out a small cup from an iron plate prepared in advance, and carefully poured the contents into Dakla's head.

After doing all this, the crazy doctor Ayala took out a green leather skull prepared in advance, and after drawing a circle along the remaining part of Dakla's head, he attached it to Dakla's head. on the head.

"Well, the operation was a complete success."

After doing all this, the crazy doctor Ayala took off his white gloves, and then made it on a stone, picked up a chubby little Skorg and gnawed it.

"And then? So it can come back to life?"

The fart Lu Wen looked at the green-skinned boy on the operating table, and asked the crazy doctor Ayala suspiciously. He didn't believe it, so that a dead boy could be revived.

"Of course, with my "regular" technology, it will definitely come alive, and then it will become a great warBoss, leading us to launch a great waaaagh!"

After the crazy doctor Ayala took the Skorgsai into his mouth, he chewed and said confidently to Reuven the fart, it is very confident in its own skills, and it thinks that it is the best of all the green skins Doctor, think that the kid on the operating table will definitely wake up.

In this way, Dr. Ayala and his assistant Reuven the fart were waiting in the cave, waiting for the results of the operation of the crazy doctor Ayala, and waiting for Dakla to wake up.


Just when the crazy doctor Ayala and the fart Lu Wen were about to doze off from boredom, a sudden roar came from the operating table, which immediately lifted the spirits of the two big mushrooms who were about to sleep.

Crazy doctor Ayala and Lu Wen the fart hurriedly looked at the operating table. When Ayala crazy doctor and Lu Wen saw the situation on the operating table, the two big mushrooms showed two completely different faces. kind of expression.

On the operating table, the green-skinned boy, who was already utterly dead, actually sat up, staring at crazy doctor Ayala and the fart Lu Wen in a daze.

Mad Doctor Ayala's face was full of excitement and excitement, its "normal" medical treatment was finally successful, while Reuven the Fart was shocked, he was shocked that Mad Doctor Ayala had succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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