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Chapter 157 Wang Ming Attracts Hatred

Chapter 157 Wang Ming Attracts Hatred

Where the light spear ray passed, everything was burned, and a huge light spear shot trace extended from the ground. Where the light spear passed, the snow on the ground was melted, and the land was glazed.

The attack trace of this luminous spear can even be observed in space, a pitch-black trace traverses the entire valley, and even penetrates the surrounding mountain peaks.

"Follow me, boys! That boss Xiami is not wearing armor, hack him to death!"

Just when Wang Ming was thinking about how to put on the armor, a green-skinned roar suddenly appeared.

Although the surrounding greenskins didn't understand why Wang Ming was still alive after being hit by the light spear, they knew that the shrimp boss was not wearing armor, so he must be very easy to fight.

"Uh..., when did these green skins learn to take advantage of others?"

Wang Ming looked at the green skins around him, looked at the steaming golden giant sword and the infinite ammunition bolter on the ground, and thought in his heart that the material of these things was real cow, even the light spear rays could not melt them.

"Aren't these items custom-made by the Emperor?"

Wang Ming looked at the weapons on the ground, and opened the system mall silently. After all, putting on clothes is the most important thing. It is too embarrassing for a giant of [-] meters to stand naked on the battlefield.

"Then..., brothers, cover me, I..., put on some clothes..."

Wang Ming said to the revived traversers around him in embarrassment, how embarrassing his tone was.

"Don't worry, Boss, we will definitely protect you wearing...clothes, just as the brothers are still in a state of anger."

A traverser next to Wang Ming turned his back to Wang Ming and said, as for why he turned his back to Wang Ming, without him, Wang Ming's current state is too hot for eyes.


Wang Ming looked at the backs of the traversers in extreme embarrassment, hurriedly took out a set of ritual armor from the mall, and quickly began to put it on himself.


The greenskins began to frantically attack the defense line of the traversers again, trying to break through the line of traversers, and hacked to death Wang Ming, the shrimp boss.

The boys are very excited, they have never fought such a waaagh battle, the enemy seems to be endless and more and more, this makes the green boy very excited, this is the endless war that the green boy pursues.

"Boss! Are you dressed properly? I seem to see red light again!"

Suddenly a traverser shouted to Wang Ming, he seemed to see the light of the green-skinned light spear recharging just now.

"Okay, brothers, run!"

After Wang Ming heard the words of the traverser, he swiped and left his original position in an instant.

Wang Ming's speed was very fast. After he left, the traversers were still moving slowly to the side. The speed of the iron cavalry terminator was too slow.

"Fuck! Boss! What are we going to do with you running so fast!? Is it true that there are infinite resurrections and we don't care about us?!"

The traversers looked in surprise at Wang Ming who almost disappeared like teleportation, and thought helplessly in their hearts.

"Zizizi! Crack!!"

Looking at the light of the green-skinned light spear charging, the traversers thought they were going to die again, but the green-skinned light spear matrix suddenly exploded after a few flashes of red light, and even the surrounding green-skinned boys were killed. And farts, all deep-fried into fresh grilled giant mushrooms.

"This green skin thing is really of the quality of Schrödinger."

Wang Ming looked at the huge exploding fireball, and said with emotion, this light spear matrix is ​​purely rubbed out of all kinds of weird garbage. Who knows its quality and working principle, how did the green skins solve it? One shot is already a miracle made by my power of thinking.

"Now start over! Kill all these aliens!"

Looking at the flames of the explosion, Wang Ming quickly grabbed the green-skinned head that was rushing towards him. With a little force, the green-skinned body instantly turned into a headless corpse.

"Come on! Kill me! Alien! Let your cowardly boss come out!"

Wang Ming threw the green-skinned headless corpse into the green-skinned group. As before, the green-skinned corpse exploded under the huge kinetic energy.

"Xiami! Who do you call a coward!!"

After Wang Ming let out a loud roar, he was about to go to the green-skinned group to kill. At this moment, a loud shout came from the green-skinned group.

"War Boss!"

When Wang Ming heard the roar that almost drowned out the sound of the guns on the battlefield, he thought in his heart that only the war leader of the green-skin tribe had this momentum and answer.

"It's you! You coward! You only hide behind the boys! You're like a shrimpy bitch!!"

Wang Ming yelled towards the source of the voice, he understood that he had successfully angered the beast, and now he only needed to light a little fire.

"You shrimp!!"

The War Boss was successfully enraged, and it began to rush towards Wang Ming crazily, and the green-skinned boys who blocked it were knocked away one by one.

"Oh, it's quite high."

As the green-skinned warBoss approached, Wang Ming saw the height of that green-skinned warboss, which was actually more than five meters tall, which was a head taller than Wang Ming.

"Er..., no weapons... forget it!"

Wang Ming looked at the equipment on his body, and suddenly realized that he had forgotten to take a new set of weapons. The previous weapons were still steaming, and he couldn't take them, otherwise his hands would be familiar.

"Come on! You (Scent of Birds and Flowers)! You are a (Traditional Greeting from Earth)! You are a big green mushroom!!"

Wang Ming also rushed towards the green-skinned warboss, sending out traditional earth greetings frantically while rushing towards him.


The moment Wang Ming came into contact with the green-skinned warBoss, Wang Ming directly uppercuted the green-skinned warBoss on the chin, and the head of the green-skinned warBoss was thrown back by Wang Ming's punch.

But this does not prevent it from attacking Wang Ming. It held a huge power knife and quickly slashed at Wang Ming's arm. The speed of this beast was even faster than Wang Ming. Wang Ming quickly retracted his arm. , but still did not dodge the knife.

The disintegrating force field slashed across Wang Ming's wrist, cutting off Wang Ming's palm in an instant, but now Wang Ming couldn't feel the pain, kicked the green-skinned warBoss away, and quickly distanced himself from it.

Wang Ming looked at his palm that fell on the ground, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He had never been injured like this when he fought Angron. Wang Ming's wound stopped bleeding in an instant, and then healed visibly with the naked eye. Characteristics, one of the characteristics of Wang Ming's "immortality" ability, Wang Ming's immortality is very similar to the immortal, but there are some differences, and Wang Ming himself can't explain the specific differences.

"(Golden Verse of Ancient Terra)!"

The more Wang Ming thought about it, the more angry he became, he roared and rushed towards the green-skinned warBoss again. Using his remaining hand, Wang Ming quickly grasped the hand of the green-skinned warBoss holding the power knife, and pulled the green-skinned warBoss with all his strength. warBoss fell to the ground.


Wang Ming looked at the green-skinned warboss who fell to the ground, raised his foot and stepped on the green-skinned warboss' hand holding the power knife, and broke it directly.

"You like this big chopping knife very much!"

Wang Ming's power knife was ready to cut off the head of the green warboss on the ground, but the green warboss can be mixed into a warboss, so it's not easy.

It stared at the falling blade with its blood-red eyes, kicked hard with its feet and pushed itself out, dodging the knife. The green-skinned warBoss quickly stood up after dodging the knife, and then looked vigilant Staring at Wang Ming, the pain just now has made this beast sober, and the green-skinned IQs that can become warBoss are generally not low.

"Hehehe, it's fair."

Wang Ming looked at the beast in front of him, put the power knife horizontally in front of him, and pointed at the green-skinned warBoss. Now the green-skinned warBoss had a broken hand like Wang Ming, but this time the weapon was in Wang Ming's hands.

" are the boss of Xiami, I think you shouldn't be so strong, you must be the "rehmannia" that Xiami said!"

The green-skinned warBoss looked at Wang Ming, rolled its blood-red eyeballs in its sockets, and then said, as a follower of Brother Mao's second brother, it was favored by Brother Mao, but it was very cunning and fierce, after all Its position as warboss was obtained through various "tricks" of green skins. Of course, its own strength is not weak, otherwise it would have been beaten to death by other bosses.

"Want to get my attention."

Wang Ming looked at the green skin in front of him, and thought in his heart, Wang Ming could tell what this green skin warBoss wanted at a glance, mainly because the hand touching his trouser pocket was too obvious.


Wang Ming rushed in front of the green-skinned warBoss in an instant, and cut off his hand with a single blow. The warBoss looked at Wang Ming in astonishment, his little blood-red eyes were full of disbelief, how many bosses he had fooled. How come his "trick" doesn't work on this boss Xiami.

"'re so stupid."

Wang Ming looked at the warBoss in front of him, and chopped off his head with a single blow. Without any hindrance, the disintegrating force field passed across his neck very smoothly, and his head fell to the ground.


Wang Ming crushed the ferocious green-skinned head on the ground with one foot, and then kicked down the headless corpse of warBoss. Wang Ming grabbed the broken neck of warBoss's headless neck, and dragged the headless corpse to the green-skinned group. .

"Your boss is dead!!"

Wang Ming threw the headless corpse, and the headless corpse fell in front of countless green-skinned boys. The green-skinned boys looked at the headless corpse and looked at each other, as if they were thinking about something.

"Waaaagh!!! Whoever kills him is the warBoss!!"

Suddenly, a green skin that was obviously the green skin boss jumped out from the group of green skins. After roaring at the surrounding green skin boys, he rushed towards Wang Ming. The other boys saw that the boss was rushing, and rushed along with him. Everyone wants to be warBoss.

"Er..., do you think the boss has any meaning in doing this?"

A traverser witnessed the single-handed battle between Wang Ming and warBoss. He looked at Wang Ming, who was besieged by green skins again, and asked his companions.

"Hmm..., Boss must have some deep meaning in doing this..., right?"

The companion thought for a while, and then replied to the traverser, but there was great uncertainty in his tone.

"What do you mean by that?"

Listening to his companion's words, the traveler asked curiously, the last one of his companion is very spiritual.

"Uh..., it's not interesting, I'm just not sure what the boss is doing, is he single-handedly taking on the entire green-skin tribe?"

The traveler's companion replied, he looked at the green-skinned corpses flying out from Wang Ming's side, and said slowly.


The traverser looked at Wang Ming, wondering if he should help the boss, since the boss should be able to solve it by himself?

"Master! This is different from before. The green skins collapsed immediately after the warBoss died. What's going on with these green skins? Why are they getting more and more excited?"

Wang Ming kept killing the surrounding green skins. The green skins' power knife was still very powerful. Although there were many green skins, Wang Ming killed the green skins just like playing. Generally cut.

"Clap clap clap..."

While Wang Ming was fighting hard, the traversers were also fighting other greenskins. Surprisingly, after the death of warBoss, the command system of the greenskins did not collapse. Under the command of each boss, he fought against the traversers again.

"Damn it, these green skins are really abnormal!"

Wang Ming fought his way out from the countless green skins, retrieved his sword and bolt gun from the previous place, and then rushed to the opposite position from the civilian evacuation point. Wang Ming knew that the green skins were paying attention It's all on him, just enough to attract all the green skins away.

While Wang Ming is attracting the green skins, let's turn our perspective to the previous island.

On the island, the traversers and the mortal auxiliary army had cleaned up all the green skins. Of course, they didn't know that there were two green skins and a grit in a certain cave.

The first engineer company has come to this island from the "Imperial Truth", and various STCs have also been deployed by them to various cities on the island. The industrialization plan of Kosser [-] star is carried out simultaneously with the war. Other traverser troops Responsible for fighting, the first engineer company is responsible for building.

In a development zone outside a city, Xu Zheng looked at the sky full of wind and snow. The traversers and oil guys around him were constantly busy, and the STC formwork was making various building panels.

"Only the Ohm Messiah, the power of the God of Myriad Opportunities will be displayed in this world."

Ohm Garradun looked at the STC templates in front of him, and was so excited that he was almost leaking oil. These STC templates have been managed by the First Engineer Company, and these military oil guys can’t touch them at all. Of course, the oil guys will not allow this. The thing is, in their cognition, all the sacred STC templates are the property of the God of Myriad Machines. As the spokesperson of the God of Myriad Machines in the mortal world, these sacred STC templates will naturally be handed over to these devout Gods of Myriad Machines kept by servants.

Because the engine oil guy had been very brave to make a fuss with Wang Ming, but after Wang Ming said something, they were completely silent.

"Will you maintain these STCs?"

At that time, Wang Ming looked at a group of menacing engine oil guys, and uttered such a sentence lightly, which directly made the engine oil guys speechless. They really didn't know how to do it.

This makes these machine oil guys especially hope to work with the [-]st Engineer Company. This is an opportunity to get in touch with the sacred STC template. Satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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